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Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

I revel in the destruction of formulaic redundancy, especially when the phenomena occurs from time to time on the sift when a small contingent of back-patters load the place with atheism=great, Christians, etc. (insert faith-based philosophies) =shit, and most political offerings in the form of republicans/conservatives=shit, democrats/liberals=my-shit-doesn't-stink-like-theirs videos.

Also a frequent and predictable phenomena, that a single down-vote, tinctured with an alternative perspective in comments, has the gang come spilling from the douche-works like cockroaches to offer their smarmy, childish two-cents, in order to make themselves feeeeel good. Hate this shit. It shows a lack of a certain social evolution from which I instinctively recoil.

Your retort here, predictable as well:
Opening with sarcasm, a self-aggrandizing confession followed-up with an insult with reference to my character. Thank you though, for the black hole comparison, gravity and light do not have a chance of escaping me.

As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom.

Quite simply, when I see atheists deride another belief system with childish and derogatory banter like a gang of hyena stealing meat I treat them like a pack of feral creatures and similarly, I tend to shit on people's assumptions of how the world would be a better place if everyone thought the way "I" do regarding politics.

It's fucking tired and boring and makes the place to myself, look like a very untalented graffiti artist used sub-par aerosols to deface a shrine or temple.

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

shinyblurry says...

Let's look at the scripture in a little more detail:

Mat 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

This scripture is at the tail end of a conversation Jesus had with a young rich man. The young man had inquired of the Lord how he could have eternal life. The answer Jesus gave was simple, "sell your possesions and follow me." In the rest of the scripture we see that the only requirements for salvation is a confession of Jesus as Lord and a belief that He was raised from the dead. So, why did the Lord give the additional requirement to the rich young man of selling all of his possessions? We see why in the next verse:

Matthew 19:22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

This man, even knowing that Jesus could instruct him on how to attain eternal life, could not follow after the Lord because he loved his wealth more than God. This is what Jesus said in Matthew 6:24

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

His riches were the stumbling block preventing him from following the Lord, and that is why the Lord dealt with it there. The Lord knew He was a slave to his wealth and could not bear to be parted from it, even at the expense of his eternal life. This is a reason why the Lord warned us in Matthew 16:26

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Which is to say, that if someone laid all the wealth of the world at your feet, and you traded your soul for it, you would have made an unprofitable deal. The wealth of this world is perishing and will pass away, and we along with it, but those who do the will abide with Him forever. So, let's look on to what Jesus said to His disciples after the young rich man parted:

Matthew 19:23-26 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

You'll notice that Jesus only said it was impossible for men, but with God all things are possible. The problem with the young rich man was not his wealth but his heart condition before God. He wanted the gift more than he wanted the giver of the gift. When Jesus put his loyalties to the test, the true condition of his heart was exposed. There is nothing inherently bad about money, but there is something inherently bad about putting it before God. That is the sin of idolatry, and that is what Jesus is condemning, not money itself. Take Joseph of Arimethea for example:

Matthew 27:57-60 When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also was a disciple of Jesus.
He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him.

And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock. And he rolled a great stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away.

Joseph was a disciple of Jesus yet He did not require Joseph to sell all of his possessions. Indeed, if he had Joseph would not have been able to provide the tomb that Jesus was buried in, ultimately fulfilling the prophecy about Jesus in Isaiah 53:9.

So, to conclude, what God is most concerned about is the heart. If your love for your possesions is what is keeping you from the Lord, He may ultimately require you to sacrifice them. I think is especially difficult for the rich man to realize his need for salvation because he is so self-sufficient. He believes he is in control of his life because his money insulates him from many of the cares of this world. He does not realize that his very breath rests in the hands of the Lord. He may not confess, as Job did, that his riches are all blessings from on High, and at the disposal of the Almighty to do with them what He may.

Job 1:21 And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

RFlagg said:

That Jesus Himself said it is impossible for a rich man to get into heaven, doesn't matter if they want to or do follow Him, they have their reward here, and won't have one in Heaven. So

Meanwhile in Australia...snake windshield wipers

chingalera says...

I know man, snakes and spiders...Most everyone has that unfounded fear of these..... Must have been some trauma as a kid is all I can guess.

My only beef with any reptile or insect is with the American/Oriental cockroach. When I see one in my home it is imperative that I kill it or exhaust myself looking for it before going to bed. When I was 10, I was woken abruptly after having just fallen asleep by one crawling across my mouth, the source of my obsession. (oh fuck, now the NSA knows what to put in Room 101 to get me to confess!)

Plus, the little bastards are smart, wily, and calculated. Can't have that sonofabitch wandering around while I sleep!

nanrod said:

I was kinda hoping that his sun roof was open and that the wipers would fling the snake inside. Then he'd have a reason to scream like a little bitch.

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

aaronfr says...

So, someone went into an 'navigators' office looking for help getting health insurance. Then he confessed that he had been cheating on his taxes. The navigator advised him that the forms he was filling out would be sent to the IRS. They also advised him that unless he was ready to deal with consequences of his initial lie, he should maintain it.

Also, there is a controversy because some old lady thinks a group is part of the DNC. Oh, and a 501(c)3 is working with a PAC. Which is only allowable under certain conditions. Which O'Keefe fails to tell us and fails to show how those rules are being broken here. Instead he chooses to insinuate that a PAC which has a political strategy is somehow nefarious because they are implementing that strategy.

Why America Dropped the Atomic Bombs

rebuilder says...

The alternative, as far as I am familiar with the counterargument to this viewpoint, would have been to loosen the requirement of "unconditional surrender" of Japan, and possibly to demonstrate the bomb by dropping it on an unpopulated area. Inviting Japanese scientists to a staging ground for a controlled demonstration was also on the books.

Now, assuming the US top brass were convinced Japan was not going to surrender, the argument presented here is quite valid. Bombing a live target certainly had the most shock value, and the bombs were likely in quite limited supply. (I confess, I don't know how many there were at the time.) A continued conventional war would have been horrendous.

But... Were the Japanese really unwilling to surrender, and if so, why? According to what I've read... Well, let me just quote the story, I've seen this in a number of texts:

"At the conclusion of the conference, Roosevelt and Churchill held a press conference. Roosevelt said that he and Churchill…

…were determined to accept nothing less than the unconditional surrender of Germany, Japan, and Italy…

Churchill said later that he was surprised by this statement. Churchill adds that he was told by Harry Hopkins that the President said to him:

…then suddenly the Press Conference was on, and Winston and I had had no time to prepare for it; and the thought popped into my mind that they had called Grant “Old Unconditional Surrender,” and the next thing I knew I had said it."

It was Jonathan Glover who I first read giving this account of events, but I don't remember what his source was. The argument he and others make, though, is that the Japanese did signal their willingness to surrender, but were not willing to do so unconditionally. This is because they feared the emperor might have been deposed and put to trial, which was simply unthinkable to them. If this is true, then dropping the bombs may have been unnecessary and even before the bombs, the war effort in the Pacific could have been ended through diplomatic means.

All this does leave one with some disconcerting questions. Would Allied leaders really have refused to reconsider their demands of Japan simply due to prestige and the need to show resolve? Was there no diplomatic backchannel? Certainly the fog of war must have played a part in the decisions made. I haven't been able to find a source beyond hearsay for what, exactly, the Japanese diplomatic position on surrender was. Considering this debate still goes on, no such source is likely to surface.

What stands out here, to me, as the saddest thing is: it seems countless lives were lost for lack of solid information and communication between enemies. Had Japan and the Allies been able to negotiate further, had the allies dared show their nuclear hand, had they made it possible for the emperor (while not a nice guy by any means) to be protected, how many lives could have been saved? Unfortunately, no-one has the benefit of hindsight when it's most needed.

I can't help but think of the Cuban missile crisis - what would have happened, had a similar failure to communicate occurred at that time? It was very close...

Walt gives Hank the Wrong CD

Trancecoach says...

If you watch this week's episode of Breaking Bad, it will all make sense. It's even funnier tho if you know the whole context.

Here's the synopsis for this week's episode in which wiki describes this portion of the story as follows:

"Walt and Skyler invite Hank and Marie to a restaurant. The Whites try to convince the Schraders to keep their children out of the situation, but the Schraders refuse to comply; Marie even states bluntly that Walt should kill himself to end it all. As the Whites leave, Walt gives his in-laws a DVD of his "confession." Playing it at home, Hank and Marie discover it is really a form of blackmail accusing Hank of being the mastermind of the Heisenberg empire and forcing Walt to cook meth for him. Hank then finds out that operation and therapy which made him walk again was paid at Walt's expense, from Marie's unwitting receipt of Walt's drug money, which gives credence to Walt's story and torpedoes his own credibility."

CrushBug said:

I have no idea what is going on here. Can anyone link to the original video so I can get some framing?

Walt gives Hank the Wrong CD

chingalera says...

In the original scene (partial spoiler) Hank, a DEA agent, and his wife are watching his brother-in-law Cranston's character in Breaking Bad confess to his misdeeds on a taped and forever more elsewhere interpolated with scenes from Malcolm in the Middle, a popular television show from 00-06'. Pretty silly and bound to be overdone..

CrushBug said:

I have no idea what is going on here. Can anyone link to the original video so I can get some framing?

Hank and Marie Watch The Video Music Awards

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Myley, Cyrus, Hank, Marie, VMA, Breaking, Bad, Video, Music, Awards, Confession, Walt' to 'Miley Cyrus, Hank, Marie, VMA, Breaking Bad, Video Music Awards, Confession, Walt' - edited by lucky760

alien_concept (Member Profile)

NEW HBO Special - Louis CK - Oh My God (2013)

BicycleRepairMan says...

I saw this show in Oslo, it was fucking brilliant, and I'll confess I'll probably watch this illegally now, but I'll be buying it when it comes available on , just like I've bought everything there. I might even pick up a few copies as gifts from said website. Louis CK is an awesome performer, and his no-nonsense business model is nearly as awesome as his act. You should all be buying all his shit.

TED: Amanda Palmer - The Art Of Asking

chingalera says...

Poolcleaner, you basically voiced the same sentiments as the Dresden Doll, Amanda MacKinnon Fucking Gaiman Palmer with your confession, please recite 23 Hell Merrys' and 666 Far Others.

You'd be the person that went to her show when she came to yer town and perhaps host her entourage, provide food, etc. and she'd have no problem with you downloading her content from resources available, thus fulfilling the mechanism of community she is creating around her-No harm, no foul in however you replace energy to the grid-

Lena Dunham's Audition for 'Zero Dark Thirty'

School Bus Demolition Derby

chingalera says...

Confession: As well as pimping this video from my banned account on another video I also voted for it 3 times as choggie, Peckinpaw, and chingalera.

Oh, and I am not at all remorseful about broken roles, rules..breaking rules! It's how my school bus of demolition ROLLS!!

My other car is a happy station wagon with uplifting bumper-stickers and children inside on their way to private Kung Fu lessons...

Cry Cry Cry "Cold Missouri Waters"

calvados says...

My name is Dodge, but then you know that
'Cause it's written on the chart there at the foot end of the bed
They think I'm blind or I can't read it
I've read it every word, and every word it says is 'death'
So, Confession - is that the reason that you came
Get it off my chest before I check out of the game
Since you mention it, well there's thirteen things I'll name
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri waters

August 'Forty-Nine, West Montana
The hottest day on record, the forest tinder dry
Lightning strikes in the mountains
I was crew chief at the jump base; I prepared those boys to fly
Into the drop zone, C-47 comes in low
Feel the tap upon your leg that tells you go
See the circle of that fire down below
Fifteen of us dropped above the cold Missouri waters

I gauged the fire - I'd seen bigger
So I ordered them to sidehill and we'd fight it from below
We'd have our backs to that river
We'd have it licked by morning even if we took it slow
But the fire crowned, it jumped the valley just ahead
There was no way down, we headed for the ridge instead
Too big to fight it, we'd have to fight that slope instead
Flames one step behind above the cold Missouri waters

Sky had turned red, the slope was boiling
Two hundred yards to safety, death was fifty yards behind
I don't know why, I just thought it
I struck a match to waist-high grass, running out of time
Tried to tell them, step into this fire I've set
We can't make it; this is the only chance you'll get
But they cursed me, ran for the rocks above instead
I lay face down and prayed above the cold Missouri waters

And when I rose, like the phoenix
In that world reduced to ashes, there were none but two survived
I stayed that night and one day after
Carried bodies to the river, wondering how I'd stayed alive
Thirteen Stations of the Cross to mark to their fall
I've had my say, I'll confess to nothing more
And I'll join them now, those that left me long before
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri waters
Thirteen crosses high above the cold Missouri shore

Shenandoah, I long to see you
Far away, you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah, I long to see you
Way down the way, across the wide Missouri

Confessions by Tim Minchin

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