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Kimbra - Cameo Lover (acoustic version)

wage theft-the crime wave no one speaks about

Porksandwich says...

I think their issue is probably based a lot of illegal immigrant workers, places using them can hold deportation over their heads, pay them a lot less, work them a lot more, and avoid minimum wage US workers.

Minimum wage is a useless tool if they can bypass it by hiring people who willfully don't seek it for one reason or another. Deportation even if they are a legal immigrant due to lack of job keeping them here on their work visa.

Then the other is the "taxes are so high" excuse, where your paycheck isn't broken down properly and they are taking things out that they shouldn't be and just blaming it on taxes. Or overtime goes unpaid because "We don't pay overtime, yet we'll work you 80 hours a week and never inform you of this." Or you work through breaks and lunch, but they subtract lunch/etc from your pay because they need to do so to appear to be meeting labor standards if anyone ever looks into them. So they can use the "He worked through lunch? We didn't pay him for it...why would someone do that? He must have taken lunch."

And people who can't speak or read english or have poor comprehension. They spend more effort on ripping these people off because whose going to listen to them? They can't communicate well enough with their employer to argue one way or the other. Non-English speaking is a huge bias in the US work force, and I can somewhat see it. But there's still labor practices, if you don't want to hire someone who can't speak English...don't. But it's easier to break labor practices and rip them off if you do, which is why they hire them.

And they get away with it because they are 1) Huge corporations or 2) So shady without seeing it first hand someone wouldn't know something is up because their reports are so full of lies. Both categories will also fuck with your unemployment benefits despite it not costing them anything to let you have them. Why? Because it makes other people in the company unwilling to risk quitting with cause and trying to draw unemployment while they pursue legal matters against them. If they can keep you poor and on the edge, you don't have the ability to do anything'll be out on the street before anything happens. And it's pretty hard to do anything court related if you don't have a mailing address, plus all of the other things that will happen to you, your kids, etc if you choose to try to fight and lose your job over inability to find work ever again because you complained and they let people know you did. And good luck proving they are hindering your ability to find work or that you are on some sort of unofficial black list.

I don't doubt for a minute that what they say is 100% true. It's already taking place out in the open with CEOs and what not raking in money and driving down wages of everyone else or laying off major swathes of their work force while they post record profits. And no one in government is batting an eye at that display of greed and the questionable nature of the finance industry still dictating the terms of the economy even after they got bailed out massively and changed nothing.

Corporate corruption is going to be a bitch to handle when the government relies on it for it's donations/bribes.

How Toy Story 2 was almost entirely erased

oritteropo says...

It's good practice The original advice from the early Unix days was to wait for one second before hitting return on any rm line (particularly as root)... that just about gives your brain a chance to say "waaaiiiitttt!" if it's not right.

I doubt the files would've really been gone after 20 seconds, but it might've been weeks of work to get them back. The unofficial offsite backup was a better option here, for sure.
>> ^StukaFox:

At work, whenever I do an rm -rf on -anything-, I sit down on my hands and CAREFULLY read what I've typed, then re-read it, THEN hit ENTER.
The habit has saved my ass more than once.

TYT-pratt defends zimmerman and cenk loses it

Ryjkyj says...

Getting hung up on particulars is what the legal system is for. People all over the world expressing interest in this are losing site of the main point: Zimmerman shot an unarmed seventeen-year-old in his own neighborhood. The confrontation was a result of an unofficial neighborhood watch volunteer doing everything that a neighborhood watch volunteer should never do.

He should have been arrested, no question.

Oh, there was one eyewitness? Great, release the suspect pending trial and let the witness take the stand at the appropriate time. The actions of the police in sending a narcotics detective to a homicide scene, and their statement that Zimmerman (who had been arrested for assaulting a police officer previously) had a "squeaky clean record", are reason enough for officials to have listened to the pleas of the family to arrest the suspect.

TDS - Penn State Riots

draak13 says...

When the 1% Fuck little children, the 99% cover it up.

What people haven't been talking about is that there was yet another person who witnessed the guy having sex in the shower with a kid; a janitor saw him having oral sex with victim number 8. He went back and told the entire janitorial staff what he saw. The guy was so hysterical that the entire staff thought he was going to have a heart attack. He reported the incident to his superior, and the guy told him to contact the police he chose to report it. However, there was a lot of pressure to not report the incident, because they were all afraid that they would lose their jobs if they reported the incident. Thus, it never got reported.

It's truly amazing to think of the number of people that knew about it...and how nothing ever happened. This went on for almost 20 years. Jon Stewart and so many other people say how it's inconceivable that 'they wouldn't stop it from happening and/or call the police immediately.' Really, most people aren't like that. You learn in first semester psychology that most people aren't like that. Most people are embarassed that they would be making a huge fuss on something that they don't know a lot about...even if they make a huge fuss about it through unofficial channels.

The biggest pisser is that the *university police* even knew about it, and they likely had a lot of internal pressure to keep it hush because they as well felt that their job security might be at risk if they pursue it. They even knew about a currently unofficial victim number 9 who is currently overseas in the military & can't return to be on trial.

Again, they were all afraid of losing their jobs because this asshole was so high ranking that they were afraid to do anything about it. THE 99% ARE THEMSELVES MAKING A LARGER DISPARITY AGAINST THE 1%. If you treat the 1% as untouchable in their position of power, they will be. If you demand equal treatment, then own up to it...especially right now.

Team Fortress 2 Unofficial Theme Song

Team Fortress 2 Unofficial Theme Song

Herman Cain on Occupy Wall Street

chilaxe says...


1. "What I mean by "life isn't fair" is that people are not always wrong when they feel that way. Some people are right to feel that way."

For people who care to be successful, it is always wrong to try to quantify how unfair life is. Business books always advise against it. Ycombinator's unofficial motto is, wisely, "Strap on some plums."

Herman Cain emphasized drive and proactivity instead of a victim world view and that's why he was able to contribute to society in ways more advantaged "victims" are generally unable to.

2. "Giving poor and disadvantaged people a break is the liberal position. Do what we can to equalize income, and improve the quality and pay of jobs at the bottom of the payscale."

If liberalism cared about bettering people's lives, why do Maddow and TYT never educate their audiences with the kind of career intellectualism that would actually better their lives?

How effective is 'promoting outrage' really? Unskilled workers are becoming less valuable each year everywhere in the world, and the next US president has good odds of being a Republican.

3. "The problem isn't the study itself, per se, it's how the wider world will use it."

The problem is that all facts are connected, so if liberal academics intentionally lie in order to shape knowledge about human history and society, the increased inaccuracy created by those lies doesn't remain contained within those special areas. I hope we stay in touch for the next 20 years, so we can see if you reverse your position and start advocating reprogenetics to create actual rather than fictitious equality.

DADT is history, guys. Veterans speak

curiousity says...

>> ^lantern53:

Does this make our military stronger?

I think the only way I could see this as partially correct is because when I was in the Navy, it wasn't secret who was gay and it didn't matter one bit. Of course you will get some homophobic people, just as there some racist people too - you can't avoid that when you are accepting people from across a large, diverse nation. Of course, some people are just assholes too.

But I'm looking at this from the viewpoint of a straight man who had/has a couple gay friends. It might be different if I was gay. In fact, now I am remembering one guy that got drunk and had sex with another man in the parking lot when we were pulled into a port (I think San Diego?) If it was a man and a women, they would have been officially reprimanded and life went on, but both of the men were kicked out of the military. That was fucked up.

Everyone's different, but some people still want to force their beliefs onto other peoples' actions. As long as those actions are involving consenting adults, I don't care what they do.

I seem to have went off on a tangent. My point is either you are being sarcastic or haven't been in the military. All this does is make the unofficial official and remove a layer of protection for people acting like assholes towards one particular group.

Death Man (Six Feet Under)

bareboards2 says...

2:07, who shows up but a low rent Grim Reaper....

Lilithia, Level 3 Grim Reaper badge for you. (Hope it is okay to use this vid for my unofficial badge awards.)

@critical_d, what a deadly Sifter you are. In the last couple of days .... levels 51-56. That is a buttload of dead videos, guy!

Issykitty (Member Profile)

hpqp (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

cito says...

spam television was why I cut cable in the mid 90's and turned to piracy of television.

in the early and mid 90's I worked for DirecTV and we had entire scripts to explain to complainers about commercials and also spam ranked by channel, at the time espn ranked #1 in spam. with like 10 mins of content to 20 mins of spam ratio.

We'd have these groups come in from the networks to explain to us and give us talks on marketing and such with commercials, and I finally woke up.

After I left the job to move onto working in network operations admin for ISP, I turned off pay for tv, and have been a television pirate ever since.

no commercials, no annoyances, ever. And it doesn't affect ratings, as I was on the inside and worked closely with nielson families at one point in my career. Which the ratings system is a joke anyhow. Which is why half the scifi stuff gets cancelled when it has huge support, most nielson families the ratings box is ran by the older father or mother who don't really care for the scifi stuff in the first place and would rather watch Andy Griffith reruns.

the networks of course hate me from 1996 to today non stop pirating, and thanks to companies like Western Digital who make set top box for pirates by pirates is their unofficial motto in the forums.

The WD TV live box supports all codecs normally used by pirates, it's like the vlc player of set top boxes, costs 100 bucks and will stream any downloaded video files off a shared folder on your pc or you can plug in a usb thumbdrive or hard drive. Or with added app you can install a torrent program that lets you stream while torrenting all in 1080p HD.

TDS: Dealageddon! - A Compromise Without Revenues

NetRunner says...

>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^VoodooV:
The sooner we abolish parties, the better. Party politics is what got us here.

How exactly would you do that?
You'd pretty much have to take away people's right to freely assemble, or forbid politicians from saying what they think about the issues before they're elected..., not quite taking it that far. Not interested in slashing the Bill of Rights. There will always be unofficial groups and coalitions and there will be nothing you can do to stop that, nor should you. But what we can do is just refuse to recognize people as Reps or Dems, we can abolish any sort of official backing. Disband the RNC and the DNC. Simply refuse to give it legitimacy. When the state of the union happens, refuse to give a "opposition party rebuttal" At the very least! abolish this whole "reps sit on one side of the aisle, dems sit on the other side" nonsense. There is nothing wrong with people getting together, but the gov't doesn't have to recognize it and give it legitimacy so that the party eclipses the person as it is now.
The founders were definitely wary of parties and rightfully so. I don't see any problem with a concerted effort to at the VERY LEAST, discourage parties. We're seeing first hand the damage that can be done when party comes before country.
That and make all elections publicly funded..period. You'd see some drastic changes for the better

I guess my point is you're not being realistic about the dynamic at work. What's that going to cure? Are blankfist and I going to accidentally start voting for the same candidates? Probably not. Will liberals and conservatives generally refuse to organize into voting blocs to maximize their influence? Definitely not.

More to the point, what mechanism would prevent unofficial voting blocs from forming in the House and Senate? Once they form, are we really making things better by forcing them to pretend they don't exist? By refusing to let people come up with some shorthand word for them like Democrat or Republican (or Green, Monster Raving Looney, etc.)? By refusing to give TV air time to someone who wants to rebut the President?

It'd be a bit like trying to ban "alliances" in the game of Survivor. You'd have to intervene in almost every conversation to successfully do it, and even then people will still constantly be trying to do it under the radar, because the advantages are just too great. And that's a situation with at most 20 people under the most Orwellian level of surveillance possible...

Publicly funded elections on the other hand are a great idea, but that's wholly different from trying to kill organized parties. Publicly funded elections are about trying to neutralize the effect of money on the electoral process, and that's the real issue, IMO.

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