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NFL: Never underestimate the kicker

Viral marketing expert... ewwwwwww (Blog Entry by djsunkid)

choggie says...

uh oh.....i better put my comment for dirt's dupe-blog over here.......
Ahhhhh, systems of monkey control and exploit....we really like this one....

"We start new threads and embed our videos. Sometimes, this means kickstarting the conversations by setting up multiple accounts on each forum and posting back and forth between a few different users. Yes, it’s tedious and time-consuming, but if we get enough people working on it, it can have a tremendous effect."

.....thousands of monkeys on thousands of keyboards, flat-assed, coked to the gills, (or stoned in feddy's case), sleep-deprived, tech-addicted, neer-do-wells....get some fresh-air, fer crissakes, and learn to use some basic hand tools, a goddamn fountain pen, or I know!!...Volunteer down to the homeless shelter, to get a good idea of what life'll be like on the other end a lookin' pretty, and being able to focus on the written word without new corneas.....

Secret revealed from viral marketing clowns (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Ahhhhh, systems of monkey control and exploit....we really like this one....

"We start new threads and embed our videos. Sometimes, this means kickstarting the conversations by setting up multiple accounts on each forum and posting back and forth between a few different users. Yes, it’s tedious and time-consuming, but if we get enough people working on it, it can have a tremendous effect."

.....thousands of monkeys on thousands of keyboards, flat-assed, coked to the gills, (or stoned in feddy's case), sleep-deprived, tech-addicted, neer-do-wells....get some fresh-air, fer crissakes, and learn to use some basic hand tools, a goddamn fountain pen, or I know!!...Volunteer down to the homeless shelter, to get a good idea of what life'll be like on the other end a lookin' pretty, and being able to focus on the written word without new corneas.....

Frankenstein On God

choggie says...

Ahhhhh, ism's.....they continue to spin the devout & heathen alike. The best way to approach this life and the afterlife, is with personal responsibility, plenty of attachment to nothing phenomenological, and third-eye-wide-shut. Hail Eris, Praise BOB.

Spider Bite, Not for weak stomachs

choggie says...

ahhhhh tissue damage......t"Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard!"
-Get the emergency room to lance it!!!....and perhaps save yerself a chughole in yer puss down the it swells 3 times again before its all over.....

Brilliant guitar played like a piano

djsunkid (Member Profile)

D E P U T Y D O G and the B I G F I V E-O H-O H (Sift Talk Post)

Was Nixon an alien?

Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill a Man

Tim Hunkin on Slot Machines

Laika in Space

Scottish National Party Election Broadcast - "It's Time"

michie says...

Ahhhhh the old Empire is crumbling ..pip , pip old chap. Stiff upper lip and all that. Your words speak volumes Gorillaman about the arrogant London centric view of like it or lump it.

Thankfully the Scottish people have their own ideas,passions and cultures and have a choice/vote over their own future.

*hands Gorillaman a haggis and headbutts him*

David Blaine Street Magic Part 2 (Parody)

The Sundays - Can't Be Sure

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