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Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

longde says...

When has Palin actually limited the size and scope of government? When she supported the "bridge to nowhere" ($398 MILLION in federal funds that she didn't return when the project was eventually cancelled)? When she ran up her state's travel expense accounts on her and her family for non-business? When she abused her powers to get her ex-brother in law sacked? Yeah, that's a real small government conservative.

For you to choose to vote for someone who is obviously incompetent over someone whose politics you merely differ with is crazy. I've voted for 3rd party candidates before; at least go that route.

I shiver at the thought of Palin in a meeting with Hu Jintao, Medvedev or Netanyahoo. She'd get eaten alive. She can't even handle Katie Couric.

Either you haven't thought it through or you are crazy.

>> ^ShakaUVM:
>>Guiness world record. Largest amount of neo-cons getting ready to go in a bookstore EVER.
Sigh... Palin is not a neo-con. Neo-cons are big government conservatives. Palin is a small government conservative. That's why she's so popular - most Republicans had to hold their noses to vote for GWB the second time and many rejected McCain, because they were both for the massive expansion of government. See for example Spendulus I. Obama continued the trend with Spendulus II.
Conservatives are (rightly) asking where all the money for the Spendulus bills will come from, and the Republican Party is providing no leadership in opposing the expansion of government - the party is nearly rudderless. Even though Palin wouldn't be my ideal candidate for president, I'd vote for most any candidate that was for limiting the size of government. Last year I voted Libertarian (Bob Barr), for example. If Palin ran against Obama, I'd vote for her.
All the liberal FUD aside, her stances on the issues are actually quite thoughtful and reasonable. I've followed her notes on Facebook from time to time:
(Expecting to get automatically comment-downvoted by anyone who disagrees with my politics.)

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

ShakaUVM says...

>>Guiness world record. Largest amount of neo-cons getting ready to go in a bookstore EVER.

Sigh... Palin is not a neo-con. Neo-cons are big government conservatives. Palin is a small government conservative. That's why she's so popular - most Republicans had to hold their noses to vote for GWB the second time and many rejected McCain, because they were both for the massive expansion of government. See for example Spendulus I. Obama continued the trend with Spendulus II.

Conservatives are (rightly) asking where all the money for the Spendulus bills will come from, and the Republican Party is providing no leadership in opposing the expansion of government - the party is nearly rudderless. Even though Palin wouldn't be my ideal candidate for president, I'd vote for most any candidate that was for limiting the size of government. Last year I voted Libertarian (Bob Barr), for example. If Palin ran against Obama, I'd vote for her.

All the liberal FUD aside, her stances on the issues are actually quite thoughtful and reasonable. I've followed her notes on Facebook from time to time:

(Expecting to get automatically comment-downvoted by anyone who disagrees with my politics.)

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

The News, Auto-Tuned

deputydog says...

lyrics, from yt...


RM: This was a pretty remarkable week on the gay marriage front
First of all, to have a state like Iowa
MG: Whatchoo tryna say about Iowa
RM: Not the east coast state
MG: East coast
RM: Not the left coast state
MG: Left coast
RM: In a decision written by a republican appointee
MG: shawty, now you sounding so fine
Give me your number, we can bump and grind
Talkin about politics all night
Leavin the club in the mornin light
If we get carred away
We might get gay-married today

KC: We just heard from some of our viewers who strongly support legalizing marijuana
MG: Shawty, 5 of those calls was from me
KC: Do you think we should legalize pot alone or all drugs, including heroine, cocaine, and meth?
MG: My brain says no, but my body says yes!

AG: I'm an angry gorilla. I heard you needed me (ooh ooh ah ah)
SH: Now that Captain Phillips has been successfully rescued
The president has decided to step in front of the spotlight
AG: Ooh, I'm angry! You can't see it, but my forehead's veiny
SH: And even take some credit for the rescue
AG: Well, don't you worry, baby boo
You'll always have an angry gorilla to be angry with you
That's what I do. Just ask Donkey Kong. He's in my crew

KC: At the North Pole, new satellite photos show arctic ice is melting so fast
AG: Oh snap, how fast?
KC: Many scientists now believe it will be gone within 30 years
AG: Surely you jest! I'm under cardiac arrest, shawty
KC: Some researchers think it could disappear in just six
AG: Shit!
KC: Without it there could be a snowball effect
AG: Oh
KC: With temperatures rising even faster
If we all don't take bold action and take it fast
AG: Yeah,
Both: We will find ourselves on very thin ice

MG: Tell em, Hillary, pirates on very thin ice
HC: These pirates are criminals
They are armed gangs on the sea
MG: That means the ocean
HC: The United States does not make concessions
Or ransom payments to pirates


MG: Hello, shawty, we can meet up at the mall
Browse around at the bookstore
Mentally ball until we fall

Sarzy (Member Profile)

budzos says...

You saw Punch Drunk Love seven times in cinemas? Can you tell me why? I guess you were seeing something I missed because that movie was just sort of empty to me. I always felt it was a misfire by PTA. It certainly had a unique tone. I did love the interstitial bursts of colour and sound over a white screen.

Jared Leto was at my screening of Punch Drunk Love. Earlier in the day he was going up the escalator in front of me in Chapters (our version of a mega-bookstore), and I'm sure he was talking to Oliver Stone about Alexander on his earpiece.

The only movie I ever saw seven times at theatres? Attack of the Clones... by refilling my popcorn and having a smoke during certain sections (when Anakin and Padme take off to Naboo) it made for a decent distraction from the worst summer of my life. I also would often go to the movies at that point just out of habit, to smoke a joint in the parking lot and then mindlessly chew popcorn for a couple hours. I did this so much that I think I bought north of 70 movie tickets in 2002. I remember seeing so much shit I knew would be bad that year, like True Crime, Spyder, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Master of Disguise, Feardotcom, PowerPuff Girls, The Real Cancun (walked out of that one) that summer just because I had a compulsion to go sit in a darkened theatre. Looking back I really should have bought tickets to better movies if I was going to be going, the problem though is part of the compulsion was this specific white cheddar topping that was only sold at one chain of multiplexes, which showed only the most mainstream shit... aaaanyways I was just really wondering what you got out of Punch Drunk Love that would make you see it seven times. Did you find something there or were you just looking?

Lost in a Moment

curiousity says...

I agree with the description of soothing.

Sometimes we get so busy caught up in our lives - always running around, always on the go - that we forget to slow down and enjoy.

Once or twice a month on my day off, I take the bus downtown. I bring my MP3 player with two albums of Dax Johnson loaded on it (piano music with no vocals) and I wander downtown. I pop into bookstores, tea shops, etc and just meander. One of the spots that I like to eat is a little bagel shop facing the street near a busy market. I sit, eat, relax, and people watch. Sometimes it is interesting to step back, to step outside, and watch snippets of people's lives. It allows you to view the situation without any included drama. And the fun part of trying to dissect them psychologically. Of course it is just a short glimpse into a person's life, but it is fun (at least for me) and does build your awareness for observing those little ticks... those facial and physical mannerisms that give away our inner workings.

And being observant is a great tool for fighting the battle to not lose your ability to empathize. It is very easy to start losing that ability in a world of impersonal and/or fake interaction. A world in which the TV and internet reign.

Nude Art or Pornography

Countdown Worst Person in The World - July 25, 2008

NordlichReiter says...

Its fine line to walk, protecting ones country while not alienating every one else in the process.

"You either die a hero... or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." -Dark Knight

I met a lady the other day at the barns and nobles bookstore, she thought Olbermann should be tried on treason for reporting his stance on faux news.

To Believe, or Not To Believe, that is the Question... (Religion Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I guess I should answer my own question.

I had an experience somewhat like that of SDGundamX, in which I was a believer, but now am not.

I was raised as the type of Christian who believes in Jesus as much as Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, but even after my belief in the latter two was rescinded by my mother, the belief in Jesus persisted. Looking back, I find it odd that the way I learned about Jesus and Santa was equal, yet it was easy for my mother to throw away one, but never let go of the other.

So I spent the greater part of youth pretending to believe in Jesus, even though the actual thought of his reality never crossed my mind, except when my mother warned me about the rapture, then promptly forgot to tell me she was going to the grocery store early one Saturday morning. I woke to find the only other person in the house had "vanished," and I thought I was doomed to hell for eternity.

When I was 17, I went to a revival with my church youth group, mainly because it was in Florida and I wanted to see the ocean and hot girls in skimpy bikinis. Little did I realize that by the end of the trip, I'd be "born again." I never did get to see girls in skimpy bikinis. What a shame.

For the next three years I went to church eight times a week, not realizing for a second that it was mainly for the unity and peer acceptance.

The interesting part of my conversion was when I decided to become a preacher. I realized one day that I had never really read the Bible much, and that was the vital first step in preaching to people. Obviously you can't preach the word without reading it, right?

So I read the entire Bible in a few months. And you know what? It changed me. But not like I expected.

It's funny to tell people the reason I lost my faith was because I read the Bible, but it's true.

I read the stories that made no sense, and I read the stories that were just plain disgusting. And it bothered me. It bothered me because a holy book should be holier than this, and it bothered me because my faith was being tested.

As I was walking through a bookstore one day I noticed a philosophy book by Descartes, and I picked it up. The first part said that anything you believe is only a reflection of what you've been taught, so in the spirit of "Cogito ergo sum," everybody should start to doubt everything they've ever been taught, and start over on their own.

So I did that.

I started by analyzing the aspects of Christianity that didn't seem right to me.

I stopped believing in hell because it didn't make sense for a loving god to create a place to send people who simply didn't believe in him.

I stopped believing in prayer, because God's will precludes any need for it.

And little by little, I lost all my faith in god.

Through the past eight years I've changed my mind a lot, going through all types of beliefs, and I don't think I'll ever have a concrete idea of anything beyond the physical realm. But that's okay, because I know why I see the world in this light, and I've realized that nobody really needs to know everything, anyway. There could be a god, but there are so many questions relating to the identity and traits of said being that, it's impossible to understand the concept in an objective way.

So yeah, that was long-winded.

So I guess my answer is:

No, but how the hell would I know?

Baptist Minister asks McCain about calling his wife a c*nt

TYT: Teacher gets fired for "witchcraft"

If love and sex were taught on Sesame Street... - Whose Line

Farhad2000 says...

Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total assholes. You can find alot of these faggots clogging up the forums of Gaia Online, hanging out in the international aisle of the supermarket, or crowding the manga section of your local bookstore.

lurk mOar

Spirit Of The West "Home For a Rest"

therealblankman says...

I've done, over the years, at least a couple dozen shows with these guys, mostly at the Fabulous Commodore Ballroom. Until recently (curse you Chapters/Indigo!) there was an independant bookstore downstairs- directly underneath the bouncing dance floor. After a SOTW show, they used to have to pick all the books up off the floor, mostly thanks to this song right here!

I Wouldn't Steal A Purse, But I Do Download Films

joedirt says...

Jeebus, piracy is selling bootleg videos.
TV stations broadcast shows for free, so why can't I record them and put on my iPod? Name one good reason.

Anyways, it isn't piracy. It is copyright violation. It's like going to the library or bookstore and photocopying a whole book and then returning it.

Period. It is not property theft. It may be a lost sale, but so is renting it from BlockBuster. If I want the original product they are making I can buy it.

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