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You've always wanted to see a dam get blown up...

Look over the watchmakers' shoulders.

Sagemind says...

So, every watch I've ever owned has never lasted a year. From the cheap Casio watch to the $400 Timex and Roots watches I've owned. Every watch on my wrist has ceased up. I'm told it's because I magnetism them.
After inspection, not even Timex would honor their warranty. I'm just doomed to never wear a watch.
I'll be dammed if I'll ever pay $2000 for a watch just to see if it'll last the year.

Don't Sleep With Another Man's Woman

Grimm says...

Why do I sense fakery here? He's wearing an assless banana hammock and a cowboy hat? The guy with the camera has enough time to realize what is going on, turn on his camera, point it to himself and announce "O dam hes naked can see him running look.." turn the camera back and it then looks like they come running out of a house or alley half way up the street?

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

Yogi says...

Apparently you can't read. They sent Armed Men, after trying to get him to pay several times and after he threatened them with his guns. Maybe you missed that but when Bundy says he and his wife have guns and they're going to "do what needs to be done" they're not talking about Gardening.

Bundy no matter that he's a racist has acted improperly. He is Stealing food for his cattle, even Glen Beck has people paying him Grazing fees for his land. Also the fact that he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years.

He hasn't paid taxes yet still benefits from the government, most specifically there would be NOTHING in Nevada if it wasn't for Big Government Projects like say the Freeway system or The Hoover Fucking Dam.

These Militias certainly aren't in the right, hell they planned to put women and children in front of them so the government would shoot them first. Mighty brave, I think Al Queada uses the same tactic. They're not crazy, maybe a little off, but they're certainly not right about this.

The government isn't assfucking people by protecting land and charging for grazing. It's perfectly reasonable, otherwise you can be the first asshole to start dumping oil all over Yellowstone National Park.

chingalera said:

Marching in lock-step to your demise, child. Your comments on this matter read like a dutiful slave to your own oblivion.

One of the things no one has even cared to mention about this event is that the federal government, enforcing a civil affair (non-payment of grazing fees) sent armed swat teams to enforce the matter. The citizens of the United States who chose to show up in support of Bundy (a dumb-ass for the shit he's said of late, that the media has completely used to distract the putties with racism being an opportunistic side-issue in this entire debacle), who did so with guns as well-were within their rights to do so, breaking no laws. For this, they are called all manner of names and labeled as agitants, crazies,etc., by people without a clue as to how they are being ass-fucked.

The media, an arm of the state's machine, focuses upon this and continually pumps their brand of newsspeak, loaded language (like newtboy here repeats and foments to his own audience of parrots), and in doing so guides the story in a direction that further ignores facts while blatantly promoting the further erosion of individual rights under the constitution in favor of bigger, stronger, more restrictive government.

We are going to see more and more of this in the coming decade, as well as more people who favor the cozy protection of government control over individual responsibilities and accountability.

Clown Panties

dannym3141 says...

No problem. I've got a few jokes for you straight off the bat - what's brown and sticky? A stick. What's ET short for? He's only got little legs. Did you hear the one about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil. Doctor doctor, i feel like a pair of curtains. Pull yourself together! What's black and white and eats like a horse? A zebra. What's black and white, black and white, black and white? A penguin rolling down a hill.

Hell, Tim Vine does hundreds of one liners in half an hour and the majority of them are not at anyone's expense.

I think you've confused what you find funny with the term "humour" as it were. You may only find shadenfreude funny, and so you think all humour is shadenfreude, but it is patently obvious that things can be humourous without being at someone's expense and i find it almost petulant to be asked to prove it when it is so obvious. You almost certainly know loads of jokes like that. How does Bob Marley like his donuts? Wi' jam-in. I stood there, wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger and bigger..... and then it hit me. What did the fish say when he swam into the wall? Dam.

From what i remember of Lenny Henry's standup (like him or not) in the old days, he didn't often tell a joke at someone's expense. Tommy Cooper used to make people laugh by doing bad magic tricks. Les Dawson used to make people laugh by playing the piano badly as only a good pianist can. Terry Pratchett makes me laugh by conjuring up funny situations in a fictional world. I laughed at the Big Lebowski when he shaded the pad of paper to see what secret notes Jackie Treehorn was making and it turned out to be a doodle of a man holding his own cock. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh. I bought some new viagra eye drops, cos they make me look hard. What do you call a man with a shovel on his head? Doug.

I could go on and on and on, but i don't get paid for this and i have other stuff to do, but i hope i've opened your eyes to whole new realms of comedy where people don't get hit in the face with stuff. Where are the Andes? At the end of your wristies. Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? He had no body to go with.

I'm so confused by your request for proof that i feel like someone's asked me "Air? What air? There's no air, i can't see any!"

I'm utterly dreading to read your reply if it says anything along the lines of "That ET joke is offensive to short people! That skeleton joke is offensive to people with eating disorders! The penguin joke is offensive to the penguin you pushed down the hill!" Please don't embarrass us both by doing that, we both know those jokes aren't offensive. (Or very funny, to be honest.)

newtboy said:

Name it. Or try reading Stranger in a strange land for a better explanation of my point.
When analyzed thoroughly, all humor is at someone, or something's expense. I've never seen an exception...but I'm open to one if you have it!
EDIT: As I see it, all humor is schadenfreude (enjoyment taken from the misfortune of someone (or something) else. )

Irreversible: Rape scene (disturbing)

rugby-girl says...

As a victim of rape some of you lot sicken me... I came across this as I'm doing some research about how rape is portrayed in the media. Lonestar you should be ashamed, think how you would feel if this was your daughter because it dammed near killed my dad! You are a sad pathetic individual who feels the need to air his views online and despite all I've been through its you I feel sorry for. I will never be as small minded and delusuonal as you are.
And for the record, my sex life with my boyfriend was varied and adventurous, and low and behold it didn't stop me getting raped.
People who feel the need to do this to another human are sick individuals and should take a minute to think about how it ruins the victims life!

Death by Metadata: NSA's Role in Assassinations Overseas

bobknight33 jokingly says...

About time America's evil government does something worthy of all those tax dollars. Better to kill them over there before they decide to blow up our power grid, dam, or such.

Although this would be a very bad idea when it comes to droning on American soil. That would be very bad.

Firefighting Water Tanker Planes Refilling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'colby, fire, airplane, Santa Fe Dam' to 'colby, fire, airplane, water bomber, Bombardier CL415, Santa Fe Dam' - edited by calvados

Stealing J Edgar Hoover’s Secrets: Burglars Take Down FBI

Louis CK, Ricky Gervais, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

...some worthy words offered six years ago by a wise man....

I hope you do not mind me posting them here for others, wise or...



by D. Ault

I owe you no apologies,
Nor will I accept those apologies made for me by others.

If you dislike me - you dislike me not for what I am,
But what you are not.
By my own sweat, I have created a lifestyle which I desire for all men.

To the world, I have shared my wealth and given my blood,
Not because of obligation- but of my free will.
I have fed the hungry of the world.
Many have bit my hand; I used the other hand.

I defeated my enemies in battle,
Then pulled them up from the ashes of defeat.
Once strong, they again attacked,
I turned the other cheek.

Though I am strong,
I have never used my strength to rule others.
But do not misjudge me,
I will not allow the fear of my own strength
To become my weakness.

If you wish to rise, I will give you a helping hand.
But by the grace of God,
And I'll first be dammed,
If I'll let you drag me down
So that we may be equal.

PSA for the Poor Bullied Christian Homophobes

God Will Fuck You Up

chingalera says...

Nope-You missed nothing, and I'm no bible-thumper....I just get a hard-on to fuck with atheists every once in a while-Sort of a test to see if they're still as fucking rabid as they were about 6 years ago....Guess that shit died down a bit, praise Otters. I generally deride and distrust anyone who discounts the metagnostic aspects of the human experience.

Would have thought with so many type-A's here that this video would have done better, and took it out on atheists and what I perceive as a predictable morose and dull-witted-ness in the general, god-damming population...

eric3579 said:

Dude, i think it may be your issues with atheist as nothing has been said here to make me think that atheist in particular have issues with this video. Am I missing something?

Bubble bursting at 18,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys

deathcow says...

> Needs Better lighting - Can't see a dammed thing!

that was my thought too... as an astro-photographer, our images start out damn near jet black.... there is a TON of information in these 18,000 fps runs that they simply aren't making easy to access... too bad

plus it was frustrating how when it got to the most exciting part, the collision of the expanding circular wave on the far side, they cut it just about every time

Pigeonman at the Dam Square in Amsterdam

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