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Canadian Drive-by: Good Guy Motorcycle Rider

chingalera says...

Houston here, and I probably help someone with car troubles on the average about 3 times a month. Went home and got a gas can for a single dad out with his kids (one an infant, the other a 4-yr-old) after overhearing his frustration at the gas station's convenient lack of shelf space for gas cans.

When I rode a motorcycle I assisted more peeps it seemed them being easier to see and me having much more maneuverability...

Common courtesy lost to the pace and lure of society's self-centered programming.

Still, upload a video of myself helping another person out while wearing meine helmkamera from my cam footage of my day on my motorcycle in my daily ramblings??
Is this about him and this mission to teach people manners in another narcissistic chapter of "watch me", perhaps?

bmacs27 said:

I live in Texas (as 'Merica as 'Merica gets). There was a vet with a rascal that had a dead battery. Dude weighed around 400 pounds. I pushed that son of a gun half a mile to a grocery store where he could plug in. Meanwhile in Canada some Inuit was called a harpoon chucker.

"How about the world's most likable cop?"

Canadian Drive-by: Good Guy Motorcycle Rider

chingalera says...

Did someone he knew upload this or does Captain Feelgood toot his own horn much because I would have done this and not told a soul, but that's just me....Up-voting chivalry, otherwise known as common courtesy.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

chingalera says...

See though, how a bot (pun intended) of well-placed and otherwise distinctly-directed chum calls to the mat a reasonably informative discussion of the varied dynamics of mental divergence, yeah verily, even a professional chimes-in to offer the low-down?!

I still believe that the embed was intended to coax the finger-pointers out for a troll and I'm still pissed at someone's particular lack of civility and courtesy after an ass-rape, without a customary reach-around there, KUbrikboy 😈

How bout a chat sometime? I'm cheaper than therapy and love to entertain!

blankfist said:

You doth protest a bit much about schizophrenia, chungilaaeria.

Ron Paul "When...TRUTH Becomes Treasonous!"

chingalera says...

Ambassador Wooooolsey....Towing the party-line of "Create the problem, provide the solution." Some people simply need to be kicked in the face with their own bullshit...

Fuck Morgan, he demands his guests answer his bullshit questions and recoils from the same courtesy in every interview he orchestrates. The only way to deal with a choad like this is to over-shout him and disrupt his program....Like Alex Jones does so well-Someone needs to shut this errand-boy's shit down-I know, how about everyone stop watching CNN (or all television altogether)...only way to kill this pieces of shit like this-IGNORE them with your time and money.

"Brooming" - (Enjoy Some Harry Potter Inspired Silliness)

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

hatsix says...

Yeah, I've been accused of that, but I blame that on the "arguing on the internet" aspect of things, rather than my actual mindset. For instance, as much as I talk up Medical Science, I still don't trust doctors, and in the last 10 years, have only visited to A) get a Physical Examination required by a job, B) get a prescription for a PT, C) Get innoculated for one of the bird/swine flu, as I had been sick for a week after spending a weekend at a "Gamer Convention" (PAX), where there were many confirmed cases.

But, while I don't trust doctors, I actively campaign against "Alternative Medicine", as I've seen many people hurt by it. I've seen one person poison themselves after getting food poisoning, because "like cures like", and I've had one friend commit suicide after they were convinced that the anti-psychotic medicine they were taking wasn't "natural", and quit it.

Whenever I think of alternative medicine practitioners and their criticism of Proper Medicine, I have one quote that sticks in my head, courtesy of The Big Lebowski:
"You're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole"

Sure, Medical Science can be improved. But you can't improve it by removing the science. You improve it by removing the politics. Remove the kickbacks from big pharma. Remove the groveling and begging for research funds. Remove the Actual Politics of Insurance and Medicare and Medicaid and VA Benefits. Remove the Actual Politics of the 'War on Drugs".

Those are the problems in our current medical community. But rather than attempting to solve the actual problems that we all agree on, most naturopaths are just treating the symptoms... working on the edges of society, and contributing to the distrust of the individual doctors, rather than the overhaul of the entire system.

And there are certainly many types of naturopaths. Of those that I've met (my wife spent three years in a "Traditional Western Herbalism" school, so I've met quite a few), most have problems differentiating between an idea and a fact. An unsettling amount believed that herbalism is effective because the ancient aliens that brought us to earth also brought us a dramatic and intelligent plant-system which was created to diagnose and treat all of our illnesses.

They believe that through meditation, they are able to connect to this awareness, and this awareness is what will tell them what to give their patients.

It's not the individuals I have a problem with, it's their poor education that I have a problem with. Some NPs can overcome the disadvantage of their environment that de-values scientific method and fact-gathering. Many MDs can overcome the disadvantage of years of de-valuing their own intuition.

But acknowledging the similarities between the two ignores the actual harm that is caused by alternative medicine. Alternative medicine shares the same risks as Proper Medicine, with the same chances of mis-treatment.... but it removes any chance of surgery or active treatment to cure issues. It removes the huge base of shared understanding, and replaces it with a very small base of folklore that has been accumulated through "give the patient this plant, if they don't die, it must have cured them".

Is California Becoming A Police State?

bmacs27 says...

Quick question I often pose to people that don't trust police. If there were a different legal attitude towards prohibition, especially of drugs, do people suppose their attitude towards officers would change? I find that most often distrust of police stems from discomfort with the validity of the laws they are enforcing. I suppose there is also this sense of abusive authority types, i.e. the guys attracted to the gig for the badge and gun. Still, I think most people's trust is undermined by the law, not the enforcement. I find that most cops are professional and polite if you show them the courtesy of treating them like polite professionals. This is a case where I have absolutely no problem with officers being a bit heavy handed in their enforcement. Given the severity of the allegations, a miss would be a more costly error than a false alarm. They could have done without the taser and the obstruction charges though. That was just retaliatory.

Notice Anything Odd in this Workout Video?

Welcome to America (Cop vs German Tourist)

ChaosEngine says...

When I started watching this, I thought "meh, it's not so bad" and then he clearly crossed the line with threats of sexual violence in custody. (Not that something similar hasn't been used before!)

But thinking about it again, if a cop pulled me over and called me "boy", I would be annoyed. I try to deal with the police with courtesy and as a minimum I expect that to be reciprocated. That said, I've been lucky enough that in my few dealings with police, they have all been professional and courteous, even when I was a drunken idiot teenager

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

Asmo says...

So let's sum up your post quickly...

-The ASPCA is wrong because you know better.
-I'm a bad parent because I won't wrap my son in bubble wrap and hide him from a world that is inherently risky.
-By saying "force the dog to give up the bone" you assume that I'm mistreating it (using force) rather than teaching the dog to leave something (like a chew toy) then migrating that lesson to something it really doesn't want to give up like a meaty bone. Similarly, transfer of higher standing in the pack is not hard and does not require cruelty.
-You won't provide any supporting information apart from citing numerous anecdotal testimonies, which you also won't provide.
-Ban them because everyone else does (because humans never make knee jerk decisions based on headlines rather than science)

Your post is littered with ignorant and arrogant assumption and presumption. You're not interested in backing up your claims with any actual evidence and seem more interested in snide little ad hominem attacks. As I said, it's ironic that the person arguing against dangerous breeds is less well behaved then a member of the breed in question...

Your belief that the breed should be banned might have the slightest bit of credibility if you were able to muster up the civility to act with common courtesy.

A10anis said:

There are many organisations which have conflicting views, (my Tamaskan is 5 years old, male, un-neutered, and non violent) you happen to support the one that supports your extremely slim argument. I support the testimonies of people who deal, on a daily basis, with the terrible effects these breeds can have. Why do you think so many countries ban fighting dogs? Don't you think they have studied all the literature? Your 3 year old is very advanced for his age knowing how to control a fighting breed, how did you get the dog to respect a 3 year olds authority? I suspect, as you did for yourself, with force. You are certainly not a responsible person taking such a risk with your child in allowing the child to take a bone off such an animal. You cannot be 100% sure it will not react, yet you are incomprehensibly willing to take that risk. Regardless of the breed, no one in their right mind would risk their child in such a cavalier fashion. I could point you in the direction of myriad reports and videos on the dangers of fighting breeds but, obviously, it would be a waste of time. I wish you good luck with your child, and sincerely hope you do not live to regret your words.

Three Police Kick, Stomp Man Lying Motionless

ChaosEngine says...

Not all situations are equivalent.
Personally, I make value judgements based on circumstances.

Not all cops are mindless thugs like these guys are.

Policing is a shitty job that I wouldn't want for a second. If I had to I'd hope I would do the job with the minimum amount of force and the maximum amount of courtesy, but you can damn well believe I'd defend myself if I had to.

cosmovitelli said:

What happened to the sifters who used to chime in defending the cops every time one of these videos came on the sift? They get exhausted or something?

Piers Morgan vs Ben Shapiro

chingalera says...

Well, I'm no fan of bullshit- Morgan got schooled in proper semantics and courtesy. The winner of the proper use of the fucking English language with a view to transmission of information and "How to answer a fucking question when asked goes to the guy who just shit down Piers throat and asked him how the kak-burger tasted.

Really think Breitbart died of natural causes?

Introvert or Extrovert - Often Misunderstood - What are you?

Jinx says...

Haha, I actually tried that for a little while because yeah, it bothered me how insincere the whole thing can be and I hate doing that whole dance. Thing is if you unload fully on your partner then it puts them in an awkward postion because they feel they have to reciprocate your full disclosure when perhaps they don't trust you sufficiently. At least thats the way I see it (and its why I stopped being a dick to people who were just trying to be polite )

The worst small talk? 1st year of university. You meet a lot of new people which I was mostly fine with. What bothered me endlessly was the same few questions. Where are you from. What course are you on etc etc. Maybe its selfish of me, but first I got bored of asking them and then I got bored of answering. Eventually I started asking people what their favorite flavour of icecream was (lemon sorbet btw) just to, you know, break routine. I guess you might call it an ice(cream)breaker and tbh, it worked quite well. Oh, and if somebody answers vanilla then you need to keep that person close. They are the best kinds of people (and there aren't very many vanillas). Maybe I don't really have a problem with small talk, I just have a problem with boring small talk

Interesting to note that "How do you do?" is traditionally reciprocated with another "How do you do?". I mean, its seems totally absurd, its almost like the question is rhetorical - it certainly doesn't expect an answer. Its just a polite courtesy and to do anything but show the same courtesy back would be considered rude - how self absorbed of you to actually answer! The conversation might evem bloom into discourse on the state of the weather (the last refuge of the unimaginative .

Oh, and it kind of is stupid though SveNitoR. Don't worry, I don't consider myself stupid or somehow broken in this regard, but I really can't see how anxiety serves any purpose. Obsessing over the tiny details of a conversation only serves to make me look stiff and robotic, like some sort of psychopath trying to remember how to smile with their eyes. I've heard theories that the reason alcohol is so embedded in our society is because on some level we actually sort of need it to overcome this inhibition. Unfortunately I don't drink, although I have found a sort of vicarious empathy - I inherit the same hibition if I am with people who are a bit buzzed, just none of the memory loss (a blessing ang a curse). Anyway, thats quite tangental. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm quite comfortable being an introvert and while anxiety certainly bothers me and stresses me out more than I'd like I don't let it paralyse me.

schlub said:

I hate small-talk primarily because the people who use it don't actually give a shit what you think or what you have to say. When trying to talk to these people I find that they have absolutely no substance and are incapable of having an actual conversation.

Next time someone asks "Hey, how's it going" or "how are you", etc.. try answering by telling them how things are actually going... note how they have nothing to say in response and how quickly they want to stop talking to you. And I don't mean tell them something creepy. All you have to do is say things are well (or any response that honest and isn't as empty-headed as their question) and you'll see just how much they don't care and can't continue the conversation.

Some people enjoy smalltalk because that's as deep as they get personality-wise.

Sasha Obama's Reminder To Her Dad On Election Night

kymbos says...

Could benefit from a touch of 'taxocrat' and a socialism reference, but I'm nit-picking: 8/10>> ^Kofi:

Typical Nobama. Needs to be reminded to thank those whom he turns his back to. A courtesy so simple that even a child knows it.
It's only a matter of time before his Earness hikes up taxes and burns all those who voted for him.
(Was that too articulate to be a QM impersonation?)

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