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EveryDay Looper - Coolest iPhone App?

dag says...

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I mixed guitar, voice and some mouth percussion - I learned all my fresh beat boxing techniques from the Fat Boys in 1986. So ... yeah. >> ^Crake:
^do you just loop your voice, or record other stuff as well? whistling plus tumble-dryer plus microwave oven ding ftw!

EveryDay Looper - Coolest iPhone App?

RadHazG says...

The beat boxing skill is somewhat questionable but considering he's using one hand and an iphone to do things that from every other looping vid I've seen took a veritable army of devices... well that's just damned cool.

Worst. Beatboxer. Ever.

Red - Homeless 'G-Funk' Beatboxer//Singer

Beardyman: The Northern tour. Episode 3 - Everythingischeese

One Man Jazz Band 2 ♫

Blake Lewis Beatboxing/Voice Looping

Too Impressive for Words

Amazing Choir uses hands to create a thunderstorm

MaxWilder says...

I thought the singing was great, but the beat-box was distracting. A cappella is a celebration of the human voice, and the arrangement of the song needs to clear away the clutter of poorly imitated instruments.

Yes, there are beat boxers who are absolutely amazing in their skill, but in this instance all it said to me was "we weren't allowed to use a real drum set, so we had a guy fake it".

French Girl Has Amazing Oral Skills

EndAll says...

>> ^Truth:
>> ^phelixian:
Title misled me. Her oral skillz are unknown. Her beat boxing skills are average, except she is a moderately attractive woman, stop that presses. [insert more sarcasm here if needs be or less if that suits you]

Exactly. She gets all this credit because "omg, a beautiful girl doing something manly!" These aren't out-of-ordinary skills and as I said - women shouldn't do this, because it just doesn't suit them. I know I will get downvoted by white knights who get no pussy anyway.

Beatboxing is manly? Certainly doesn't rank high on the manliness scale among things like cutting down trees, lighting farts and wrestling bears. And women should do whatever they want, regardless of what people think. Except for when it comes to shaving. That's an eternal 'must.'

French Girl Has Amazing Oral Skills

Truth says...

>> ^phelixian:
Title misled me. Her oral skillz are unknown. Her beat boxing skills are average, except she is a moderately attractive woman, stop that presses. [insert more sarcasm here if needs be or less if that suits you]

Exactly. She gets all this credit because "omg, a beautiful girl doing something manly!" These aren't out-of-ordinary skills and as I said - women shouldn't do this, because it just doesn't suit them. I know I will get downvoted by white knights who get no pussy anyway.

French Girl Has Amazing Oral Skills

phelixian says...

Title misled me. Her oral skillz are unknown. Her beat boxing skills are average, except she is a moderately attractive woman.... stop the presses. [insert more sarcasm here if needs be or less if that suits you]

Jawdropping Beatboxing/VoiceLooping performance

Jawdropping Beatboxing/VoiceLooping performance

11807 says...

>> ^moonsammy:
My wife was watching some of mtv's online video offerings, and when I compare what is showing up as popular on that site to things like this guy and Imogen Heap it makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with the world (or at least the US, but I assume the problem is more widespread). How can absolute talent voids like Britney Spears and her ilk warrant anything but derision when compared to actual musical ability and creativity?

Because talent isn't something that can be sold and marketed as well as sex appeal. Hope this guy goes far, he can beat box circles around most of what I've seen out there.

Worst Beat Box Ever.

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