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This kangaroo is a douchebag

Krupo (Member Profile)

The Best of Elevator Pranks


Golfers versus Astronaut

Ratatouille Pixar - 9 Minutes Preview

djsunkid says...

Ow, so awesome. I'm psyched for this movie and so is the rest of the kitchen. I hope that there will be lots of in-jokes for us cooks.

Remy- of course they mean remoulage, the second round of a stock- when you take your veal bones and make a second stock out of them, this stock is your remy, or remoulage.

August Gusto must be Auguste Escoffier, the father of haute cuisine, and his "book" of course refers to Le Guide Culinaire, often referred to as the escoffier. Truely a culinary bible, in more than one sense.

The use of the term "le plongeur" leads me to believe that this movie heavily relies on Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell, but who knows. I've been meaning to read that book for years- maybe now is a good time, before this movie comes out.

Foul Ball, Spilled Beer & Thrown Pizza

zoinnk says...

"i love how i have no idea who was up at bat. they didnt describe anything to do with the game. thats why my dad always turns the tv all the way down and listens to the radio in synch with the tv."

I registered just to yell at you. It was a 1-2 count. Do you expect the announcers to tell you who is batting after every pitch? Also, this is a local NESN broadcast. If you live in New England, where this is televised, you don't need the announcers to tell you who's at bat. It was obviously J.D. Drew.

Jerry Remy is widely recognized as one of the best color commentators in the game. Never speak ill of Remy and Orsillo again.

Foul Ball, Spilled Beer & Thrown Pizza

viewer_999 says...

I've never heard these commentators before (apparently Jerry Remy and Don Orsillo) but they've got me cry-laughing halfway through. I think the best thing about it is that they're supposed to be professionals, and they are wheezing and giggling and can't stop. Love this clip!

"Here comes a pizza, see it!? Ohhh!"

12 Votes to Publish (Sift Talk Post)

LadyBug says...

well ... taking off from remy ... i have my pages set at 50 ... so much doesn't escape me in front, queued, or recent comment sections ....

i, too, agree with farhad that it is time for the sift to grow exponentially and evolve as it will ... the base that has been created is bar none ... but it's going to be impossible to keep the current standards and front page without sacrificing something!!

Daniel Tammet (savant) Charms David Letterman

LadyBug says...

baqueta and remy ... i would like to point out, that although he made it through that interview ... look where he is sitting on the chair ... basically at the farthest position away from dave.

as for his sexual orientation ... i don't find that too interesting. the savant that i worked with had a fascination with all things sexual and explored himself (with and without objects and/or other people) to the nth degree (no pun intended )

Choose Your Own Tube (episode 1)

Krupo says...

Alright remi, that's fair enough - for future reference, please note that you can hit the "edit your post" link to edit a video and replace it with new code".

Nothing personal, but we have to keep things a bit strict on new users. Your prompt reply will probably keep other goldies from seconding the nomination - you're welcome to stick around, but please use your account to promote videos other than your own. I'm sure others will, in time, come across your video and sift it up if they like it.

For future reference, to delete, you enter the *discard command yourself - you can always discard your own Sifted video no matter what.

30 Minutes To Die By Lethal Injection

LadyBug says...

not quite an air embolism, remy ... the technician would have actually had to inject air into his artery, which he failed to hit.

the single air bubble killer is just a myth anyway ... it would take a large bolus of air into the bloodstream to actually interrupt the flow of blood in the heart to kill someone ... mmhmm ... yeah!

basically, the person administering this lethal injection did not check for placement before actually injecting the drugs ... i can't see how they would miss doing that, since it becomes second nature to drawback on the syringe, but ... if this was any other person, the most common problems they would have suffered from this miss hit are usually an abscess or cellulitis.

interesting subject though!

What are you fighting for? A message to the gangsters

LadyBug says...

remy ... sometimes something you think is interesting may interest no one else. you just have to 'let it go' and move on!

personally, he just sounds like he's trying to be sincere, but actually failing at it. a poem is not going to stop gang violence ... he's no eminem!

Wii remote plus SWEATY HANDS equals SMASH

Best of Trigger Happy (NSFW)

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