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Monkeys Reacting to Magic For The First Time!

University Lipdub #1 from Furtwangen University

What Happens When You Die?

Asking Judge To Give Me $5

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh sweet zombie fucking Geebus, the golden Trump sneakers that while not even in production yet have sold out have red soles.
Red fucking soles.
Surprise, Louie Vuitton has an international patent and trademark on red soled shoes. Every penny Trump made from the sneaker deal and more are going to go to LV, they are sharks when it comes to defending their trademarks, and they, unlike Trump, win in courts around the world.

Still waiting ребенок.

Bonus- two devastating new billion dollar lawsuits brought against Fox and the Murdoch family in Delaware by pension fund investors from multiple states for intentional mismanagement by Murdoch and the board.
This on top of the $2.7 BILLION suit by Smartmatic.
Fox is just the big fish, they’re going after all the extreme right propaganda channels for knowingly spreading lies as “news corporations”, which would obviously hurt their brands and stock values. That’s a crime, btw. Say goodbye to the Pravda clones.

Holy shit, the insane racist insults Trump aimed at his own black voters…first insisting black voters love him for being indicted, because being indicted for crimes is a black thing, love him for his mug shot because black people celebrate criminality, and love him for his sneakers because all black people lose their minds over fancy sneakers. You likely don’t see the racist tropes all these statements are based on.
“The lights are so bright I can’t see too many people, I can only see the black ones.” (Doesn’t even realize he’s saying there aren’t many black people in his crowd or that he’s being overtly racist)

Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

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Tyrannical Government

Dog Fails While Testing Owner’s Treadmill

Monkey with cobra

Monkey with cobra

Epic Fails

The end


Paid it in Pennys

Dogs face after first time going to a chiropractor is pricel

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