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Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

HOT DAMN! | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

ulysses1904 says...

Exactly, they ratchet up the dialog so that it's so freakin "clever" that it's painful to watch. So Jake and his buddy babble like freaking idiots. And that dead-pan civilian redhead whats-her-name is everything I despise in a hipster.

LukinStone said:

Agreed. It focuses too much on Amy and Jake - she's bland and his shtick is stale.

Comedians have figured out the trick to covering Trump

newtboy says...

When you take ridiculousness seriously in an effort to be taken seriously yourself you only make yourself ridiculous.
The right thing to do is completely ignore everything he says and only report actions. Remove yourself from his propaganda machine by simply not repeating his insanity and not giving stupidity the honor of debate. You don't debate a 2 year old, you ignore their babble and act based on their actions.

Yes We Can. Obama stories are shared. What a guy.

enoch says...

what the holy FUCK are you babbling about?

when did i EVER state,or make the argument that free speech meant free from consequences?

the only difference in BB's and my stance is that her reference to "see something,say something" was a tad disturbing to me and since she felt this was a community (which i agree with) then as a community we can all hold gorilla,or anyone to account for what they post.BB felt that calling down the "benevolent dictator" was the best path.

i disagreed with her is all.
but it certainly within her right to choose to do so.
i felt that an un-necessary way to address gorillas comment.

but hey,i am not easily offended.other people are.i am in no way agreeing with gorilla's "nigger prince",even for low brow comedy it is offensive.i was defending gorillas right to say it...and our right to go "what the fuck man,that is just wrong and offensive",and people did show their opinion by downvoting,and yes,even BB's tactic of calling the "benevolent dictator" can be considered appropriate (though i felt un-necessary).

dude,yer kinda talking out yer ass here.
but nice lecture,useless and pointless n regards to what i was saying,but still nice.

i am of the philosophy that if we are a community,then we can respond as a community,no need to call daddy to settle disputes.we can wear our big boy pants.

*edit: and oh for the love of JESUS @gorillaman!
way to flush my argument right down the fucking toilet.
i give up..sighs..i tried..i really really tried...
/bangs head against the wall

106 Years Old Blackstone Oil Engine Startup

How Trump Uses Language

RFlagg says...

I think article linked below on reading level is important to note in regards to this. By keeping his language simple, he is able to reach, and have his keywords understood by a larger American audience. Of course understanding speech and reading are slightly different, but it's word choice still becomes important.

As this video notes. Trump is a salesman. And he's selling his crap expertly well. He circumvents the answer with babble that never actually answers the question. He never answered if it's un-American to have a religious litmus test to allow people to visit the US, he just says we have a problem, and implicates all the people of one faith in that, which ISIL itself said sometime ago was their goal, to turn the world against all of Islam to make it easier to recruit and radicalize more people... which is off topic. He doesn't address the point of the question, he sort of skirts it and generalizes it into his overall framework. One could argue that yes, saying there's a problem is itself an answer to the question, but it isn't a direct answer.

I don't know as if he's intentionally talking at that low a level though, or if he's just his style period.

It'd also be interesting to see if Hitler's run-up to being elected, if he used similar style. That is if he used a simple style to appeal to the masses. Not just Hitler, but other leaders of his ilk. I choose Hitler here as more an example of an elected leader gone wrong, that had mass appeal to his people, but later regretted to the point of shame.

Even if Britt's famed Warning Signs of Fascism isn't fully accurate by all scholars (and I'm aware he doesn't actually have academic scholarship) many do come close. I think most can agree that it requires at least Extreme Nationalism, warmongering, a loss of civil liberties and rights (Patriot Act, wanting to increase the spy power of the NSA, etc), corporatism a merger of the state and corporate power, racism (Britt's warning signs says sexism, but I think racism is more apt and I don't think what people normally think about sexism applies, though we need more of a racism slash something, to note those who "sin" differently than others, such as the gays).

killer clown pranks-episodes from vegas

My_design says...

But they didn't really act all that crazy. They just let the freaky make-up do it for them. I would have been babbling all kinds of crazy bs while dancing a little jig or something...
The cop one was a little bit better, but still it was all a little tame on the crazy.

Is Obamacare Working?

heropsycho says...

You rely on the government for national defense, you idiot. You know why? Because in the real world you can't defend yourself from foreign armies and terrorists. You depend upon the police for protection no matter how many guns you might have.

Where the disconnect here is the idiotic notion that we don't need government for things like health care regulation. The reality is ACA didn't just come out of the blue. It came from an obvious systemic problem within the overwhelmingly market controlled system.

You can keep mindlessly babbling all you want that government intervention is always bad, but that is turning an idiotically blind eye to basic US history, where there are ridiculous number of examples the government getting involved to effectively regulate industries are undeniably good, like the Meat Inspection Act, Food and Drug Administration, making it illegal to put lead in paint, regulations for car safety, regulations on buildings so you can't for example put asbestos in the walls, requiring labels on food so you know what ingredients are in them, so you could avoid nuts if you have a deadly nut allergy.

You know why? Because, despite your delusions, you can't inspect all your food, wear a mask when you walk into every building you go into to protect from asbestos, know that the tires you are buying don't have an excessively high chance of blowing off your car and killing you, ensure the air you breathe doesn't have too much lead in it, etc. etc. etc.

You're dependent on the government for all that, and it has massively improved your quality of life, and it has nothing to do with your self pride or dignity, so cut the utter bullcrap.

bobknight33 said:

Why would anyone want to rely of government if they don't have to? I was taught better than that. Obviously you don't have any self pride or dignity. Your such a stooge.

Bill Nye's Answer to the Fermi Paradox

newtboy says...

Well, first you must determine the average lifespan of a species...impossible until we survey the entire universe.
Then you must determine the average distance between populated planets.
Then you must determine the 'lifespan' of all possible transmission technologies (on average). (how long 'they' emit that kind of transmission)
Then you must determine the maximum range and speed of any transmissions, and what form those transmissions are in, which is what most of this video is about. Now we're looking in 2 small ranges of possible wave form communications for the first time. Subtract any with a maximum range lower than the distance from transmission to us (another unknowable).
Then you must determine how many ranges of not just wave form energy are we ignoring, but how many other forms of communication/emission/energy might there be that we aren't looking for or even conceiving their existence (another impossible question to answer)?
Only once ALL those (impossible) questions are answered (and I'm certain more that are unknown but important variables) can you do even preliminary calculations to determine how statistically likely it should really be to 'find' evidence of extra-planetary species/civilizations, and that number is almost definitely tiny by any standard.

To think they might be 'here' already, you must either assume they are a space fairing species (which would also indicate a species that 'raids' planets and moves on, not one that settles and/or trades, so lets hope not) or you must assume they have much faster than light travel, which if true, should mean one would expect to see aliens 'teleporting' everywhere, and likely some crazy looking evidence of the transportation method. If neither of these are true (space fairing or faster than light travel) you would not expect to ever hear or see them.
Since technology evolves, so do the types of transmissions that technology produces. To think that in the time frame a single type of transmission is used somewhere in the universe (+ travel time) we'll be searching for exactly that type of transmission form would be such an INSANELY unlikely coincidence that many would see it as proof of god (because it couldn't statistically happen naturally, like a babble fish).
What this means is, unless we become space fairing raiders ourselves, or find faster than light travel ourselves, we'll likely be alone forever, even if there is other intelligent life out there.
There's just too much to search in too many ways over too long a time span, like looking for a single protozoa in the entire ocean, when you don't know what it looks like or even what a protozoa is, and the protozoa only exists for one random week in your life time.
That's where I think they are....unfindable.

robdot said:

He is understanding it, the paradox is, the earth is billions of years old,Our modern society is only a few hundred years old, but there should be civilizations out there who are millions of years old,its not that we should be "hearing' them ,but that they should be flying around..they should have populated the galaxy by now..There should be many, many civilizations which are millions of years old..and they should be readily identifiable by the many signals filling our galazy....where the fuck are they?

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer 2

poolcleaner says...

No, that would be literary device facilitating whatever the writers want. If it's not a hero or villain, it's an object of power or a dimensional force. Or some other meaningless pseudo-scientific babble. The concept of "cosmic consonance" and the forces which balance the Marvel universe use whatever means necessary to maintain it.

Our job in the 21st century is to dismantle our obsessive desire to take root in humanity's collective canon of B.S. You'd think internet savviness would usher in this understanding, but it seems to exacerbate the emotional attachment and selfish need to require "explanation" in a fantasy world where anything can be explained with anything.

(P.S. I love comics -- just not the tendencies it creates in the readers, who see comics as words of minor gods.)

deathcow said:

is a mutant power facilitating the time travel somehow

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

Baristan says...

I've seen enough of these videos to know that only a small percentage of badge wearing criminals ever go punished. It's the job of cops to uphold the law and protect citizens. Here is a clear example of a violent crime being committed. If any police/judge/prosecutor wants to be viewed as a protector of justice and not a terrorist in uniform then these criminal members of their fraternal order must permanently be removed, and jailed. Until then all are either guilty of aiding criminals or failing to do there job.

When I was young and first heard those famous lyrics "Fuck the Police" I thought it was childish babble from criminals. After years of life, I have come to the conclusion +90% of police are good people. They just don't do their job, and stop the few that aren't.

lantern53 said:

Talk about a 'rush to judgment'. You people watch one video of cops committing a crime and suddenly all cops are criminals.

TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?

chingalera says...

Payday loans EDB, in the United States: Fast-money strip-center locations have been popping-up all over in every city now like warts on a leper, for the past 25 years, operating in a regulatory blind spot. They loan you money at an exorbitant, unfair interest rate fully expecting and banking on the person loaned not being able to pay back the loan according to contract then penalize with fines when the debt can't be repaid. Criminal organizations have relied upon USURY as a means of extracting money from helpless or uneducated and desperate people for centuries. Mafia organizations the world over have relied on this practice since they began. I don't expect the federal government to do anything much different as much of their activity has been criminal for quite some time.

Inhumane, predatory, sick.

SO it looks perfectly reasonable at face value??I call bullshit when I see it before it happens usually... Cenk here sees it as a wonderful way to create revenue out of thin air by taking the model of the payday loan places that already exist over, not unlike a mafia organization takes over territory of another criminal's organization.

If you think I'm skeptical you are correct, if you think I am wrong that is your prerogative. If you choose to block my comments or 'ignore' them, I don't care at all-It simply proves the point I make continually here, that those who chose to place their hands over their ears, or their heads in a sand-bucket are minion, and the few dissenting opinions are met with torch and pitchfork, either because of the language used to do so is too caustic, or perhaps that the truths in my babble that are too horrible and painful to consider are much easier to deride and deny or to even consider, to damaged sensibilities combined with an ego the size of Asia.

I also consider that your stance on guns and gun ownership as equally skewed, as is much of your political rhetoric. But hey, there are a lot of folks here who think the way you do. I happen to be one of the other people.

And again, Cenk, yer a pompous git whose ego is also bloated beyond fat, and your smarmy, smug delivery makes me want to hack-up my lunch.

TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?

EvilDeathBee says...

@chingalera, I must say I'm not surprised that you would be one of the few people that could only see a negative here and get outraged by it. You have this inane ability to not listen to what people actually say, instead only hearing what you want to hear and make up bat shit insane nonsense over it based on your own bias.
I'm not against debate (although I do not enjoy participating, usually), and I enjoy hearing multiple views and reasoning behind them, when they are well thought out and make me consider my own view. Your babbling has never done that. At first it was amusing, but it soon became tedious and annoying.

And I've had enough, which is unfortunate because once in a blue moon you are capable of friendly or considerate banter, but these are all too infrequent. I shall be adding you to my ignore list, and I hope that someday you'll begin to consider what you say and consider another's opinion before going off half cocked.

Good day, sir.

What is DMT

shagen454 says...

I agree with ya.

There are a lot of jumping to conclusions and pseudo-scientific & "spiritual" & "mystical" hyper-babble in there.

It's really not about being "right" about anything; I think when people go on their spiels about it - there is a lot of personal fervor and frustration that this is obviously something extremely important to study because it "seems" like the "impossible". That it is so impossible to describe that it seems like anything or everything. Even when I think about times I have been under it and try to imagine what it was like I feel like I am going to bust reality wide open.

I do believe that it is bizarre that this chemical exists and seems to interact with us in an extremely intense and vivid way. It will be interesting to find out what scientists find out about this thing in the next 50 years and hopefully they can figure out more than "It is attaching to 5-HT_ & 5-HT_ receptors".

In 2013 scientists found that a rat's pineal gland contains this molecule so the future is going to be pretty interesting on this topic.

ghark said:

Does this guy think that if he says ONE thing that is correct (or at least sounds correct) that people should believe everything every other thing he says on that topic? It sure seems that way to me.

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