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It's OK, You Can Admit It!

mindbrain says...

I kinda saw it as being presented as comedy that becomes tragedy that becomes horror. Dark stuff. Sagemind hit the nail on the head for me. And thanks shatterdose, but I did know about the AP thing. I saw an earlier bit that was on the Daily Show or Conan (or both) on the sift that was a very similar view of the news as press release reading pod-clones. I was TFWO by that vid too.

But even though I know the apparent reason for why this content exists, in droves, my initial statement still stands: What, the actual, fuck?!!

ChaosEngine said:

Agreed, TV news is awful, but it was presented here as comedy, and for me, it just went on long after it stopped being funny.

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

Lawdeedaw says...

Whoa...death is not a tragedy or suffering, it is natural and for the love of, sorry the pun, I hope not to live forever. That punishment would be unbearable. Who the fuck would be stupid enough to want that?

And we raised the standard of living off the suffering of others. Slavery, colonialism, racial oppression, for fuck sake we made the holocaust and nukes to prove we like to taste suffering. Now being showered to death by gas and being melted but alive by radiation--that's fucked up.

Capitalism isn't much better. And we are only able to sit at our tables with smiles and a good life because we have abundance (At others' suffering.) What happens when that lifestyle runs out? I mean really runs out. Will we still be so civil? I say fuck no...

BicycleRepairMan said:

Well, we both agree on the non-existence of god, I am glad to say, but your point here is still nonsense, the idea that humans are the culprit of most human suffering is just wrong. Sure, there are some dreadful examples, but by far, most suffering comes from non-human controlled factors like disease, disasters, random accidents etc. Humans have actually done quite a bit to reduce the "naturally" occurring death and suffering visited upon us (like medicine or early warning systems for bad weather etc) We have also raised the living standards from a fearful, ignorant, dangerous habitat for at least some parts of the world.

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

BicycleRepairMan says...

This argument is certainly dumber by far. On this logic, we should never have invented vaccines or penicillin, after all, these medical advances, and countless others, means we are bereaved of thousands of opportunities to fuel our happiness with tragedy every day.. Trying to justify tragedy by Gods pragmatism is nonsensical on so many levels.

And yeah, there is more than one Christian denomination, and many of them contradict each other, I'm pretty sure Harris is aware of this fact. However, he is arguing against a common or at least widespread interpretation, and the logical consequences of such an interpretation. I believe this video is from a debate with William Lane Craig, who is a catholic, which may explain why it seems to be focused on classic catholic themes (Suffering of Jesus, threat of hell etc.) If you don't believe in hell, then obviously many of the arguments in this video does not apply. Fine. Many believe in hell, thus the arguments applies to those people.

Lawdeedaw said:

Also, the argument about God not being able to stop suffering or death is a false argument. And here is why.

You know children that cannot feel any pain sensation at all? They scratch their own eyeballs out or rip holes into their flesh. They also don't feel pleasure. Why shouldn't God take away pain? Because survival says that's fucking stupid.

Also, sadness or happiness or anything MUST have a counterpart to even exist. Tragedy brings happiness. We miss our children only because we loved them and we loved them only because we know we might not always have that chance. However, mankind brings more tragedy than naturally balancing and we bring far more than God will ever bring. (I don't believe in God so I believe we are all the root for excessive suffering.)

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

Lawdeedaw says...

The pictures of children dying are rather overboard but I digress. Also, the argument about God not being able to stop suffering or death is a false argument. And here is why.

You know children that cannot feel any pain sensation at all? They scratch their own eyeballs out or rip holes into their flesh. They also don't feel pleasure. Why shouldn't God take away pain? Because survival says that's fucking stupid.

Also, sadness or happiness or anything MUST have a counterpart to even exist. Tragedy brings happiness. We miss our children only because we loved them and we loved them only because we know we might not always have that chance. However, mankind brings more tragedy than naturally balancing and we bring far more than God will ever bring. (I don't believe in God so I believe we are all the root for excessive suffering.)

Shocking medical story

bobknight33 says...

The Va system should be best system in the USA but sadly it is the worst system around.

If the government can't run the VA why let it run Obama Care?

There is no problem that the government can't make worse.

Why is she not on 60 Minutes or such?
What is her Congressman or Senator ding for her?
There is tragedy after tragedy with this soldier.

Lie Witness News - Dead Imaginary Celeb Edition

corizon-meet the medical company treating american prisoners

chingalera says...

Prison system in the U.S. and the same people who think Abu Ghraib was some horrifying tragedy, you got no clue.

Here's one for all the fans of law enforcement as well-
There is NO police officer in the united states, no corrections officer, no member of any federal law enforcement institution that is not or will not commit a felony during the course of their career. The longer they engage in the employ of the same the more likely they are to perpetrate felonies DAILY.

Uhhh, if you see or know about a felony being perpetrated and don't report it....That's a felony.

It's complicity, and they are ALL criminals. Period.
A person can not perform in these fraternal, criminal organizations without thuggery of any and every magnitude.

and these Corizen pieces of shit....

Previously Unseen Tsunami Footage March 2011

Dirtbike Jump Fail

chingalera says...

OK then-I won't seem like such a *bandito for trusting our stalwart resident inspector.....

Damn dude, dug yer handle-most of your videos though, human tragedy for gawker's sake. Fire-starting to watch the emergency team in action...

Is Heroin Worse For Someone's Health Than Marijuana?

scheherazade says...

Problem is this...

Every drug, used IN MODERATION so as to not be harmful, is [by definition] harmless.

You can't answer a "more/less harmful" question in absolute terms, because individual usage patterns will determine the specific 'harm/danger' posed by each substance.

There is no "standard dosage and regiment + standard metabolism + standard body weight" that you can use to compare substances.
You can pick such numbers, but you'd be pulling them out of your butt.

It's obvious she's giving the stock answer that aligns with her agency's official stance. But even if she were to give a "scientific" response, it would not be black and white.

The answer would be "it depends".
"How much Heroine? How much Coke? How regularly used? etc".

This isn't TV. Just like IRL car crashes rarely result in explosions, IRL drug use rarely results in tragedy.

The simplest example is prescription pain killers. Literally variations on heroine. People are given them for broken ribs, etc. They take them for a while, and then they're done. No harm done.
They could have taken heroine in stead, in the same effective dosage and frequency, and had literally the same experience.


"Kerbal" - a Kerbal Space Program movie

AeroMechanical says...

I'm fairly certain, that once it's completed, Kerbal Space Program will easily rank among the greatest computer games ever created.

Neat video too. That's one of the great things about KSP. Not only do you get to create, learn something about engineering, but it also conveys the thrill, tragedy and triumph of exploration.

I still sometimes weep for Jebediah Kerbal. He had too much of the Right Stuff. He should never have boarded that rickety rocket, but he did anyways, that brave bastard. Now he's out there, somewhere. Forever exploring, with no way home.

Unless, of course, the Kraken got him.

Runaway Truck Causes Brutal Crash. 22 Dead.

chingalera says...

I would have watched it to call-out anyone who justifies having this here as I have done. No dude, yer wrong. what I am upset about is that people offer this type of video for perusal for entertainment (or information's sake for that matter) at all. It's fucking human tragedy for the sake of entertainment or voyeurism tat speaks to one's LACK of healthy socialization-So for me, if one votes any of these types of videos "up", they're probably fundamentally fucked-up in several departments, and I blame living in America and the goddamned television on this, as well as clueless parental units because that's where the shit started.

albrite30 said:

Here's the thing. What people are upset about is the fact that the video states "22 Dead" right in the title. Test yourselves out honestly. Would you have watched it if the video had a different title? Something like, "Terror on the Russian roadways! Don't go when the light is Green!!!" I don't know if anyone remembers really the faces of death/red asphalt videos, but there was no "evidence" of death (brains, blood, pools of liquid, dropped health packs...) here.

Swedish Navy Vs. Norwegian Navy

Infra-red Film Detects Chlorophyll in Green Plants

rich_magnet says...

I, too, feel the cognitive dissonance between the aesthetic beauty of the visuals and the tragedy of the humanitarian crisis unfolding amid the pink.

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