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What browser do you use when viewing VideoSift? (User Poll by eric3579)

berticus says...

Used to be Firefox, now Chrome. Firefox started getting way, way too bloaty and slow. Chrome is blazingly fast comparatively, and has the extensions I need (I don't need many -- I'd probably still use Firefox if I did).

L.A. Noire timelapse: "World in Motion"

Selektaa says...

It's not nearly as big a sandbox as any of the GTA games, it's much more linear. You complete one case afer another, and generally the flow is investigate crime scene for clues -> question witnesses or suspects, watch facial expressions for lie cues -> occasional chase scene or gunfight.

I like it, but don't see a ton of replay value. I'm about halfway through, and want to finish it, but I'm not blazing through it like I was in the first few cases. It's at least worth a rental.

Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^Sarzy:
Umm... I know we're supposed to automatically be outraged in cases like this, but if I have the story right, the man was pointing an AR-15 at the cops as they came through the door. Google that -- it's a pretty serious looking gun. Were the police supposed to wait until he started shooting at them and only then fire back? They had the siren going before they came in, they yelled something before they broke the door down, so what else were they supposed to do (other than not be there at all)?

If the man was pointing a rifle at the swat/door, then the shooting is comprehensible. There is quite a difference between this and the downright manslaughter without justification in this video.
Where I live, we have the opposite problem: cops can barely defend themselves without the general public going ape-shit and instantly siding with the alleged culprits. In Geneva, a group of gangsters robbed an exchange bureau with automatic rifles, came out guns blazing at the cops during traffic hour (i.e. many civilians around...)
and now one of them is attacking the Geneva police in court, because he was shot although allegedly unarmed. (article en français)

That's only true if the cops had reason to be there in the first place. Which brings me to another problem, the issuance of search warrants without due diligence by judges. Proposed amendment to the 4th should be

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, on the penalty of perjury , and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. In the event that a search warrant is found to have been enacted wrongly and bodily harm is caused to the defendant, or anyone associated at the time and place of the warrants execution, the executing officers, all present at the time of execution, are to be be punished for whatever harm has come upon the defendant and or any associates. The minimum penalty for a wrongful death shall be a charge of manslaughter. Furthermore any property damages, including livestock, or household pets, shall also warrant appropriate restitution and punishment.

They lied about the shooting, they haven't said whether they found drugs or not. I'm inclined, as I always am, to not believe a word of what an officer says; let alone the organization they work for.

In short, full on criminal investigation into every, fucking, one of the bastards. The people deserve, no, are guaranteed the right to be safe in their persons, and properties.

Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

hpqp says...

>> ^Sarzy:

Umm... I know we're supposed to automatically be outraged in cases like this, but if I have the story right, the man was pointing an AR-15 at the cops as they came through the door. Google that -- it's a pretty serious looking gun. Were the police supposed to wait until he started shooting at them and only then fire back? They had the siren going before they came in, they yelled something before they broke the door down, so what else were they supposed to do (other than not be there at all)?

If the man was pointing a rifle at the swat/door, then the shooting is comprehensible. There is quite a difference between this and the downright manslaughter without justification in this video.

Where I live, we have the opposite problem: cops can barely defend themselves without the general public going ape-shit and instantly siding with the alleged culprits. In Geneva, a group of gangsters robbed an exchange bureau with automatic rifles, came out guns blazing at the cops during traffic hour (i.e. many civilians around...)
and now one of them is attacking the Geneva police in court, because he was shot although allegedly unarmed. (article en français)

After The Rapture (TheThinkingAtheist)

AnomalousDatum says...

Yea, he was tricky. All he says, I can come back any time, so just be ever vigilant for my return. It wasn't his fault that many people took that to mean he would come back within their lifetimes. Which is one explanation why it took so long to start cranking out books, because if judgment day is tomorrow, you're better off trying to save as many people as possible by direct preaching. Silly sand people, they had no idea he meant, oh, give it a few thousand years, I'm going to be a fairly weary zombie. Need to go up and get situated first, ya know how it is.

There's passages like -- "6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. 8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you."

So this 'You' will be alive when he comes back to bask in his glory in his holy place? Wonder how that person would ever get the mistaken impression that this would go down anytime in the next couple millennium. And what if his given testimony was contradictory and full of flaws, or he was simply a poor persuader? That listener is going to be tortured for eternity for having the ability to process logic! That hardly seems just to me.
Sorry if I don't believe in multidimensional space pixies until I see some evidence buddy.


petpeeved says...

I have a premonition about May 21st also:

On May 22nd we'll have yet another concrete example of the blazingly obvious fact to all but the most brainwashed death cult members that so-called religious experts and fanatics don't have any more of a clue where the fuck existence came from or where it is going.

This sadly won't stop them from miraculously finding a small mathematical error in their apocalypse algorithm that will allow them to re-compute doomsday.

Top 10 Movie Sex Positions

ugh says...

Hilarious to me and definitely worth an upvote. However, I don't understand how Blazing Saddles didn't make it on their list, exempli gratia "Excuse me while I whip this out."

Battlefield 3 - Full Length "Fault Line" Trailer (12 mins)

Stu says...

Actually they are making this for the PC for that very reason. The tech has been out not being utilized. You can read about it here.

They are doing exactly what you are saying and it's going to look awesome for it.

And seriously antimatter? No it doesn't feel like that. Get off the high horse. Like asmo said, you don't like the world condition, go do something about it.
>> ^shagen454:

I'm going to come in hear and spout my gremlin ideas. So, is this for a console as well? It looks good but just imagine if the industry wasn't supporting shitty consoles how much better PC games would be looking right now? Even though PC games are going through a low-fi, indie, artsy phase right now, which I think is totally rad; we could have blazing tech going as well, far and above consoles.
The other thing I had on my mind is these games "look" good but after about five minutes my mind goes numb and I nearly fall asleep. I hate the pacing of games like this, CoD, ect. Give me more games like Amnesia where you almost never see an enemy but you're also about to shit your pants every two minutes or even 50/50 stealth-action like the last Splinter Cell where you actually have a damn choice of anything, shit, I dislike this crap for being war pornography but I'd rather play a massive/realistic game like Arma I or II - hell, I'd rather go back and play the original Operation Flashpoint where you get one-shotted from an unknown enemy after you just spent two hours traversing through a dark forest trying to figure out where that damn tank was that you wanted to avoid. Immersive tension motherfuckers, learn it, use it, enjoy it.

Battlefield 3 - Full Length "Fault Line" Trailer (12 mins)

shagen454 says...

I'm going to come in here and spout my gremlin ideas. So, is this for a console as well? It looks good but just imagine if the industry wasn't supporting shitty consoles how much better PC games would be looking right now? Even though PC games are going through a low-fi, indie, artsy phase right now, which I think is totally rad; we could have blazing tech going as well, far and above consoles.

The other thing I had on my mind is that these games "look" good but after about five minutes my mind goes numb and I nearly fall asleep. I hate the pacing of games like this, CoD, ect. Give me more games like Amnesia where you almost never see an enemy but you're also about to shit your pants every two minutes or even 50/50 stealth-action like the last Splinter Cell where you actually have a damn choice of anything, shit, I dislike this crap for being war pornography but I'd rather play a massive/realistic game like Arma I or II - hell, I'd rather go back and play the original Operation Flashpoint where you get one-shotted from an unknown enemy after you just spent two hours traversing through a dark forest trying to figure out where that damn tank was that you wanted to avoid. Immersive tension motherfuckers, learn it, use it, enjoy it.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Ultimate Muscle Confusion

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Porksandwich says...

Enjoying yourself is fine, maybe even getting out of control a little is fine. Drunk driving is not fine. Making other people suffer unduly to your decisions/passions/whatever (whether that be any kind of abuse of drugs or drink, racing your car down the freeway, setting fire to your house in a rage, and whatever else you can come up with that are VERY extreme cases but still under your control) is not good. And then on top of that expecting to win in a court if people refuse to put up with your bullshit effecting their livelihoods and lives overall.....that's just blatantly clear to the non-insane people of the world.

If he wants to go out in a blaze of locking hookers in closets and bathrooms and snorting/shooting/swallowing anything he can find into his body..more power to him. Just be prepared for your estate to cover the expenses of the hotels you've trashed, and also don't try to fight it when you lose your job for not being able to perform your job duties.

This kind of behavior is either mental illness or he's been diagnosed with some terminal disease and he's said fuck it and plans to blow his money on the way out.

>> ^NinjaInHeat:

Rocknroll Charlie boy. The only thing that bothers me about this interview is how much disdain this conforming bitch has for hedonism, that and the fact that he agreed to entertain this retarded interview in the first place, he should know better. Some people like to enjoy life, some people can't grasp that notion. I like how black and white "normal" people think the mind of a drug user is. As if when one is using he is immediately completely physically addicted, he is sick and needs help, he does everything not out of choice but as a result of having a sick mind. Some people choose to take drugs, some people manage their addictions and even embrace them to certain extents. If you don't understand that that's fine, no one asks you to understand, just accept.

jonny (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

Fighting with flaming swords

dan00108 says...

>> ^JustT1m:

Surely not a good idea to do that with any hair not protected, let alone really long hair. eia?

I don't know about the eia, but I think it's so awesome that he didn't cover it up. He looks like a blazing viking from hell and he's about to kick some ass.

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