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Turtle that eats birds!

Plastic surgeons rebuild a crocodile's face after it was hit

RhesusMonk says...

Um, ok. Well done, surgeon. But...why? Crocs are not endangered in Florida, and in fact aren't even endemic there. This seems to me like rushing an NYC sewer rat to the ER to reattach a severed tail.

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (Science Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Yowsa. That certainly is a lot of text.

I think there's a big difference between practical socialism, like what we have in Scandinavia, and the theoretical which is based on class struggle, conflicts and so on. I think the latter is a croc of shit, to be honest, and I don't accept the notion that social classes exist.

What we have in Denmark is a sort of mix of socialism and liberalism mainly put forth by the Social Democratic party. The extremes are not all that far from that, our most liberal parties are slightly more liberal than socialistic, and our most socialistic parties are slightly less liberal.

A welfare state is a good thing if it is done right, and yes there can be quite a bit of bureaucratic overhead in that, but that's one of the prices.

I'm quite certain that I am on the more liberal, libertarian, side in Denmark, but I think that's still a lot more "red" than most American politicians.

the world's largest crocodile has been caught

the world's largest crocodile has been caught

Like A Crocodile at an Alligator rally

Crazy parents...someone say CPS?

rosekat says...

I could completely understand (though not necessarily agree with) this if the guy were training his child for the circus. Maybe he's an acrobat or something...? I've always found the lives of 'niche' professionals interesting. For example, who didn't think Steve the croc hunter was nuts for putting his infant children in harms way? But that kind of experience is irreplaceable and can't be attained any other way, preparing the child for future success.

If I were that kid I'd be having a blast. Just glad he didn't slip up...

Bill Maher and Larry Charles on The Hour

What's Making These Crocodiles Go Blind?

Crocodile Son


Monster Fish of the Amazon

Dachshund Dog Gets Eaten by a Killer Alligator

What's the difference between Brock Samson and a crocodile?

Jaguar vs Crocodile ...

vyka11 says...

Killed a croc by drowning? I may just be ignorant but can't the croc stay underwater for a while? How long does it take to actually drown a croc? (Video wouldn't have been nearly as good without that awesome music)

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