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Skateboarding Cat

Employee at Publix Follows Kids Around the Store

enoch says...

@shang and @eric3579 when i was younger we used to mess with you guys all the time.
mainly due to boredom and a bad case of assholitis.

walk around the store,look suspicious and constantly pick stuff up and then put it back on another shelf.

we could almost always get one of you guys to bite.

you guys were always so polite when we tried to leave the store.
"excuse me sir,but could you empty your pockets and open your jacket?"
"sure thing man".

35 cents,keys and a big red wrapper.

at least we brought some excitement to your day.
you're welcome.

The World's Best Rifle Throw

garmachi says...

Tradition. This goes way way back. It's purely ceremonial, but it's one off many old traditions practiced by armed forces everywhere. I imagine it has its origins in boredom, but it's pretty spectacular when done right. Plus, among servicemen, it showcases precision and discipline, things of which soldiers are proud.

Source: former Marine.

DrewNumberTwo said:

I never understood why military guys would spend so much time doing something that is basically twirling a baton.

35 Facts About Mr. Fred Rogers

chingalera says...

Fred Rogers was an incredible piece of work-My own disgust/boredom with broadcast media would subside some what while tuning-in to his show-He had boldness and confidence to accompany his disengaging calm that stimulated neurotransmitters like uncut drugs or pheromones-

Oh, had a major kid-crush on Lady Aberlin....

Videosifts Berticus Walking Around "Your Rainbow Panorama"

"The Funniest British Solider"

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part one]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part two]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part three]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom", [Part Four -Fin]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom", [Part Four -Fin]

PlayhousePals says...




Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part one]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part two]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part three]

Henri - "On Cat Food Boredom" [part three]

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Beggar's Canyon