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TDS: Republican Candidate Said What About Rape Now?

Romnesia -- let's get this word into the political lexicon

shinyblurry says...


I'm also glad that we can discuss these issues like reasonable people. I apologize if I've come off as unreasonable in the past. The truth is that I'm always willing to talk things out.

I've heard the rhetoric about death panels from both sides; I just haven't put in the effort to separate fact from fiction. Now that I've looked into it, this is what I've found. What you're describing (end of life consultations) is not the same thing as what are now being called death panels in Obamacare. Yes, it is true that the provision you are speaking about was demonized by republicans and ultimately removed from Medicare. I'm actually not sure how I feel about it, because it is a form of assisted suicide, and it could be abused. Some seniors may feel pressured into forgoing care, just as you hear of some people receiving substandard care because they are organ donors.

In any case, the conversation has evolved, and we are no longer talking about these end of life consultations when we are talking about death panels. The death panel in Obamacare is an unelected board of 15 "health care experts" (the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB) who will make critical decisions on what services within Medicare are financially viable, and which aren't. Here is a quote from President Obama in the first debate acknowledging this:

"It — when Gov. Romney talks about this board, for example, unelected board that we’ve created, what this is, is a group of health care experts, doctors, et cetera, to figure out, how can we reduce the cost of care in the system overall?” Obama said.

“Now, so what this board does is basically identifies best practices and says, let’s use the purchasing power of Medicare and Medicaid to help to institutionalize all these good things that we do,” Obama added.

This is also acknowledged by a senior adviser to Obama:

"WE need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget."

So call it death panels, or rationing, the principle is still the same. The recommendations this board makes will become law unless it is overridden by a 2/3's majority vote in congress. Here is a good example of how this type of legislative oversight is making health care "better" (penalizing hospitals for readmitting patients within 30 days):

"Beginning Monday, the hospitals will receive lower reimbursements on Medicare claims filed with the government for each admitted patient. Over the year, the total amount of those reductions will vary from $1.2 million for MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Northwest Washington, the region’s largest private hospital, to about $12,000 for Reston Hospital Center in Virginia. Of 16 hospitals in the District and Northern Virginia, all but three will get paid less."

"Some of the hardest-hit facilities are inner-city hospitals that tend to treat sicker, poorer patients. These patients sometimes end up being readmitted because they have a harder time getting medication and follow-up doctors’ appointments, often because they lack transportation, hospital officials said.

“Not only do we have the very sick patients, they also have very significant social needs,” said Kamaljit Sethi, who heads quality and safety at Providence Hospital in Northeast, where officials estimate they will lose about $320,000 in the coming year."

What this means is that patients with the greatest needs will lose the most services, because the hospitals will no longer be able to serve them because of this penalty. This outcome could turn out to be deadly for thousands of people, ultimately, all in the name of efficiency. This is a perfect illustration as to why Government should have as little power over your health care as possible. Here is testimony from the front lines:

" Today while working my shift in the emergency room, an old lady was brought in very sick and in fact near death. I did my usual workup and evaluation and attempted to administer life saving treatment. It was my plan to admit this woman to the hospital. I found out a little later that this same woman had been a patient here just slightly more than 2 weeks ago with a DIFFERENT DIAGNOSIS. I was told that if this woman was admitted, the hospital would not be paid.

The new Medicare rule now is that if the same Medicare patient is re-admitted to the hospital within 30 days, the hospital will not be paid. When they first started this nonsense they said this only applied to patients with the same diagnosis. Now they have "expanded" the rule to include re-admissions for any reason. So if you're in the hospital for pneumonia, and 3 weeks later, you break your leg.......too bad. Medicare will not pay the hospital to fix your leg."

This is completely outrageous, I think you will be forced to agree. Personally, I think we need to have a national conversation about this issue, and both sides need to come together to hammer out this issue. Obamacare is clearly not ready for primetime, and as it stands it is going to hurt people.

As far as your other comments, I'm not limiting myself to any particular news source. I am a political independent and I will share with you that I won't be voting for either candidate this year. I will still participate in the local elections but I cannot vote for either candidate in good conscience. While I am socially and fiscally conservative on many issues, I am liberal on others, such as helping the poor, the environment (within reason), and immigration. I don't fit into a polical cookie cutter and I don't automatically support a candidate because they give God lip service.

A Conversation with Chris Hedges and Lawrence Lessig

Sagemind says...

Lawrence "Larry" Lessig
is an American academic and political activist. He is best known as a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology applications, and he has called for state-based activism to promote substantive reform of government with a Second Constitutional Convention.
He is a director of the Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics at Harvard University and a professor of law at Harvard Law School. Prior to rejoining Harvard, he was a professor of law at Stanford Law School and founder of its Center for Internet and Society. Lessig is a founding board member of Creative Commons, a board member of the Software Freedom Law Center, an advisory board member of the Sunlight Foundation and a former board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Chris Hedges
is an American journalist, author, and war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies.
Chris Hedges is currently a senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City. He spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than fifty countries, and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News, and The New York Times, where he was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years.

Why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Why so many people are choosing not to endorse Ron Paul (from reddit)

Ron Paul's beliefs and positions.

He defines life as starting at conception,

Lies to maintain FUD regarding Abortion by claiming he "saw doctors throwing a live baby away to let it die"...

Denies evolution, "At first I thought it was a very inappropriate question for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter ... I don't accept it as a theory." @ 2:45

Does not believe in separation of church and state,

Believes Education is not a right and wants to privatize all schools,

Wants to repeal the federal law banning guns in school zones,

Denies Global Warming, "There is no convincing scientific evidence..."

Wants to get rid of FEMA and says we shouldn’t help people in disasters,

Wants to build a fence at the US/Mexico Border,

Repeatedly has tried to prevent the Supreme Court from hearing Establishment Clause cases or the right to privacy,

Pull out of the UN because "they have a secret plan to destroy the US",

Disband NATO,

End birthright citizenship,

Deny federal funding to any organisation "which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style",

Hired former head of Anti Gay Group to be Iowa State Director of the campaign,

Wants to abolish the Federal Reserve in order to put America back on the gold standard,

He was the sole vote against divesting US Gov investments in corporations doing business with the genocidal government of the Sudan,

Was also the ONLY vote against a ban on Lead in childrens' toys,

He believes that the Left is waging a war on religion and Christmas,

He's against gay marriage,

Will even legislate against gay marriage on a federal level and attempted to CRIMINALIZE efforts to overturn such a measure,

Has even made it a point to base his campaign on Religion and being against Gay Marriage,

Thinks Sexual Harassment shouldn't be illegal,

Is against the popular vote,

Wants the estate tax repealed,

Believes that the Panama Canal should be the property of the United States,

Believes that the International Baccalaureate program is UN mind control,

Has associated with the founder of Stormfront, a White Power/Nazi Website,

Keeps their donations,

And does nothing to prevent their association with his campaign.

Has gone on record that he had no knowledge of the content of the racist newsletters that bore his name AND signature,

But has not only quoted them, but personally defended the newsletters in the past,

And later admitted he WAS aware of the contents and that only "some of [it was] offensive."

His issues with race go as far as to vote against the Rosa Parks medal (sole vote, again), saying it is a "waste of taxpayer dollars" and that it was unconsitiutional...

Despite the fact that the bill itself is very clear about a separate fund. All profit from this fund is returned to the Treasury.

However, he had no issues with using taxpayer funds to mint coins for the Boy Scouts,

AND introduce legislation that would spend $240 Million making medals for EVERY veteran of the Cold War,

( Mirror)

But didn't bother to repeat his previous argument those times that such an act would be unconstitutional as he had with the Rosa Parks Medal.

Introduced legislation, twice, that would allow schools to re-segregate.

His SuperPAC is headed by Thomas Woods who is the founder of the League of the South, of which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled a "racist hate group."

Also in association with the League of the South via Thomas Woods is the Mises Institute, of which Lew Rockwell is an Administrator...

Is against Hate Crime laws,

Would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964,

He also believes The Civil Rights Act destroyed Privacy,

Despite always "voting against earmarks," he was only one of four House Repubs to request earmarks in 2011 for over $157mil. (And in FY 2010, was one of the leading House members in requesting earmarks for a total of $398mil.)

And during his entire tenure, he has managed only one, out of 620, of his bills to get signed into law.

Ron Paul is not a constitutionalist. He is not a civil libertarian. He's a secessionist, a fundamentalist and a confederate.

Want more? Go here.

Ron Paul's Newsletters. Scanned. See the originals for yourself. They're worse than they've been quoted for.

Damnit media, He just wants to eat his Cookie ( 2:14)

Virus ad banners (Viral Talk Post)

Sagat // Why Is It (Fuk Dat)

BoneRemake says...

And change the title to Funk Dat.

The song title is completely wrong.


Question why is it that every time I walking down the street
Somebody wants to stop me
Just to give me a flier.
Come on man !!
Funk dat !!
Get out of my way !!

Question why is that everytime I walk into the bank
The tellers look at me like I am the one that robbed them last night
Come on man !!
Funk dat !!
What are you looking at !!

Question why is it that everytime I turn on the radio
I hear the same five songs fifteen times a day for three months
Man funk that !!
Get a new dj !!

Question why is it that bums ask me for money when I aint got none,
Whats it an iddiot thing or something let me remind this dude he aint got no money hunh !
Man fuk that!!!!
Get a job !!

You know everytime I see me neightbor she tells me to stay out of trouble,
The other one looks at me like I am the one that got her daughter strung out
Come on man !!
Funk dat !!
What are you looking at!!

Seems like eveytime it never fails it never fails
Im just chilling in my crib minding
My own business and somebody wants to call me just to talk about nothing
Funk dat !!
Get a life !!

Question why is it that when I go out to a night club
Only the ugly chicks want to step to me,
I mean like i'm ugly or something ha
What you mean ha!
Funk dat !!
Get out of my face !!

* Eta- I have learned that this is the pc version, it is Fuk dat on the cd with the parental advisory label, I dont know if the song title changes if the lyrics and song name on the tv are different. Choppy waters I say !

TED Talks: What Inspires James Cameron

mentality says...

No, I'm saying *you* have nothing to brag about in your childhood. He does.

And please spare me with your rehash of Cameron's well known list of flaws. Many people have great flaws. Steve Jobs is well known to be aggressive and tempermental. Einstein beat his wife. The Beatles compared themselves to Jesus. Personal flaws have no relevance to their accomplishments.

And you're asking about Cameron's successes? Are you fucking kidding me? Do I have to list for you which films of his won which Oscars, or which are preserved in the Library of Congress? Do I have to explain to you his impact and influence on the film industry, or underwater exploration, or why he is on the NASA advisory council? Are you really that blinded by your own bias or are you just plain ignorant?

And who the hell said we have to like the guy? How immature are you that you still don't understand that respect and admiration are not the same thing? "up on Cameron's jock" - you sound like you should be posting about xboxes on 4chan. Dismissing his achievements because you hate his attitude is just childish and pathetic.

>> ^Trancecoach:
Oh please spare me. Are you suggesting that his diatribe about his childhood was about his "humble lack of ability?" Sounded like aggrandizement to me. And which part of his "success," aside from financial, are you referring to? His FOUR (4) failed marriages? His reputation for being temperamental, selfish, and cruel to his colleagues?
I do not hold myself superior in the slightest. He's a different guy with different struggles than I, so there's no comparison. But I do find his glaring egotism a little hard to take. Not to mention the blatantly hypocritical nature of his films (anti-tech content in hyper-tech productions),
But, you know, if you want to be all up on Cameron's jock, then, well that's your prerogative. As I'm sure you'll agree, there's no accounting for taste.
>> ^mentality:
>> ^Trancecoach:
I'm sure you didn't mean it as such, but I'm taking this as a compliment.
Financial success does not equal success is my book, and if I can avoid his FAIL by even a fraction, my life will have been a major success.

>> ^mentality:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Wow he was a scientist and an artist as a child. How precocious!
and humble too.

Your greatest success in life will never amount to a tiny fraction of his fail.

Yes, you can talk about how you avoided such pitfalls and your humble lack of lack of ability as a child the next time you do your own TED talk.
And the statement still holds true even if you completely ignore his financial successes.
Also, how amazingly humble of you to completely dismiss another's achievements and hold yourself superior. Ironic.

Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

darkpaw02 says...

I'd like to see this guy's emails.

If he's actually interested in science and transparency, and not just influencing public perceptions of climate science, he shouldn't have a problem handing them over.

==================================== ==================================================
Dr. Timothy Ball is Chairman and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP).[1] Two of the three directors of the NRSP - Timothy Egan and Julio Lagos - are executives with the PR and lobbying company, the High Park Group (HPG).[2] Both HPG and Egan and Lagos work for energy industry clients and companies on energy policy.[3]

Ball is a Canadian climate change skeptic and was previously a "scientific advisor" to the oil industry-backed organization, Friends of Science.[4] Ball is a member of the Board of Research Advisors of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Canadian free-market think tank which is predominantly funded by foundations and corporations.[5]

==================================== ==================================================

Flying Rods Explained

pastafarian says...

Heres a little from one of the eSCAMilla fan club. Its just so insane I had to share it.
Its long, but well worth the read just to glimpse the mindset of the true conspiracy nut.

Here we go.....



Your Jose Escamilla harassment campaign is just about over...
Your Jose Escamilla harassment campaign is just about over...
They have your name, number(s) and parent's address.
Everything you've said and done is trace-able and now on
the record. Time to stop and disappear. There are actionable
damages involved.
scroll down to "federal cyberstalking laws"...
Up to 5 years in prison (juvenile detention in your case) plus up to a
$250,000 fine. Your mommy and daddy will love that. Because they
are probably gonna be liable. Talk about attorney's fees. LMAO!
Forget about ever owning a computer again. Or getting a real job
with a criminal record.
Bad boy! Bad boy!
What cha gonna do, what cha gonna do, when dey come fo' you?
You're cooked. You just don't know it yet.
Wish I could be there to see you piss your pants
when the FBI puts the cuffs on you right in your parent's home. LOL
You shouldn't mess with people who have friends in high places...



Re: Re:Your Jose Escamilla harassment campaign is just about over...
Re: Re:Your Jose Escamilla harassment campaign is just about over...
The "advisory" was a heads-up from a disinterested third party to give you a chance to quit before you get yourself truly fucked up. Jose has friends in the intel community; (read: retired spooks). Tor will not save you. They already know who you and your friend(s) are. It's just a matter of time.

Do you really believe that programs like Tor don't have a back door for national security purposes? EVERYTHING DOES. In fact, there is a huge building at Peterson AFB near Colorado springs-- millions of square feet-- filled with super computers. Every telemetric communication made in the world-- and I mean EVERY ONE -is digitally recorded there. It has been so for several decades. Your anonymity is not assured, and never has been, no matter what you believe.

But your continuing actions are only making your eventual fate all the more problematic for you once the hammer falls. It doesn't matter where you are, either. You could be in Red China and they will still find you. Funding is not a problem here. Hell ,they can even get intel on you that the public never could using the Freedom of Information Act. There are lots of ways around the Privacy Act too, for a retired field agent with lots of time on his hands. You're out of your league here, kid.

Just remember this: You had a choice, and you made a series of bad decisions. Now
it's too late. When it's all over and you look back, I can promise you that you will have nothing but regrets for what you have done. It will not have been worth the price you are going to pay. And considering the filth that you have subjected Jose and his site to, there isn't a jury anywhere that will have an ounce of sympathy for you.

No need to reply to this. You were given one last chance and you took a pass. Like I said..... you're cooked. You just don't know it yet.



You have no idea what you are talking about.

Remember Manuel Noriega? The Invasion of Panama?
His arrest, then rotting in a Florida prison, where the press
couldn't even see him? (You're probably not old enough.)
He worked undercover for the DEA monitoring drug traffic
through Panama. But he got greedy and decided to play both
sides. He needed a SSN to get his U.S. "government" paycheck.
Once his betrayal was discovered, that gave them a nexus to
go after him ANYWHERE in the world.

If you pay taxes, in ANY country, that nexus exists.
(It's not a "conspiracy". It's by international treaty.)
It doesn't matter where you are, or who you
are. Now if you were a real, live, non-taxpaying "ghost", then my
hat would be off to you. I am. Not a penny in taxes in over twenty
years in any country where I worked... Can you make such a claim?
I seriously doubt it. And that is why you are cooked.

This is why it is nearly impossible
for most people to hide. It might be easier for a kid like you who
has never had a "real" job, thus no tax record, but for most "adults",
hiding only happens by design or government sanction. Why do I
have such a "sanction"? I was involved in the design and creation of
weapons systems that as of today, (twenty years later) still have not
been declassified.

You seem fairly "bright" and articulate for a kid, but it's really a shame
you're wasting all your time harrassing guys like Jose. His heart is in
the right place. That's why the guys in the intel community appreciate
him. But even Jose doesn't know the whole story. The level of
advancement in weapons technology is beyond the comprehension
of most American citizens. Some folks in my field are concerned that
the control of that technology has gone to a group of people who
do not have the best interests of this country in mind.

The propulsion technologies alone would revolutionize the Earth and
Humanity's reach out into the cosmos-- if they were ever declassified.
But I suppose it props up your self esteem and teenage ego to be a big
fish in a little pond rather than to apply your intelligence in areas that
could have world-wide impact. Like physics. Or literature. You're just
wasting valuable time, kid. You've spent so much time living in your
little computer fantasy world, you've lost touch with the fact that there
are real, live endeavors out in the world you could be a part of IF you
simply applied yourself.

Get a life. Know what I mean? "

WOW... See what I mean ?

The Century of Deceit - Dedicated to the lives lost on 9/11

EndAll says...

Why? To go to war.

To prepare the ground for the PNAC-like ideas that were circulating in the HardRight, various wealthy individuals and corporations helped set up far-right think-tanks, and bought up various media outlets -- newspapers, magazines, TV networks, radio talk shows, cable channels, etc. -- in support of that day when all the political tumblers would click into place and the PNAC cabal and their supporters could assume control.

This happened with the Supreme Court's selection of George W. Bush in 2000. The "outsiders" from PNAC were now powerful "insiders," placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on U.S. policy: Cheney is Vice President, Rumsfeld is Defense Secretary, Wolfowitz is Deputy Defense Secretary, I. Lewis Libby is Cheney's Chief of Staff, Elliot Abrams is in charge of Middle East policy at the National Security Council, Dov Zakheim is comptroller for the Defense Department, John Bolton is Undersecretary of State, Richard Perle is chair of the Defense Policy advisory board at the Pentagon, former CIA director James Woolsey is on that panel as well, etc. etc. (PNAC's chairman, Bill Kristol, is the editor of The Weekly Standard.) In short, PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation in the Bush Administration.

But, in order to unleash their foreign/military campaigns without taking all sorts of flak from the traditional wing of the conservative GOP -- which was more isolationist, more opposed to expanding the role of the federal government, more opposed to military adventurism abroad -- they needed a context that would permit them free rein. The events of 9/11 rode to their rescue. (In one of their major reports, written in 2000, they noted that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor.")

Swine Flu Update - What's really going on? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

imstellar28 says...

Yeah but thats how "science" works. Most of what the lady says is probably pretty solid, and based on evidence...but science doesn't just stop with observations and data - the whole point of science is the hypothesis - a "guess" based on observations and data. Maybe her hypothesis is wrong, but its our job to disprove it - and you don't do that by calling it "retarded."

I'll summarize the facts, and you can draw your own conclusions (hypothesis):

1. WHO gives funds, support and cover to labs such as the CDC to bio-prospect for pathogens, bio-engineer them to make them more deadly, and also patent them.

2. WHO has been actively searching for ways to weaken the immune system.

3. WHO gives deadly bio-engineered pathogens to companies such as Baxter in Austria, so that Baxter could use those viruses to deliberately, systematically contaminate vaccine material.

4.If the contamination of the 72 kilos had not been detection on time by a lab technician in the Czech Republic, millions of people would have caught the “bird flu” from the injections.

5. WHO orders a compulsory vaccines for all 194 countries, following “recommendations” by an advisory vaccine group on which executives of Baxter also sit.

6. WHO awards Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi and other companies lucrative contracts to supply those vaccines.

7. Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world… including the USA in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency Governments will be replaced by special committees answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

8. The Model Emergency Health Powers Act makes it a criminal offense for Americans to refuse the vaccine.

So far, nobody has refuted ANY of these claims. Maybe the "total picture" is incorrect, but all the pieces certainly seem to be correct. Whether the WHO is trying to dominate the world or not, looking at that list, pretty much all of them look pretty fucked up to me.

>> ^direpickle:
And furthermore the crazy part of the original story is not "omg someone screwed up and the vaccine is contaminated!" It's: "The WHO secretly controls the world is and is going to dissolve all of the world governments by purposefully infecting everyone with murderous (not contaminated) vaccines. (And also all of the governments consented to this four years ago by putting through seeeeecret directives)."

2 Live Crew - Fuck Martinez

Throbbin says...

From Wikipedia:

As Nasty As They Wanna Be and "Me So Horny" controversy
The group released their album As Nasty As They Wanna Be in 1989, which also became the group's most successful album, largely because of the single "Me So Horny", which was popular in spite of little radio rotation, thanks, in part, to prevalent play on MTV. The song was based on a quote from a Vietnamese prostitute in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket and took a sample from Mass Production's Firecracker. This album was also produced by Mr. Mixx.
The American Family Association did not think the presence of a "Parental Advisory" sticker was enough to adequately warn listeners of what was inside the case. Jack Thompson, a lawyer affiliated with the AFA, met with Florida Governor Bob Martinez and convinced him to look into the album to see if it met the legal classification of obscene. In 1990 action was taken at the local level and Nick Navarro, Broward County sheriff received a ruling from judge Mel Grossman that probable cause for obscenity violations existed.[2]
Navarro warned record store owners that selling the album may be prosecutable. 2 Live Crew then filed a suit against Navarro. That June, Judge Jose Gonzalez ruled against the album, declaring it obscene and illegal to sell. Charles Freeman, a local retailer, was arrested two days later, after selling a copy to an undercover police officer. This was followed by the arrest of three members of 2 Live Crew after they performed some material from the album at a live performance held at the Futura Night Club in Hollywood Florida. They were acquitted soon after. In 1992, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit overturned the obscenity ruling from Jose Gonzales, and the Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear Broward County's appeal. A notable feature of the case was the distinguished literary critic and now Harvard University professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. as an expert witness on behalf of the defendants. He argued that the material that the county alleged was profane, actually had important roots in African-American vernacular, games, and literary traditions and should be protected.
As a result of the controversy, As Nasty As They Wanna Be sold over two million copies. It peaked at #29 on The Billboard 200 and #3 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. A few other retailers were later arrested for selling it as well. Later hard rock band Van Halen sued over an uncleared sample of their song "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" in the 2 Live Crew Song "The Fuck Shop". The publicity then continued when George Lucas, owner of the Star Wars universe, successfully sued Campbell for appropriating the name "Skywalker" for his record label, Luke Skywalker Records. Campbell changed his stage name to Luke (and changed the record label's name to Luke Records) and the group released an extremely political follow up album, Banned in the USA after obtaining permission to use an interpolation of Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. 2 Live Crew paraphernalia with the Luke Skywalker or Skywalker logos are usually sought after as collector's items.

EDD (Member Profile)

Zefrank "Red Alert" video (Comedy Talk Post)

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