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Jon Stewart Does 13 Minutes Of Glenn Beck

Jon Stewart Does 13 Minutes Of Glenn Beck

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tds, jon stewart, glenn beck, js, conservative, libertarian, bert' to 'tds, jon stewart, glenn beck, js, conservative, libertarian, bert, neocon' - edited by blankfist

The Great Neo-Con: Libertarianism Isn't 'Conservative'

NetRunner says...

Good stuff, though I still think they're engaging in revisionism when they put up pictures of modern-day neocons, and say things like "they were actually former socialists who moved right".

Political terminology and party ideologies in this country have had a long and tumultuous history that brought them to the near perfect ideological sorting we see today.

The Democratic party started out as the small-government Republican party, later become a conservative, southern-based Democratic party, then a new liberal Republican party was formed out of the old anti-Republican party known as the Whigs, and then they fought the civil war against the conservative Democratic south that championed property and state rights.

After the civil war, Republicans became corporatists, Democrats became liberals (or if you want to be picky, the definition of "liberal Democrat" came to mean something new), while still largely being the party of racism and xenophobia. After the 60's, or more specifically the civil rights movement, a big realignment happened, and conservatives who called themselves Democrats changed to be Republicans, and liberals who called themselves Republicans became Democrats.

Somewhere in the 30's and 40's you saw a concerted effort to groom and promote intellectuals who weren't socialists (most were, back then). Over the unfolding decades, they offered a plausible, intellectual cover for southern racists who were still mad about being told they had to treat black people like humans, and pitched it as a return to America's traditional values. This attracted social conservatives to libertarian ideology, and it dovetailed nicely with the corporatist Republican party's desire to cut taxes for the wealthy, and roll back the worker protections the left had recently installed.

Thus was the genesis of the modern day Republican party, and its brand of conservatism that takes libertarian ideology, and twists it to appeal to racists, religious dominionists, corporate interests, then brandishes the supposedly righteous moral arguments of libertarians against people who point out the real purpose of the movement.

It's good to see that libertarians are becoming cognizant of what's being done in the name of their philosophical heroes, but it's not like they're going to be able to disengage themselves from it now, and they certainly can't get away with trying to pin all the racists, corporatists, and dominionists they've empowered on America's political left, and certainly not by simply branding the likes of Dick Cheney a "socialist".

But I'm rant prone. I did like the clip, and agreed with most of it. Just stop trying to foist Dick Cheney on the left. He hates us, and would murder us all in our sleep if he thought he could get away with it.

Neocons Believe You Can Spread Democracy With a Sword

blankfist (Member Profile)

TDS: Special Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Calling

xxovercastxx says...

I agree with your overall premise, but a couple of the things you list aren't complete nonsense.

Here's an article covering claims and evidence that the suicides at Gitmo were actually murders.

'Going to war over false pretenses' is easy to validate. They told us they knew Iraq had WMDs and that there was evidence linking the 9/11 hijackers with Saddam. Not only did they find no WMDs but they then denied ever linking 9/11 and Iraq. If those aren't false pretenses, I don't know what is.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I can find no credible source documenting the U.S. military 'torturing people to death'. Rhetoric such as 'murdering innocent people', 'going to war over false pretenses', 'sycophantic neocon ideas', 'purposefully plunging the economy'... These are the biased terms of left wing blogs. Speaking out against the Iraq War, or Bush, or whatever doesn't make you a kook. The WAY you speak out against them is what makes a kook like Olbermann.

TDS: Special Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Calling

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Torturing innocent people to death is an exaggeration? As in, we didn't do it?

I can find no credible source documenting the U.S. military 'torturing people to death'. Rhetoric such as 'murdering innocent people', 'going to war over false pretenses', 'sycophantic neocon ideas', 'purposefully plunging the economy'... These are the biased terms of left wing blogs. Speaking out against the Iraq War, or Bush, or whatever doesn't make you a kook. The WAY you speak out against them is what makes a kook like Olbermann.

That's why I propose we just waterboard conservatives until they confess to secretly being concerned about the well being of people who aren't themselves.

A fruitless endeavor, because conservatives are by natural proclivity concerned about others. They'd 'admit' it with a smile, and prove it with actions. The liberal approach to addressing the needs of others is to hand out a stringy, stinky government fish once a month. The conservative approach to helping the needy is to encourage them to create a fishing concern so they can make millions of dollars selling fish after they feed themselves like kings.

You are obviously OBVIOUSLY biased towards the other side of the isle

I am a strict fiscal conservative with strong constitutional constructionist leanings and a decidedly libertarian philosophy. Freedom is where I plant my flag. You can know in advance very clearly where I stand on any issue based on my guiding political philosophies of limited government power, and increased human freedom. I am not guided by 'party' politics. I'm guided by over-arching principles. Show me a liberal who fights for the consitution as it was written, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom and I vote for them. But since the progressive liberal movement is decidedly anti-choice, anti-freedom, anti-fiscal responsibility, and anti-consitution they frequently get the stinkeye.

We need better health care. At least in the hands of the government it can be held somewhat accountable.

It is comments like this that cause me to - as you put it - 'shout'. If you really believe what you just said then I don't know what to say. You have the evidence of DECADES of solid, inarguable proof that the government being in charge of medical issues is never held accountable for tremendous waste, mismanagement, and outright misappropriation & graft. How anyone can look at programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and still think that putting government in charge of such matters is a good idea is beyond me. The proper solution is more freedom - not less. Medical care has been a government mis-managed fiasco in the US ever since Ted Kennedy's stupid HMO bill screwed up the relationship between buyers and providers.

TDS: Special Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Calling

volumptuous says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Everything you listed is an "Olbermann" level diatribic exaggeration driven by a leftist bias

Let me get this straight.

Torturing innocent people to death is an exaggeration? As in, we didn't do it? Or, we kinda did it but it's not as bad as all of those Dirty Fucking Hippies think it was?

And to condemn this makes one a "leftist"?

Invading Iraq and murdering over 100,000 innocent people, over false pretenses in order to fulfill sycophantic bloody neocon ideas, is somehow an exaggeration?

And to speak out against it makes one a "leftist"?

Purposefully destroying our economy and plunging the country into the worst recession in 50 years is somehow an exaggeration?

For a "statistician" you sure know fuckall about current events, recent history, or reality.

Most Justified Use of Taser in History (One Wishes)

Conservative TalkHeads Obsessed with Rape Metaphors: 2MN

Put a clown-sized foot in it on a chat, then laugh it off

Rape, Rape, Rape, Rape!

kceaton1 says...

>> ^therealblankman:
Job Applicant "Rape, arson, murder, rape".
Hedley Lamarr "You said 'Rape' Twice".
Job Applicant "I like rape".

Damnit you beat me!

BTW, I've also heard, besides the raping, that some of these guys also murdered a young girl in the 90's or 80's??? Anybody else hear about this?

Also, some of them got together on a project that seems fishy...

40_Minus_1 (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well put - and welcome to the Sift.

In reply to this comment by 40_Minus_1:
I know that qm is just a well-fed troll, but I can't help but chime in. I find it fitting that he used the "clueless" tag, especially when saying that a U.S. president doesn't bow to foreign royalty "ever."

A quick Google search shows President Richard Nixon bowing before Emperor Hirohito. If you don't quote your manufactured neocon talking points correctly, you run the risk of looking silly and hypocritical, and nobody wants that.

Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito

40_Minus_1 says...

I know that qm is just a well-fed troll, but I can't help but chime in. I find it fitting that he used the "clueless" tag, especially when saying that a U.S. president doesn't bow to foreign royalty "ever."

A quick Google search shows President Richard Nixon bowing before Emperor Hirohito. If you don't quote your manufactured neocon talking points correctly, you run the risk of looking silly and hypocritical, and nobody wants that.

FOX: Hannity & Malkin - Obama Child Indoctrination

Issykitty says...

I wouldn't put the * kids tag, unless this is aimed for an audience of kids. *nochannel *lies *politics *controversy

Also, this would be anything but news since it is from the shameless neocon-propagandizing tabloid trash network.

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