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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Exactly the non-answer know nothing twaddle I expect from you, even when you are warned against such stupid vapid nonsense that only indicates you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, as usual, and are just regurgitating propaganda as best you can, which is pretty damn bad because you clearly don’t understand it.

Prices will go up….by 1/1400 of one cent per gallon? Little boy, you are such a troll with nothing to say….and you’re undoubtedly wrong as usual.

In total under Biden 180 million barrels have been released, most over the summers when prices spike. Under 16 days worth over 730 days. In Oct he announced the final release…10-15 million barrels, through the end of the year. .8 - 1.2 days worth over 90 days. Barely over 1% of demand maximum. If you think that dramatically changes prices at the pump, you’re dumber that you sound….which is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, oil company profits have tripled from pre pandemic levels after a few oil companies had 2 bad quarters in 2019- 2020. They recovered their losses and then some in 2021, 2022 they raked America over the coals, intentionally creating shortages while their profits skyrocketed.

Tapping the strategic petroleum reserve was never about lowering prices, it was about showing he was trying everything to lower them as they rose worldwide faster than in America. It was a political show to stop the Cons from claiming he was doing nothing as they blocked every legislative move he tried. It would never make a noticeable difference by itself.

What will happen to gas prices, I expect they’ll continue to fall precipitously like they have since June because 1) our supply has returned to close to normal and 2) we are in winter, when natural gas price rises and gasoline drops EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Duh.

The quality of your trolling has depreciated noticeably since your numerous political and financial losses piled up. What’s wrong? Are your handlers too busy preparing their defenses, and looking for new networks, to spoon feed you today’s fabricated Con positions?

bobknight33 said:

Biden is using the SPR which has lower prices. by stopping its use prices will go up.
There is no long dissertation needed. It is simple supply and demand -little man

So what do you think?
When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

You’re a liar. Watch the video.

He said some “dinners”….with the justices families at their second or third estate in I think Wyoming (definitely including private jet travel there and back, and limousine rides to and from airports) and hunting trips to South America were what he was personally specifically aware of and could recall off the top of his head, not that that was ALL they gave the justices, he certainly did not say the efforts were limited to cards and prayers. Watch it, you must not have or you wouldn’t be making up such easily disproven lies.

I have issues with anyone hosting a judge they have cases before….or will. More so a justice. Major problem if it’s a billionaire getting hours of private lobbying time for personal gains. I don’t and won’t have a case before the Supreme Court, but I don’t want any of them at my home either, I’m not starstruck by celebrities or public figures….but yes, any citizen is worthy of such. They are justices, not gods.

Definitely a problem for justices to socialize with senators….but you’re just posing hypotheticals about Pelosi and Soros not anything that actually happened ever, I’m talking about what HAPPENED regularly with Con justices who have no ethics, and reality is 10000 times worse than your fantasy hypothetical.

If you are a justice, the appearance of impartiality is as important as the impartiality….and they failed miserably at both.

Having a normal social dinner is a far cry from what he testified to, lavish almost certainly multi day vacation-“dinners” at billionaires estates across the country and lavish first class hunting vacations to South America for the family all as ways to get days of private lobbying time with judges they have cases before at a minimum….but you are deathly allergic to honesty so it’s no surprise.

The Con justices sold their decisions and time. You excuse this with a whataboutism fantasy hypothetical that still wouldn’t be acceptable if it were true, but it isn’t. Every baseless accusation is an admission….what other senators and billionaires did the conservative justices sell out to? You just told me there are more.

I’m a blind tool to think that, as they are required by sworn oath to do, Supreme Court justices should avoid even the appearance of impropriety, bias, or favoritism and should certainly avoid actively engaging in them or be impeached and removed from the bench. Ok buddy. Noted.

Such an infantile mind you have. Always prepared to defend the indefensible with nonsense and blather, never fact.

bobknight33 said:

Spin to your hearts content.
That what he said.

You just want to read was more into it.

So you want the SCOTUS to have dinner at you house? Are you worthy of such event?

But you have not issue if SCOTUS had dinner at George Soros / Nancy Pelosi house?

But have dinner with like minded folk you get you panties in a twist.

Such a blind tool you are.

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

newtboy says...

That’s Tesla’s position…but no.

The man had been complaining about the brakes not working properly for months according to his family (yet kept driving, making him culpable imo).

It’s easily possible his brake sensor failed on the pedal, then there would be no light. Since I assume, to be capable of autopilot, Tesla brakes are by wire/electrical, not hydraulic, a simple sensor failure means no brakes at all and no brake lights. (And no record that he hit the brakes)

Again, never once heard of a panic pedal misidentification lasting 1/2 that long. Possible, but unlikely. 99/100 of pedal misidentification are well under 1 second mistakes during parking. There have been many reports of throttle sticking/ accelerating without throttle input in teslas.

Since Tesla denies fault EVERY TIME NO MATTER WHAT, and hides the vast majority of driver assisted crashes, I’ll wait for the third party investigation, but on the surface, to me, it looks like a software (or hardware) failure….and that’s what the driver says too.

bcglorf said:

Not that I want to be siding with the corporation, but I'm inclined to believe that at least the brake lights would've remained connected to pressing the brake pedal, no?

And... not seeing any brake lights in that video, it looks like driver error and then panic.

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

newtboy says...

It absolutely looked like auto pilot taking control to me, I’ve never heard of someone mistaking the gas pedal for the brakes for 1/10 that timeframe, it’s usually under 1 second before they crash.

Hate to tell you but Tesla has denied fault every time auto pilot has failed. For instance, last year autopilot was involved in 273 crashes but only 35 had been reported since 2016, so clearly Tesla under reports. NTSB found that Tesla automatically turned off auto pilot just before it was going to crash to hide auto pilot involvement. New rules force reporting if auto pilot was in use 30 seconds before any crash, and cases increased exponentially overnight.

70% of all driver assistance involved crashes were Tesla.
5/6 fatalities were in Teslas, and the vast majority of serious injuries. (Now 7/8)

There’s a reason Tesla is under congressional investigation for killing people.

China does not trust Tesla to read the data without erasing or manipulating it. Reports I read said they were using a third party to go over the data because they believe Tesla will cover it up….as they believe Tesla has done before.

If you want to believe Musk when he again says “not my fault”, that’s your prerogative, but it’s not your prerogative not to tell others that’s the truth. Autopilot malfunctions are a documented issue….but occur far less often than driver malfunctions, it’s true. This is not the first reported runaway Tesla, just the first caught entirely on external cameras.

Wait for the third party report to be sure, but all indications are this was an auto pilot malfunction, and Tesla doesn’t know more than we do right now because China isn’t giving them the car back.

bcglorf said:

And, not sure of the reliability of the site, but at least at link below is being reported Tesla's China branch is reporting exactly that:

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Immediately explained because there is no question whatsoever that’s what it was.

You have all this fake information…but from where? I know you won’t answer because it’s embarrassing….because the answer is Twitter.
None of it resembles the official reports from police, not one detail is close to correct. It’s pure unadulterated lies you bought hook line and sinker because you want to, or that you made up yourself, not because you have a scintilla of evidence, and it’s all 100% opposed by the reality that an armed MAGgot drove to Pelosi’s house with weapons and zip ties, broke in, and beat an 82 year old man he pulled out of bed with the hammer in front of police, fully dressed, screaming “where’s Nancy”.

I think you people took the fact that he’s a nudist and pretended he was nude at the failed assassination….no, that’s almost rational, I now see Musk just made it up, tweeted it out to millions, then quietly retracted it once he planted the seed of insanity in your fertile skulls, and it grew like a weed in the manure you keep there. Every accusation you make is an admission.

Depapi is pure, undeniably MAGA. You have no evidence otherwise. Police have tons to back that up.
He is far right politically, not all over the place. There were no guards, no dogs, no cameras, no alarm, no third person, no tall wall, no attacker in his underwear. Every bit of that is made up by far right liars like yourself to try to hide from the fact that he’s absolutely one of you, just like you, a splitting image of yourself, believing every crazy conspiracy theory you believe. No evidence he’s a “doper” although that would mean nothing, most republicans are dopers, rush Limbaugh was the biggest heroin addict in recent history, Trump likes speed.
Mr Pelosi called him “friend” to calm him down, not because he was his friend you tool.
Was a failed political assasination by the far right, with prodding from politicians for years up to the “fire Pelosi with a rifle” add on the day before the failed assassination.
Funny, every place your alternative facts were put up is down, not those my info came from. Derp

You just don’t like who you are and seeing yourself in the mirror disgusts you, so you came up with a story from your own life when your gay lover beat you up. It’s so incredibly stupid, and shows you are not a bit serious, just ranting and blaming anyone but terrorist maggots.

Only the completely insane like you believe everything in the universe is on their side at all times…. all truth, all facts, all ideas, all goodness, even god….but somehow you just keep losing constantly, bigly. Maybe it’s just you!

But to recap, you don’t get to ask questions until you answer one….and you can’t.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

Bla bla bla- I can’t answer questions, and don’t listen to answers, now let me waste your time with more nonsense I made up because

400ft Tall Halloween Light and Drone Show

Nebosuke says...

I have been watching his videos over the years. It looks like this is the third house he's had these displays. I'm not sure, but my guess is that this started as a hobby, he found that he was good at it and could make it a business, so he quit whatever he was doing before and started doing this full time.

eric3579 said:

It's their business which makes the video imo kinda meh. I like to think, those that create things like this, do it for the joy it brings to the neighborhood. Makes me think it's more of an ad, but I'm guessing its also their passion.

Job training failure at Alaskan Salmon Cannery

makach says...

I recently visited a slaughterhouse where they are in the beginning of the season. They unalive 3k+ animals daily.

I am not a vegetarian, and I have a deep understanding that we need food to survive, and that meat is important part of our diet.

Nevertheless, this hit me hard in multiple parts.

First, just listening to all the animals outside inside trailers.
Secondly, contemplating their imminent fate.
Third, what does this do to your psyche if you are the one unaliving x amount of animals each day.

Life is precious. I'll be first in line the moment we figure out how to grow proteins and carbs in laboratories.

Phooz said:

Yeah... animals aren't over farmed at all. Fuck all ya'll carnists! The amount of dead fish there is so fucked up it's wild.

"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

kir_mokum says...

"Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general."

and this dude for sure hits someone in his family.

BSR said:

Yeahhhh. I'm calling problems at home with the wife.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yesterday, 203 Republicans voted against the bill that Democrats passed in the House which would "amend the 1887 Electoral Count Act to remove any doubt that the vice president's role in counting Electoral College votes is simply ministerial. It would lift the threshold for members of Congress to force a vote on discounting presidential electors from just one member of the House and the Senate each to one-third of both chambers. And it would require governors to send electors to Congress for the candidate who won, based on state law set before Election Day, which cannot be retroactively changed."

Apparently electing the winners of elections is something that Republicans are now unambiguously publicly on the record as being against…which means a majority of your party is purely and undeniably anti democracy.

When will it be too much for you? Ever?


luxintenebris says...

first: take the 'example' w/a grain of salt. many folks of all ilks would be in the same waters.

second: the knowing sigh speaks volumes 'tho. 'cause there are forty years (that I know of) of bad stuff if one looks. I'd be overwhelmed too...but certainly not speechless.

third: the 'sheep' thing could be used as a defense but just read all the comments here! they appear to be thought out and varied. step into a 'red' conversation is like walking into a shop full of parrots. *AWK! AWK!*

fourth: if you believe the 'blue' is programmed - then why are the 'reds' tardy in their opinions when unexpected events happen? when this FBI bust went down, even Fox was befuddled - and many other times too.

five: I put forth the theory that the 'red' can't speak for themselves because it's foreign to them. (see above)

six: when it was Hillary w/less - it mattered. now that it's Upset Catsup w/top secrets, leading a coup, etc, etc, etc (see other comments) - it's just opinions. right?

the cultism is real and in your neck of the woods.

but for me, the first thing that made me anti-orange was him and the USFL. forty years ago!


you were told that. you believed. you speak it. 🦜AWK!

AND THE LIES!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW: credible news (or reality) that one fears, dislikes, or is disillusioning isn't a choice. one doesn't get to say the dam didn't break when the town is flooded and the dead are floating by. ones that do...well...

bobknight33 said:

this space can not be empty

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

newtboy says...


Bongino….what did he say about the ongoing successful raid on Maralago, where Trump previously admitted taking boxes and boxes of top secret classified documents he stole from the whitehouse and kept them unsecured in unlocked, unguarded rooms but refused to turn them over to investigators?
He parroted Trump, saying “Third world bullshit.”. Sorry, but in the third world, they don’t get warrants and wait over a year for disgraced politicians to turn over top secret documents they stole and were directed by the courts to produce. They just murder him and his family and take them.

Courts demanded in 21 that every document be produced for examination and any secret or top secret documents must be returned immediately without copies being made. Trump and his team produced a few pages and claimed they were still looking for the other 15 boxes of classified documents they had misplaced (handed to Russia?).

It should be noted, the FBI has already said they found at least some of those classified documents in this raid and recovered them….meaning not only was the raid by the book, but the stolen property was in fact recovered from Trump’s residence. D’oh!!

Unauthorized removal or retention of classified documents is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison per offense. Ask Snowden, or Manning. Trump had over 15 boxes of these stolen secrets….lemme guess…nothing burger, right? But Clinton retaining some sensitive (not secret or classified) documents should be a life sentence.

The only third world bullshit is the disgraced ex president that tried to turn America into a third world dictatorship and the anti American cultists that are still helping him do it.

bobknight33 said:

Nice to see you watch fox.

Here some more.
Democrats are the party of racism.

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

newtboy says...

PartnerS…there was a third outside holding the door open, you see him run past the door at :36…I think they were both caught.

BSR said:

I wonder if his partner was caught.

Oh yes. Didn't hear it the first time.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

Um…My last math class (besides taking statistics as an elective) was advanced placement B-C calculus, where I excelled. How about you?
And when do you think I said I’m a math teacher? Another delusion.
I told you for approximately the 29th time my work resume just days ago, and already you know absolutely nothing about it. Just wow. Exactly what I said would happen. I won’t say you have the memory of a gnat….that would be insulting gnats and giving you too much credit.
I’ve never been a teacher, I did edit the teachers edition of a third grade math book when I was 13…is that what you’re misremembering?

Elon himself said publicly he plans a 10% reduction in salaried workers including line workers with only 3 exceptions for battery builders, Solar installers, and car builders….but including thousands of maintenance, construction, design, quality control, new line manufacturing, etc, not just white collar, and rehiring hundreds as hourly no benefits workers, not increasing his workforce. Also announced a hiring freeze worldwide.

bobknight33 said:

Maybe you dont know math that well -- And your a math teacher? So you say. Seems like you are doing a disservice to you students.

10% reduction of force of white collar jobs but hires hundred of workers for the auto lines.

Cocaine in the Ukraine

newtboy says...

Lol. Well, I did figure out WHY you need to repost this over and over, and why you just can’t stand that it won’t stay posted. Distractions only work if they’re in your face, and you need some serious distraction from the daily proof that Trump and his cult tried first election fraud then a violent coup against America to hold onto power, and that you are complicit in that and still support it.
Don’t be bitter, you know you’ve said you think I’m smart and informed. I know this is just sour grapes talking.

Which time?
It was discarded the first two times because it’s terrible vitriolic propaganda attacking the family of politicians, people who have no political position, put out by the same people who said for 6 years that family was off limits, even though every member of his immediate family was forced into top government positions despite being totally unqualified and incapable of getting security clearance.
The third time it was discarded because you are spamming it repeatedly, trolling the sift by reposting it over and over and over, and me directly through comments too, and weren’t smart enough to not telegraph that you were doing it to harass me….specifically against sift rules.

Why am I not surprised you don’t understand? Following rules or laws doesn’t make any sense at all to you.

I hope this brings you understanding, but I somehow doubt it will.

bobknight33 said:

Those "with " brains. Clearly this is not you.

why was it discarded?

What lame ass BS reason?

Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

newtboy says...

Damn, that dude is cool.
Gettin laid and getting paid.
Thug life….like Donny jr wishes he could live, but he’s a crybaby pussy doing blow at home alone and maniacally posting doped out videos while his wife thinks about Newsom’s large liberal schlong.

Don’t be jelly.

You REALLY love this video, third time you posted it after it was voted away TWICE! Who’s all jizzed up?! I’m pretty sure you’ve been jerking it to Hunter thug life for weeks now. ROTFLMFAHS!!! And you think this somehow impugns Joe?! Only if he puts Hunter in a government job like Trump did, most nepotistic administration ever, as well as most criminal and biggest losers. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Hey @newtboy

Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!

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