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kulpims (Member Profile)

Irvine Welsh's 'Filth' - Trailer

"BOTANICUS INTERACTICUS": Interactive Plant Technology

Can a slingshot hit harder than handguns? The Shootout.

Chairman_woo says...

The slingshot does "hit harder" i.e. impart more momentum into the target and thus more likely to knock you down.
Intuitively this seems like it would therefore cause the most damage and for several 100 years this was the prevailing logic with muskets and cannonballs.

So much so in fact that when Charles Whitworth first introduced his rifle it was dismissed by the British army partly for having too small of a bullet. Whitworth used a smaller more stable round for its increased range and accuracy/stability (though there were also concerns about "muzzle fouling" and slower reload time).
It was believed at the time that the larger (slower) much less accurate bullets from the Enfield were more effective at actually injuring enemy soldiers, but history later demonstrated that speed and penetration can have just as much (if not more) effect on soft bodies than sheer mass and momentum.

Simply put, that large slingshot round would likely knock you to the floor in the same was as an MMA fighter landing a roundhouse square in your guts would. It might even penetrate the skin a bit and embed itself in you. What it won't do however is travel through your soft tissues at high velocity and create a large "temporary cavity" which is how most firearms do their real damage.

The 9mm etc. don't carry as much overall energy as the slingshot, but they do deliver it to a soft target much more effectively (that is to say lethally). A much more informative test would have been to fire them into ballistic clay, this would have highlighted the differences between speed, momentum and penetration much more clearly. The slingshot would leave a massive dint, the bullets would leave tunnels.

That said, the point they are making does stand to some extent. If you used that slingshot on someone that was trying to shoot you there is a good chance you'd knock them down (or at least stop them taking an aimed shot back for a few seconds). Hell you might even hospitalise them with a good shot!

It's not fair to say that the slingshot is a more "powerful" weapon but I think they did clearly demonstrate that it's a viable alternative under some circumstances. In fact for defending yourself in your own home etc. it might even be better!

Little/no risk of collateral damage (unless you miss really badly)
Very cheap
Would put most people on the floor with one good hit
No firearms licence or background checks needed
More difficult for a child to misuse (Most kids would lack the strength)
Enemy wouldn't expect it
Much less likely to kill
etc. etc.

Hell I'd get one myself if UK law wouldn't fk me over for using it.
It's illegal here to use a weapon specifically intended or kept for defense. i.e. if you grab a random object like a chair and beat up an intruder that's ok, if you have a baseball bat etc. by your bedside for expressly this purpose then it's not.
Handy then that one of my broken computer chairs happens to contain a loose 1ft long iron bar. Naturally I'd never even consider using such a thing violently, but who knows what might come to hand when faced with an intruder

(Seriously though, as broken furniture its a viable means of defence, if I kept it by my bedside as a "weapon" I'd be breaking the letter of the law by using it. Fucking stupid!)

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

L0cky says...

You're comparing the motive for the need to balance the budget. The analogy is with the need for balancing the budget affecting the actions of the work. In this sense, the comparison with a business is fair.

The budget decisions should lead to questions such as 'what is the most effective police work we can do within our available budget?', where as in some cases it seems to be just 'what is the most effective way to balance our budget?'.

In that case, the police work is no longer a primary consideration and the tail is wagging the dog. They may as well stop doing police work altogether and start opening hardware stores, or lemonade stands to pay their salaries and maintain their buildings.

To paraphrase Charles Goodhart: once a measurement becomes a goal, it stops being a measurement.

blankfist said:

You're making an unfair argument associating the State and its budget with the profits of a business, in my opinion.

Bill Burr - Equality for Women

xxovercastxx says...

Second Mate Charles Lightoller: "Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?"
Captain Edward Smith: "Women and children in and lower away."

So, in a way, you're right, because a lot of the crew did not interpret this order as "women and children first", they interpreted it as "women and children only". That's why many lifeboats were launched with empty seats and why 74% of the women passengers survived, but only 20% of the men.

Kofi said:

Women and children first was and never has been. This means that it was not the case on the Titanic.

Conscription on the other hand ....

Blurred Lines (uncensored)

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

ChaosEngine says...

If you ask almost any metal fan (and even most open minded music fans), they will acknowledge that Master Of Puppets is a classic album of it's genre that still sounds as good today as it did when it came out.

Just wondering if anyone here feels that there are any other albums/songs of that era (preferably featured in the video) that still hold up in the same way, because I'm struggling to think of any.

And not ironic kitsch either... actual good music that if it was released today would still be regarded as good.

Maybe "graceland" or "Licenced to Ill"?

Also Charles Dance: being evil since ages ago!

Interview with the man who rescued three kidnapped women

VoodooV says...

This guy kept it real.

could it be that Charles Ramsey just improved race relations by leaps and bounds with that single selfless act?

did black people suddenly become less scary to white folks because of his heroism? God I hope so.

DEAD GIVEAWAY - Hero Charles Ramsey song

DEAD GIVEAWAY - Hero Charles Ramsey song

chingalera says...

These videos with autotunage are the best use for the tech-Autotune sounded stupid and silly when rappers adopted it like some red-headed stepchild....WHY? Because 90% of rappers are tone deaf and can't sing for shit.

On the other hand, Charles Ramsey sounds golden.

Black man describes captive white girls rescue ..

Charles Ramsey Rescues Amanda Berry

If "Heterophobia" Were Real

Charles Manson's Epic Answer

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