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Deano (Member Profile)

sharkie (Member Profile)

Sweet Unofficial MGMT video - "Kids"

MoveOn Ad: McCain is Not your Friend

winkler1 says...

Isn't Phil Gramm basically the architect of that financial deregulation that led to this whole subprime mess -- allowing securitization and MBOs?

Between 1995 and 2000 Gramm, who was the chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, received $1,000,914 in campaign contributions from the Securities & Investment industry.[6]

On July 18, 2008 Gramm stepped down from his position with the McCain campaign. However, he often accompanies McCain during the campaign, and continues to be an unofficial adviser on economic and financial matters.[16]

Russia and Georgia fight, casualties ensue :(

Thylan says...

From BBC.
1991-92 S Ossetia fights war to break away from newly independent Georgia; Russia enforces truce
2004 Mikhail Saakashvili elected Georgian president, promising to recover lost territories
2006 S Ossetians vote for independence in unofficial referendum
April 2008 Russia steps up ties with Abkhazia and South Ossetia
July 2008 Russia admits flying jets over S Ossetia; Russia and Georgia accuse each other of military build-up
7 August 2008 After escalating Georgian-Ossetian clashes, sides agree to ceasefire
8 August 2008 Heavy fighting erupts overnight, Georgian forces close in on Tskhinvali

Japanese Comedian, breaks his neck. Cohosts have no idea.

choggie says...

we see this as an unofficial gold star for the new guy, welcome to the fold, see ya in 2 weeks, tomorrow, zzzzzzzzz. Dag, you da man, and da woe-man....

Obama on race and politics - 3/18/2008

quantumushroom says...

An eloquent speech promoting anti-free market class and race warfare, justifying and making excuses for a false church's hateful polemics under the guise of "unique cultural values".

The same sermons from the lips of Whites, offered from the unofficially outlawed White perspective would have the NAACP screaming for the FBI to investigate "hate".

Let this handsome chimera take the place of Christ if you're so inclined. You will not have Heaven on earth by robbing with government's gun those who worked harder, redistributing the loot and kissing the toes of tyrants overseas.

How to do the perfect pint pour from Guinness

Krupo says...

*viral? Even if it's not official, it's like unofficial marketing for them. dw1117, I have an awful memory, could you please pm remind me to promote this in time for the 17th? Cheers.

I call *art on the pouring.

Senator John McCain: Bagdad is safe...

Romney "We are a nation 'Under God' and in God we do trust" (Religion Talk Post)

qruel says...

Gorgon, Thinking about politiancs and pandering, I've never seen Ron Paul pander when speaking, which makes me respect him that much more. I've never seen him attack another candidate. If politicians were more like him I think people would not be so politically polarized in this country. Again, he is the only religious candidate I would trust in office not to set policy according to his personal religious beliefs.

I don't think that "all" christians do not think that mormons are not christians. I think most people (christians) don't know enough about what the mormon religion claims (asserts) to know or form a viewpoint. As most religions there is a lot of personal subjectiveness when talking about religion. It seems to me only fundamentalist have a problem with mormon theology.

that text above was from a christian site (which i linked to) I'm sorry if i did not make it clear enough that those were their specific views.

I think it can be summed up as this (from a christian viewpoint)

how would you feel if one day someone all of a sudden added religious books onto biblical scripture, that changed much of the philosophy of the christian faith and even went as far as to say that the bible has been corrupted and that the new books were now the "true" word of god.

I imagine that has a lot of fundies/christians pretty pissed off (when they find out that and more...)

I found a really great outline of some of the other arguements that christians bring up (link at the bottom). I found this really interesting as I had not heard some of the specifics beforehand.

A Brief Description of LDS Doctrine and Teachings

What follows are a few key points of distinctive doctrines taught by the LDS Church, but by no means an exhaustive list of LDS teachings. These in particular are given to demonstrate how it differs from that of biblical Christianity. It should be noted that the LDS Church frequently uses terminology similar to that of biblical Christianity in communicating its doctrines, but often with drastically different meanings or connotations. This tends to obscure the fundamental differences in doctrine to the casual observer. (For a more detailed and authoritative look at LDS doctrine, we recommend you check out their online publication of Gospel Principles , which is available in the .pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.)

The LDS Church is the only true church.
This teaching is generally not publically promoted in modern times, nevertheless, the internal teachings state that the other denominations are "abominations" to God, and that the LDS Church is the only true church that bears the "restored" gospel of Jesus Christ. In recent years, however, many within the LDS Church have taken active measures to appear more palatable to traditional Christianity. Many of the doctrines which set it apart from biblical Christianity have been downplayed (though not recanted). Nevertheless, because of the gross differences between LDS doctrine and orthodox Christian doctrine, and because of aberrant LDS teachings that depart from the biblical standard, Christendom in general does not recognize the LDS Church as another Christian denomination. These distinctives, however, are becoming blurred by a growing "ecumenical" attitude at an alarming rate; due in part to a general lack of education or agreement on Mormon distinctives, or for that matter, a lack of education or agreement on Christian distinctives.

The LDS view of the nature of humanity.
The LDS Church teaches that all humans existed prior to life on earth as the "spirit children" of the Heavenly Father (and his wife/wives) in heaven, and that our earthly birth came about when our spirit willingly chose to inhabit a physical body on earth.

The LDS view of the nature of God.
LDS theology states that God (or more commonly referred to as "Heavenly Father") is an exalted and glorified man, that he has a physical (albeit immortal) body. It is also taught that qualifying Mormons can also become gods, just like the Heavenly Father, in the next life, and produce spirit offspring (presumably to populate another earth.). The doctrine of the Trinity as accepted by Biblical Christianity is rejected by LDS theology. The LDS Church teaches that both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are "spirit children" of God, and that Jesus is unique in that he is also the fleshly son of God (conceived by a physical union of the Heavenly Father and Mary). It is also taught that Lucifer, or Satan, is also one of the Heavenly Father's spirit-children, making him a "spirit brother" Jesus.

The LDS view of the fall of humanity.
The LDS Church teaches that Adam and Eve were the first "spirit children" to inhabit physical bodies on earth. Their temptation by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit and subsequent fall is characterized as part of God's plan, using the premise that had they not done so, then they would not be able to reproduce, and thereby provide physical bodies for other spirit children. It is also the teaching of the LDS Church that unless a spirit child inhabits a physical body, he cannot be elevated to godhood in the next life.

The LDS view of scripture.
The LDS Church accepts the Book of Mormon as their primary scripture and the inspired Word of God, supplemented by the Doctrine & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. The Bible is accepted as the Word of God only insofar as it has been translated correctly. However, the qualifier attached to the Bible substantiates a belief that the Bible has been significantly corrupted over the centuries, and is therefore not entirely reliable as the Word of God.

The LDS view of revelation and prophecy.
Generally speaking, prophecy is seen as progressive and changeable. New revelations are not uncommon throughout their history, and critics will point out that many of these revelations tend to be revelations of convenience in order to accommodate a particular circumstance or situation. A case in point is the revelation that allowing of African-Americans to enter the priesthood (which had been prohibited until the 1970s). Other prophecies, such as Joseph Smith's claims about what will be found on the moon, have remained (and are likely to remain) unfulfilled.

The LDS view of salvation and the afterlife.
Salvation in LDS terms refers simply to the resurrection (return to life), which has been provided to all men via the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It differs from the biblical Christian view, which is that salvation is a rescue from God's punishment for sin, and the right to live eternally in God's presence. The afterlife is also viewed differently. The LDS teachings concerning the afterlife involve three levels of glory, and one is assigned to a greater or lesser level of heaven, according to one's performance on Earth. The highest level, the "Celestial" heaven, is reserved only for those who have met all the requirements of the LDS Church, including, among other things, temple marriage, and strict obedience to the commands. The LDS also teaches what is called "The Outer Darkness," which would be roughly equivalent to hell, a place of torment reserved for those who reject the gospel (as presented by the LDS Church). This is in contrast to the Biblical description of the afterlife, in which anyone who embraces the unmerited salvation of Jesus Christ will be blessed eternally in God's presence, and those who reject it will be eternally condemned in hell.

Additional Comments.
Anyone who delves into Mormon doctrine, thought, and teaching quickly realizes that it is not a simple matter. A systematic theology can hardly be said to exist in Mormonism. It is convoluted, and often contradictory. Many LDS theologians and apologists have undertaken a systematic approach to defining the doctrines and theology of the Church (a notable example being Bruce R. McConkie, author of Mormon Doctrine). The LDS Church as an organization rarely gives any official endorsement of church theologians or apologists, although unofficially, as in the case of McConkie, they may be considered authorities by the general Mormon public. In addition, Church leadership are quick to skirt the more esoteric aspects of their doctrine, particularly those doctrines which are most blasphemous to Christians. For example, when asked about the man-becoming-God doctrine on a Larry King Live interview, LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley evaded the question, and hinted that it was an anachronism that was generally not taught anymore. However, comments made by President Hinckley during LDS church conventions clearly indicate that this doctrine is alive and well in the internal structure of the LDS Church.


A Brief Description of LDS Practices and Lifestyle Distinctives

LDS values.
The LDS Church is often praised by outsiders for their promotion of traditional family values and morality. Emphasis is placed on family and community support, patriotism, chastity, and respect for civil law. Politically LDS members (as a rule) tend to be conservative.

LDS restrictions.
The LDS Church prohibits the use of alcohol, tobacco, and "hot drinks" which in practice is coffee and tea (and caffeine in general). This restriction is also known as the "Word of Wisdom." LDS members are generally "Sunday Sabbatarians," that is, Sundays are considered to be holy days and not to be desecrated by working, entertainment, or other types of non-religious activities. The degree of strictness may vary.

LDS requirements.
The members of the LDS Church are expected to faithfully attend church (in some cases attendance is taken and absence is noted); they are expected to pay a strict 10% tithe of their income; young men are expected to serve two years on a "mission," the location and logistics of which are determined by the Church.

LDS structure & hierarchy.
The LDS Church is organized by wards (individual congregations) and stakes (groups of wards in a particular area, often using a common meeting or "stake" house). A member is assigned to a ward based on where he/she lives in a community. Each ward has a leader known as a bishop. The stake is led by a stake president. (No women are allowed in the priesthood or bishopric of the LDS Church, or in any of the higher church government positions, however certain societies within the church are led by women.) The LDS church does not have "pastors" or "ministers" in the sense that most Christians would think of them. Nearly all the leadership of the LDS Church is done on a volunteer basis, i.e., they are not paid clergy members. This is a fact that many Mormons take as a point of pride over most traditional Christian churches, which further substantiates the belief among them that the non-LDS churches are corrupt. However, higher positions of leadership within the LDS Church are not only paid, but paid extremely well.

Sunday church services generally consist of a time of singing hymns, sometimes a sacramental meal, and sharing of "testimonies" by the ward members (each member is encouraged to participate in the giving of testimonies, which affirm their faith in the LDS Church). There is no "preaching" in the sense that traditional Christianity thinks of it, but individual members and/or leaders may be called on to share or teach during church services. Children and youth are taught scriptures and LDS principles in separate classes.

LDS temples.
The LDS temples are a focal point of the LDS religion. Temples are where the religious rituals, most of them very secretive, take place. People are baptized, "sealed", and married, in the temple ceremonies. LDS members also practice "Baptism of the Dead" where deceased individuals are baptized by proxy in order to secure membership in the Church for them. Access to the temples are restricted to those who have been deemed worthy by their church leaders, and have been given a "temple recommend." Worthiness is generally determined by the bishop or stake president based on overall lifestyle, being up-to-date on tithing and other requirements of the Church.

LDS missions & missionaries.
Young men, generally out of high school, are expected to serve two years on a mission. While this is not an official requirement for advancement in the church, it is generally an unwritten expectation. Latest estimates are that only about one-third of young LDS men actually go on missions. The mission place is determined by the Church with little or no input on the part of the would-be missionary or his family, though the family must incur much of the expenses related to the mission. The location may be in North America or anywhere in the world. They are sent out in pairs, wearing black suits and white shirts, and their objective is to teach others (often door-to-door) about the Church and to encourage people to embrace the Book of Mormon and join the LDS Church. While on a mission, the missionaries are often subject to certain restrictions, which include limited contact with their families. While most missionaries are men, unmarried women are also allowed to go on a mission, if they so choose. Sometimes couples will serve together on missions, typically after retirement.

Qruel: one other thing to keep in mind about the widely varying beliefs of mormons (like any religion)

Today, there are many schism organizations who regard themselves as a part of the Latter Day Saint movement, though in most cases they do not acknowledge the other branches as valid and regard their own tradition as the only correct and authorized version of Smith's church. Most of these organizations are small. The vast majority of Latter Day Saints belong to the largest denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which reports 13 million members worldwide. The second-largest denomination is the more ecumenical Community of Christ, which reports over 250,000 members. The third largest is The Church of Jesus Christ, with fewer than 20,000 adherents.(that was from wiki)

Sperm donor to pay child support (Sexuality Talk Post)

StreetHawk Intro

Ehren Watada refuses to de deployed to Iraq

MarineGunrock says...

Easy, there MINK. That wasn't said with any anger. All I was saying is that we ARE at war/in a time of war, though unofficial that may be.
Call them deluded poor people all you want. It's true. And yeah, people are dying for bullshit.
I mean, Don't get me wrong. I hold that we are doing a lot of good for those people. But at the same time, if we up and left tomorrow, our nation wouldn't be any more at risk than it was today. There is no need from this country to be there.
Not only it would save lives, but money.
Hell, we could even pull out, and just give money to towns to fix their shit and still be saving billions.

blankfist (Member Profile)

qruel says...

to quote the Jeffersons theme song

we're movin' on up !

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Hey, congrats on the silver star!


In reply to this comment by qruel:
ha, good post


In reply to this comment by blankfist:
From my readings of Joseph Campbell, the unofficial father of comparative mythology, the entrances to cathedrals (and of most places of worship, not only Judeo-Christian, but also Budhism, Hinduism, etc.) are adorned with the evils of passion and fear. They're the gargoyles that guard the entryway to enlightenment.

Or, then again, it could just be statue of a dude fellating another dude.

blankfist (Member Profile)

qruel says...

ha, good post


In reply to this comment by blankfist:
From my readings of Joseph Campbell, the unofficial father of comparative mythology, the entrances to cathedrals (and of most places of worship, not only Judeo-Christian, but also Budhism, Hinduism, etc.) are adorned with the evils of passion and fear. They're the gargoyles that guard the entryway to enlightenment.

Or, then again, it could just be statue of a dude fellating another dude.

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