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im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

peggedbea says...

manual lymph drainage is, as well as massage therapy, is considered more "alternative medicine" or "complimentary medicine" which is growing more widely accepted by western medicine... im also trained as a mammography tech and my hospital hosts monthly "complimentary medicine" seminars for employees. there are of course contraindications, such as chemo or if youre on a heavy dose of antibiotics, massage therapist are trained to know such contraindications and how to safely deal with them and this video assumes you are a healthy human being.

there is alot of nonsense spewed under the title of alternative medicine; light therapy, color therapy, rieki, quantum touch, etc. it gives us all a bad name as far im concerned. massage theory (minus all the vibrational medicince nonsense) is rooted in an understanding of physiology. im concerned with how the muscles, and all the cells and systems within your body function and work together. manual lymph drainage is alot of common sense. though i cant find any sort of major medical literature about it online. chiropractors will attest to it. however, many people consider them questionable medical professionals as well. i know several oncologists and oncology nurses who believe in its benefits. and cancer treatment centers who will prescribe it.

anyhow, its always good to flush your body of toxins, and lymphnodes are where toxins live.

massage has also proven to reduce scar tissue and improve muscle tone and circulation, breast massage is great post cosmetic breast surgery.

oh, furthermore, my current theory for why the mainstream medical community is reluctant to fully embrace massage therapy is because of all the nonsense "bodywork" junk that is not rooted in the science of physiology. and for a long time it has been more profitable to prescribe medication and treat the symptom rather than to prescribe prevention and treat the human.... thats slowly changing.

>> ^spoco2:
I'm upvoting because it has caused me to look up lymphatic drainage.
And it would seem to be something that is always talked about with the terms "which is believed by proponents" and "according to proponents".
So, therefore does not seem to have core medical backup with it.
Also, it seems that it may actually be dangerous in cases where a patient has cancer as you may be pushing the cancer cells through the body rather than them possibly being killed off by the lymph nodes. And also, it would seem, if you're getting chemo, it might be a bad idea as it pushes it through too quickly.
Or something.
I tend to like seeing a real medical practitioner come out with 'yeah, it works' or 'as far as has been ascertained it's at least harmless'.
So... yeah.
Plus it looks like she's trying to twist her boob off.
Oh... and they are spectacular.

What makes you vote up or down for a video? (Sift Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

I have to agree with all of the above. If I find something boring, I leave it alone and forget it. I rarely downvote; the only occasions must be when something is in bad taste, or is obviously a plug for some special interest that I'd rather not see getting more attention. I have to stress that this is not related to whether I agree with viewpoints expressed by the video or not. I appreciate a good discussion. The videos I downvote are things like advertisements for alternative medicine, which I believe do much more harm than good, or baseless conspiracy theories.

Bosnian war criminal Radovan Karadžić arrested

Why Ron Paul did not win the Florida Primary

10949 says...

^Same here, no vote.

But before I go, I'll tell you which policies of Ron Paul I DON'T like. Here's how I went about it. Google "ron paul". Go to his website. Click on Issues. Click a random issue category. Read. Pick out ridiculous things.

I clicked on Health Freedom, because I heard Ron Paul earned an M.D. I figured if there's one area he must have correct, it must be in the health area. It seems I was wrong.

"I support the Access to Medical Treatment Act, H.R. 2717, which expands the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments."

Alternative medicine. Like acupuncture? Magnetic healing stones? Man, that's smart.

"I oppose legislation that increases the FDA‘s legal powers. FDA has consistently failed to protect the public from dangerous drugs, genetically modified foods, dangerous pesticides and other chemicals in the food supply. Meanwhile they waste public funds attacking safe, healthy foods and dietary supplements."

So NO barrier against things like new untested drugs is better than a barrier which catches at least SOME things? Man that's almost too smart for me to comprehend.

"I also opposed the Homeland Security Bill, H.R. 5005, which, in section 304, authorizes the forced vaccination of American citizens against small pox. The government should never have the power to require immunizations or vaccinations."

Right... Let's HELP the chances of having a smallpox epidemic. I know I'm not the only one who likes having their colon hanging OUTSIDE their ass.

Utterly Surreal News Parody - "The Day Today"

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