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Misconceptions About the Universe - Veritasium

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'veritasium, space, universe, lightspeed, observable, hubble, derek, muller' to 'veritasium, space, universe, lightspeed, observable, hubble, derek muller' - edited by xxovercastxx

nanrod (Member Profile)

Misconceptions About the Universe - Veritasium

eric3579 says...

Veritasium youtube comment:
Some people have been sending wikipedia references saying parts of this video are wrong, but I think it's wikipedia with the misconceptions. For further reference check out this paper:

mxxcon said:

I question accuracy of this video...If it's not wrong, it's gotta be extremely oversimplifying or misrepresenting some aspects of what's covered there...

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