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<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Shepppard says...

I hereby call upon all of the canadians of videosift!

Today, we march down and take america back for the commonwealth!

While they're all enjoying their watered down beer and "Am-ur-eh-kin" beef, we shall strike!

The nation will be completely wasted in their celebration, and be seeing double. We can use this to our advantage and have our army look twice as large as it actually is.

Depending on the level of their drunken stupor, we may be able to pretend we have a form of weapon of mass destruction if we all yell "BOOM" Loud enough, and at the same time.

We'll catch them off-guard and take new york first, and write graffiti on the statue of liberty if someone can ask to borrow a boat. (Remember, they're drunk, odds are they won't mind.)

We will then move across the east coast, taking them individually until we get down to texas.. They can somewhat hold their beer down there and have guns, we should probably just leave them the fuck alone.

After we've taken the entire east coast, We'll probably be quite tired and will have lost track of our goal, so I say we just detour to Disneyland and call it a day.

After we're through at disneyland, odds are they'll have taken notice, and the only way out will be to Canoe across the Atlantic, and into our British motherland, who will then hopefully protect us until everything back in north america has cooled down.

Happy 4th, ya bunch of rednecks.

Sarychev Volcano Eruption from International Space Station

What is the purpose of life?

BicycleRepairMan says...

Christopher Eric Hitchens(born April 13, 1949) is an author, journalist and literary critic. He has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Slate, Free Inquiry, and a variety of other media outlets. He currently lives in Washington, D.C.. Hitchens is also a political observer, whose books — the latest being God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything[1] — have made him a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. In 2009 Hitchens was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the "25 most influential liberals in U.S. media."[2] The same article noted, though, that he would "likely be aghast to find himself on this list" and that he "styles himself a radical," not a liberal. miserable man. The End

-anonymous right wing loony on an internet forum, 2009

Kevin Everett has feeling - botched news clip

Discovery News: Apes Giggle Like Humans

Air France Plane w.228 Passengers Disappears Over Atlantic

ponceleon says...

>> ^RedSky:
>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^kulpims:
relax. it's a viral for Lost, season 6

I'm torn between "too soon" and "too funny"

I'm torn between "damn you beat me to it!" and "that so could have been my comment".
No clue what I'm talking about here, but surely modern airplanes would carry some global positioning system that would allow them to be trackable by satellite? Assuming no electrical malfunction, I can't understand why it'd be difficult to position them using that.

Not to be morbid, but I don't think GPS works at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

Air France Plane w.228 Passengers Disappears Over Atlantic

RedSky says...

>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^kulpims:
relax. it's a viral for Lost, season 6

I'm torn between "too soon" and "too funny"

I'm torn between "damn you beat me to it!" and "that so could have been my comment".

No clue what I'm talking about here, but surely modern airplanes would carry some global positioning system that would allow them to be trackable by satellite? Assuming no electrical malfunction, I can't understand why it'd be difficult to position them using that.

Air France Plane w.228 Passengers Disappears Over Atlantic

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
As the Germans say: "Too clever is dumb".
A gallon of atheist cleverness doesn't equal one spoonful of religious wisdom.

Oh yes, thanks to the wonders of religious wisdom and steadfast prayer, our life-expectency has tripled, we no longer have to worry about polio and numerous other diseases, our standards of living have improved drastically, we can cross the Atlantic in airplanes, land people on the moon, and understand our origins in good detail. Religious Wisdom is truly useful in so many ways. Imagine what we could accomplish if those pesky secularists gave up all this "clever" science nonsense and put their minds to something useful for a change, like trying to work out the true, deeper meaning of transubstantiation, imagine how much better the world would be!

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

cybrbeast says...
This morning, at precisely 8:57 a.m. ET, a carefully orchestrated maneuver was carried out 350 miles above the Atlantic coastline of Africa, marking the successful end of the fifth and final shuttle servicing mission.

Ever so gently, the Atlantis crew released the grapple fixture on the shuttle’s robotic arm, allowing Hubble to resume orbiting Earth on its own, as it has done since its deployment in April 1990. After Hubble’s thousands of orbits, thousands of images, five tune-ups and countless discoveries, a space shuttle crew is leaving this great observatory for the last time.

Obama allows sacking of decorated 18 year fighter pilot

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Atlantic's Andrew Sulivan's take on this here.

Originally was linked to this post, but went for an embed and link to some other interesting stuff. I'm just glad I could play a small role in getting this issue the attention it deserves.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

The Slingshot Man

Tom Hanks and his E-Box Electric Car

joedirt says...

Yes, in terms of CO2 emissions, an electric car (coal powered) beats the crap out of combustion engines. (CO2 is a bullshit problem when you consider what the warming of the north atlantic will do... CO2 absorbtion/out gassing from the atlantic will make car emissions look like your penis sitting on top of Mt. Everest)

In the US, 50% of electricity generation is coal. 20% is nuclear, 15% is natural gas, 6% is petroleum.

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