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China's gamified new system for keeping citizens in line

poolcleaner says...

I wonder if it raises and lowers your score based upon your porn searches. You're looking for an anonymous terminal just so you can watch your panty sniffers porn, which would lower your score. Maybe I should just sniff panties in real life?

Oh no, the secret police tracked your anonymous login, which is illegal btw, so now the entire country knows you like sniffing panties. Ha ha ha!

It could be filmed like a television program, sort of a I don't know a To Catch a Predator vibe. Lure these men into anonymous login booths and watch them search for porn and then get caught by the government.

Not only does this web search constitute the lowering of your credit score, but it was an anonymous search not tied to your social media account, therefore illegal. Prepare to be shamed Pee Wee style. Paging Mr. Herman. We have a pervert. China no rikey.

NOW It Makes Sense Why Preachers Need Private Jets

Jinx says...

"He came on television and told everyone he had seen God. So I stopped channel surfing immediately. He said that he had seen God, and God told him to raise 8 million dollars. God was broke."

Independence Day 2 Resurgence: Trailer

00Scud00 says...

I can see the aliens pulling up into orbit now.
Alien Captain: Let's just fire the main gun and we call all be home in time for dinner.
Alien Gunnery Sergent: I'm sorry Captain, but I can't fire the main gun, I keep getting this message that says I can only fire the main gun after I pay these people from a place called Russia a million Bitcoins, sir, what's a Bitcoin?
Alien Captain: Throws his face into his hands in a gesture eerily similar to that of a Captain from that earth television show, and groans like a an alien named Kyp, from an Earthling cartoon show.

Seriously, these poor fuckers don't stand a chance.

The Nightman Cometh Special Edition

Babymech says...

Wait what? Is this a serious question? Who the fucking fuck doesn't love Always Sunny? Am I missing something? Am I responding to a comment from 2002? How can someone not know and love IASiP?

It's the second-longest running live-action comedy in television history, and it's amazing I also need to tell you to watch Arrested Development and Rick and Morty? Goddamn kids these days.

artician said:

Yeah I got to the 41 second mark.

Is... this worth watching the whole 12 minutes?

First Bob Ross Episode (posted by his channel to YT)

WKB says...

Other than maybe Fred Rogers, Bob Ross has to be the best influence on my childhood/young-adulthood that there ever was on television. I think his personality was his masterwork, and his paintings and show are just the medium that allows us to see it. His calm, persistent, confident, kind, and joyful example have carried, (not always successfully,) through my entire life and his voice has been present in my head at some of the most stressful times I've had to deal with. SO THANKFUL to have been able to spend so many hours listening to Bob Ross while growing up, and SO HAPPY to see his work resurfacing online for a new generation to find.

Thanks, Bob Ross! You are missed but never forgotten.

MVadodaria (Member Profile)

Things People Do For Success In India! - Chamcha Classes

Selfie from hell

poolcleaner says...

My Halloween movie recommendations based upon this video:

V/H/S, The Last Broadcast, The Blair Witch Project (not the sequel dear GOD), It Follows (soon to have a sequel "Follow It"), The Babadook, and anything spawned from Koji Suzuki's Ring Trilogy -- I bet you didn't know there were THAT many Ring movies, did you? 3 American films (one is a short film), 7 Japanese films, 1 Korean film, 2 Japanese television series, and 1 more American film on the way, executive produced by Guillermo del Toro.

Happy Hallo-fuckin-ween!

lost in space- a tribute to a cult classic

The Forest Is The Game

eric3579 says...

Not exactly sure what they are trying to say here ,but if it's something about, all you have to do is take your video game/television/electronics dependent children in to the forest (expose them to nature) I say bullocks! All that is imo is a lazy parents fantasy.

Ive seen the parents that have allowed their children to be raised on video games, etc, And ive seen the children extremely limited to this exposure by parents who take the time to take their children outside (sports, nature,etc.) No golden bullets here. It's all about how you parent. Has little to do with your children IMO.

I have no kids, but from families i am closely tied to i've seen the difference. It has zero to do with the kids and everything to do with how they were raised. Just my opinion from my observations.

Why You Don't Sleep With Stupid

What "Orwellian" really means - Noah Tavlin

oritteropo says...

It's not only about the surveillance, but it's not NOT about surveillance, the television screens that watched everyone were part of it, as much as the rewriting of history by the ministry of truth and the rewriting of language that was newspeak.

People really seem to have taken to Jacob Levich's quote that 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual. I expect that the large number of people who have seen his quote on a t-shirt but haven't read the book will only increase the problem.

BicycleRepairMan said:

Finally, about time someone explained this properly, I also loathe how the term "Big Brother" is thrown around whenever there is talk of any kind of surveillance. Every time I'm like "THE BOOK IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING SURVEILLANCE YOU FUCKING MORON!!" in my head.

RT-putin on isreal-iran and relations with america

RedSky says...


Don't really want to get a more general argument about the history of US foreign policy, I was talking more about the present day. The US's rationale for intervention during the Cold War was an exaggerated sense of the spread of communism and later to prevent anything that might precipitate an oil price spike like in the 1973-74/79. Nowadays with greatly expanded US shale oil supply and no Cold War I simply don't see any real incentive, if anything with the furore over debt, quite the opposite.


Successful US intervention in the previous century generally involved large sums of money, whether it be propping up a government (Zaire/Congo) or funding an insurgent militia (Guatemala). Same thing with the USSR (North Korea). The ability to influence public opinion or mount credible propaganda campaigns in my opinion is generally exaggerated especially in a large, modern and educated country like Iran. It's also the conspiratorial myth that repressive regimes (like Iran, Russia) frequently turn to when they need to discredit dissent. A good example is:

I mention Russia because this is the line pushed aggressively to both his domestic audience by it's wholly state controlled television media and to a mix of foreign and expatriate audiences (of which Russia Today is most successful) through a web of shadowy funding and home grown sounding organisations (see link below for a nice overview, e.g. It's pretty important to view what he says as part of a narrative to vastly exaggerate US and western intervention in Ukraine and previously Georgia, because that allows him to construct his myth of being a counterbalance to present day western imperialism.

The Hungry For Power Games: Walkingjay

Leopard attacking villagers in India

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