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High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

luxintenebris jokingly says...

sure it's up to the public to scan each and every book to insure that kids aren't exposed to harmful material. gee if only there was a way to hire someone professional to do this.

- most librarians are parents themselves. can 'we' trust they know their business? after all, THEY went to school to EDUCATE themselves to KNOW the difference.

- can there be a better example of who are the baddies in this regard? book banning is akin to book burning. i.e. the milieu of Adolph, Mao, and the 'Kim'*through clenched teeth* what the f*ck do think 'indoctrination' IS?!!! the r e m o v a l of books is the attempt of controlling minds NOT KEEPING VERY GOD DAMN BOOK ON THE SHELF!!! note the examples.

most parents haven't fallen for this tactic 'cause they know it's more of an attempt to divide than a drive of the divine. this ruse tried to get a foothold here but ran into a brilliant educational administration. they sent out flyers for parents to sign so THEIR kid(s) could access the school library at will. OTHERWISE the god-gifted had to preapprove any book for THEIR children. (Imagine it was a lot of paperwork [& actually parenting] for them. heh-heh)

Try reading this... least try to get to "where is your GOD now?"


tell me about your fears of INDOCTRINATION.

Hello! Please regard this as a passionate plead for understanding & less of a personal attack. Can't help the *tartness* - as your belief is more awful than my tone. & don't know everything, but obviously more than thou when it comes to this subject.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

Some books are not age appropriate and hence should be kept away from kids ….Like the Bible?
Some people never become adults because they had adult knowledge kept from them as “age inappropriate”, which stunted their development so they NEVER learned “adult” topics and never became adult enough to comprehend even slightly adult topics and themes….some never have knowledge kept from them based on chronological age and their minds grew to adulthood well before puberty. You are clearly in the former group.

99.999% of books on book banning lists are not inappropriate to anyone who actually reads them. Any child raised to not be ignorant, to accept differing viewpoints, to think for themselves, and to question the unknown has absolutely nothing to fear from any book or knowledge. Only ignorant, intolerant, unthinking, cowardly know nothing morons think banning books is a good idea. You want others to be as dumb and ignorant and intolerant as yourself. That returns us to the Dark Ages in a generation….when knowledge was not tolerated.

Books with specific instructions on how to make drugs, bombs, and other deadly devices that children might be able to follow, those should not be in schools. Books that deal with sex and sexuality, since parents like yourself wouldn’t teach it at all, absolutely belong in school so we don’t have a 50% pregnancy rate in high school and a 30% suicide rate.

It’s not up to you to decide what’s appropriate for others to learn anymore than it’s appropriate for me to ban bibles from churches and burn any that don’t comply. If you want children to grow up ignorant of life, send them to religious schools and set them up for failure or cult life.

bobknight33 said:

Some books are not age appropriate and hence should be kept away from kids till they are adult enough to comprehend fully the topic.

Some books, if providing such abhorrent behaviors or topics should be deemed as not being necessary of a schools system.

There are a lot of odd books out there not all belong in a local school.

Has Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far

newtboy says...

Dishonest drivel by ridiculous ignorami who talk like snobby arrogant 12 year olds with a chip on their shoulders.

Really….he claims indoor plumbing is a major climate change driver, or a symbol of “wokeness”? Wtf is he talking about? More proof that he’s simply rambling nonsense to a crowd or braying morons in suits applauding every insult of the left, not making any valid points.

If enough people press that button to do everything to save their child at all costs without a thought to consequences, every child in the next generation has 5 times the likelihood of not surviving his first year, button or no, and the next 10 times the death rate, and the next 25times….and if everyone pushes that button, it guarantees a near 100% infant death rate this century. There are many ways to improve infant mortality rates without adding to greenhouse emissions….the best being STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CANNOT SUPPORT or FEED.

Undeveloped India is going to largely dissolve before they advance technologically. Over 2/3 of the water in that region comes from glaciers….glaciers in many cases expected to be gone completely by 2030. That’s almost 2 billion people suddenly with no water source. There is no technological way to replace that amount of water, never mind the money and energy. Therefore the India and China emission issues he claims are upcoming will likely largely solve themselves as they will be the spearhead of the first major wave of our extinction.

BTW, the comatose (the un-woke) admitted they actually want to ban women in red states from traveling legally because they could get in a car and drive/move to a state where abortion is legal….and they know their HUGELY unpopular plan to make an anti abortion federal law (funny it’s no longer a states rights thing) is a non starter.
So much for freedom.
They also are moving to ban contraception, sodomy, homosexuality, literally any sex that doesn’t lead to unwanted children except heterosexual sex with pre-pubescent girls….they’re in favor of THAT, and have written multiple bills attempting to legalizing it.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Revelations about New York Rep. George Santos' pattern of lies and deception are putting increased scrutiny on New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the fourth-ranking House Republican and a vocal supporter of Santos during his 2022 campaign had knowledge of his lies well before the election but chose to hide the facts from voters and donors as she campaigned with him and fund raised for him…because honesty, ethics, morals, and facts are all anti Republican concepts.

McCarthy has also now admitted knowing he was a total fraud MONTHS before the election yet he supported him, corroborated his lies, hid his criminal past, and fund raised for him knowing he was a pathological liar, fugitive, charity fraud, and liar (it deserves mention twice).

Every time the surface was scratched, the republicans quickly came out with their rubbing compound of lies and false denial and professionally buffed out the scratch themselves….and you blame Democrats for not digging through their wall of intentional lies and obfuscation fast enough, not disgraced Trump who single handedly erased the last shred of Republican’s desire for honesty, civility, legality, morality, or ethics from your party so thoroughly they already gutted and hobbled the bipartisan House ethics office blatantly to protect themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More subversion and criminality.
Apparently part of the secret back room rule changes McCarthy agreed to was a “select committee “ made of Jan 6 defendants/planners whose purpose is to find bias in the DOJ in order to taint the cases against them and pardon themselves (a power congress does not have, btw).
I certainly hope they try, because accepting these self pardons would be a legal admission of guilt, and the pardons worthless, so they’re really going to accidentally plead guilty to treason. They are just that dumb, and that criminal.

These are you guy. These you pick.

History of the World Part 2 | Teaser

newtboy says...

Yes, it’s Brooks, so there’s hope….but it’s also the 2020’s, so the pushback they’re going to receive from all the groups that can’t laugh at themselves would send most producers screaming for the hills. Can you imagine trying to make Blazing Saddles today? Anyone involved would be permanently blacklisted (no pun intended).
We NEED people to (re)develop senses of humor, and realize that everyone, including themselves, is ridiculous at times and deserving of being laughed at. That nothing is sacred and everyone and everything is fair game.
I HOPE movies like this could help with that, but I doubt it.

cloudballoon said:

But, but it's a sequel 40 years in the making. It's Mel Brooks! I set my expectation to be TWICE as good - as impossible a task as that may be. They had enough time to polish the script I hope.

We NEED a Part II, like, in 2001 already, covering the last century.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican election commissioner in the state of New York Jason Schofield pleaded guilty to a two year massive fraud scheme. The same day the election board voted 16 to two to give him another four year term.

They knew that he was facing a massive criminal investigation and criminal charges, and yet they still voted to give him another four year term hours after he filed his intent to plead guilty. That is how corrupt Republicans are.

So here's what the scheme was according to the filings, over the span of two years they internally gathered up a bunch of absentee ballots for people that did not request absentee ballots, filled them out themselves and turned them all in.

Shefield is not the only Republican that has already gone down for this scheme. Another woman who also served with the election commission has also been charged.

There's two more Republicans that are also under investigation. They have not been charged yet, but charges will likely be coming against them.

Yet another massive Republican voter fraud scheme. The fact that anyone is still in the party belies any false claims they care about election integrity, because for 7 years every fraud, and there are thousands now, were Republican frauds, including dozens of campaigns and officials perpetrating massive schemes involving thousands or more votes.

Another case of every accusation being an admission of guilt. Another case of massive Republican corruption at the top on unheard of scales. More proof that the cheating anti democracy criminal lying anti-Americans are all in the Republican Party.

Edit: today’s bonus, turns out the IRS head that protected Trump from the legally required yearly audits of all presidents and refused his legal obligation to turn them over to the house ways and means committee when they officially requested them, Charles Redig, was a major investor in Trump properties who made $200k+- per year off his Trump investments while protecting Trump and his companies from ANY IRS scrutiny. Of course, now that Cons have control of the house, investigating private citizens like Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton is far more important than investigating the blatant crimes and abuses of power of their current candidate for President.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 said:

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

newtboy says...

It’s far from just letting others say it with no contradiction for months, it was the same hosts themselves saying the election was stolen that now admit they never believed the big lie, so could never have believed Dominion orchestrated it.

The great part is this essentially makes the case for Dominion, because part of winning their case involves proving malice, and saying these horrible lies day after day when you know they aren’t true, inviting the same conspiracy mongers on day after day to sell the same ever more convoluted lies for months, knowing what they say is nonsense and nodding along and agreeing knowing you are not only ruining a multi billion dollar business with lies but also putting its employee’s lives at risk from your viewers, all because the machines functioned properly and didn’t give the election outcome you wanted is pretty much the definition of malice.
Dominion deserves every penny of the $1.6 billion they request for actual damages then triple it for punitive damages.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGgot election fraud…
Kari Lake fined by judge for filing knowingly false, specious cases based on lies and misrepresentations with no evidence whatsoever in her efforts to erode trust in the election process she lost. Specifically called out for making up stories of her and her staff’s difficulty voting themselves when reality is those that even voted had no issues.
(Hilarious that the right, that loved to say it’s not a problem that poor voters often have to wait hours on end to vote, absolutely lost their shit so badly they claim they just walked off unable to vote when a few had to wait 30 minutes in line….calling that not being allowed to vote. Poor little snowflakes….eat a bag of dicks.)

As a bonus, Washington DC Federal Judge Beryl Howell who presides over the criminal grand jury investigating Trump’s January 6 related criminal conduct has rejected Trump’s executive privilege claim and has ordered Trump’s former top White House lawyers Pat Cippilone and Patrick Philbin to testify about their discussions with Trump. No executive privilege because he’s not the executive, no attorney client privilege because they were planning treasonous sedition, a crime. “Annoyed grunt”

Chevron Ad

luxintenebris jokingly says...



...necessity is the mother of invention.

just the plethora of inventions the Nazis came up with to appease their desire for war, serves as examples [i.e. SERIOUS Government edict].

bad examples - but still.

also, why is the average soccer mom driving vans that outmuscle classic muscle cars? mandating higher MPG made for lighter cars. the drive for better fuel efficiency led to more power. more power in lighter vehicles.

almost like the popular conservative belief: things will work themselves out - if they have to - is halfway true.


...the idea is if the U.S. taxes carbon emissions, companies will find a way to reduce them. the oil industry agreed it would work.

so there's that...if you like to be more knowledgeable after you leave the room than when you came in.

bobknight33 said:

Idiots -- all who believe this shit. Oil is the life blood of any economy.

Change to Green is coming. But it has to come when market forces make it mainstream. Not by Government edict.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again….
Nearly shot for his cane. Arrested for contempt of cop. Still in jail over a day later, no charges made public. Don’t be surprised when he’s found dead in his cell, he pissed them off by not waiving every civil right they violated.

You’re right it was poorly planned, MAGA can’t make a decent plan to wipe themselves during a bowel movement, but it was absolutely heavily armed with everything from knives and spears to military firearms, bombs, and Molotov cocktails, and with truckloads more firearms and explosives staged for deployment nearby. You’re just lying, again, as usual. People without valid arguments tend to do that.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

The Bricklayer's Accident Report

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA election fraud news, Eastman’s emails show the fraudulent plan was to lose cases in Georgia, lose in the 11th circuit, and get Thomas to hear their fraudulent voter fraud cases and issue a stay before Jan 6 as a ploy to convince more Republicans to go along with the coup, reject the vote, and (clearly) to encourage the rioters.

They were certain, thanks to Eastman conspiring with his wife, that Thomas would go along with the plan. Somewhat astonishingly, he didn’t jump on it fast enough and the full court rejected the case….good thing they didn’t shop it to Comey or Kavenaugh.

Also, Trump and his lawyers clearly perjured themselves dozens of times in their silly filings and are facing charges in multiple courts.

Bonus- reports are an indictment is in the works because Sydney Powell organized and paid for the fake “raids” on a Georgia election office where election data was stolen by people given access by MAGA operatives (all on security video they thought was off) including some of the fake electors staged in DC as part of the failed Jan 6 coup. Others gained access to steal (and change?) raw election data by impersonating federal agents and threatening workers with arrest if they don’t hand over all data.

Wow, that’s enough today to cover the rest of the weeks daily MAGA fraud reports, see you next week.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

luxintenebris says...

o r a n g e l o v e r s
don't get to call anyone
foolish - giving money to a 'billionaire'
a tool - Jan 6 was a sea of mallet heads
(used for dirty work)
imply others are more malleable than themselves (inspired to meaningless violence, told to 'guard' ballot boxes - like toothless people trying to chew gum - actively ignoring the plethora of graft (& other crimes), while listening to hate mongers trying to gaslight all the criminal/obnoxious/thuggish behavior. is enough to make baby Jesus cry.

that and PHAWK nuzz 🦜
is the height of unearned arrogance.

Blah Blah Blah?

Sheer poetry

bobknight33 said:

Blah Blah Blah.
You are a TOOL.
You are a FOOL
You are exactly what they want.

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