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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. So delusional. “Even cnn” has meant diddly squat since the first time you said it months after cnn went far right, firing multiple popular centrist and left leaning hosts and hiring dishonest maggots…which if you had 2 brain cells you would know because you’ve been told a few dozen times with proof, but you don’t, or is it pure dishonesty that has you continuing to attempt to mislead? No surprise you continue to say it, you are incapable of learning or thinking, even when a thing has been proven conclusively with citation and indisputable evidence.

Not sure what you think exonerates Trump there, but you are wrong. “Trump’s “fixer” was a skumbag” is hardly the “gotcha!” You seem to think. Trump was quite public that he was proud he had a criminal thug lawyer working for him, fixing his reputation and helping him not pay bills over and over and over and over through illicit payoffs, perjury, threats, frivolous lawsuits, etc…all for Trump. I know you don’t remember, but look at how he and Cohen acted before 2017.
What’s hilarious is he was apparently honest about this on the stand when asked, continuing to testify honestly about crimes he did when he worked for Trump in a criminal organization surrounded by other criminals…and you think it’s a shocker that he did crimes to benefit himself too!?! lol. You are so silly.
What you missed is he admitted lying about how much REIMBURSEMENT was required for (is it Redfinch, the poll fixing/faking company?), and Trump thinks he’s got him cornered because he paid that inflated reimbursement in full….FORGETTING HIS DEFENSE IS HE DID NOT PAY A REIMBURSEMENT! 😂

Even his legal team says conviction is a certainty if there isn’t a Trumpist on the jury prepared to vote against conviction for purely political reasons. The prosecution has thoroughly proven through evidence Trump’s direct total involvement in the scheme to hide his payoff to the porn star he cheated on his mistress with after cheating on his wife with her (McDougal) for nearly a full year (a story Pecker “caught and killed” to help the campaign with more criminal campaign fraud and massive unreported campaign contributions), hiding the payment through business fraud to help his campaign, which made it campaign fraud too.
Cohen just fills in the details, he doesn’t prove the crimes, mountains of documentation including recordings do. If you think a few minor details like the precise timing of a phone call from 8 years ago
(Edit: uh-oh. Photographs of Trump and Stiller together at the exact time of the call were just entered into evidence. So much for that lie.)
or the biased accusation of tangential crimes totally inconsequential to the crimes Trump committed impeach his corroboration of the documentation in evidence, documentation that proves Trump’s direct personal involvement, or that that somehow might tank the entire case, you are as dumb as I think you are.
This only gives reasonable doubt to someone searching for any excuse to vote against conviction despite all the evidence, someone who was never going to convict under any circumstances. We know there’s at least one, hopefully an alternate.

If you missed it, Friday Trump left court saying his NDA with Daniels must be the only illegal NDA ever, all others are legal but his is determined to be illegal…now stupidly admitting he had an NDA with her, something his lawyers and he have been arguing absolutely never happened.
Again, his press conferences can be admitted to the record and only Trump can contradict them on the stand…which will be his end if he testifies and his end if he doesn’t. Either way his own words are going to hang him.
Again, since you missed it, part of what Cohen was repaid for was paying the company who falsely inflated Trump poll numbers online…yes, PAYMENT TO FAKE POLL NUMBERS. I’m certain you will ignore that, then forget it before reading this sentence, because salient facts don’t matter to your ilk, only ridiculous minutiae you can distract your gnat brain with.

Keep dreaming. How many times have you said that, only to watch your exoneration dissolve in the sunlight? You will never learn though, and will believe anything good for Trump and ignore or deny anything bad or evil…which leaves you 100% divorced from reality living in Trumpist fantasy lie filled world. That’s why your predictions absolutely never come to fruition, they’re all based on a fantasy. It would be sad if you didn’t deserve it.
Keep cut and pasting…The pigeon english is almost too dumb to reply too.
“Even cnn CAN hide this…” !?!
“You orange man bad dream going up….”!?!
I’ve known people with severe brain trauma fresh out of a coma barely able to speak with better brains than yours. 😂

bobknight33 said:

\ Even CNN can hide this fact of Cohen stealing from Trump.

You orange man bad dream going up in SMOKE!

Even CNN believes Cohen is a failure of a witness.

newtboy says...

Who are you trying to convince, @bobknight33? If it’s anyone but yourself, you failed, and will continue to fail because you are not one bit trustworthy and neither is anything you post.

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

Because Israel has started their full scale invasion of the last standing city in Gaza where they directed innocent civilians to go, the U.S. has finally suspended bomb shipments to Israel so at least we won’t be continuing knowingly sending the weapons used in this genocide, but make no mistake they have enough American made bombs to murder every innocent Palestinian already, especially since they rounded them up into one big killing box they are now attacking.

The world should be against Israel just like it was against Nazi Germany, the acts are a near mirror. It’s hopeful that The Hague is considering an arrest warrant for Netanyahu for war crimes, but disgusting some maga representatives sent a threatening letter to The Hague threatening the “judges” and their families if they dare to indict Netanyahu on the obvious charges of targeting civilians and using civilian starvation as a tool of the military.

I suggest sending the aid procured for Israel to Gaza to rebuild…send Israel a card saying a tree has been planted in Gaza in their name.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Triggered much?! 😂
I get why. Your reality is crashing down, your savior is going to prison, the economy is BOOMING, we are the envy of the entire Western world again after losing that title under Chump, and the plans to sell America’s assets to the highest bidder are failing.
The plan to become a fascist, Christian, white, male dominated nation is failing. Women and minorities are going to vote you out of power and rightly so, your plans to strip their rights are coming back to haunt you. Do you even know how you’ve been doing in early elections so far? Enjoy, suckers! 😂

Btw- your time was wasted, I don’t bother with your idiotic propaganda videos unless I’m looking to laugh at stupid people being moronic, not one in 15 years was honest, they’re just morons like Mensa member Joe Rogan being utterly moronic trying to think (and failing) and/or regurgitating the party lie, pretending the economy is crashing when it’s the best in the world and the best it’s been in over 50 years, just lying about anything and everything because reality isn’t good for you…you’re so delusional you don’t or so dishonest you won’t see it but we all do.

Bidenomics is the envy of the world, friendo. Going from the worst economy in our history with negative gdp and record high unemployment (Trump LOST jobs) to the longest low unemployment period and fastest growing gdp in our history. If Trump had had Biden’s economic record there would be tens of trillions more in the treasury today. If Biden had continued Trump’s economic record we would have defaulted on our debts and be a bankrupt nation without international credit today. If Trump had continued Trump’s economic record we would have sold Alaska back to Russia (who with China would be the only economic super powers left) and have Puerto Rico on the market just to keep the lights on. We were near a depression in 2020 with 100% of economists predicting at least a severe recession in 21…didn’t happen and we are in a serious long term boom in 2024.

STILL WAITING Bawby. It’s looking like those little BBs won’t ever drop, and you’ll never become a man. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I would have to ignore who you are to be surprised. I’m actually STILL WAITING for the charges coming against Clinton, something you insisted would happen shortly in 2016 but could never say for what, then couldn’t discuss at all when no charges ever came. Just one of dozens of cases when you assert something salacious with zero evidence then go silent when pressed for details or follow-up because you are a coward that hides from his (constant) mistakes and can never admit he was tricked (even though it’s a constant). A baby boy. A total joke. 😂


newtboy says...

Bidenomics has put America’s economy far ahead of pretty much everywhere else, with continuing record low unemployment, record stock market increases, record wage increases, record gdp increases, low inflation, and looking like lowered interest rates coming soon.
Bidenomics is the envy of the world. Recovering faster than any other Western nation. Only anti Americans dislike it.

Police And Security Stand Back While Zionists Attack Protest

Reefie says...

Anyone who is not actively campaigning for peace, be it in Gaza or anywhere else in the world where conflict continues unabated, they are complicit in the killings of innocent people. Not our business I hear some say - nonsense, you either want happiness for everyone or you have serious mental issues. Which is it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

The biggest violent crime/murder increase was 2020, since then there’s been significant progress made in lowering violent crime in the last 3 years, down double digits, property crime (like petty theft) is down 25% over the last decade.

“As of 2022, New York City has a murder rate of 6.3 per 100,000. This makes the Big Apple one of the safer large cities in the country. Overall, crime rates continue to go down in New York City. New data released in late 2023 shows an overall decrease in crime — a drop of 4.1% compared to the prior year.Feb 21, 2024”-,compared%20to%20the%20prior%20year.

Again, since it didn’t penetrate the feculent helmet the first few times… If the cities like NY and SF were the shitholes you claim, absolutely no one would want to live there, instead they are the highest valued real estate in the country. Explain this conundrum.

The narrative is bullshit. All actual crime statistics prove that.

Hilariously Right Side Network’s Brian Glen was shocked live on air to find that New York was not the hotbed of liberal crime and debauchery when he was there, only ably to point to seeing scary groups of Hispanics and black men, but no crime or squalor visible.
Reminds me of the MAGtard caravan to the border and when they got there they said “where’s this invasion you said was happening?”.
The Trump crime family leaving New York significantly lowers the amount being stolen in the city…a statistically significant amount likely equal to petty theft.

bobknight33 said:

The narrative is TRUE
Your liberal cities have been turned into shit holes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still 3.8% unemployment, sucker. 4 years ago it was nearly 15%! Choke on it. (Like over a million Americans choked on their last breath thanks to Trump’s mismanagement.)

Month after month after month after month of exceeding predicted jobs GROWTH you moron. Often by double.
That includes lost jobs and new jobs.
Wages are RISING much faster than inflation. Not only are jobs plentiful, at historical low unemployment for a record time, but earnings are higher…the new jobs pay more than the lost jobs.

Eat it. The economy is going gangbusters, so fast and hard the fed won’t lower interest. We recovered at double the rate of other nations. In March we ADDED OVER 300000 MORE JOBS that average better pay, same in Jan, Feb, and probably April. Those alleged 200000 didn’t even register, even with the lost jobs counted the jobs numbers are consistently near double expectations!

Really? Where do you get those insane numbers? Not the department of labor. Probably Trump, who would have simply made them up.

The labor market continues to be stiff and hard like a teenager on viagra at a strip club. The recovery is wide, long, and veiny. I know that sucks for Trump who is clear he wants a recession to help his poll numbers. Maybe you don’t see it because you’re invested in stupidity like Tesla and Trump Media. 😂


bobknight33 said:

Latest List of Layoffs Over Last 4 Months:

1. Twitch: 35% of workforce
2. Hasbro: 20% of workforce
3. Spotify: 17% of workforce
4. Levi's: 15% of workforce
5. Zerox: 15% of workforce
6. Qualtrics: 14% of workforce
7. Wayfair: 13% of workforce
8. Tesla: 10% of workforce
9. Duolingo: 10% of workforce
10. Washington Post: 10% of workforce
11. Snapchat: 10% of workforce
12. eBay: 9% of workforce
13. PayPal: 9% of workforce
14. Business Insider: 8% of workforce
15. Charles Schwab: 6% of workforce
16. Macy's: 4% of workforce
17. Blackrock: 3% of workforce
18. Citigroup: 20,000 employees
19. UPS: 12,000 employees
20. Cisco: "Thousands" of employees

In 2024, we have already seen 74,000 tech layoffs alone with well over 200,000 across all industries.

Last month, the US added a whopping 691,000 part-time jobs while LOSING 6,000 full-time jobs.

Is the labor market finally starting to soften?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s only gotten worse….the bond application wasn’t even completely filled out…missing was a Trump financial statement, a basic requirement already specified as necessary by the court, a company financial statement, no power of attorney so no legal right to submit them and, no attorney of record listed and no signature.
The bond company also has only 8% of the cash required to make a bond of this size.
Trump can’t pay even the drastically lowered amount despite claiming he has $500 million in cash…he can’t even get a bond for it.
The “bond” has already been rejected. Good luck finding a real one!

Edit: the new attempt made today is also completely deficient, still no financials attached, still no proof where the money is coming from, still not enough assets to cover the bond. It’s getting rejected right now.

Trump’s lawyers can’t even law, bro. 😂

Bonus - the attempt to call the planning of the coup and asking governors to falsify vote tallies “free speech” has failed…planning crimes isn’t covered. The treason case continues…maybe Sept 1!

The business fraud/porn star hush money trial starts real soon. Enjoy the disgusting details about trumps sex life, the constant philandering, the YOUNG girls, pressuring his “friend’s” wives for sex, rapes, Epstein, payoffs for his secret children out of wedlock, unbelievable misogyny, incest, etc. …what a trial that’s going to be. You’re going to have a truckload of facts and evidence about serial rapist Don to ignore.

Meanwhile MAGGOT representatives in Maine are confused and angrily publicly asking “What did the Nazis do that was illegal?” on their senate floor. I guess genocide, murder, kidnapping, rape, displacement, interment, invasion, dehumanization, etc aren’t crimes to MAGA anymore…so why do they keep harping about crime in big cities (which has fallen to levels well below the best year under Trump, 2019, and reversed the explosion in crime from 2020)?
Yes, MAGA is defending NAZIS in congress. Their “good people”. Try to hide from being the fascist now.

The hits keep coming, 2 early investors/creators of Trump media have plead guilty to insider trading with the company and stealing $22 million from investors, and the 2021-22 secret emergency loan from a Russian under criminal investigation/sanctions in America that kept Trump media alive was also revealed.

And- a petition is circulating demanding an investigation into stock fraud with 13000 Trump Media investors’ signatures already, claiming the financial statements were withheld until after the IPO in order to inflate the stock price before investors found out what a disaster it is financially.

Oops - Trump was caught telling rich donors when he thought the cameras were off that his main plan is more tax cuts for the ultra rich and big cuts for social security and Medicare. Not what he tells his idiot cultists.

newtboy said:

It’s only gotten worse…the company doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements to do business in New York much less have a license to do so, and claims around $138 million in liquid assets but wrote a bond for $175 million, but New York statute only allows them to write a bond for up to 10% of their liquidity, not 130%!
The insufficient bond has been challenged and will be refused…do you really believe he can find another REAL bond?
It’s sure sounding like New York is going to start seizing properties next week. The hits just keep coming!

7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan

newtboy says...

The first one is too. That reporter has balls of steel, continuing unphased as 20 stage lights of Damoclese dangled precariously overhead.

eric3579 said:

Second video in this compilation is pretty crazy

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….don is going to have to explain why he’s illegally threatening the president with death, a violation of his bail in every trial he’s facing and a slap in the face to his own security detail, and why he’s continuing to threaten the judges daughter despite the updated gag order on Monday specifically precluding him from attacking family members.
It better be a good explanation or it could be prison time or at a minimum a total gag order, no statements at all, no “truths”, and none by his staff.

BTW - despite maga “lawyers” claiming it is, gag orders are NOT violations of first amendment rights, they are a voluntary but binding agreement a defendant makes as a condition of pre trial release, something they have no right to.

Bonus - with abortion rights on the ballot in Florida and 70% in favor of abortion rights, it becomes a swing state likely to turn blue. All democrats have to do is remind the public how many rights the right is stripping from them and who is fighting to preserve them. 😂
And Arizona just put Abortion rights on the ballot too, handing most of Arizona to Democrats.

Second bonus- Another maga racist white nationalist and anti semite, Gregg Blevins, is being recalled in Oklahoma.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I usually provide legitimate verifiable sources, which you always discount for no reason besides they aren’t MAGA, knowing full well MAGA sources don’t report things that look bad for MAGA…duh. What’s the point? You only accept made up stories that fit your ridiculous preconceptions.
Maybe learn to write and type it in google yourself you idiotic fucktard. This is reported literally everywhere news is reported, you really have to shove your head deep into your small intestine to avoid it.

Since you are either incapable or afraid to investigate yourself, here. You lazy idiot.

Or just type Kari Lake into YouTube and search just the last week, it’s all about her admission.

Even Lake herself made a press release giving ridiculous nonsensical excuses for admitting her intentional malicious guilt (I won’t give the ridiculous case credibility by participating in it, so I’m just admitting my guilt and asking to be fined…WHAT!?) but admitting it none the less.

Now go ahead and discard the facts as non MAGA sources and continue to live in the dark instead of looking for yourself.

bobknight33 said:

Funny you never provide direct source only blithering commentary

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don just filed in court admitting not only does he not have the cash to post his bond, he can’t even get a surety bond to post it even if he puts up everything he owns as collateral. He calls it an impossibility.
That’s weird, isn’t he a multi billionaire? Isn’t MarALago worth nearly $2 billion alone? Seems like no, he claims in court under oath that he doesn’t have 1/2 billion in assets now…forget cash. 😂
It’s all a lie and you buy every word. No matter how dumb you really are, even you can’t be this pathologically gullible to continue believing this convicted fraudster.

Uh oh, sounds like he might have been committing business frauds! Lying about his worth. (He was convicted of exactly that, so we aren’t surprised, but I bet you are). 😂

NY is going to seize properties.

What a record!

PS- Where’s Melania?

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

Don’t pretend Trump didn’t also fund and arm the IDF and support violent Israeli expansion.
So disgraced ex POTUS Don [is] also guilty of genocide.

Both are guilty of being complicit in genocide but to different extents.

Both will continue to support it, but Trump agrees with Netanyahu that Palestinians should be wiped off the face of the earth, driven into the sea and forgotten... Biden is (finally, but late) air dropping food to avoid another trap being set by the IDF to murder more starving children.

bobknight33 said:

IDF commits genocide and POTUS JOE supplies the munitions.

So POTUS JOE also guilty of genocide.

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