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Bill Nye: Creationism Is Just Wrong!

shinyblurry says...

130 years ago, the assumption in the Western world (where all the science was getting done) was the the Bible was correct. There was no geological scientific evidence either way. Then geological evidence started coming out that the biblical number was way, way wrong. That evidence was challenged and yet survived, so the accepted value of the age of the Earth changed. That's how science works; you change your mind in the face of evidence. That's how intelligence works, in fact.

It's the same evidence. There isn't creationist evidence and secular scientist evidence. They're both looking at the same evidence and interpreting it different. And there is plenty of geologic evidence of the flood. Recently, scientists have started to embrace catastrophism over uniformitarian because the evidence of a worldwide disaster is undeniable.

The evidence that was initially advanced for long ages by Charles Lyell was based on either misinterpretation or outright fraud. He claimed that Niagra Falls was eroding at the rate of one foot per year. He then made the leap that since the gorge was 35,000 feet long it was 35,000 years old. Very scientific. It has been confirmed however that the gorge erodes at 4 to 5 feet per year which means it is most likely under 7 thousand years old.

The "evidence" is obtained by making assumptions about the past that can't be proven, and you can't date the rocks without these assumptions. If you change the assumptions then you come up with much different dates.

It's like quantum physics. Everybody just assumed that all matter was made of solid matter that has definite speed and location, but it turns out that all matter is made up of things with probabilities only. No matter how much Einstein wanted to believe that all matter was solid all the way down, he had to agree that the evidence for quantum physics was undeniably accurate and that matter is composed of chancy waveforms. Anyone who studies it will have to come to the same conclusion. Same goes for what we're talking about.

Everyone who studies it does not come to that conclusion. The hard evidence you have for quantum physics does not exist for deep time. You can test quantum physics; you can't test deep time. All there is a pile of circumstantial evidence all based on the same unprovable assumptions.

"Any evidence...discarded" is misleading. If there's a single outlier result once, it may get some attention or it may be ignored. If there's repeatable experimentation that yields the same contradictory results again and again (dual slit experiment), or a theory that fits all evidence better than current models (quantum physics), it will stir controversy and get a lot of attention. Again, that's how science works.

Every time they measure the age of the rocks they get a range of dates, and then they discard the ones that don't agree with their assumptions as "anomalous". I think I've said this before..bif the evidence were there I would believe it. I used to believe it, but when I found out the extremely flimsy and weaknature of the evidence and realized I would have to put more faith in the scientists than I would the bible, so I decided to believe the bible instead. The whole thing stinks to high heaven but this is a religious proposition to many people. To them, they are satisfied with its explanation of reality and use it as an excuse to deny God. Take note of the awe and reverence and love people pay to the Cosmos and "mother Earth" because it is a religious experience you are witnessing They are seeing Gods glory in creation but they make naturalism their religion instead of acknowledging Him, and worship the creature rather than the Creator.

Psalm 19:1-2

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

messenger said:

130 years ago, the assumption in the Western world (where all the science was getting done) was the the Bible was correct.

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Just Wrong!

messenger says...

130 years ago, the assumption in the Western world (where all the science was getting done) was the the Bible was correct. There was no geological scientific evidence either way. Then geological evidence started coming out that the biblical number was way, way wrong. That evidence was challenged and yet survived, so the accepted value of the age of the Earth changed. That's how science works; you change your mind in the face of evidence. That's how intelligence works, in fact.

It's like quantum physics. Everybody just assumed that all matter was made of solid matter that has definite speed and location, but it turns out that all matter is made up of things with probabilities only. No matter how much Einstein wanted to believe that all matter was solid all the way down, he had to agree that the evidence for quantum physics was undeniably accurate and that matter is composed of chancy waveforms. Anyone who studies it will have to come to the same conclusion. Same goes for what we're talking about.

"Any evidence...discarded" is misleading. If there's a single outlier result once, it may get some attention or it may be ignored. If there's repeatable experimentation that yields the same contradictory results again and again (dual slit experiment), or a theory that fits all evidence better than current models (quantum physics), it will stir controversy and get a lot of attention. Again, that's how science works.

shinyblurry said:

If you reversed the premises and asked me this same question 130 years ago, all of the geologists would have been wrong according to you. As I said, it's conventional wisdom now and no one ever seriously questions it. Any evidence that appears to the contrary is consider anomalous and discarded.

I meant here on videosift, on the subject of radiometric dating. I have had productive discussions on these topics with atheists. I'll give credit to those who engaged me on the actual science of this particular topic, though.

Reading Shakespeare While Sitting On a Vibrator

RFlagg says...

I am debating that myself. A Sybian or Hitachi probably could get that reaction, but her quick cool down... though she does shift off to compose herself, and the girl in the related video is a porn star, so if this girl is to, then that would raise the question all the more...

deathcow said:


Launchpad is AWESOME

harlequinn says...

He'd be a composer if it was made in software prior to performance. Not a very good composer but a composer nonetheless. I'll give way and admit that since it is music then he is some form of musician. Not a skilled one but still a musician.

Composers are not performance musicians. They are still "musicians" in the sense that they manipulate music, but they do it vicariously. Most composers play one or two instruments but the instruments are not required to compose the music - it goes straight from head to paper.

Is this music? Yes and no. It's nice enough, but it's several orders of magnitude away from say Debussy or Chopin or Bach.

Your organ analogy is flawed (interestingly enough I lived above a full pipe organ for two years - true story). Firstly most modern organs have two keyboards and one pedal board with more keys in total than a piano. They also have a large range of stops that control more notes. Secondly each key activates one note - the same as a piano. It just has no attenuation. So the exact same rules apply except loudness is controlled by a different method.

If he had a 10x10 keypad with each pad assigned exactly one note a semitone apart from the next pad and he played a piece on it then it would be showing a similar level of skill.

WaterDweller said:

If he had made this soundtrack without using the launchpad, using DAW software and various plugins and samples, that somehow is more "musician"y than using a 64 key launchpad with samples that he probably prepared himself, even though the end result is the same? Maybe composers aren't musicians? Or are you saying this isn't music?

And, you must not think a person playing a small organ is a musician, since it has fewer keys than a piano, and each key is a binary switch that turns on and off the sound of the pipe.

Tone Matrix

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tone, matrix, music, compose, repeat, mouse, click, andre michelle' to 'tone, matrix, music, compose, repeat, mouse, click, andre michelle, grid' - edited by messenger

Tone Matrix

Tone Matrix

Amiina - Sicsak

chingalera says...

All you need to make music like this is some found instruments, a bit of timing, and maybe a screaming Vitamin D deficiency like these snow-dwellers!!
I mean c'mon man....I dig the vibe, would like PERFORMING this stuff with a roomfull of folks on some good drugs...but-Take's no real talent to make tuneful noise people....This is by no means outstanding-Justa buncha pasty white folks spontaneously composing an ever-increasingly UN-listenable, EMO DIRGE!!

Tone Matrix

This Opera Singer Scares Me

chingalera says...

>> ^Januari:

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".
I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

The composer wrote this quite probably for a talented interpreter of the period who was actually able to pull this off and make it sound whack!....Real easy to compose pieces impossible for the human voice to replicate, it's that fine-line between impossible and well-executed by very few that makes this piece an etude in extremes.

Rare Footage ~ Yip Man ~ 叶问 - 葉問 - 葉繼問

chingalera says...

>> ^Deano:

That's quite likely.
I might liken it to some glass-blowing videos. There must be some out there where the technique is flawless but perhaps the end result isn't that showy or interesting. And the same with martial arts. The bottom line is I do need to apply some sort of filter even if it's only my gut judgement.
>> ^ghark:
>> ^Deano:
>> ^chingalera:
>> ^Deano:
Well what precisely is skillful about this clip? Looks like a guy doing interpretative dance - slowly.

Thia guy pretty much single-handedly fast-tracked western cultures on the road to Chinese martial arts development-As well as being an extremely fluid practitioner of Wing Chun, he was able to transmute the art across time and space in his lifetime to what we know of today as the evolution of Kung Fu.
It qualifies dude, take my word for it.

Like some other submissions the problem is the skill is implied but not shown. I'm sure the dude is awesome but we need to see him doing something awesome.

I think in this case, to be the judge of whether he is doing something skillful you'd need to be versed in the forms he is displaying.

Ahhhhhh! Thaks mate, I agree whole-hardheartedly with your self-composed criteria. It is, after all, a subjective judgement that moulds any course or ruling. If you watch this with a limited background in the history of the Chinese martial arts it does look as if this old codger is lilting around his flat practicing some form of mime or interpretive dance.
This cat kept the torch burning on the southern Shaolin art of Wing Chun-The system was developed during the Shaolin and Ming resistance to the Qing Dynasty and has been passed-down exclusively through direct transmission from practitioners until this last century, when his student, Bruce Lee (who makes it look so skilful as to be psychedelic at times) who was able to transform the art by making it available to the entire world. Quite a feat for an old Chinaman who survived the Japanese occupation and the Communist takeover, both some very hellish times and experiences in the "against all odds" category.

The mans' a legend and that feeble-looking dance translates into his 90-yr-old ass clearing a room full of thugs with hammers, knives and sharp sticks!

This Opera Singer Scares Me

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Different culture, different times, different aesthetic values. There is plenty of virtuostic writing and playing in contemporary styles. Is it musical? Does it add to the whole of the piece? I'd say yes to both in this case.

The ocean, too, appears to swallow
the vessel that you see
shattered by the storm.

Then it reappears, and it seems
to be raised by the stars.

>> ^Januari:

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".
I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

This Opera Singer Scares Me

Januari says...

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".

I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

Cat just chilling, watching sunset

Dexter's Justice

carneval says...

>> ^rychan:

This is so well done that when I first saw it I thought the music was composed to match the episode.
Also, I love the music "Justice - Peace" in the first two minutes. It's so industrial and shrill but it still so musical. Is there a name for this genre?

Do you mean "Stress," by any chance? That is the first song. It samples "Night on Disco Mountain" from Saturday Night Fever (which is why I like it so much, and the sample lends a lot of the shrill musical elements to the song). The overarching genre would be electro house.
Modern examples:

Looking into it a bit more, the album from which that track is taken is considered disco house or electroclash which fall under the electro house umbrella. If you are looking for the feel of this specific song, you might be out of luck - it's pretty unique (I am not aware of many similar tracks). But you may find something you like if you look around the previously mentioned genres!

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