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The Video Store - Last Action Hero

Mordhaus says...

Just watched this again recently. I don't know why it tanked at the box office.

Although the director had this to say about it: About the film's failure and critical response, John McTiernan said: "Initially, it was a wonderful Cinderella story with a nine-year-old boy. We had a pretty good script by Bill Goldman, charming. And this ludicrous hype machine got hold of it, and it got buried under bullshit. It was so overwhelmed with baggage. And then it was whipped out unedited, practically assembled right out of the camera. It was in the theater five or six weeks after I finished shooting. It was kamikaze, stupid, no good reason for it. And then to open the week after Jurassic Park--God! To get to the depth of bad judgment involved in that you'd need a snorkel."

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

poolcleaner says...

I think the problem is more a general attitude of PC nonsense like making a crusade out of people dressing up like people of other races for halloween. Well, I guess that means only people from fuckin Transylvania can dress up like Dracula and tell the black girl she can't be Cinderella -- that's fucked up. And that's what's generally fucking wrong with PC: it's just one sided shit. I come from a family with a long line of racist beliefs so I can tell you there is a HUGE difference between edgy behavior and actual racism. And people should know the difference.

I can just tell when a conversation is going to be a quick hello and goodbye when it's impossible to speak my mind. I can just walk away without offending someone, a comedian cannot. Praise Elune I only spend time with pot smoking trannies, angry gamers and booze guzzling musicians. I would probably murder myself before it ever got close to 1984. You can take my life but I'm taking my good genes with me and the Chosen One will never be born.

Imagoamin said:

Comedians who thrive on being edgy and pushing those boundaries, yet get upset that sometimes people get offended by that pushing are way more annoying IMO.

"PC" isn't anyone stopping you from telling your edgy joke. But your jokes would no longer be edgy if everyone stopped giving a fuck or occasionally pushing back. You'd just be another Jeff Dunham, even if you see yourself as Bill Hicks.

Tell your edgy jokes, realize people will push back, and say "Oh, good. I'm not some boring nobody." rather than get way more offended at their "offense".

Hell's Cafeteria - Gordon Ramsay Grills Chen & Corden

ulysses1904 says...

"Idiot sandwich", I bust out laughing at that one. I watched the first few seasons of Hell's Kitchen because Gordon Ramsey was amusing to watch when he flies off the handle. But the Cinderella story premise is beaten into the ground on all these "reality" show contests. All these wannabes who think they will be fast-tracked into success without spending years earning it deserve all the "reality" check failures that come their way.

Anna Kendrick Dishes on Newcastle Brown Ale Commercial

Giant Robot Befriends Little Girl @ Comic-Con 2013



Shocking: Portal 2 Offensive to Adopted Children

westy says...

>> ^ponceleon:

OH FFS. Just let it go. It is one of the most well-written games in quite some time. Should we ban Cinderella? She was adopted and it was a nightmare. Grow some fucking skin and enough with the fake fucking outrage over NOTHING.

most of the doilog makes the game feel like some wana-be pixar film .

Steve merchants voice is one of the most damaging things to the game and the exsperance. I guess if your american you will perceive his voice differently but at a minimum they could have put a bit of distortion on it so it didn't sound like a voice actor in your ear for half the game allso they should have made is speaking far less formulaic ( granted how he talks in this is all he is capable of as an actor)

As for Steve merchants lines in terms of writing to me it felt like I had some kids nurator from some cheep kids cg film following me around , when you have a character like that you really need the writing to be done by monty python , duglus adems or maybe terry Pratchett.

The glados character however is good and most of her lines are decent and fit the game well.

As for this whole adopted news story its just retarded the news anchers and tv produces should just be em brassed by how pore there reporting is.

Shocking: Portal 2 Offensive to Adopted Children

ponceleon says...

OH FFS. Just let it go. It is one of the most well-written games in quite some time. Should we ban Cinderella? She was adopted and it was a nightmare. Grow some fucking skin and enough with the fake fucking outrage over NOTHING.

Disneyland "Dream Makers" Testimonial

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'disney, disneyland, theme park, cinderella, princess' to 'disney, disneyland, theme park, cinderella, princess, disneyworld, land, world' - edited by nibiyabi

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

Heard any good jokes lately? (Possibly NSFW) (Comedy Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

Cinderella had grown to be a withered and poor old lady, as her husband the prince had died many years ago. All she had now for companionship was her cat and a filthy manger to live in.

One day she was cleaning a rusty pot and suddenly out flew a genie. "Thank you for freeing me after oh so many years", the genie said,"to thank you I will grant you three wishes!".

Cinderella thought about this for a few seconds, before she proudly rose and said, "For my first wish I want this manger to be made into a large and beautiful castle, like the one I once lived in!". And the genie made it so.

"For my second wish", Cinderella said, "I want you to make me young and beautiful again!" And the genie made the old Cinderella into a 19-year old, more beautiful than ever, dressed as a queen with fantastic dresses and royal jewelry.

"And for my third and final wish," Cinderella said, "I want you to make my cat into a young, handsome prince that I can marry!". And the genie once again delivered, turning the tired old cat into a beatiful young prince. Having fulfilled his promise, the genie disappeared forever, leaving the young couple alone together. Cinderella threw herself around the neck of her prince, thinking life had never been this good. The prince however, merely whispered into her ear: "I bet you're sorry you had my balls removed now!"

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

critttter says...

Oo, oo, I'll report it live!

So far -
1.-Up the Hill Backward, David Bowie
2.-Marquee Moon, Television
3.-Talk To Me, Tindersticks
4.-Stand, Sly Stone
5.-No More Affairs, Tindersticks
(I would normally reshuffle at this point, too angsty...)
6.-Doing It Right, Go Team
7.-Galbi, Ofra Haza
8.-Cinderella, DMZ
9.-Im Nin'alu, Ofra Haza
10.-Venus De Milo, Television

Ah, the schizophrenia that is the ITunes shuffle...

Tex Avery's "Swing Shift Cinderella"

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