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Tyra Banks Goes Homeless... FOR ONE WHOLE DAY

Kreegath says...

It was really starting to sink in, huh.
Yeah, I guess the first thing you'd want to buy for the few measly pennies you've managed to get a hold of is toothpaste and candy. Poor woman, she might not even have had enough for shampoo and conditioner.

Billy Madison debates the merits of shampoo vs. conditioner

John McCain's answer to "Yes we can"

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Yeah, go ahead and laugh it up McCain haters. You all just don't understand a true maverick when you see one (hint: it has nothing to do with Top Gun).

John McCain doesn't play by your rules, because he thinks out of the box, lives off the grid, calls 'em like he sees 'em dreams impossible dreams and lives in the moment.

-John McCain uses a hammer to eat his breakfast cereal and a spoon to hammer his nails.

-When going to the movies, John McCain buys 3 tickets and then just sits in the aisle for the duration of the film, growling at anyone who passes by.

-I once saw John McCain destroy a parking meter with his bare hands. He took all the dimes and nickels, but left the quarters.

-John McCain brushes his teeth with shaving cream; shaves his face with shampoo; washes his hair with with whipped butter and takes his bagels with a thin coating of his own semen.

-John McCain is a rebel, and a living tribute to American individuality; if Ayn Rand were still alive, she would try to stuff John McCain into her vagina in a vain attempt to assimilate his many powers.

You go ahead and spout your fancy words, trying to understand the enigma we've named John McCain, but John McCain has no use for fancy words or names, because words and names are merely labels, and mavericks have no use for labels.

Henceforth we shall call him Mhlellgbnhwyllxinoufrn, the messianic man-servant of creeping infinities.

What the... This cat LIKES to be bathed!

10158 says...

I brought my kitty (named Hungry because she said she was hungry) into my bath one time. She just laid down on my lap. Only we have to be careful with the bathing soaps when we do that.

Keep kitty on the lap, and bathe yourself after you bathe and dry the kitty. Cat shampoo is human-safe, but human shampoo is not necessarily cat-safe.

The Mass Effect Sex that is Destroying Young Minds

EMPIRE says...

People.... the fucking ads on TV over here (Portugal) for stuff like body gel, and shampoos, and even primetime soap operas, regularly feature women breasts. IT's not a fucking big deal. The US are fucked up in the head!

Avatar confusion (Sift Talk Post)

George Carlin: Germs

ant says...

*NSFW for cussings.

Too bad I spent most of my beginning life in a hospital due to my multiple disabilities. I did hang out a lot outdoor and never cleaning myself as a kid. I took shower/bath every other days and washed my hair with shampoo rarely. I get easily sick and have nasty allergies.

Washing machine cat is not amused.

smibbo says...

wow, overreact much people?

Its cruel to do it for entertainment, it's necessary evil to do it for a bona-fide reason. Like it or not, sometimes you have to do unpleasant things to someone for their own good.

And BTW maybe you don't have kids but kids who hate being bathed generally don't understand WHY its necessary - like my 4 month old - sometimes she is okay with it, sometimes she protests mightily. Whether its "traumatic" or not, she needs to be bathed occasionally and all the screaming in the world isn't going to make me feel so guilty I'll forego it. By the time they get old enough to understand about hygeine they are usually past the shrieking screaming phase and can wash themselves just fine. I've had two kids who FREAKED about getting bathed until they were about 10 years old. I still made them bathe, as traumatic as it seemed. They appear to be unscathed from those torturous baths and showers I inflicted upon them and seem to enjoy their showers now.

I had to bathe my kitten once on a regular basis because he had some kind of skin infestation (from the shelter I got him from most likely since he's a total indoors cat) and I had to bathe him with a special shampoo - wash it in, leave it on for ten minutes anmake sure he didn't try to lick it off. So there you go: a very important reason for washing my cat that needed to be addressed. YES sometimes a cat needs to be washed.

Frankly I think that spa thing specifically isn't much substitute for hand-washing but if I ran a shelter or kennel or animal hospital I can see how it might come in handy.

Battlestar Galactica: Razor Trailer

Herbal Elements Shampoo - Makes men act like men

Back Scratch Cat

8716 says...

This cat most likely has fleas, or a skin disease, or both. My cat never did this, and then one day we realized she had a lot of fleas. The vet said she was allergic to the fleas and caused her skin to become flakey like dandruff, and sensitive. When you pet her hindquarters, she did the same exact thing as in this video. After a flea shampoo treatment and carpet treatment, her skin became normal and she no longer exhibits this weird behavior. Please take your cat to a vet and have him/her checked out.

Dragonette - I Get Around

Eden says...

Cheesy but fun, I like. Thing is, when I listen to stuff like this, I don't want to hear the whole song, I wanna hear the progression as it's mixed into the stonking beats of the track that follows before it gets to the 'shampoo/rinse/repeat' stage.

The Kaye Effect Featuring Leaping Shampoo

choggie says...

Now there's a high-falootin' name for it.....try a star or galaxy, maaan!?

Wait, this shit is funny as hell...."Name that thing that shampoo does when you pour it out after me!"(cough, cough, HHHKKK!)-Kaye on his deathbed to his bi-polar brother-in-law......

The Kaye Effect Featuring Leaping Shampoo

choggie says...

"I can offer no explanation to describe this behaviour...blah blah blah....STONER, scientist??!!! Yer watching shampoo you are pouring out and getting paide for it????!!! What is there to explain???....It's trippy, mmmmkayyyyy???!!!!

Burj Al Arab in Dubai - The World's Only 7 Star Hotel...

quantumushroom says...

Oh yeah, this place is the shizzle. You can rent parachutes and jump off the top.

They have servants that work out for you and if you don't like the view from your room, they change the weather. (How do they do that)?

The toilets are filled with ginger ale and the bathrooms have 24 carat bidets and shampooed swan necks to wipe with.

One time this guy in one of the many, many restaurants said, "My fish is undercooked," and they like yanked the chef out of the kitchen and executed him on the spot.

Food is a very big deal...they managed to hire John Cleese as a chef (7:23) against his will.

I "borrowed" a solid gold towel upon leaving and much to my surprise, my mistress said the Arabic writing on it read HOLIDAY INN. Ha ha ha!

I feel that if you are going to view this video you must first shower, as you must be clean to experience this wonderous motel.

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