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"Chickenhawk" - Hilarious Political Satire about NeoCons

joedirt says...

* Rush Limbaugh -- sought deferment (because of a cyst on his tail end).
* George Will -- sought graduate school deferment, (too smart to die).
* Pat Buchanan -- sought deferment (for bad knee).
* Pat Robertson -- his US Senator father got him out of Korea as soon as the shooting began.

* Sean Hannity: did not serve.
* Bill O'Reilly: did not serve.
* Chris Matthews: did not serve.
* Matt Drudge: did not serve.
* Steve Forbes: did not serve.
* Tony Snow: did not serve.
* Michael "Savage" Weiner: did not serve.
* Brit Hume: did not serve.
* Roger Ailes: did not serve.

# Paul Gigot: did not serve.
# Bill Kristol: did not serve.
# Ralph Reed: did not serve.
# Michael Medved: did not serve.
# Charlie Daniels: did not serve.
# Anne Coulter: did not serve.
# Jerry Falwell: did not serve.
# Alan Keyes : did not serve.
# Ted Nugent: did not serve.

* Karl Rove: did not serve.
* Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.
* Richard Perle: did not serve.
* Douglas Feith: did not serve.
* Eliot Abrams: did not serve.
* Ari Fleischer: did not serve.
* Andrew Card: did not serve.
* Ken Adelman: did not serve.
# Mitt Romney - did not serve in the military but did serve the Mormon Church on a 30-month mission to France.
# John Bolton: did not serve.
# Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.
# Bill Frist: did not serve.
# John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments, to teach business.
# Trent Lott : avoided the draft, did not serve.
* Saxby Chambliss: did not serve. "Bad knee" He defeated tripelegic Max Cleland by questioning his patriotism!
* Don Nickles: did not serve.
* Mitch McConnell: did not serve.
* Rick Santorum: did not serve.

Face-Off On U.S. Attorney Scandal - Harry Smith, Tony Snow

rickegee says...

YOU try to manage, wrangle, and present all of the lies produced on a daily basis by various factions of the Bush Administration. I still prefer Snow to that ferret-faced weasel, Scott McClellan.

No one shall ever be better at this particular job than the great, glib Ari Fleischer, though.

National Socialism in COLOR

sometimes says...

I love the bits on the website about Aryan heritage.
The term basically means person from the persia/india regions.
in sanscrit and persian, it has additional meaning of "noble/spiritual one" attached to it. However, this is much like Rome calling every other non-roman civilization "barbarians".

The Old Persian form of *Aryāna- appears as Æryānam Väejāh "Aryan Expanse" in Avestan,[1] in Middle Persian as Ērān, and in Modern Persian as Īrān.[2] Similarly, Northern India was referred to by the tatpurusha Aryavarta "Arya-abode" in ancient times.

Armenians to this day refer to themselves as Aryaee, or Aryan(meaning pure blood).
In ancient India, the term Aryavarta, meaning "abode of the Aryans", was used to refer to the northern Indian subcontinent.
Since ancient times, Persians have used the term Aryan as a racial designation in an ethnic sense to describe their lineage and their language, and this tradition has continued into the present day amongst modern Iranians (Encyclopedia Iranica, p. 681, Arya). In fact, the name Iran is a cognate of Aryan and means "Land of the Aryans."
In 1967, Iran's Pahlavi dynasty (overthrown in the 1979 Iranian revolution) added the title Āryāmehr "Light of the Aryans" to those of the monarch, known at the time as the Shahanshah (King of Kings).

Aries Spears does incredible rap impressions live

The '88 Dodge Aries - You know you want one.

Raytrace says...

Good point. Made me look it up. From the Chrysler wiki:

Beginning in 1981, the Pentastar replaced individual logos that had been used by Plymouth, Dodge and Chrysler. By 1993, Chrysler started to phase out the Pentastar, with Dodge getting its own "Ram" logo.

So an 1988 Dodge Aries would have the Pentastar logo.

Dodge was acquired by Chrysler in 1928, which in turn merged with Daimler-Benz AG to form DaimlerChrysler AG in 1998.

The Chumscrubber Movie Trailer

The '88 Dodge Aries - You know you want one.

The Best of Ari Gold from Entourage

The Best of Ari Gold from Entourage

Climb Dance (Impressive Rally)

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