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In Osaka Japan its all in your head

14636 says...

That's why Japanese TV is great, I watch this every week. The one where they showed that no one in Nagasaki could ride a bike, or the city where all schools have tea coming out of the faucets was pretty weird, as well. Osaka should be its own country, though...

In Osaka Japan its all in your head

In Osaka Japan its all in your head

In Osaka Japan its all in your head

mrk871 says...

>> ^Hive13:
HAHA that is awesome. If you did this here in America, you probably get your ass kicked or wind up getting the cops called on you.

The advantages of living in a country not ruled by fear and guns. It means people can have fun without an overruling fear of strangers.

In Osaka Japan its all in your head

In Osaka Japan its all in your head

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pretend, bang, slice, imaginary, japan, fun' to 'pretend, bang, slice, imaginary, japan, fun, osaka, gun, sword, blow dart, mime' - edited by lucky760

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

persephone says...

1. My grandmother tried to convince my 17 year old mother to have me aborted, but failed.

2. I flew in a plane for the first time when I was two and remember the air steward taking my unfinished glass of juice, because it was almost time to land.

3. I have been in close contact with dozens of venomous snakes, but never been hurt.

4. I fell in love with Persephone and her story, listening to an audio cassette in my school library at the age of 9.

5. I wasn't satisfied with my parent's explanation for the word 'rape' when I heard it on the news at the age of 6. I could tell they were lying.

6. I was the cultural representative of my school in senior year.

7. I was the first in my family to go to University.

8. I was the first woman in my family to delay marrying until after the age of 17.

9. I climbed Uluru not long after Azaria Chamberlain was taken by a dingo.

10. I used to sail 12ft Thorpes on the Brisbane River. My crew was a beautiful transvestite called Alison.

11. I dreamed of being multi-lingual as a child.

12. I love foreign languages and wish I could have kept up my German and Spanish as well as I have my Japanese.

13. I was a hostess in a Yakuza bar in Osaka for one night only.

14. I love being pregnant, giving birth and being a mother.

15. I wish I had had a lesbian relationship at least once.

16. I let my art lecturer sleep with me once because I believed it was an honour to be in his bed.

17. I drove solo across Australia once, never getting a flat or hitting a roo.

18. I meditate and am learning Chi Gung.

19. I sometimes talk to the dead and they tell me helpful stuff only they and their relatives know.

20. I know that our limited perception of reality is the reason we experience fear, anger and hatred.

21. I keep dream journals for my children. I have recorded their dreams since they first learned to talk about them.

22. My daughter reads my mind and lets me know she can do it, by bringing up whatever subject I am silently thinking about at the time.

23. I know that people I encounter are really me in another form.

24. I don't read/listen to the news/t.v. any more.

25. I will walk across Australia next time.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1. I lived on the last federally granted homestead in the US in rural Alaska without running water or electricity for 5 years as a kid.
2. Had a ten speed when everyone else had a BMX, and thus never learned to tail slap.
3. Was an accomplice to deathcow stealing a LadyBug and Cosmic Adventure Colecovision cartridges from Art's Video Mart in 1984.
4. Bought my first 300 bps modem in 1985 for the Apple IIe.
5. Wore a spangly sequined vest in my high school's swing choir - and sang bass.
6. Attended Chaminade University of Honolulu for 2 years.
7. Attended Universidad de Salamanca in Spain for 1 year.
9. Worked in Osaka Japan for 3 years - probably for the Yakuza.
10. Married by a catholic priest to my Aussie wife in Japan.
11. Have acted in several community theater productions
12. Would like to have my head frozen at Alcor.
13. Can do good Sterling Holloway and Neil Diamond impressions
14. Founded best online community ever.

EV1 was success, GM lies about it

Bidouleroux says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
Oh guys, please get your heads out of your asses. I know those lil electric cars look promising, but they can only be part of a solution when used in connection with clean energy. Right now, these electric cars won't solve anything, because the additional energy that would be needed to "fuel" these things would have to be generated from coal and nuclear power plants.

Maybe so, but power plant emissions are easier to manage than those of millions of cars, especially old cars. Remember that the first cars were electric, but that petrol won in the end because of the convenience factor as there was no national electric grid yet. In pre-war days, fuel efficiency was low and roads sparse. People used mass transit to go from city to city, or even from place to place in a big city. In fact, subways predate the automobile and are still run by electricity to this day.

But this is primarily a North American problem/misconception, that anything that doesn't let you go in the remotest of places the instant you think of going there is "not good". Let's quote Wikipedia: "Some cities have built urban rail transit systems that are so comprehensive and efficient that the majority of city residents use it as their primary means of transport. This is common in many of the largest cities in Europe, such as Berlin, Paris, London, Madrid and Moscow, many large cities in Asia, such as Hong Kong, Osaka, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo; in North America the only city matching these is New York.[52]" And so the conundrum: if you're working in a big city where mass transit is useful and ubiquitous, do you really need a car to commute? No. If you're not working in such a city, do you need a car? Potentially yes. Then, would you need a car that can go 500 miles in a day to commute? Not useless you're crazy. And if you really need to go from Los Angeles to New York in your car (because you're mentally ill or on a road trip), why don't you take an electric car and take your time? Driving too many hours in the same day only increases the risk of accidents. And if you don't have the time to take your time, what the hell are you wasting time driving for?

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Shinsaibashi/Namba Osaka
3) Children's book - A Wrinkle in Time
4) TV Series Mad Men / 6 Feet under
5) Word - Defenestration
6) Film - BladeRunner
7) Curse - Holy smokes
Creature - Big cat

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - pale
15) Shoes or barefoot - barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - comedy
19) Sex or food - food
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons

The Sift

24) Favourite user name - BurdTurgler
25) Your most used channel - Politics
26) Personal dumbass moment - here.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Yes - ask Persephone

About you

31) Where do you live - Brisbane, Australia
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - brown
35) Relationship status - married
36) How tall 180 CM
37) Children 2
38) Ever had an operation - no
39) Best feature - washboard abs. (ha)
40) Use four words to describe yourself mellow, idealistic, nerdy, optimist

If you could...what, who, when etc

50) Achieve one thing - I think VideoSift deserves a Webby.

Freaky Robot Girl

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'freaky, robot, girl, Japan, Repliee, R1, bot, Osaka, creepy, scary, weird, built, talk, crazy' to 'freaky, robot, girl, Japan, Repliee, R1, bot, Osaka, creepy, weird, crazy, uncanny valley' - edited by joedirt

In Japan, they like to make sure their trains are FULL!

persephone says...

Yep, this is old. In the last 10 years, in Osaka at least, pushing on trains has become unacceptable, with signs everywhere telling people to stop it.

I used to do a 60 minute commute on the Hirakata sen and it was pretty bad, standing absolutely jam-packed the whole way. One night I was summoning up the courage to deck some guy for doing this slow humping kinda thing on my behind, except I couldn't twist around to see who it was, least of all get my elbow ready for the jab. Then when the train half-emptied at the next stop and all that was left was this very drunk guy, who with all the swaying of the train, was doing a very loose-hipped kind of lurch, eyes shut, half-unconscious I forgave him for the action on my person.

In Japan, they like to make sure their trains are FULL!

10205 says...

This is well out of date! Not only is it an old movie, but also it certainly doesn't happen much like that anymore. Most people will either wait for the next train or take an alternate route. Here in Osaka if people push like that, there'll be a huge argument and/or a fight.

I find it amusing webpages like this constantly show Japanese shows and things from i.e. the mid-eighties and claim it recent!

Because it satisfies the stereotype...

In Japan, they like to make sure their trains are FULL!

jwray says...

I heard the Kyoto-Osaka commuter train is like this during rush hour. Osaka looks ghetto compared to Tokyo.

The short range subways run so frequently that this wouldn't happen.

And my god, a 2+ hour commute is insane. I'd rather live in a dorm room sized (150 sq. feet) apartment if it's within 10 minutes of everywhere I need to go. All I do in my apartment is eat, sleep, and computer, anyways. I'd rather work for 25k a year next door than work for 50k a year and have to commute 4 hours a day.

All this urban sprawl and commuterism is contributing a great deal to global warming.
Since people put up with this sardine bullshit just for fear of being fired for being late, they need to reevaluate their priorities and find a job closer to home. 99% of people think they need more money than they really need.

Not only is money useless if you don't have time to enjoy it, but there's not much worth buying with it beyond the first 30k a year. The utility function is like logarithmic. Especially for single computer geeks, what more do you need than a good computer on a fat pipe, good food, and a bed? Maybe a park next door?

In Japan, they like to make sure their trains are FULL!

honkeytonk73 says...

I got stuck in Osaka rush hour. Absolutely nothing like this, but it was quite crammed. Expect a long ride standing up, the locals are just use to it. Popular past times to keep from going nuts seem to be... hentai or manga books, porn, newspapers, video gaming, cell phone texting, and plenty of beer. Yeah you can drink brews on the trains and it is perfectly legal.

If you miss your last train, as many workaholics do... spend the night at a local area public spa. Food, brews, bathhouse, massage, and capsule hotel. Try it at least once, it's surely worth the experience. Better with a few friends along for sure though.

Regarding groping. Yes it is a problem, but apparently it is much less tolerated. Train cars designated for women only can be found.

Want to get off? Know your stop. Plan ahead. Push through. Just don't knock people over. Just repeat 'sumimasen', and out you go.

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