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Israeli Cyberattack Explodes Pagers Across Lebanon

bcglorf says...

Alot of assumptions there though...

First that it even was Israel. Which seems a reasonable assumption though.

My big difference with you though is around being untargeted. From all appearances the affected devices appear to have been almost entirely in the hands of Hezbollah members. That makes the better assumption that Israel(or whomever is responsible) actually was able to distribute the devices directly to Hezbollah itself for internal distribution.

Say what you will about the attack, but 'untargeted' seems a poor descriptor. Heck, even carefully planned out sniper operations on the same number of enemy operatives would likely have a higher collateral casualty count. At least acknowledge this attack, for everything else that it is, was highly selective of Hezbollah members and those within an extremely close proximity of them.

newtboy said:

A second wave of random untargeted bombings has killed one and injured hundreds as walkie talkies were targeted and exploded, many in public crowded areas with children present.
This is terrorism plain and simple. The US cannot continue unconditional support any nation that mass mails bombs to the citizens of another country.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“If you win in November,” a panelist asked, “can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?”

Answer- “Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down — you know, I was, uh, somebody, we had Sen. Marco Rubio [(R-Fla.)] and my daughter, Ivanka, was so, uh, impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue.
But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t — you know, it’s something, you have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.
But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.
Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s gonna take care. We’re gonna have — I, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time. Coupled with, uh, the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country — because I have to say with child care, I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth.
But growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, uh, that I just told you about. We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.
We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re gonna take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about: Make America great again. We have to do it, because right now we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question.”

This man cannot dress himself or use the toilet without help, you want him to run the free world? In the last month he has admitted at least 3 times in interviews that he lost the 2020 election, and also claimed a few dozen times that he won….almost as many times as he talked about how he’s running against Biden (or Obama) in the last month, forgetting who his opponent is.

Ken Block, another who the felon hired to find election fraud, again found no significant frauds. Every claim was investigated, and no large scale frauds found…only Republicans blocking legitimate votes. He is the third Republican audit to find no fraud, on top of nearly 70 court cases.

Another Republican Party meeting devolves into physical violence between members, this time in the county of Saline in Arkansas. Is this the fourth time this happened this year?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The campaign has conceded New Hampshire.
It is driving the felon nuts. He’s having a major tantrum right now denying everything under the sun, attacking everyone he knows.
The wish washy coward also conceded the debate, again, afraid his dementia and incontinence and lack of knowledge will be on full display and contrasted sharply against Kamala’s sharpness, youthful energy, intelligence, achievements, and knowledge …he’s correct. Kamala would wipe the floor with him. Better to give her a free 2 hour commercial on all networks than expose the sundowning fool.
(On the sundowning note, it has been noticed that the campaign has chosen almost exclusively sundown towns to hold rallies…sundown town are where it was the law (despite violating federal law) that non whites were not allowed after sundown and would be lynched. It’s not coincidence, it is a distinct intentional pattern and not subtle dog whistle.)
He’s again calling for a government shutdown because he’s losing the election and completely out of cash (Harris is outspending him 10-1 in states where he’s spending anything, and many have been conceded completely) and is too dumb to understand that proving your complete and total incompetence and inability to legislate right before an election is not smart.
Issac Hayes estate won their injunction, forcing him to stop playing “hold on, I’m coming” and will win their suit for millions in damages for misuse of his work, dozens of other similarly abused music stars will follow….then Swift may sue for a billion over the fake endorsement he created.
Prison is going to be his end so fast. I give him under 2 years behind bars before he dies of natural causes…well under.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂All 100% verified by multiple sources, including the campaign itself you idiot.😂
I’ll guess you dispute the worst fact given, the violent desecration of Arlington by the felon.
They posted the tic tok video and photos of the team taking unauthorized photos and videos of the felon thumbs upping graves and ceremonies in violation of federal law and common decency, using dead soldiers as political props.
Yet again you fall for baseless stupidity posted by failed brainless idiots posting nonsense online from mommy’s basement.
Trump’s team physically pushed past the female guard (who has received death threats despite not pressing charges, just for speaking up) after ignoring the clear long standing rules/laws that were repeatedly explained to them because they couldn’t understand it wasn’t ok to shoot a tv commercial in Arlington…or anything political.
What he took were political photos and a political video almost instantly posted by the campaign, taken by photographers and videographers hired by the campaign that were not allowed at the event but with the felon’s violent team’s help forced their way into a sacred ceremony in the special area where only official Arlington videographers and photographers are allowed to film at all BY FEDERAL LAW.
Multiple gold star families have publicly complained about the desecration of their family’s graves when the felon abused staff and violated laws to use them as unwitting political props in political propaganda.
BTW- this was not the first time he has used Arlington, and area 60 itself, as a backdrop for political photos, nor the first time it was a scandal. He absolutely 100% knew it was wrong and illegal, he simply doesn’t care and neither do you.
Trump has zero respect for the military, always has since cowardly buying a 100% fraudulent deferment and sending others to fight in his stead that didn’t stop him from dancing and little girl screwing through the Vietnam war era. He thinks the military are suckers and losers. It shocks no one his team disrespected Arlington and the heroes buried there by using it as a backdrop for a political ad and political photos where he thumbs ups a fallen soldiers grave.

Bidenomics is absolutely great for America, better recovery from a worse covid response and worse economic collapse than any other large economy in the world, not so great for Russia or traitors, figures you hate it. You bought Tesla at $400. I bet you have some DJT too. People not invested in stupid maga bullshit are making bank…markets are consistently hitting record highs, companies are raking in record profits (accounting for a huge/majority percentage of “inflation”)…I made >6% in the last 2 months alone.

My team can speak English and count…yours can do neither. You can’t show one time I failed to give the verifiable facts, nor a single time you presented any.

Too bad all you can do post and repost other morons lying about everything under the sun. Always idiotic nonsense, no exception this time.
Really, an instantly corrected on the spot misstatement from memory about precisely which military honorariums Harris attended 3+ years ago is the best you’ve got to show some media bias? Nobody is going to pay $787 million over that, sucker! Donny beats that “lie” daily before he wakes up.

Here’s Harris paying homage to those fallen soldiers at Arlington like you say she didn’t…you probably didn’t know because she and Biden didn’t use the multiple solemn events as political opportunities, didn’t create campaign commercials there, didn’t create a scandal by assaulting guards and violating the law, civility, and decorum, and were actually there for the soldiers and their families not themselves and their campaigns.

Notice the lack of idiots everywhere filming with phones and professional video cameras and no happy thumbs up, just the one official shot by the Arlington videographer and deep respect being shown.

Last night the felon directly and unequivocally admitted on Fox that he interfered in the 2020 election…probably not good for his election interference cases.
He’s also holding “The Treasonies” an awards ceremony/fundraiser for the Jan 6 insurrectionists (likely another felony since he is barred nationwide from having any involvement in any charity)…probably not good for his Jan 6 cases, definitely doesn’t put distance between him and the mob he directed.

bobknight33 said:

Yet again you fell for the fake news.
Just like you think Bidenomics is great for Americans.. NOT!

Me 5 you 100000 fails.
You on the wrong team.

‘I believe any idiotic thing they tell me’

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Now just days later 3 Russian states are under Ukrainian control with almost zero resistance, and incursions are continuing to gain ground inside Russia. The motherland is unprotected.

Reports are Russia has depleted even their mothballed armor supplies with little left in the tank yards besides empty rusting shells of tanks.
Entire columns of full troop transports have been destroyed attempting to reinforce Russian defense positions.
F-16 sorties are unchallenged.
International support is increasing drastically, as is support for attacks inside Russia. There is little chance Russia wants to escalate it to a nuclear conflict, especially now that it’s on Russian soil.

Who’s “winning” again?

bobknight33 said:

Russia is winning a war that that they didn't want.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bidenomics saved America from the disaster that was 2020 and before. His worst economic numbers were better than the last guys best. He kept unemployment at a record low for most of his term, and it’s still lower than under the felon who lost almost 3 million jobs and near a million small businesses. 4.2% is pretty much the Goldilocks number, btw. A healthy unemployment is between 3%-5% with around 4% being preferred. 😂
The trade deficit he insisted would be his crown jewel and would turn to below zero instead went UP by 36.3% from 2016 to 2020 despite his trade wars and hundreds of billions paid by American consumers in tariffs and more in subsidies to American producers.
“Illegal immigration” increased 15% under the felon.
Economic growth was a NEGATIVE 2.2% under the felon.
The crime and murder rates rose faster than ever in history under the felon, and are down over 25% under Biden.

And don’t forget Biden just got his 70th political prisoner released including 2 taken by Russia during the last administration without paying a dime or removing sanctions or handing over Ukraine and got 2 prisoners for each criminal we released, unlike the last administration that only got 50 something released, paid cash, removed sanctions, and always got the short end of the deal, once releasing 5000 Taliban for nothing but an agreement they wouldn’t attack us if we left fast. The contrast is stark.

You are such a delusional tool, constantly regurgitating the lies you ate hook line and sinker…like your last post of an adult only closed event you claimed was happening right in front of children.
No surprise you won’t admit it….again. You never can, you have no spine, zero testicular fortitude, zero honor, zero honesty….you are an infant whining in his full diaper screaming that he didn’t poop in them. I’m done listening. I bet your family is too.
The felon has lost, his racism and sexism are on full display, his complete lack of self control is too. His vp is the biggest loser ever, worse than Palin and that’s not an exaggeration (his favorability rating started at -6 and has plunged to a disastrous -15%! The average favorability rating is +19%. The campaign is now at around -9%), and his project 2025 that he supported and praised since 2022 is an anchor he cannot escape. Even Fox polls have her up by as much as 10% and she hasn’t chosen her vp…she’s at a 50%favorable 46%unfavorable (+4%) now, Butigieg could get her to 75% favorability. Good job morons, you couldn’t keep your fascist dictatorial plans to yourselves and now no one believes you about anything but your fascism.
The felon won’t get to use the presidency to escape his vast array of crimes like he planned, and will end his days in Ryker’s Island.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂Who’s the crime family now?😂

One insists, after running the most corrupt and criminal administration in history with more convictions by members than any two administrations combined and personally being convicted of business fraud charity theft and lying about having raped women, that no president could ever function without immunity (despite 44 having done so before him).
One, whose administration has had no cabinet felons convicted or pardoned in its term, insists that no person in America is above the law and is pushing a constitutional amendment to codify that and reverse the insane court decision giving America a king instead of president.

Did you have to toss your “don’t let the old guy win” shirt? 😂
Have you seen Shady Vance in his communist hammer and sickle shirt?
Have you seen the TRUE reports that he is a dolphin porn aficionado?
How is distancing themselves from their 2025 platform working? Every top member of the campaign being on its board doesn’t help with that, does it? The felon saying “the Heritage Foundation is writing our platform” and privately telling them he’s still 100% behind it isn’t helping, is it? Vance writing the forward to the Project 2025’s author’s book supporting and being even more extreme than it is doesn’t help with that, does it? It’s almost like telling nothing but lies for 8 years has ruined your reputation for truthfulness and people just won’t believe you over their eyes anymore. What gives!?

The day before the felon was shot, Altman and Lindel held a rally/movie screening where they told the crowd of MAGA “let’s go get our guns. We have to have a target. The time is coming when good people have to do bad things to bad people.”
The next day a MAGGOT got his gun and shot at the felon.

NYC Thieves Start Looting Laundromats

newtboy says...

Another brain fart from the cranial rectosis sufferer.
Crime (including violent crime) has dropped over 25% under Biden and rose the fastest in American history under the felon’s administration in 2020.
New York crime rates dropped ANOTHER 5% last year, and have dropped every year of this administration.

Elections have consequences, yes, and MAGA means insanely rising crime rates and the last election ever, continuing Democracy under Democrats means rapidly dropping crime rates.


BTW- the one brazen daylight invasion/robbery was a family member murdering his uncle and trying to make it look like a robbery (almost all of the sudden burglaries by one group are midnight to early morning break ins when the business is empty, and the burglary ring was arrested).

bobknight33 said:

New Yorks soft on crime has turned to “do nothing on crime”

Elections have consequences.

Kid blows up smokestack with B&B Wrecking

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Joshua Kindred- Trump appointed ultra MAGA judge already tossed for turning his chambers into the grotto at the playboy mansion, constantly talking about hard core sex with his clerks and forcing at least one into an unwanted sexual relationship, then repeatedly lied under oath to the 9th circuit when his outrageous sexual misconduct was investigated.
Typical MAGA. Incompetent, unqualified, immoral, untruthful, and hyper criminal. He’s one of your best. No surprise when the only qualification checked for any Trump appointment was loyalty to a pedophilic felonious rapist.

More evidence- MTG, the mentally defective anti trans she-male, decided to attack President Biden’s age (basically the same age as Trump) claiming “the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger. Thomas Jefferson, 33, John Hancock, 39, James Madison, 25, Alexander Hamilton, 21 James Monroe 18, Aaron Burr 20, Paul Revere 41, George Washington 44.”
Sad for her, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, Aaron Burr, Paul Revere, and George Washington were not signers of the Declaration of Independence….but this is the woman who believes and argues that Robert E Lee is a founding father…almost as vapid and uneducated as yourself! That’s seriously impressive.
More MAGA idiocy, ignorance, and incompetence wrapped in faux righteous indignation and vitriol and hatriotism.
Even sadder, her surprisingly valid point, that we need to stop electing octogenarians to the most strenuous white collar job on earth (except she exempts one horrific octogenarian), was completely lost, camouflaged by her stupidity.

The videos of Epstein’s house, that the rapist felon candidate visited regularly, are horrific. Pictures of naked very young girls everywhere. No denying exactly what he, and his friends were all about when you see their clubhouse.
Know who isn’t on the Epstein list dozens of times? Biden!

WELLNESS CHECK that ended POORLY, 2 years later

newtboy says...

A client @BSR?

Cases like this where absentee investors neglect their property and it becomes a blight on a neighborhood almost excuse squatting. The property is abandoned for all intents and purposes. A neighbor should have their kids move in and assume ownership if the owners won’t keep it at least passable and not a hazard or nuisance, sounds like the actual owners wouldn’t notice.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

THIS ENTIRE STUPID PLOY IS PREDICATED ON THE RACIST IDEA THAT MINORITIES ARE TOO DUMB AND GULIBLE TO SEE WHO WORKS FOR THEIR INTERESTS AND WHO CONSISTENTLY WORKS AGAINST THEM. There’s a reason Democrats get in the high 85%+ and Republicans get around 10%+- of the black vote, and it is not idiotic confusion (well, the Republican votes might be).

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. It became the most popular political party until the 1820s. In the 1824 United States presidential election it split into several factions, one of which became the modern-day Democratic Party.

The new Democrats who continued supported slavery for almost 35 years were right wing CONFEDERATE democrats, the Republican who ended slavery was a left wing Federal government supporting anti-confederacy Republican.

Democrats gave you civil rights, confederate flag waiving Republicans are trying to take them away.
Notice, all of MLKs descendants are Democrats, and it’s not because they’re racists or white supremacists.

Bob wishes everyone was ignorant and dishonest like him and would simply deny the Southern Strategy of the late 60s happened, when the Republican Party went hard racist and hard right courting southern racists to save itself from massive losses in the South, and Democrats went hard left and inclusive supporting the civil rights movement to gain minority votes. Bob denies these inconvenient facts because he doesn’t like being told he’s in the racist fascist party…but there’s absolutely zero doubt about it, facts don’t change because idiots and liars deny them.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The just released Epstein call logs have uncountable messages from Don the con almost daily in 2004 (exactly when it was already known by prosecutors Epstein was actively running the child prostitution ring he was convicted for in 06) setting up “massage appointments” with Epstein’s girls at his kiddie rape island where flight logs prove he visited at LEAST 7 times on Epstein’s plane (we don’t know how often he took his own plane there, but often).
I know…you will say these rich Republicans were flying for hours to a private island where a child prostitution ring operated for years for LEGITIMATE MASSAGES with 13 year old girls and not pedophilic debauchery or anything else untoward…because they couldn’t get legitimate massages on the mainland? REALLY!? 😂

After months of shouting how only their/your felon was absent from the (at the time unreleased) Epstein lists…Crickets from the “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” brigade. Not one word from the right about disgraced Trump beingTHE MOST PROMINENTLY AND OFTEN MENTIONED PERSON ON THE LIST OF CHILD PROSTITUTION CLIENTS, with near daily recorded correspondence with Epstein and his madams and constant “massages” booked at the island. Suddenly releasing the Epstein files isn’t important, and we should forget what we already know and just move on because child rape isn’t really a crime…not if Trump did it.

At this point I expect right after the election the tapes of Epstein clients murdering infants for adrenochrome will be released because literally every accusation is an admission, even the completely bat shit crazy ones! HOLY FUCK!

Let’s also not forget The Spirit Of New York in 91 when Trump and other old rich men partied hard and sexy with unchaperoned young girls as young as 13 on a yacht. It’s not a one time thing or misunderstanding, there are decades of evidence directly from the man himself showing how he loves little girls sexually, and I mean pre-pubescent 13 year old girls like the one who says he raped her on the island…never retracted but she dropped her case because she and her family were constantly being threatened with murder by maggots and couldn’t get protection.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The economic numbers are so amazing that the world bank recently said the American booming economy is almost single handedly stabilizing the entire world economy.

Your dream of a failing economy like your convicted felon and rapist candidate and disgraced ex president has failed, the economy has never been better. The market continues to hit record highs, unemployment remains at record lows, inflation is at zero for months, wages are still rising fast. You can’t lie fast or convincing enough to contradict the reality that the Biden economy is the envy of the world.

BTW- the deficit under Biden has been half what it was under the felon…$4.3 T vs $9 T…with $2.2 T being infrastructure investments in America. $2 T in deficit reduction under Biden vs $440 billion.

Many Americans have not yet recovered from 2020 when your guy drove us off a cliff, crashed the market, destroyed jobs, completely erased the economy to a negative gdp, ignored long term supply chain failures, and oversaw the biggest jump in crime rates in my lifetime, etc.

Suck it!

Surprising, but fun! Your team lost in the Supreme Court…red states cannot sue the federal government when the fed asks social media companies to police dangerous lies. Red state governors had sued the Biden administration because Twitter downgraded their disinformation campaigns, fighting all the way to the top to protect their right to lie to you without contradiction, correction, or comeuppance. They lost. Not good news for your guys campaigns that rely on misinformation to mislead voters into voting for them.

Suck it again. 😂

Sadly the maga court just legalized bribery so long as the payment comes AFTER the corrupt act. No surprise, two of the six were guilty of bribery under the near 40 year old anti corruption law they struck down. America can suck it again, says maga.
The same corrupt court accidentally released their decision about emergency abortions in Idaho. Alito again? The corruption and incompetence increase daily.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

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