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Secret Service July 14th

newtboy says...

I’m just asking questions, I made no statement there.
Questions like WHY can’t we see Obama’s long form birth certificate, and WHY won’t Trump stop raping girls?

The Secret Service uses multi tiered defense. The inner tier is close support, Secret Service agents who rush in and provide physical cover. Mid tier is mid range/crowd control, usually covered mostly by local police who are temporarily added to the security detail and have liaisons to communicate to the Secret Service. Outer tier (snipers) are looking outward for long range threats.
He was in the mid tier range, and reports say the crowd notified police (not Secret Service agents) well beforehand, but the Secret Service obviously didn’t get the info. Is it because there weren’t enough police? I don’t know but maybe. If so, would that be because he’s well known for not paying for security after agreeing he would and they didn’t want to do extreme crowd control for free? I don’t know but it’s likely.

Down vote for the instant blaming the Secret Service without knowing any details, who failed in what duty, or much of anything….and because this cracked out living in mommy’s basement “lone wolf” (really bad wardrobe choice for this topic) always deserves a downvote every single time.

As tempting as it would be to do so, I don’t support political violence, unlike MAGA that needs a gun in every political ad, usually pointed at their opponents name or likeness, or puts their picture out with crosshairs (right before they got shot), or calls for second amendment solutions to political disputes, or actually fomented a violent coup on Jan 6 and tried to steal the election by force, or celebrated and had the best time dismissing it as nothing when Pelosi was attacked. Patriots believe in democracy even when it fails us.

bobknight33 said:

"...Were there fewer police/security because the campaign is notorious for never paying them maybe? ??

So you just talking out of you ass again ???

And down vote? Why because the shooter missed?

Whose Line Is It Anyway? Clip Featuring Richard Simmons

Captain America: Brave New World | Official Teaser

Gladiator II | Official Trailer (2024 Movie)

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

Again, you predicate your argument on the blatantly overtly racist idea that “blacks” are just all too dumb to see who uses them as props and who works and legislates for their benefit….and you are too dumb to see your own deeply rooted and flawed racism even when it’s pointed out with a spotlight.
Democrats don’t believe all the members of any “race” are genetically predisposed to be that stupid. All the members of some political/religious movements maybe.

Crime is down nearly 25% in cities under Biden. If political leadership controls crime rates, Democrats win hands down. Why do Republicans always end up raising crime rates when they’re in control, like 2020 the biggest increase in violent crime on record?
You do know the highest crime states are mostly Republican states, right? You do know that Republican counties have higher PER CAPITA crime rates than big cities, right? My guess, even knowing those facts doesn’t make you think twice about your incorrect position…because you believe admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness, which is a sign of insecurity and weakness itself. Adults can admit mistakes without guilt or shame….hiding from them is shameful.

Republicans cut federal and state public school funding, and legislated teaching to the point that all competent teachers fled red states (making your party even dumber generationally). That’s why public schools in low income/low tax revenue zones struggle, especially in red states. When 100% of funding comes from property taxes, clearly schools in low value areas will suffer, and that’s 100% Republican legislating.

Democrats get 85% because they work to fund programs that help minorities far beyond your racist trope of “government cheese” (cheese like school funding or redlining protections). Republicans would strip them of those programs, the cheese, and any civil protections…eventually even their vote because they/you say the founders only wanted white male land owners to vote, not the poor, not minorities, not women. Trump’s/MAGAs project 2025 is all about that….stripping rights away.

Once again, people can see who works for their interest and who works against it, and it’s an 85%/8% split…I say that’s because the 85%+- are intelligent and have their eyes open and 10-20% of all people are just brain dead slugs (looking directly at you)…your position is the 85% is just too dumb to know better and are easily tricked because they’re black….but you think you aren’t racist. 😂

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Why do to continue to be a Democrat TOOL?

Democrats use Blacks just for their votes.

If Democrats gave a shit about Blacks, why haven't they improved their cites is such a way as to bring in jobs for inner city communities.

Why are inner city schools shitty compared to others. City planners can spend $ and make them excellent. But they don't care about blacks, just their vote.

Democrats get 85% just because they don't want to loose the barely tolerable government cheese. Better to have something than nothing.

And that is economic slavery.

Newt by being blinded to this reality this also makes you part of the problem. A slave holder.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Where were we?…..
226 Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation

227 GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford

228 Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault

229 George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control

230 AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment

231 Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.

232 SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenal, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery

233 Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment

234 Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.

235 Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct

236 SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!

237 Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment

238 NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX

239 NY Assemblyman Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair

240 Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.

241 GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.

242 Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.

243 MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault

244 GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence

245 University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders.

246 Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton

247 Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign

248 William "Wild Bill" Janklowm Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on reservation.

249 Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping

250 Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students

5SF: The Grinch

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy shit, ANOTHER ONE! Matt Schlap’s rape insurance paid his victim nearly $500000 when he raped a male staff member. He tried to pretend the case had been dropped because he was innocent and hide the payment, but it was discovered.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof at 1:15

Another fake, just like the fake of President Biden pausing mid sit where the audio was altered so you don’t hear he was listening to an announcement to see if he should remain standing…or the Normandy fake where the paratrooper was removed from the clip to make it appear he wanders alone into a field because he’s lost, not talking to a paratrooper who just landed.

You have to produce these fake videos because the real President Biden is in good shape mentally and physically unlike the diapered felon who meth rages every morning at 3am and needs his team to spend every day doing damage control over his tantrums, lies, and ridiculous accusations that are always admissions (he has no imagination so when he wants to make a claim about someone he just thinks of something he’s been attacked for or that he knows is wrong and accuses them).

Democrats don’t have to fake videos or make up lies about the Felon, his actions are disgusting and illegal enough, actually so bad many won’t believe he could really be so disgusting, such a long term public pedophile, such a business fraud, so incredibly unreligious, so outrageously anti democratic, and ALWAYS SO HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

This felon and rapist is you guy, this you pick…he is the absolute best maga has, and he will soon be a prisoner. Note, this means you see yourself as worse than a felonious rapist, business fraud, charity fraud, constant liar, and public pedophile because you obviously see him as your better.

If you were a real man with any honor, you would kill your self for being such a worthless tool spreading these anti American lies, but you are an infant that doesn’t understand the concept of honor or truth so you think nothing of it.

PS- Convicted felon Bannon is being sent to Danberry…not a club Fed prison! This is because he has other cases. Who else has other cases but is about to be sentenced to Rykers Island? 😂

PPS- Gaetz is now under investigation for sex with minors and child sex trafficking, drug use (and transportation across state lines so drug trafficking), abusing his authority to dispense political favors to friends, and obstruction of official investigations (including this one). I guess that means he’s ineligible to run for office just like Hillary was, right? 😂

Bonus- Trump Media is in total freefall, dropping another $5 to hit $30 this morning and still plunging. I think it burned through all its cash reserves and may fold soon, bringing it to $0. Congratulations, another total failure. Maybe he can get another savior loan from another Russian oligarch through the Dominican Republic like last time…oh wait, Russia has no money thanks to strong Biden sanctions that have completely decimated their economy…sorry Charlie!
His properties values are also plunging because his name is toxic, so much his bond may become invalid again!

bobknight33 said:

Do you really think the Dem party wont replace Biden?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not true, the minimum would be a pardon, which the president has ruled out.
He will likely get near the minimum of the recommended range, likely probation and a large fine, which is 100% appropriate for someone with no record on a minimal charge such as this, but means his tax trial is now far more dangerous for him.

Lemme guess, you think it’s inappropriate to give him probation for this minor never used alone charge, but appropriate to give disgraced 34 time convicted felon Don nothing but unsupervised probation for defrauding the state of NY out of nearly $500 million (just within the short statute of limitations, far more in his lifetime), banks out of over $200 million, and the federal government out of no one knows but hundreds of millions to billions depending on which evaluation you accept for his holdings today, the more they’re worth the more he defrauded the fed.

Since felonies and inappropriate conduct no longer matters….Hunter 2028!

I’m curious….does this mean the extreme right is now 100% FOR more gun control, and enforcement of laws that would make it illegal for anyone who regularly uses drugs (including prescription drugs, marijuana, cocaine, meth, flokka, crokodile, and alcohol)?
Somehow I seriously doubt it, and I expect hypocritically you are only ok enforcing that against political rivals and their families otherwise it’s a constitutional violation, right?
Because I hear Don sr has guns, and a pill problem…I hear Don jr has guns and a cocaine problem. It needs to be investigated and drug tests need to be done.

bobknight33 said:

Guilty but think he will get nothing or at least the minimum.

Maga Loyalist Endorses Donald Trump

newtboy says...

President Joe Biden doesn’t have to meet HIS probation officer today…how about 34 time convicted felon Don Trump?

Does he meet with the person who will control his movements and actions for the foreseeable future today? Yes. Then how could he be seen as the leader when he is himself being led? He cannot.

Can he still travel to foreign countries? No. Then how could he possibly represent us internationally. He cannot.

Can a convicted felon be in the military? No. Then how can one lead it? They cannot.

Can a felony convict own a firearm? No. Then how can they command our armed forces? They cannot.

After ALL the constant fraud found in both his business and his personal affairs, how could he ever be trusted by either our allies or enemies, could he negotiate a treaty when he cannot be trusted at all? No. He cannot.

With open cases and overdue judgements in multiple foreign countries, how could we believe he won’t be arrested and taken to a foreign prison where our president will be essentially a legal hostage, giving the country insane leverage over the USA? We cannot.

Typically, in LV he went after President Biden for using a teleprompter (something he rarely does) then lost his mind because his own teleprompters weren’t working (when you never pay your workers, you don’t get the best) and went off on a rambling, disjointed, zero point stream of consciousness babble after telling the crowd of working people that he was going to stiff the AV company that set up this rally, then told his stupid lie about electric boats and sharks (it’s 100% clear he never asked anyone about electrocution vs shark bite, not that it’s an intelligent question to start with, because anyone not brain dead would have said “sharks will avoid the area if there’s any electricity in the water at all, even a 9 volt battery, it’s a non issue…”sir”.”). I assume he followed that by reading “the snake” for the hundredth time.

The debate won’t have teleprompters, guaranteed he is going to back out and make up some excuse that blames President Joe Biden for the convicts cowardice. Hide and watch.

Your worship of a criminal con man and rapist makes you ignore literally everything to support your cult leader. We know you would rather vote for a failed and disgraced rapist and criminal dozens of times over, felon donjon, than squeaky clean nation saving and economy building President Joe Biden.
That would be true if the felon was now raping 7 year old boys daily and tossing their used up bodies out of a 10th story window into a pile, then pissing on them as he waves to the cameras, because in your feeble mind nothing he does is wrong, and anything wrong he does instantly becomes right.
Can you even recall what your morals were before convicted felon Trump?

That’s called being brainwashed and a cultist. Another bit of reality you deny, just like the rest of it.

bobknight33 said:

I'd rather vote for Trump than Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans just killed their chances of even holding seats in November by twice voting against a national right to contraception, because their plan is to ban contraception. This is hugely unpopular, and they just went all in on it publicly. It’s going to be really hard to pretend this isn’t their plan for 2025 when they already tipped their hand today.
For decades they claimed abortion should be a states rights issue, and now that there’s no national right, they are clear they intend to ban it nation wide. Contraception is exactly the same thing, they are already banning contraception in red states and talking about a national ban behind closed doors. Todays votes to preserve their ability to ban contraception nationwide prove it.

Polls are showing fully 1/3 of Republicans don’t support convicted felon Trump to be president, say he’s the wrong candidate…that was before his convictions and before telling the nation to prepare for no contraception and an outright ban on recreational sex…unbiased non partisan polls of Americans done from Canada.

18-37 year old Republican voters are worse, 47% say he shouldn’t be on the ballot.

Hannity tried to feed him answers in a kid glove softball interview and he still couldn’t answer questions, or did answer them by saying “yes, I’m not joking, I do plan to be a dictator for at least a day (then we’ll see if I like it) and I do seriously plan retribution against my political enemies.” (which include my own supporters if they ever question my plans).

Starting next month convicted felon Trump won’t be able to campaign outside his state (Florida?) without getting prior permission from his probation officer! But he’s still the best you’ve got!

Those numbers are going to get worse as reality sinks in that he’s a felon, with all the restrictions and conditions of a felon, and is not only not the best but likely the worst possible candidate, and a loser, who can’t vote, travel between states, leave the country, has to report to his probation officer (if he’s not in prison), etc, and all the bluster about how he can run the country from prison is suddenly reality and they see that’s insanity, and only an actual cultist would be so delusional as to think they couldn’t find a better conservative candidate (Haley likely would have beaten Biden)…too bad for them those cultists have total control of the party. 😂

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

Cannon Fodder Intro - Amiga Version

Bragg Trial IMPLODES after Witness EXONERATES Trump

newtboy jokingly says...

Follow the trial, not spun news (followed by a half hour of “spun news” out of mommy’s basement by another failed attorney).
Typical bob.

The controller solidified the case against Trump and testified to his direct involvement in the scheme up to and including signing the payoff checks from his personal account no one else had access to, and had records confirming all of it. Trump never paid anything he didn’t have to pay, and never overpaid, but he paid Cohen without pause and double paid him to cover his taxes, plus a bonus for doing the crime…something he has never done for anyone ever before, he normally pays half the bill if anything, never double.
Also recorded in evidence , Trump suggesting they delay payment until after the election when it won’t matter if she talks and then they can never pay.

Today we got Daniels describing Trump’s inhuman anatomy, lack of performance, repeating “you look just like my daughter” during sex, being spanked with a magazine with his face on it, and arranging and paying for her silence at least until after the election, (and trying to delay the payment until after the election then not pay at all, ruining the lie that he did it to protect Melania, who he was cheating on with multiple women at the time).

There was no exoneration. More lies from idiot liars meant for idiots. Keep this nonsense for yourself Bob, that’s who it’s meant for, idiots who take a hyper biased uneducated Trumpist’s word over clear legal facts.

This is what I hear when I watch your basement idiots lie for Trump…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

10th criminal contempt conviction comes with a warning that #11 will be jail time, as will #12-200.
Yes, Trump has been convicted of 10 serious crimes this week, and his release conditions say ANY crime should have his release from the other 3 cases revoked. Most defendants would have gone to jail after the first hearing and conviction, not Diaper Don.
Most defendants get one contempt charge before jail even when they haven’t violated other release orders.
More biased judges…but all biased in Trumps favor giving him special kid glove treatment that any other defendant would not enjoy. Blows the lie that the courts are being unfair to Trump out of the water for those who don’t have water on their brains like yourself…his special treatment has all been to his benefit not his detriment, never getting it worse than an average citizen would get at best, not once. I’m sure it won’t change your brain cell. It must be so lonely.

This weekend he spent whining and throwing a public tantrum to a room full of donors saying that he would rather be at the wedding next door because those people paid him, don’t expect any photos with him they didn’t give him enough money.
Why is a multi billionaire so apoplectic that people aren’t giving him money? He can fund his own campaign using the money he claimed to have ready but didn’t spend in 2016 or 2020, can’t he? Or ask his billionaire son in law. Oh wait…they could barely make a down payment on his judgements against him and he’s claiming poverty now, that’s right, I forgot. 😂

He’s freaking out to find himself losing in most new polls by well over the margin of error and he hasn’t even been convicted of secretly paying for sex repeatedly while married and with a mistress yet, committing business and tax fraud in the coverup, but the secrets are being aired, the others in the room are finally telling the truth now that they’re under oath.

Er-mer gerd! The defense has asked for another adjournment/delay because they are not prepared to question the Trump Org Controller…a long time Trump employee on the witness list. He has the notes confirming the fraud to hide the payment to Daniels, the extra payments to pay Cohen’s taxes since he falsely called it income, basically the entire business record fraud scheme on paper written at the time by those involved and kept hidden in a safe to ensure no one found out. He also proved that only Trump could have personally made the payment from the account it came from, only he had access to it. (If you don’t know, his latest story is Cohen paid Daniels on his own without Trump’s knowledge, and that Trump only paid her off to protect Melania not to protect his election chances so not election interference…too dumb to realize they’re contradictory positions that have both been debunked in court with corroborating evidence already.).
Despite knowing years ago what he would testify to, the defense doesn’t know what to ask him or how to deny the records and is begging for a recess to figure it out. This is the non-defense they’re putting on? The delay was denied, so they will be questioning him unprepared. Not good….for Chump. 😂

Oh, sorry….i must have imagined all that because as you know, I’m not following the felony trials (and tribulations) of the disgraced cheater, rapist, dog hater, and multiple convicted fraud ex president/candidate. Absolutely do not google any of the information I gave you.

Oh…Trump’s failed VP pick is just falling apart, not just over her penchant for murdering puppies but also lying about her credentials and history in her book SHE WROTE and blaming others claiming she didn’t know these lies were added but she herself read the audio version before release and read those lies aloud herself…but takes no responsibility for them being in her autobiography. 😂 This was going to be our president when Trump and company gets their blanket pardons and he leaves office? What if she was a liberal? Should we be electing viscous lying zealots like her?


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