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PLUMTV-interview with GRACE SLICK 2008

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'grace slick, jefferson starship, interview, plumtv, art' to 'grace slick, jefferson starship, interview, plumtv, art, LSD, dose, Richard Nixon' - edited by Trancecoach

Jesus Hates Klingons

The Top 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes

AeroMechanical says...

I may have just missed it, but "They sucked his brains out." from Starship Troopers should surely be in there.

I will admit that the bubblegum quote should qualify as cheesy. Somehow though, Rowdy Roddy Piper just seems to makes it work. If, for instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger (hey... that's in my spellcheck!) had said it, I probably wouldn't stop laughing for a week, but in a mean way.

"Sir Patrick Stewart"? Make it so! (British Talk Post)

Starship Troopers' Arachnid (Warrior Bug) Costume at Work

ant says...

>> ^choggie:
Jeeeez ant, what were you looking for when you found this?...and who but a wonderful geekazoidinal freak would do this to their coworkers, forever burning the image into their worker-bee consciousnesses??? That guy needs to ask for a raise or look for another job, however it went over that fateful day back in awt-nine at office 6Z7469 Core-Quadrant Tango.

I used to work with him.

CCP Games rap video - Harden The Fuck Up

thegrimsleeper says...

First off - let me make a short introduction
I'm the space 5.0, keeping EVE from destruction
Guard is the name, Lead master of the game
Top dog in the gamemaster hall of fame

Im chillin at my desk with two girls and one pimp cup
Sippin champagne, reading mails checkin what's up
Isk spamming scum bags disturbing the peace?
WOOP WOOP its the sound of space police!

Every day is a fight, there's no room for bloopers
Bugs coming at us like in Starship troopers
We help when we can, every child, every man
Treat the boogie man to a permanent ban!


We're CCP! We march on fearlessly!
Excellent is what we strive to be!

If you're going to follow us to the top


You best watch out bitch if you're an exploiting scammer
Guard will gank you in the face with his big ban hammer
Remove all your Isk , throw your ass in the slammer
Make you share a cell with a manic ISK spammer

Like a never ending spam thread on racist biking
This song has something for everyone's liking
Holy shit I see local spiking

...ladies and gents, its techno Viking!

Chorus x2

Ever flowing - never standing still
We roll with the punches, move in for the kill
The competition ends up six feet in the ground
With fists full of awesome we go round after round

United we stand never ever growing weary
We cannot fall cause gravity is just a theory
We reach higher than the giants in operations
Patience soon well be crip walking in stations

We're more agile than a president dodging a shoe
We need three continents for our massive crew
From Atlanta to Shanghai to the Icelandic nation
Throw your hands up for World Domination!


What are you reading/What would you recommend? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

NetRunner says...

The two books I Amazoned are recommendations (Return of Depression Economics, and Starship Troopers). If you like Heinlein, I'd hit Starship Troopers after you're done with Stranger in a Strange Land, because you'll be somewhat shocked that both are from the same author. I read a lot of other books by him, but I think those two are the best (and most well-known). The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is probably the only other one I'd consider a "must read" from him. If you're not sick of him after that, there are a handful of others, but I eventually got tired of how many Jubal Harshaw-type characters he uses.

Return of Depression Economics is actually the last book I finished (and would recommend to anyone), and right now I'm kinda-sorta picking at Taking on the System by Markos Moulitsas, which I would not recommend to people who aren't both liberal and into electoral politics.

I also found that copy of Woken Furies I mentioned the last time we had a thread about books, and I may read that after I'm done with 'System.

enoch (Member Profile)

brycewi19 says...

Ooh, thanks for the 80's treats! Being a child of the 80's there's not much I DON'T like from that time!

Big fan of that stuff! Thanks for bringing that to the sift.

And thanks for the compliment!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by brycewi19:
enoch, you going to vote for your vid?

eventually.i see how they do first.
if it needs my vote to get sifted i will.
other than that i just post stuff i like or find interesting.
while its fun to get things sifted, i started to post due what i saw as a niche that only my eclectic schizophrenic style could fill.
this tune has been a fave of mine for a long time.
i am a former nudey bar DJ and this song was on my "must play" list.
got all the girls into it,even the hip-hop booty girls and the raver girls.
you see the tool vid i posted?
secret track 69 disgustable,some middle school person made the animation!

*edit* you're old school right?
im attempting to archive as much 80's rock that was on MTV as i can.
these have a chance to get sifted.
up to hard feelings if you are not a whitesnake or jefferson starship fan.
now THAT vid i whored myself to get sifted...its that good.
love your posts man,and thankies for the vote!

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by brycewi19:
enoch, you going to vote for your vid?

eventually.i see how they do first.
if it needs my vote to get sifted i will.
other than that i just post stuff i like or find interesting.
while its fun to get things sifted, i started to post due what i saw as a niche that only my eclectic schizophrenic style could fill.
this tune has been a fave of mine for a long time.
i am a former nudey bar DJ and this song was on my "must play" list.
got all the girls into it,even the hip-hop booty girls and the raver girls.
you see the tool vid i posted?
secret track 69 disgustable,some middle school person made the animation!

*edit* you're old school right?
im attempting to archive as much 80's rock that was on MTV as i can.
these have a chance to get sifted.
up to hard feelings if you are not a whitesnake or jefferson starship fan.
now THAT vid i whored myself to get sifted...its that good.
love your posts man,and thankies for the vote!

PHYSICS of STARSHIP BATTLES-lasers and kinetic energy

kEnder says...

Most space battles end up as a game of joust.

Starship Operators got it right (WARNING: dubbed). Lasers generate heat. A large amount of heat is hard to dissipate, color isn't a big deal since microwaves do just fine.

Kinetic energy weapons are deadly but "slow" ( relativistic momentum is complex) you could potentially doge something if you are really small/fast and have a telescope trained on them. Newtons third law is also a potential problem in space, no place to dig your feet in.

Lastly, photons have no mass but they also carry momentum: p = hcf.

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

enoch says... got got the tater.
was waxing nostalgic last glad somebody else enjoyed starships "stranger",and while i did enjoy DIO's solo projects ..well..ok,only the first two albums,i totally agree with you that he did his best work with sabbath.
i read an interview with tony iommi and he stated that dio had such a great range it freed him up to play much more complicated scales than with ozzy.
while i am an avid sabbath fan,my favorite ozzy/sabbath albums are really just the first 5.never say die and technical ecstasy are ok but too experimental in my opinion.

JEFFERSON STARSHIP-stranger-the return of grace slick

Stormsinger says...

Feeling nostalgic tonight, Enoch?

Yeah, this was definitely one of the last best songs from Jefferson Starship. Grace was -so- hot, although she seems to be pretending to be a mannequin in this video...and what the hell did she do to her hair here? Nonetheless, she had a beautiful voice.

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by griefer_queafer:
Huh. interesting. I heard an interview on NPR the other day with her, where she was speaking out against the changing of the gay pride flag.

interesting song, indeed. melancholic and confident at the same time.

glad you liked it,its pretty dark,and deals with love and drugs.
i have alwasy been a jefferson starship fan,but linda perry can belt.
i have a vid ready of her doing a remake of an old zeppelin tune.
man can she belt!
and check this out..grace slick was 52 when they made this track.
this was the only video i found that even came close to expressing the emotions sung about.
love,loss,broken loyalties and heart break.
thanks for the vote my friend.

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