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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Trump shield “judge” cannon has been caught pulling a Thomas by accepting multiple LAVISH vacations from conservative donors and not reporting it as required by law. She only finally did AFTER NPR asked her directly why she wasn’t reporting them….well beyond the 30 days she had to do so legally.
This is not only a disbarment level ethics violation, it’s also direct tax fraud since she didn’t pay taxes on the gifts either. 😂

Lock her up!
Lock her up!
Lock her up!

If she’s removed and Trump gets an actual impartial judge he’s going to the firing squad for treason! What he did is treason, he’s admitted to doing it a hundred times in public, only he can take the stand to contradict those 100+ statements of guilt, and if he takes the stand we all know he’s toast, he’s incapable of not lying, incapable of not telling on himself, incapable of any hint of self control.

Impeachment of Thomas is on hold until the criminal right protecting him from his decades long bribery scandal of selling decisions to the highest bidder and massive tax frauds is out of power and the law can be applied again. When the Democrats regain the house in November, expect his impeachment to be job #1, and maybe the other right wing lying criminal justices like Alito, Kavenaugh, and Barrett. We could have a liberal court for the first time in your lifetime (yes, I know you think it’s still a liberal court today at 6 cons - 3 liberal justices…you never could do first grade math).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh SHIT! VonShitzenpants violated the gag order last night AFTER the second contempt hearing where he was informed the next violation will mean incarceration, reposting others making (false) statements about Merchan’s daughter and court staff and the gag order.
Still waiting for the other courts, he violated every release order in every court including Cannon’s when he was found guilty of 9 counts of CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, a crime and violation of his release conditions. You claim he’s treated unfairly, why isn’t he in jail then, like any other citizen would be by now? We all agreed that people who commit more crimes while on pre trial release should be remanded…but you cultishly don’t agree when it’s Dummy VonShitzenpants. 😂

Uh-oh! SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE …Trump media’s replacement financial auditor (replaced the real auditors who declared serious concern about the information they were being provided and the viability of the company then quit) has been charged with massive frauds, 100% deficient audits (21/21 audited had major omissions or misstatements or “errors” that drastically effected the audit results), and a total lack of complying with basic standards. The SEC called them a “sham audit mill”. Who could have predicted that? EVERYONE! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the best you can come up with after a week of major failures in and out of court and a massively public alarmingly sharp mental decline on display daily after the sulfurous courtroom nap times from disgraced sundowning failed ex-president Hoover? 😂
Such a sad little joke of a wannabe man you’ve become. Still waiting.

It’s hilarious he’s so hurt that nobody loves him anymore…not his family, not his cultists, not his proud boys and boogaloo boys. No one showed up again on Friday after he begged them to come support him all week. He had to lie and claim they were kept away, but multiple news outlets debunked that on air by walking in front of the courthouse without issue.
He’s losing in courtrooms all over the country, and being named in criminal indictments in more and more states. He’s siphoning off all Republican cash for his own bills and kickbacks to his family, so nobody down ballot has money to campaign either…and Trump isn't campaigning, he’s just complaining. Enjoy summer! Sounds like he should have another trial just in time for Halloween….but he’s the best you’ve got. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow. So little support showed up today after Don called for massive protests that he claimed the police had closed the streets around the courthouse, but they had not, the street was open, there was ONE pro trump protester there. That’s it, all that showed up to support the disgraced ex president…no fans, no supporters, no family. Even Jeffry Dahmer’s parents showed up for him in court! No one is there for poor little DJ that he isn’t paying to be there.
Bonus- After their disastrous performance at the contempt hearing where their arguments were laughable (like claiming that if Trump adds “maga” to any post it becomes a political statement and that magically invalidates the gag order, or that retweeting statements doesn’t violate the gag order even when he edits them, the judge has said he, Trump’s only real attorney, has lost all credibility in this court…Trump already had none, now his lawyers won’t be believed and the judge will instruct the jury to that effect. The keystone cops of lawyers! You get what you deserve sometimes. 😂

Today’s testimony….


“[Pecker] Outlines Trump election conspiracy and reveals Trump’s constant cheating on wife Melania in damning testimony” Hilariously describing the then long time married Trump as “well known as the most eligible bachelor”.
Walt Nada has said under oath that he was promised a pardon when Trump wins if he lied to the FBI. 😂
Interviews from person 16 with corroborating evidence show Trump and his family were warned repeatedly that stealing documents from the whitehouse was a crime and they needed to return every page. They also reported under oath that there was never a standing “declassification order”, and could not be because it would be highly illegal. (Handling whitehouse records and preserving them was part of their job). Just more evidence that the treason wasn’t an accident, he stole those highly sensitive classified documents intentionally knowing full well it was criminal when he did it, and criminal to retain them. We still have no idea who he may have shown them to, but we know at the least that both Chinese and Russian agents have been free to roam Mar a Lago while they were there unguarded. You can’t say the same about the personal notes Biden accidentally retained and returned when they were discovered.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwwww…are you upset that the maga obstruction failed and Ukraine is getting rearmed against your mother Russia, who is struggling in the war and enjoying massively successful attacks deep into its territory daily now? 😂

The Putin party has disintegrated into infighting and stunts that are turning off even maga.

The false narrative that the economy is failing has failed.

Trump is stuck in court sitting in his full diaper proving he can’t even stay awake at his own trial without drugs or follow simple rules, sleepy Don dozed off in court again today….and he’s your pick to run the free world. 😂 (uh-oh. David Pecker is witness #1…he ran the catch and kill program to buy and hide any news that was bad for the Trump campaign mostly to hide sexual misconduct from the public, you know, like you complain was election interference with the (now thoroughly debunked) Hunter laptop story. He knows about all the bodies and where they’re buried, he buried them, and Trump stiffed him on paying off Karen McDougal, then he was caught and cooperated with the DA.)
PS- Where’s Melania?

Enjoy November!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How stupid can Don be? No, really?
He’s terrified because on Monday “his” properties begin being seized. He has filed in court insisting it’s impossible for him to even get a bond for his judgement and can’t pay it so needs a stay or massive reduction, begging the court for leniency and mercy, and at the same time ranting on social media that he has $500 million in cash he could put up but he just doesn’t want to, the court is all corrupt and playing political games not applying laws, and he’s publicly thumbing his nose at them.
What do you think the court is going to do with that? 😂

It all crashes down Monday, when everything he owns gets seized and it’s still not enough to cover his debts, much less his upcoming multi million dollar legal bills from 4 criminal cases. It’s hilarious people believed he was so rich, thinking anything his name was on is his…it’s not. Even the few properties he “owns” are really usually owned 90-95% by banks or partners. My understanding is he has a $25 million mortgage on MarALago that’s only worth $18 million unincumbered! Guaranteed it’s not alone being underwater. Even at full face value, his NY properties won’t cover the debt. He really need Putin to rescue him….ain’t gonna happen.

Trump Bloodbath statement Has leftest spin the lie

newtboy says...

Nice try at spinning away from what he said, repeatedly.

Trump is clear and consistent…when he loses he will direct his cult to riot and attack liberals and the government, again….he’s already told them to be ready.
When he said if he loses there will be massive bloodshed across America, he means exactly that. Nobody is fooled by the idiotic excuses and lies, @bobknight33. It’s far from the first time he’s said that.

That’s why there’s an industry selling “ready packages” for assaults to MAGA like the Rittenhouse Pack that includes (but isn’t limited to) full ballistic body armor, additional ceramic body armor plates, multi magazine holsters for multiple extended mags in multiple calibers, trauma pads and other first aid, and hydration because it’s thirsty work taking over a nation by force. These aren’t defensive items, they are assault items being sold exclusively to MAGA.
It’s why people like Bannon are telling their crowds to be prepared to go to prison to get Trump in office and dismantle the “administrative state” (by which he means the Federal government). These are crowds of MAGA politicians and appointees. You don’t go to prison for being peaceful lawful citizens.

WE ALL SEE THE PLANS HERE. You should know, vests don’t stop black talons or other Teflon coated bullets, and we know it.

He said the foreign car industry will fail if he wins, can’t sell those cars but that’s the least of your problems because it will be a bloodbath FOR THE COUNTRY if he loses and that (lower car sales) will be the least of it. That is the context, he’s calling for/predicting a bloodbath across America BY HIS FOLLOWERS if (when) he loses the election, not predicting a bloodbath in the auto industry (like the one that happened his first term).
I know that’s clear to even you, you just can’t admit it or you think you’ll give the game away…but nobody is fooled. Plausible deniability requires plausibility.

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

newtboy says...

You first coward. I’ve been waiting for over a month, for the third or fourth time, and I’m still waiting for an infant to hit puberty and grow a pair. Those tiny grapes haven’t dropped yet, Bobby. I think they might have withered on the vine.

Why would I comment on some stupidity that has no basis in reality? Trump is flailing, trying anything to escape the trials where he will be found guilty of treasonous activity because HE IS GUILTY. That paperwork isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, neither is the silly meaningless accusation about Willis.
Edit: his latest fraud, trying to move his NY business addresses to Florida before the judgement was entered to attempt to avoid ever paying the judgement, was discovered immediately and failed, judgement entered, Trump’s broke as a joke with no one willing to loan him a dime…I bet if he sold his interest in all of his properties worldwide it wouldn’t pay his fines, legal bills, and outstanding loans. His creditors and the state are coming to fight over his financial carcass. Lucky Ivanka has billionaire Jared (who isn’t helping with daddy’s bills), the boys will end up on the street. 😂

Don’t you find it odd that Trump’s defenses are all attacks against the prosecution and false equivalence whataboutisms but never actual defenses for the crimes he committed?

Yes, you absolutely have a full blown case of TDS, and massive ignorance of the law and courts functions, and a willingness to ignore all ethical, moral, legal, even human failings by your guy and make up more then exaggerate their importance about his rivals.
If you applied the same criteria to judging Trump that you apply to judging Biden you would hate and despise him far more, but you don’t.
Seeing how 99% of my claims are verified in courts and 99% of yours are debunked completely within a week of you making them up, I think it’s clear who is blinded and who sees reality.

bobknight33 said:

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy jokingly says...

Which Joe? Sounds like you think they are two separate people.

That makes sense, you believe there’s diabolical super criminal Genius Joe who pulls off the most convoluted and massive criminal schemes in history with godlike perfection all while leaving absolutely no trace and Sleepy Joe who doesn’t know who or where he is and is completely dementia riddled and you are so gullible that you never think to question the fact that both can’t possibly be true at once. You also never think of the implications of Trump being easily whipped by Sleepy Joe or the implications of him competing with Genius Joe. 😂

bobknight33 said:

YEP , so a Senator and VP are to slide when they have 0 legal authority to have personal possession of classified documents.

Sounds like Joe got special treatment.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂The financial monitor for Trump’s finances found another $50 million tax fraud. Just one of dozens upon dozens of frauds, misstatements under oath, illegitimate business practices, and intentional non compliance with the law and direct orders from courts. He got an F- and the monitor said the frauds have continued through the day she submitted her report. This is the report Engoron will use to determine how much to find the Trump org for persistent fraud. Hold onto your hat! 😂

The report included one massive fraud scheme from when he defaulted on loans for the Chicago tower to the tune of $50 million (most of his lenders don’t get paid back, despite his claims they do). The lenders were then blackmailed into “forgiving” those loans on the Chicago tower after he defaulted and he sued them! He then created a shell company to hold the $50 million he had just been “given” (that’s a way to avoid taxes on loan forgiveness, otherwise it’s income). The problem is that shell company then secretly “loaned” that $50 million to Trump and listed him as a bad risk but took no collateral, it was not repayed, seemingly “forgiven”.
Unfortunately for Trump, the Trump Organization (that controlled ALL of Trump’s businesses including the shell companies) has said there is no record of any $48-$50 million loan to Trump, it never happened…but he did personally take the money, it’s just not a loan.
That’s more tax fraud, more bank fraud, and likely wire fraud too. Probably a half dozen felonies for Trump personally in just that scheme. More cases for Trump just keep coming…while more lawyers keep going. Is it just the two idiot bimbos now? Seems like it.

So let’s recap…Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes for a few years and owed $1.5 million which he paid but is still being prosecuted.
In this one tax fraud scheme, Trump evaded paying taxes on $50 million, a minimum of another $15 million in taxes he evaded through fraud for at least a decade. He should get at least 10 times the sentence Hunter gets.

Recall, if he’s telling the truth about the value of Mar A Lago, he has evaded over $700 million in taxes to Florida alone on one single property. Trump is the biggest tax fraud in American history…and he’s caught….again.

Today’s bonus- The recent IG reports prove the Trump White House was a total pill mill, handing out hard core drugs without prescription, evaluation, or often even a patient’s name, handing out ungodly amounts of four opioid pain medications: fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone, and dozens of other scheduled prescription medications like Provigil handed out by the bottle as “parting gifts” for visitors to the whitehouse…a total free for all at the pharmacy run by Trump’s “best people”. Over 2/3 of the patients weren’t even eligible for treatment by the office, but were handed bags full of schedule 1 narcotics for the asking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Habba has been caught lying to the judge again, this time claiming she had a high fever and likely covid to get a delay in the current trial, then instead of going home after leaving court she went with Trump campaigning and doing press events for the next 3 days….caught by a massive MAGgot and Jan 6 attacker who took a friendly picture with her and was thrown out of the Trump event without explanation. That photo has now gone public and exposed her lies to the judge. Really dumb to lie to the judge before trial ends….that’s Trump.
Bonus- The UAW president torched Trump during the union’s public endorsement of Biden, reminding everyone how Biden came to the picket lines with the UAW and supported blue collar working Americans while Trump went to a non union shop, hired actors to pretend to be union workers, and trashed the union in his speeches. He’s lost young voters, women, minorities, and union workers, never had educated professionals…who’s left? Uneducated unemployed racist white guys…your people. Probably why he’s saying he intends to give MORE tax cuts to corporations and the .001% but not to average Americans, their taxes will go up again. BTW, those massive deficit exploding tax cuts not only didn’t pay for themselves at all nor did they raise the GDP, they crashed the economy to near depression and the debt skyrocketed faster than ever before.
And Gaetz’s sex trafficking investigation is ramping up, talking to the girls and young women he bragged about sleeping with after paying and shipping them across the country for sex. Where is Greene’s outrage? Completely absent, because it’s all fake outrage.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hilarious fight between Hannity and Doucey because Hannity wants to spread Trump’s lies, this one about how Trump really won by a huge margin not realized because Democrats in New Hampshire have taken over the Republican primary, first claiming Democrats could just vote in the Republican primary, a lie he got direct from Trump, not true, then after Doucey told the truth about that and Trump had a weekend tirade about being corrected he came up with the lie that they could just switch parties then go vote in the Republican primary on the same day, another lie the cut off date for switching parties was early October. Doucey corrected that lie too, at which point Hannity got pissed and accused him of being a leftist…because honesty and facts are only for leftists while pure made up lies are all that the right peddles, I don’t think he meant to be making that point so clearly and publicly but he did, and it’s accurate, the only accurate thing he’s said lately.
MAGA is nothing but lies and whining now, a failing cult whose prophet is a child molesting rapist tax cheat that fomented a coup to stay in power, stole and sold highly classified top secret military documents, sold a list of our own allied countries spies to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion (and they executed many), and presided over what he made the worst year in American history by almost every measure, 2020.

On Monday Trump said Biden will destroy America IF HE EVER GETS INTO OFFICE.

Enjoy your cult of lies led by a dementia ridden criminal. He’s falling apart exactly like his father who had Alzheimer’s which runs in families (a condition Trump repeatedly took advantage of in his fathers dying years to forgive himself of tens of millions in debts to Fred’s estate and tried to rewrite his dad’s will to cut out everyone else but was caught…and you want a similarly easily tricked dottering fool in the highest office).
And a Florida Senator (Garcia) and the CFO of Florida have decided it’s wrong to take any tax payer money to buy poor children or elderly people lunch or health care (she chairs the children family and elders affairs committee), but they should take $5 million of taxpayer money to hand it to Trump to help him with his criminal attorney fees….yes, they’re trying to give alleged billionaire Trump a taxpayer bailout for his criminal charges despite having massive poverty and lack of services in the state and an over $130 billion in debt. MAGA priorities on full display.

National debt

newtboy says...

Trump promised to balance the budget and lower the debt in his first term, but instead he raised the deficit significantly with Republicans in full control of congress. 40% of our national debt was added during his short 4 year tenure and the deficit EXPLODED…or to MAGA “promise kept”.

If paying down debt is important, you have to support ending the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the top 1%, that would more than balance the budget and start paying down debt all by itself with no cuts at all. Recovering 100% of the PPP loans would help. If lowering debt is important, it follows that you wouldn’t vote for someone who thinks incredibly high debt is good and repeated bankruptcy better, that is Trump’s business history….fraud, massive debts, repeated bankruptcy, and total failures.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What I wrote is 100% true and factually correct, every word. No 1/2 truths or fake reports at all. Prove your contention with evidence and citation, be specific. That makes you run for the hills in silence every time because all you spout is nonsense and fabrication…impossible to provide evidence for a lie, and embarrassing to admit who you believed.

Trump himself said his favorite thing he and his daughter SHARE was sex, and publicly waxed about how great it would be to have sex with her, great ass, great boobs.
Trump himself willingly said on air that he bought a teen beauty pageant intending to use his ownership to go into 14 year old girl’s dressing rooms to leer at them nude and then did so…said it more than once, and said on air that he was obligated to sleep with every contestant. Again, age 14.
Trump and Epstein were self proclaimed “partners in crime” the entire 90’s and most of the 2000’s continuing that relationship for years after Epstein was arrested for child rape. Trump went to child rape island 7 times in 4 years on the flight record (despite having his own plane), I don’t believe there are records of those you accuse…provide them and I’ll admit I’m mistaken.

As for your newest fake Biden story, Statements from a diary published on a dubious website — which themselves have been taken out of context — allegedly came from a misplaced diary written by Ashley Biden and later sold to the repeatedly caught lying and creating false evidence and totally discredited right-wing sting operation Project Veritas, whose hyperbolic and lying founder even said their authenticity couldn't be confirmed.

Sounds like another “Hunter’s laptop”….a bunch of unverifiable unbelievable untrue nonsense coming from people with a massive axe to grind and with absolutely zero indication it’s not a pure fraud but plenty to indicate it is.

Nice try, sucker. They got you again with another fake Biden story with more faked evidence that even the people reporting it to you say is unverified and may be fake. You buy every one like the massive ignorant sucker you are. You will now pretend you never mentioned it because you are such a baby you can never admit being w-w-w-wrong….not ever. It’s a sign of insecurity and an incredibly fragile ego that you think so little of yourself that you believe ever admitting making a mistake might be the last straw for everyone….the opposite is true. The ability to admit a mistake is a sign of strength.

Remember how Trump isn’t mentioned in the Epstein document release…except for all those times he was. Your attempts to impugn Clinton are hilarious…do you think he’s running for office? It’s hilarious you love to try to go after these non politicians with this idiotic nonsense thinking just maybe this time someone will not look into your just plain dumb lies and you might get away with one, finally, and not notice the target is just a private citizen who is not running for office.….but it ain’t gonna happen, sucker. It makes my day to debunk your stupidity, and it’s always so easy it’s fun. You buy the most easily debunked stupidity like it was made just for you…because it is, no one else is gullible enough to keep getting duped by the same liars. 😂

More hard truths…Tacapino just quit all Trump’s cases…he was the last functioning lawyer, the only one with criminal case law experience, now Trump is left with idiotic legal bimbos more interested in their hair than their legal arguments right when he is more legally exposed than he’s ever been. I hope the blowjobs are worth losing all those cases. 😂

bobknight33 said:

More fake or 1/2 truth stories -- Tall tells -- Just what your dumb ass feeds on.

AT least Joe Biden daughter wrote in her diary that Dad regularly showered with her. That more direct evidence than you dribble you peddle.

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