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jonny (Member Profile)

The Genius of Mozart - The First Romantic (Episode 3/3)

The Genius of Mozart: A Passion for the Stage (Episode 2/3)

How Do You Deal With "Trolls"? (Geek Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

If the question posed was not "how should we deal with trolls" and instead was "how should we cope with ice buildup on aircraft wings at high altitude?" do you think intelligence has a role in that argument? How about if the question was "how should we route the plumbing in this house" would knowledge be important there? This is a clear example of Parkinson's Law of Triviality, which has become one of my favorite laws, and is something I had not heard of before this site and only learned through reading dgandhi's comments. Here is the explanation from wiki:

"Parkinson dramatizes his Law of Triviality with a committee's deliberations on a nuclear power plant, compared to deliberation on a bicycle shed. While discussing the bikeshed, debate emerges over whether the best choice of roofing is aluminium, asbestos or galvanised iron, then over whether the shed is a good idea or not. The committee then moves on to coffee purchasing, a discussion that results in the biggest waste of time and the most acrimony.

A nuclear reactor is so vastly expensive and complicated that people cannot understand it, so they assume that those working on it understand it. Even those with strong opinions might withhold them for fear of being shown to be insufficiently informed. On the other hand, everyone understands a bicycle shed (or thinks he does), so building one can result in endless discussions: everyone involved wants to add his touch and show that he is there."

You think that intellect or knowledge is irrelevant in discussion yet you would not say this is true for the building of a nuclear power plant, so how can you justify it for seemingly mundane discussions such as the creation of regulatory policy to inhibit trolling? Or any other topic that is discussed.

It is quite frustrating for people to consider intelligence as some kind of taboo like religion, that intelligence is somehow different than artistic or athletic ability. Do you think michael jordan is a snob because he is better than everyone at basketball? Do you think mozart was a snob because he is gifted with a piano? If you lined up jordan with joe six-pack and stated that one was good and one was bad at basketball would that make you a snob? How about if you stated that 85% of people are average or worse at basketball, while only 2% or less are NBA caliber?

You have perverted the usage of the word snob; being a snob is essentially being prejudiced. Its riding around on a high horse thinking you are better than others because you are better at a particular quality--it is not merely thinking that you are better than others at that quality. Subtle? Yes. Going around claiming you are smarter than others is not snobbery (its confidence or lunacy), going around claiming you are better than others because you are smarter than others is snobbery.

If you think that pointing out an inequality is snobbery, then it is your prejudice that is showing. Nobody should apologize for their intelligence just as nobody should apologize for their lack of intelligence. If you think that intelligence is somehow more important than musical talent, athletic ability, comedic presence, or any other human quality you have an inherent bias or prejudice towards others. Are you upset that other people can hula hoop 1000 times longer than you, if not, why are you upset that other people are smarter than you? How is a nuclear engineer any more gifted than a master carpenter, unless you value one quality over the other?

How do you feel about racial prejudice? Then you understand how I feel about all prejudice, including prejudice against intellect. What motivates people to force other races to drink from separate water fountains is the same thing which motivates people to force other people to a certain salary. You don't limit an artist or NBA player to a salary, so why do you think it is okay to limit a CEO to such? The principle is the same when holding contempt for someone because of a quality, such as intelligence.

Am I saying I'm smart? No, I never made that claim. All I pointed out was that burdtugler wasn't following a clear line of reasoning. Why am I chastised for pointing out the flaws in others arguments, especially if they are making a direct attack against me? Why am I chastised for asserting that others claims are false or bad, if they are not chastised for asserting that they are true or good? If joe big-mac calls nasa and suggest they duct tape blow dryers to the side of the space shuttle to clear wing ice, what would their reply be? There may not be stupid questions, but there are stupid answers. Remember stupid is a relative term. Monkeys are stupid when compared to humans, but smart when compared to slugs. Humans are only stupid in comparison to other humans. If there are 10 suggestions on how to deal with trolls, some of them have to be stupid(er) unless they are all the same idea.

If you deny the existence of inequality, you are living with either your eyes or mind shut. If everyone was equal, this life would be so boring you'd have to stand in line to jump off the nearest bridge.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

1) Season - summer, without a doubt.
2) Place in the world - Home, but then I've never been very far from it.
3) Children's book - Either the Hobbit or Paddington.
4) TV Series - Futurama, Lost, South Park and my latest craze House.
5) Word - Gahagafacka
6) Film - Iron Giant (Soooo pah mahhn.. tears every time)
7) Curse - Fuck or bullcrap.
Creature - Woman or shark.
9) Past time - Then.
10)Person - Hmm, I don't know. Some of my friends, I presume, but I don't play favorites with them.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Lately cat, but I love dogs too.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - It's all good.
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes.
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop.
17) Drive or walk - Drive
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex with food.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission -
22) A great comment on one of your vids -
23) Most off the wall member - Choggie, BillO or thepinky, I think. And that lucky760's always been a rotten apple.
24) Favourite user name - Fissionchips
25) Your most used channel - Animation or comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - According to Tofumar: but I don't think so.
27) Best avatar - Schmawy, hands down.
28) Partner in crime - JAPR or NicoleBee
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Problem, what problem?
30) Idea for the site - StumbleUpon-like page.

About you

31) Where do you live - Aarhus Denmark
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Non-smoker
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Dark brownish
35) Relationship status - Permasingle
36) How tall - 183cm, I have no idea that is in your yards and furlongs.
37) Children - Belligerent and numerous. (naw, ain't got kids)
38) Ever had an operation - Polyps when I was tiny.
39) Best feature - Dry wit, penchant for motorboating. (and I don't care for sailing.. )
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Thinker, nice, elitist, softie

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Someone who died before his/her time and would appreciate another go around. Don't know who though. Maybe Heath Ledger. MOZART!
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Richard Dawkins foundation for Reason and Science
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sean Hannity
44) Relive a moment in your life - A gentleman don't kiss and tell.
45) Have a superpower - Fly, I think.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Everything.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Masturbation, that is.. MY masturbation.
48) Be president for one hour - Probably couldn't do something long term, but I would abolish tax exempts for religious organizations.
49) Delete a period in history - If I delete it, it will happen again. It stays.
50) Achieve one thing - Technological Singularity.

Telephone Piano

Phone Concerto

Star King #8 - Five Year Old Blind Genius Pianist

Channeling in (Sift Talk Post)

Harry Nilsson - 1941

Shawshank Redemption - Andy Plays Mozart

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'shawshank, redemption, andy, mozart, hope, Tim Robbins, music' to 'shawshank, redemption, andy, mozart, hope, Tim Robbins, music, morgan freeman' - edited by jwray

Shawshank Redemption - Andy Plays Mozart

Francis Ford Coppola predicts Youtube back in '91

Car Doors Reloaded

8891 says...

Heh. Marine, I thought the exact same thing the first time I saw it open. What if it's raining? I can picture the driver swearing at the door to close faster.

Still, there's definitely something to be said about a proper British accent and some Mozart in the background. The cumulative effect is something akin to "Of course you want this, what kind of heathen wouldn't want a piece of pure elegance?"

British accents FTW.

J.S.Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor Karl Richter

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