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The Truth Everyone Should Know About Volodymyr Zelenskyy

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

robdot says...

Trumps entire campaign staff were Russian spies. They all went to jail. He appointed a Russian spy to national security advisor. The list of his cons,grifts,and scams is too long to even list here.
Also,trump said on live tv that George Washington had airplanes.

bobknight33 said:

The treasonous Traitors are our Government leaders. They are bought by those with big $. Those are the traitors. They bow to the highest bidder.

Trump came to office on his own dime. Think about that. He is not bought. What good is a politician if he is not controllable .

Biden Greets Zelensky At Whitehouse

surfingyt says...

bewb, like most Republicans, admires Russian fascism.

Zelensky represents freedom and democracy.

bewbs pain brings me great joy. Slava Ukraini bewb you Russian loser lol lol lol

newtboy said:

Bob votes against Zelensky being welcomed at the White House, because he’s a good comrade firmly on the side of mother Russia and against freedom, America, Ukraine, and democracy.
I couldn’t imagine a more insulting caricature of a MAGgot.
Are we certain Bob isn’t a character like Colbert was? It would finally make him make sense.

BSR (Member Profile)

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

luxintenebris jokingly says...

but then...

- Jan. 6 investigations
- stolen state secrets
- nefarious voting legislation
- Oath Keepers membership list

...all of those are BIG stories too.

covering all the Republican corruption sprees, is a bit like trying to get through a russian novel in a week.

the moment the pre-release of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey judgement BOTH sides of the political spectrum questioned if it was a conservative judge that did it. made FAR more sense that it would come from the right than the left. (notice how the investigation has seemly gone the way of the term WMD?)


incredibly creditable.

(unless you're 'right' minded. then you can't believe a man of the cloth. but then, even Jesus* hung around w/a motley crew.)

we might be weeks away from Blotto Biff being found, drunk, in a fountain w/a staffer and/or Coat hanger Amy being photo'd in an S&M dungeon. (Jerry Farwell, Jr in the background) - then, maybe then - it being kinky af, Fox would have to cover it (they love slime, even if it's slime on THEIR slime).

'til then you did get 3 votes. bob must have voted twice. out of habit.

*the original 'WOKE' warrior

newtboy said:

Sad corruption of the highest court can’t get over 3 votes… *beg

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A GOP political operative Jessie Benton (Rand Paul’s niece’s husband) was just convicted in federal court in Washington DC for unlawfully funneling foreign campaign donations from a Russian “businessmen” to political groups that supported Trump in 2016. Benton now faces up to 20 years in prison.

Trump pardoned him for helping funnel $100000 through Paul’s campaign into state legislature campaigns.
Also caught in a sting where the Telegraph asked him for help hiding and funneling Chinese money ($1-2 million) into American campaigns and he did.
Also laundered money from Russians through personal accounts directly to Trump, Russians who met and hung out with Trump because of their contributions, so Trump knew.

One more MAGA criminal convicted of collusion with Russia for Trump in 2016. There’s one hell of a lot of convictions for something you people think never happened. There’s one hell of a lot of people in prison over what you call the “rusher hoax”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Kharkiv region cities liberated from Russian occupation

newtboy says...

It’s sounding like the consensus is these were Ukrainian fired air defense missiles fired at incoming Russian missiles. They may have been old Russian made missiles under Ukraine’s control.
As the pentagon has said, no matter what, the world understands that Russia bears responsibility, since they fired the initial missiles at civilian targets.
In response, the world has stepped up its support efforts for Ukraine, supplying more weapons and supplies.

newtboy said:

Today Russian missiles hit multiple targets deep (reportedly 15+ miles) in Poland, including grain storage and power distribution centers, plunging Moldavia into darkness and killing two. This may trigger NATO’s direct involvement since Poland is a NATO member.

WW3 may have started today.

This is part of the new enormous terrorist attack by Russia targeting Ukraine’s energy at the onset of winter, trying to freeze the Ukrainians out. Of course, Russia denies involvement, but their missiles are easily identified, and I assume were tracked. There’s no way this was an accident, you don’t miss with today’s military missiles by over 15 miles. Missing by 15 blocks is nearly impossible.

Kharkiv region cities liberated from Russian occupation

newtboy says...

Today Russian missiles hit multiple targets deep (reportedly 15+ miles) in Poland, including grain storage and power distribution centers, plunging Moldavia into darkness and killing two. This may trigger NATO’s direct involvement since Poland is a NATO member.

WW3 may have started today.

This is part of the new enormous terrorist attack by Russia targeting Ukraine’s energy at the onset of winter, trying to freeze the Ukrainians out. Of course, Russia denies involvement, but their missiles are easily identified, and I assume were tracked. There’s no way this was an accident, you don’t miss with today’s military missiles by over 15 miles. Missing by 15 blocks is nearly impossible.

BSR (Member Profile)

Russian pilot's cam ejecting from shot down Su-25SM

SFOGuy says...

Apparently, this happened inside Russian territory and has been geo-located to within a few hundred meters--and the story is, he sliced his vertical stabilizer off when he hit a Russian power cable as he ducked under it.

Republican Socialists

Sigil says...

Yeah, the Pandemic, China Trade War, and the Russian War had nothing to do with it. On that subject, your comment has nothing to do with this subject. You have not addressed the Republican hypocrisy on this subject. They publicly vote against help, but privately ask for help.

At least you admit that it was already in a downward spiral.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party has accelerated the American economy on a downward spiral.

This has been decades in the making.

Trump spent a lot, but so did Obama and Biden.

The question is whats being done now to to correct the economy?

What is the answer?

Higher interest rates are not helping, not at the rate of change that has been put forth.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump personally directed employees to move and hide the classified documents after getting a subpoena for them, and directed them to lie about it, but now that the FBI has security footage of them doing it, they have admitted hiding the stolen documents at Trump’s direction and insistence and admitted to lying about it.

They also have these employees cooperation. They have agreed to testify that Trump himself directed them to move/hide boxes he knew contained classified documents that had been subpoenaed AFTER he received the subpoena. Game over.

His lawyers knew this when they lied that all documents had been returned….unfortunately for them so did the FBI.

This is evidence of his knowledge of guilt….proof he knew he was committing crimes, and a crime itself. Obstruction carries up to a 20 year sentence per document he hid….and there are hundreds if not thousands of stolen pages he hid.

Can’t wait until some of these documents show up on Chinese and Russian government computer systems.


Biden To Pardon All Federal Simple Marijuana Possession

surfingyt says...

Joe Biden pardons weed smokers.

Donald Trump pardoned grifters, shady lawyers and war criminals, pardoned 4 russian spies, also got God knows how many (of ours and our allies) killed like the names of the cia agents in those classified docs he stole, first degree murder, recognized only the Taliban not Afghanistan govt and botched the withdrawal, and don't forget that he's tried/trying to get us to kill each other. Oh yes, can't forget that he also did his best to get COVID's kill count as high as possible.

Trump is still cuck tho lol lol Manchurian lol. You can't escape any of these truths beewwwb hahaha!

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