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"Batman Ninja" trailer (English language)

ChaosEngine says...

I've seen a bunch of articles on the internet saying "Finally! an english language trailer for this!"

Is it really that hard to read subtitles? Personally, I think the Japanese version sounds way cooler.

I'm not a big anime fan (I've seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell and that's it). Tried to watch the new Godzilla on netflix and the english voiceover was just awful. Japanese dialogue doesn't work in english.

enoch (Member Profile)

Grosse Pointe Blank - Shooting Scene With Doom 2 Arcade

simonm (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)


sanderbos says...

I watched it a few times, because at first I thought part of the 'trick' was that they vibrated the panels. That would have been cooler, but I think it's simply visual along with a loud noise of the bang of the shark.

I think apart from simply the surprise element one way that makes it work well is that it is a huge screen, and you have to be really close to it to touch it, so it is all you see.

(and of course 1000's of peoples were surprised by it, a hundred of those people were video'd while doing so, and we get to see the best one of those recorded reactions, God bless the Internet)


Smarter Every Day - TOP 10 ECLIPSE DAY Things to know

From road rage (with gun) to respect

Apple spoof of Microsoft leaves audience in stitches.

TheFreak says...

To be fair:

Microsoft made a better OS for integrated work computers than Apple.

Apple made a better phone device than Microsoft.

Android based smartphone manufacturers made better phone devices than both Microsoft and Apple.

All of the above have been massive technology innovators who have earned their market shares.

Choosing one over the other for a specific purpose is sometimes a practical choice, sometimes a lifestyle choice and sometimes just a matter of familiarity. If one choice seems cooler than the others to you, then that's a reflection of your criteria when making a choice and doesn't reflect on anyone else's choices.

SFOGuy said:

I understand the criticism; I use (am forced/ am a grateful software platform slave to Windows boxes) at work... be fair...Apple figured out how to create a handheld/phone way the heck better than Microsoft least for the last decade.

The Mysterious Glass

AeroMechanical says...

Yeah, but I still didn't see it the first time. So I as see it, the fact that it's all wonky and obviously fake on second viewing makes it even cooler.

Payback said:

Never in the history of video have I ever wished the person spent more than 5 minutes working out the gag. Those legs are horrible.

At 84, the World’s Oldest Female Sharpshooter Doesn't Miss

AeroMechanical says...

10m with a rifle seems too easy. Even with a crappy air rifle (BB gun, really, so not even actually rifled and probably much lower velocity), I can put every shot in a one inch circle from that far away. They are shooting pretty small targets though, and you can make a competition out of mm differences so I guess it works.

I've never watched the shooting part of the olympics, but pistols seems cooler.

I wonder if there are groups who do this sort of thing around me. I like shooting, but since I live in the city, I don't really want to own a real gun. An airgun might be an interesting alternative.

The Official Star Wars Tribute To Carrie Fisher

ChaosEngine says...

"If my life wasn't funny, it would just be true, and that is unacceptable."
- Wishful Drinking

Carrie Fisher was awesome. Even her obituary was cooler than my life:
Drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.

Tesla Predicts a 2 Car Crash Ahead of Driver

blacklotus90 says...
even cooler, as of a recent update the Tesla can actually bounce radar underneath and around the car ahead to the one in front of it (albeit probably at a lower resolution)
"Taking this one step further, a Tesla will also be able to bounce the radar signal under a vehicle in front - using the radar pulse signature and photon time of flight to distinguish the signal - and still brake even when trailing a car that is opaque to both vision and radar."

lucky760 said:

I think the Tesla must've been watching the back-end of the SUV through the windows of the car behind and detected the distance between them was closing too quickly. And maybe it also took into account that the brake lights were firing.

In any case, freaking awesome safety technology. Wish I had it.

The Young Turks - Who Will Be In Trump's Cabinet

dannym3141 says...

Cenk Uygur can become tiresome, but he was pretty good last night in their coverage and kept my attention well, i was actually quite impressed. I really don't care for the rest of the lineup though. The guy on the right is the epitome of impotent rage, stumbling over his words, making complicated points poorly, a fretting, nervous, often very pink man in an ill fitting suit. At times reminded me of the main character from Limitless at his drug-binge/mental breakdown apex, with tight claustrophobia inducing collars riding up around his neck, the crispness of which contrasting and highlighting the beads of sweat, speaking too quickly and spitting. The guy on the left thinks he's 10 times cooler than he is, which is all the more annoying because he is actually a little bit cool - if he didn't think he was so cool, he'd be pretty cool! I could handle Sarkeezian's imperious hauteur - hell i'd find it very attractive - if it wasn't so obviously an act. She found herself compelled to leave the studio for a stiff drink at some point, presumably to bask in the moment when she theatrically interrupted the depleted panel and announced her actions proudly, claiming she was now in a feisty mood before ranting at types of people she blamed. I even think she used some kind of tv-friendly profanity; if you have the wherewithal to soft-censor your 'uncontrolled' outburst, you're faking it. Whatever kind of Don Draper scene she'd staged to pad her portfolio of career highlights, her disappointing final rant meandered down well trodden paths.

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