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Who left they son at the store?

newtboy says...

When he was 10+- my brother wandered off at the mall. Dad said if he did it again he was going to live there….he did it again, and we left him there.
My grandmother had to go pick him up….she was ever so pissed!

Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

some of that might be helpful. 'tho Facebook, X and the sludge of right-wing morgues (where truth or thought goes to die)* show some have no pride, shame or gray-matter.
additionally, with all the unauthorized, spook behavior of Leon and ilk - maybe a liability.
would prefer some balance.
the fairness doctrine was put there to give people a different perspective. most people try to be fair. like any debate, no one person is going to win them all. and often efficiently culls the hacks EX: Rush Limbaugh tried a TV show but his audience ran him off the air {check out YouTube} ideas were challenged and died on the vine. Rush's vineyard went dry.
plus, believe people would love to hear something new. get the idea Fox audiences are s t a r v e d for some synaptic activity when the former Sec of Trans got a standing O because of it.
it felt good. and not so damn blah-blah-blah.
plus just getting the spectrum of people talking to each, trying to actually solve something, just might provide us the way back to some sense of sanity.

*yeah. no group has corner the market on bad brains - but the per capita is defiantly skewed toward the far right.

Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s a simple, relatively easy way to accomplish this with no extra moderation or even rules….erase internet anonymity. 99.97% of people act much better when they aren’t hiding behind the curtain and shielding themselves from any repercussions.

luxintenebris said:

another head scratcher/gut churner/soul sighing show. it's way over time to get some patrols on the 'information highway'. the web of lies/undue social influence/bias reporting/echo chambers and general nastiness needs some lines of (lack of a better word) decency that nary be crossed.
it's been done before.
'fire in a crowed theater' put some measurement on of the definition of 'free speech'. there is a line where 'free speech' fails to be freedom & becomes the dungeons of despair.
it's a tough subject to gauge, but do trust caring* people can draw a 'line-in-the-sand' so young people don't kill themselves over cyber bulling. or hyper-partisan yodels don't attack random INNOCENT people. or where honesty and a love of variable facts becomes a touchstone.
it needs to happen.
this would be the (past) time to get all types together and hammer out some guidelines. Maybe, use existing laws. change the 230(#?) shield limits. AI monitoring. or have civil suits to sue, sue, and sue until the posting of anything that comes into a person's head, meets a reality check.
not against the exchange of ideas, challenges of the norms, or any free speech of merit (or even some of dubious value) -but just getting us out of the muck of the 'muddy minimum-maintenance roadway of disinformation'.

*extend that to all of the 'sick-of-this-s*it' folk)

Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

another head scratcher/gut churner/soul sighing show. it's way over time to get some patrols on the 'information highway'. the web of lies/undue social influence/bias reporting/echo chambers and general nastiness needs some lines of (lack of a better word) decency that nary be crossed.
it's been done before.
'fire in a crowed theater' put some measurement on of the definition of 'free speech'. there is a line where 'free speech' fails to be freedom & becomes the dungeons of despair.
it's a tough subject to gauge, but do trust caring* people can draw a 'line-in-the-sand' so young people don't kill themselves over cyber bulling. or hyper-partisan yodels don't attack random INNOCENT people. or where honesty and a love of variable facts becomes a touchstone.
it needs to happen.
this would be the (past) time to get all types together and hammer out some guidelines. Maybe, use existing laws. change the 230(#?) shield limits. AI monitoring. or have civil suits to sue, sue, and sue until the posting of anything that comes into a person's head, meets a reality check.
not against the exchange of ideas, challenges of the norms, or any free speech of merit (or even some of dubious value) -but just getting us out of the muck of the 'muddy minimum-maintenance roadway of disinformation'.

*extend that to all of the 'sick-of-this-s*it' folk)

Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2

newtboy says...

Another fun fact: all teslas can “sense” when a part is going bad and order new parts directly to the dealership in your name, only notifying you when your parts are ready for installation. No way Elon would abuse that system to fleece his customers, is there?

Also fun fact: driving a cyber truck in the grass voids the warranty, as do rough roads, potholes, mud, and puddles. Not the case for the Ford that costs 1/2 as much for a real truck that can truck.

Vox: Is it time to worry about bird flu?

newtboy says...

I don’t know about bird flu, but I had the flu last week and it was much worse than Covid for us.

Bird flu is transferred to cattle and pets….and has been found in milk and meat. It is beyond time to worry, especially since our pandemic response team has been fired….again…just like it was before Covid (by the same person who learned nothing).
The FDA and CDC are run by a man with severe brain damage both from decades of heroin abuse and brain worms eating a significant portion of his brain (although to eat the rotting road kill and get brain worms, he had to have serious brain damage already)…he doesn’t believe in vaccinations and seems to believe the best thing is full epidemic and let whoever dies die.
With Medicare and Medicaid in limbo at best, hospitals are already struggling to stay open, just wait until they are chocked full of patients but few if any staff. Its coming.

Buy PPE now while you can. N95 masks are already gone from shelves here, so is hand sanitizer. Things will get weird, and there will be no public health warnings telling you it is happening. They have been banned outright.

Trump Enters The Super Bowl To Boos And “Traitor”

newtboy says...

Reports say we, the taxpayers, paid between $18 and $20 million dollars for this fiasco, just so little Donny could get in on the big show and not be ignored all day (which obviously turned out terribly)….but there’s not a dime left for children’s cancer trials already underway…sorry kids, you’re going to die.

Where’s doge? Why hasn’t Donny been put on permanent leave, or offered a buyout to go home? That’s definitely serious “waste and fraud”, especially since he’s also spent $10 million tax dollars golfing already….on track for over $170 million this year on golf alone and going up.

Resettling The ResidentsOf MarALago

newtboy says...

To be totally fair, first someone would need to blow up all Trump properties at random while they are inside, like is done to Palestinians. Actually, they would need to tell them which property is safe, then bomb it into oblivion when they go there like was done to Palestinians. 😂

But life’s not fair.

cloudballoon said:

Er... before resettling Mar-a-Lago, to have an even fairer equivalency, shouldn't we eliminate, like, all the Trumps, robin hood all their ill-gotten gains, stave them to near death before resettling them out into the Gulf of Mexico?

They don't deserve to get off easy.

Aviation Timeline

newtboy says...

In a panic because his dismantling of the air safety boards, firing the FAA head, putting a hiring freeze on air traffic controllers who are already 30%+ understaffed, and erasing any job security for the remaining few the day before (when there was another near miss between helicopters and planes due to understaffing and the added stress he intentionally put them under) only took a day to cause a mid air crash, the moron is blaming Biden for training disabled people to work in the field….

…..obviously forgetting the order to hire more disabled people for air traffic control was made by him in 2019 because there was a shortage back then and that was his “fix” (didn’t fix anything), or hoping his people are too stupid to look it up knowing they are all too dumb to remember what happened yesterday.

Every word is a lie, every action a disaster.

America won’t survive 4 more months of this, forget 4 years.
Remember remember the 5th of November…..Where’s America’s Guy Falks? Can he make it the 5th of March instead please….we don’t have until November.

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

Inflation already exploding maybe double digits already. Suddenly maga says “inflation is patriotic”

Gas prices are spiking. Grocery prices spiking double digits, eggs $12! Stock market crashing. China’s international trade pact has gained a dozen (40) nations with all central and South America in talks while they consider trade war with America while switching from using the dollar to using the yuan.

Unemployment exploding unbelievably. Crops rotting in fields because there’s no one to harvest them. Hiring frozen.

Ukraine war still in full effect, with 6 more on the horizon thanks to threats.

We quit the WHO and closed our pandemic response team (again) and forced all public health agencies to stop communicating with the public right as bird flu is emerging as a pandemic.

Child pornographers, the biggest/most prolific drug dealer ever in America who assassinated his rivals, and over 1500 more violent cop killing thugs released from prison to reek havoc across America, many already rearrested for violent armed crimes, one got in a shootout with police and died.

Just 8 days in, and the nation is completely crumbling, the rule of law gone, the economy in freefall, a pandemic starting. The president is on vacation.

If you voted for this and you love America, you should eat your gun.

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

By decree, he has also claimed to have ended FEMA, saying states should take care of themselves, not each other. The south is doomed….California will just withhold federal taxes and pay for itself, and save tens of billions of dollars per year that way, Louisiana alone will be $10 billion per year in the hole or more. All southern states are “takers” from the fed… Enjoy.

Eggs are $9 already and skyrocketing and he completely abandoned the promise to lower grocery prices, now says it’s impossible.

When told his policies are already crashing the economy on live TV by Hannity he answered “I don’t care”.

We will be in a depression this summer, and a real military invasion by Xmas (unless he hands Alaska to Russia and Hawaii to China).

His first plan to stop the Ukraine war….tell Putin he is planning tariffs and sanctions on anything Russia sells the U.S. (clearly not knowing they’ve been in effect for years already, and that Russia hasn’t sold anything to the US in years).

Pardoned more terrorists including those who pleaded guilty to treason/sedition and violence against police.
Some were re-arrested for more violent felonies they committed under a day after release. He invited these convicted anti American criminal thugs to the Whitehouse.
This is exactly what he did in 2020 in Afghanistan before handing the country to the criminal terrorist Taliban (yes, he even invited Taliban leaders to Camp David and the Whitehouse)…a group he seems to look up to. Thank goodness some judges refuse to dismiss with prejudice so they can be retried if law and order ever return to America….unlikely.

Once again, he already dismantled our pandemic response team right as bird flu is emerging in America, and decreed our health agencies cannot make any statements or recommendations but must keep silent and useless. Buy PPE!

His plans to deport every undocumented alien are estimated to cost multiple trillions per year directly just to try and cost the economy up to another $10 trillion per year in lost production…absolutely devastating and turning us into a third world nation overnight.

Is there peace in Ukraine yet? His new stated plan is to ask President Xi of China who is supplying Russia with military equipment and ammo to solve it for him. Russia is publicly mocking him and Smelania (by broadcasting her soft core porn constantly), laughing at his “threats” and giddy at their luck that Biden is gone and their cucked boy is back.

Shocker, these decrees are all directly from project 2025, written by the project 2025 committees, and many Trump doesn’t know what he’s signing since he wasn’t involved in drafting the orders….exactly as we knew would happen.

UPDATE: Decree #1, ending birthright citizenship, shut down by a Republican judge with a hilarious rebuke.

Also fun, 75% of farm workers didn’t show up to work this week. Harvests are essentially cancelled. Prepare for double digit inflation at the grocery store in short order. $9 eggs is just a start.

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

Is there anyone actually stupid enough to believe a word he says?
….Maybe the people who think Harris was just the president. 😂

Has peace broken out in Ukraine yet?

Billions Lost As LA Still Burns

newtboy says...

Multiple people have been arrested for starting these and other fires in LA. A man with a propane torch was caught lighting Xmas trees and garbage cans that seem to be the start of the Kenneth fire, a woman was caught starting fires near Palisades on the 8th (her fires were reportedly put out, so maybe not the start of that fire) and there’s footage of what’s claimed to be people starting fires in what looks like down town LA tonight.

Billions Lost As LA Still Burns

newtboy says...

I just had a realization….there are now 5000 households from Palisades alone that are “homeless” (except those with second houses) and sounds like another 5000 around LA.
It’s a good bet these are mostly the same people who consistently voted against low income housing in LA, definitely NIMBY. They now find themselves competing for the few available rental properties.
In the short term that’s karmic. In the long term, I wonder what it means for their homeless population and wonder if we can expect an exodus since services and opportunities are about to dry up.
Good time to be in demolition/construction in LA.

On a side note, thousands of animals are now homeless, lost, hurt, or in need of supplies in LA. If you can donate directly to a local rescue, do it. Don’t donate to national charities that spend 98% on advertising and administration costs, donate directly to rescue organizations that spend donations on animals.

Billions Lost As LA Still Burns

newtboy says...

Drone footage of some aftermath.

Last night there were 6 major fires in LA burning well over 20000 acres of the most valuable real estate in America, including ocean front Malibu where minimum home prices are in the tens of millions.

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