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As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Nope, sorry. Another total failure of your memory.

This is Trump's retreat, negotiated by Trump with the criminal terrorists who gave up absolutely nothing to get Trump's unconditional surrender and retreat. In the process, Trump delegitimized and abandoned the legitimate Afghan government and indicated they would not be supported by the U.S. military. He also abandoned those Afghanis who risked their lives to help us, making absolutely no plans to identify or allow them to immigrate here, instead actually putting active road blocks in the way, slowing or discarding their applications, and not staffing positions required to process applications. Biden was left to facilitate the disastrous agreement Trump made when he "negotiated" (actually just capitulated) with terrorists but did not prepare for. Biden failed to fix this disastrous withdrawal Trump caused and botched, he didn't cause it.

I understand, with an IQ below 75, it's hard for you to remember who did what. Trump made this happen, bragged about it until a few weeks ago. Trump released 5000+ of the Taliban from prison then unconditionally surrendered to them last spring without consulting the Afghan government. The only concession he got was an agreement from terrorists to not attack the U.S. during the retreat until May but attacking the Afghanis was allowed...Biden got that extended through August.

Got 25th? Could you mean implement the 25th amendment? When did right wing nutjobs lose their ability to speak English?

Won't happen....if Delusional Donny wasn't demented and dementia riddled enough to remove, Biden has nothing to worry about at all. His mental state makes Trump look like a Alzheimer's patient and stroke victim who's addicted to crack. Is that why he's besties with the My Crackpipe Guy now....that's his dealer?
Are you advocating for President Harris? How about President Pelosi? Do you even realize that's what happens if Biden was removed? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face! Lol.

TangledThorns said:

Buffoon Biden made this failure happen. How long before the Democrats got 25th on him?

Putin speaking of Biden's dementia

newtboy says...

Nope. Not as advertised. Putin says nothing indicating he thinks Biden has dementia.

It’s actually Putin talking about Biden having real morals, being constructive, measured, and experienced, unlike our last president. I guess some people think only dementia patients have morals and experience.

Is this a new Bob sock puppet account? It’s his level of dishonesty.
Is he finally admitting he’s a Russian troll farm like we all suspected for years?

Not a good start, @Mikhailov_Alek

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How'd you like Dumb Donald's low energy, rambling, disjointed, delusional, dementia ridden speech this weekend? He doesn't have a speech impediment, but he still cannot give a rational or intelligible speech, even when he's reading one. He's sure making Biden look good by comparison.

Are you getting time off so you can spend a grand to be in Don the Con's presence for a few hours? You do understand that he's telling you by planning these events that he knows there's zero chance he will be president again, despite what his crack head friends say.

When you buy your tickets, can you post the disclaimer that comes with it? I want to know how he words the "no refunds if I'm in court or prison on the event dates" clause.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um....are you really that ignorant and delusional? Oops, forgot who I was addressing....sorry. (I hadn't noticed you flatly denied he has a speech impediment)

Lol. At least he can give a speech with complete sentences and thoughts and without pooping his diaper. Trump can't, just watch his my pillow speech from Saturday when he slurred and mumbled his way through more whining and sour grapes about losing the decrepit he was unable to open his eyes the entire rambling seated speech (maybe involuntarily closed due to rancid full diaper stench), or the pictures from his recent New York trip where he looks on deaths door, pale, frazzled, and exhausted, without his taxpayer funded makeup team he looks like Palpatine after a fight...and you still think obese, dementia riddled diaper Don has it in him to be president. He never did, that's why he spent 1/3 of every day watching tv, and 1/3 of every day frantically rage tweeting nonsense, and astonishingly a full 22%, 308 days of his single term playing golf at tax payers expense and his profit, leaving 11%+- of his time in office for governing, family time, travel, and sleeping combined. He doesn't have it in him to do any physical activity more strenuous than cheating badly at golf while using a cart to go 30 ft., even on the green. Biden runs and bikes long distances constantly, and isn't obese or dementia riddled.

Don is a worn out old con man who should be gripping his soap with all his might in the prison shower....and who may be doing that soon for the rest of his life. Lmfahs!
Also, when Trump eats cookies with his grandchild, he's also having cookies with his child. They're the same person.

bobknight33 said:

I never said or went after Biden for having a speech impediment. He doesn't

He is just too old and worn out and doesn't have it in him to be to POTUS.

Trump has given more speech than Biden since Biden been POTUS.

Joe is a worn out old man what should be home eating cookies with grand kids.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another indicted Republican, Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, admitted to helping essentially rig the election in the state of Texas so that Donald Trump would win the state. He did this by blocking 2.5 million ballot applications from being sent to Harris county, where Houston is, because if even half of Houstonians voted, Biden would have crushed Trump in Texas, and he knew it, so he blocked sending out applications for mail in ballots (and removed all but one ballot drop box for nearly 4 million voters in Harris County) by claiming they were illegal ballots.
" If we'd lost Harris county, which is where Houston is, Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas, Harris county mail-in ballots (he actually blocked applications) that they wanted to send out were two and a half million. Those were all illegal." (They weren't though, and it seems he didn't block them elsewhere in Texas) "We were able to stop every one of them.
We would have been one of those battleground states that were counting votes in Harris county for three days. And Donald Trump would have lost the election."

It wasn't fear of fraud, it wasn't the law, it was purely because if voters voted, Trump would have lost Texas by millions of votes. That's why they suppressed the vote in certain parts of Texas. They admit it clearly. Even Texas has rejected Republicanism, but Texas republicans have no problem cheating voters and committing massive fraud if it keeps republicans in power.

One more instance of massive voter fraud by Republicans in 2020, still not a single Democratic voter fraud case, and still Big Daddy Biden crushed diaper Don by millions....without the multiple verified frauds and massive voter suppression he may have won by 20 million or more, definitely >10 mil if just Texas played fair.

Enjoy 2024. Red tsunami?

Ps, don't think I didn't notice you ignored my last post in favor of just denigrating Biden for his age while ignoring Trump's rapid slide deeper into delusional dementia, and his failing health. For fucks sake, his most trusted advisor is a brain dead crack head, the only one who agrees with his nonsense. Even you, delusional sycophant that you are, won't stoop to defend Trump's fitness for office now, you just make up nonsense about Biden to make yourself feel better instead. So sad.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says... haven't posted a dozen videos calling him dementia Joe simply because he stuttered a bit....that was bobknight34.


Sure he's given more speech, but only if you count all the times when he wandered into an event someone was having at Maralago, and they were rambling tantrums about the election, not speeches, barely actually speech.

So....You really want president Harris? What about president Pelosi? Those are the next in line...You know that, right?

bobknight33 said:

I never said or went after Biden for having a speech impediment. He doesn't

He is just too old and worn out and doesn't have it in him to be to POTUS.

Trump has given more speech than Biden since Biden been POTUS.

Joe is a worn out old man what should be home eating cookies with grand kids.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Covfeffe. Let's look at the oranges of that.

You are such a ridiculous idiot. Biden's brain is exponentially better than yours. He speaks FAR more clearly and without flubs despite a diagnosed severe speech impediment than you can even write.

Compared to Trump's drug addled sub par dementia riddled brain, Biden is an Einstein in his prime. Trump couldn't even speak in complete sentences, much less drive a golf cart, Biden safely hot rods million dollar prototypes while making jokes that are actually funny, not just nasty ignorant personal attacks beneath children while sitting in the truck seat pretending to drive like a two year old on the ride in front of the grocery store.

Funny, when he speaks publicly you've been forced to admit he spoke well, intelligently, intelligibly, and was totally rational while Trump fumbled, complained, stumbled over simple words, stumbled over simple concepts, and wasn't honest... then within days forget what you said and revert back to "Trump smart, Biden has dementia".

What you cannot grasp is America saw them both non stop for 6 months then chose and, despite numerous Republican voter frauds, serious postal interference, and a purported billion dollar war chest, trump lost in a MASSIVE landslide in the most secure election ever according to Trump's election anti fraud department....and you decided to listen to his little tantrums instead of the millions of professionals his administration hired to safeguard the election, or the dozens of Republican judges who heard the "evidence" and tossed the cases, or every single republican governor, or his own people who eventually admitted there really was no fraud, it was all pure hyperbole, and you had to be a braying moron to believe it.

I say, based on what's been said and claimed, your brain is gone, was gone well over 5 years ago.

It had to be mush to support a clinically narcissistic repeatedly convicted con man, fraud, and self described rapist, incestuous father, tax cheat, mob tied, hard core long time certified racist, white nationalist, and pedophile as the best Republicans have to offer. Seeing what you idiots have elected since him, you may have been right, he might be YOUR best, he certainly is one of America's worst citizens.

So sad and delusional you are, little Bobby. Cry us some more delicious tears over your messaih's MASSIVE failures across the board....then send Broke Donny more money, he needs it for criminal defense attorneys.


bobknight33 said:

Biden brain is gone, was gone few years ago.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um.....what? You think Biden owns planes and helicopters?

Are you claiming Trump has a pilot's licence? He's never produced or used one. I doubt he has a driver's license.

What does that have to do with Biden driving and Trump's instabilities? Nothing.

Biden can drive, well enough to put million dollar prototypes in his hands, dementia Trump can't properly operate a golf cart.

It's nice to have a functioning adult brain in office again.

bobknight33 said:

Your such a tool/ fool.

Biden has his own plane and helicopter and does not need a pilot to fly him around?

Grow up.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Funny, we never saw Trump drive anything but a personal golf cart (seems no club he didn't own wanted to rent him a cart), and he sucked ass at driving them and never followed the rules for them, always drove onto the green. He was allowed to sit in the driver's seat in trucks like a big boy, but no one trusted him behind the wheel so he never had the keys.
Biden is trusted to drive prototype vehicles that cost millions to build.
And you still say Trump doesn't have dementia but Biden does. Your delusional thoughts are rapidly becoming a super minority of and Trump.
Here's proof.

Colorado Police Break Elderly Dementia Patient's Arm

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

Try reading your own posts.
What is wrong with you ?
Hate is just pouring out of you uncontrollably....consistently...hatred and....nope, no information, just hatred, insults, and whining....complaints about movies, weather, comments, complaints equating both of our last two presidents as if their foibles are equally destructive, complaints about immigration not in your country, complaints about who's to blame for the state of our border, infantile one sided attacks about speaking abilities, stupid accusations of dementia, and constant whining that someone didn't agree with your spiteful post. All your complaints come directly from the Trumptard playbook. It's possible you aren't team Trump, but you are on their side of the stadium wearing a red jersey and hat, and shouting their jeers and chants as you deny it. I went back and looked at your few posts, it's not a fluke. You are consistently dismissive and insulting off the bat and never add to conversations, you just bitch about others.
Indeed, only 3 are directed at someone besides me. Only one had any actual attempt at offering any information, most are just dismissive insults and/or complaints.

I offered plenty of information and verifiable fact from multiple sources, you did not.

I hate hypocritical liars and those who cheer them on and spread their lies or support them by consistently attacking their opponents while ignoring exponentially worse examples of the same behaviors from them, so yep, you might see some hatred. I hate those who conflate and equate totally inept evil narcissistic self dealing criminal leaders with imperfect but thoughtful and caring life long civil servants. I also dislike people who's best arguments are at place on the second grade playground, useless hate filled insults and complaints but bereft of fact, reason, and information. Where does your irrational hatred come from?

Have a great year, we'll try this again next year, but not before. Once a year is enough.

Anom212325 said:

I'll ask this again. What is wrong with you ? Hate is just pouring out of you uncontrollably.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wisconsin recount is done, Trump spent $3million to recount the two predominantly minority counties in Wisconsin. For his money, he bought Biden 87 more votes.
Now he's trying to invalidate early in person voting in just those counties, but the law he's challenging is state wide, so if he wins (under 1% chance) he invalidates ALL in person early voting in the state, which will only increase Biden's lead more. That's what happens when your lead attorney has full blown dementia.

Arizona certifies Monday, Wisconsin Tuesday. Both for Biden. A historic landslide victory, this time the winner has more votes too!

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad and desperate, Bobski. Relying on dementia ridden Giuliani's plain stupid hoax fed to him by Russians. It's just so incredibly dumb, of course you believe it after it's been thoroughly *debunked by the FBI who instead of investigating the Russian nonsense with no evidence are investigating Giuliani for spreading Russian propaganda again.
Not a scintilla of proof or truth or logic or reason to it. Hunter traveled across the country with three broken laptops full of incriminating evidence that somehow is created months after these unlicensed laptops are dropped off according to the meta data Giuliani is too dumb to understand, takes them to a rabid pro Trump blind computer tech, and leaves them to be examined. That's the story you're selling.

Desperation and obvious lies are the best you've got. Americans aren't buying it.

But have you seen the videos of Trump and Epstein forcibly raping both of Trump's underage daughters while Eric jacks off in the corner?! Better watch them before he has them removed from the web. What a pair of pieces of shit. (See, two can play the "let's just make disgusting accusations up" game, and you'll never convince non trumpets that president Low T doesn't lust after children after decades of watching him do it and brag about it.)


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