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Hollywood 'Red' Probe, HUAC Hearings Begin 1947/10/20

schmawy says...

There was by the end of WWII, in the Manhattan project in particular that I know about. But those are scientists, not actors. Can you change peoples minds, their ideals with movies? Yes, I think you can. Is the power afforded media, the way we take it in the vein, something to be concerned about? I think so. Was the paranoia justified? That's the thing about paranoia, it's self-justifying.

I can actually feel pretty nostalgic about what I remember of the end of the cold war. I'll take cold-war spy thrillers over 24 any day.

It Took a Genius (Richard Feynman and the atomic bomb)

Obama on his Environmental Agenda

nickreal03 says...

In fact I think his project fall short for what I would have liked. I would have said 45 miles per gallon by 2015 because cars like the Honda non-hybrid has proven it can be done. So there is not excuse to keep on delaying that situation.

I would also have created a very aggressive insulation and energy efficient building code. Such all the building/houses moving forward have all the key technologies to safe energy, insulation, water, etc. I would also have included solar power for them as mandatory. To help start build the idea of energy decentralization. Which is good for many reasons.

I would also have announce that we are looking into defining a Manhattan project for the USA to help us be energy independent by 2030.

The Political Future of Nuclear Fusion

10677 says...

>> ^nickreal03:
This should be what Obama's Manhattan Project/man on the moon project should be. I think is doable in less than ten years if people wanted to make it happen.

Not going to happen. The US is already involved in the ITER project and the earliest prediction for ITER is a commercial reactor by 2050. And that's IF nothing goes wrong.

Current research is still working towards achieving net gain, which is a far cry from practical fusion power. People have been promising fusion power "soon" since the 70s. The fact is we're not even close to starting research on commercial fusion, and we don't know if a practical fusion plant is even possible.

Our energy needs grows exponentially, and when and IF fusion power becomes available, it will already be too late. We NEED research on renewable fuels and alternative energy such as solar power to bridge that gap, and putting our hopes on a hail mary like fusion is only an invitation to disaster.

The Political Future of Nuclear Fusion

nickreal03 says...

This should be what Obama's Manhattan Project/man on the moon project should be. I think is doable in less than ten years if people wanted to make it happen. Renuables should also be use to complement this projects specially solar power.

This plus a Hydrogen economy will set USA/Rest of the world in a very stable direction.

Christopher Hitchens Slams Sarah Palin On Her Beliefs

11691 says...

"And if you think government research is ever going to surpass private enterprise research: HA"

I guess we should have put out bids on the Manhattan Project and the Apollo program... I'm sure that would have succeeded wildly... Also, I say this as an R&D engineer, private research is very good at developing technologies, but... Private research sucks at creating technologies, and it sucks at science, it always has, and I suspect it always will. The pay off in doing basic science research is so far down the road, and such a gamble that little or no private enterprise is willing to touch it.

Also, I used to be fiscally conservative, and socially liberal. I have read Adam Smith, and Thomas Malthus... But after I finished school, and entered the real world, I realized that it just doesn't work that well. If you look at economic history of the US, it is the times that we had liberal presidents that our economy grew the fastest, unemployment dropped the fastest, Carter was the one aberration.

The University of Nevada-Reno uncovered the following while conducting the economic comparison between Republican and Democratic presidential administrations from 1949 to 2005:
• Unemployment Rate- Republicans 6.0%, Democrats 5.2%
• Change In Unemployment Rate- Republicans +0.3%, Democrats -0.4%
• Growth of Multifactor Productivity- Republicans 0.9%, Democrats 1.7%
• Corporate Profits (share of GDP)- Republicans 8.8%, Democrats 10.2%
• Real Value of Dow Jones Index- Republicans 4.3%, Democrats 5.4%
(in logarithmic growth rates)- Republicans 2.8%, Democrats 4.4%
• Real Weekly Earnings- Republicans 0.3%, Democrats 1.0%
• CPI Inflation Rate- Republicans 3.8%, Democrats 3.8%

In short, it looks like Keynes is spot on.

Ideologically, I like fiscal conservatism, but pragmatism demands liberalization of fiscal policy. I am a liberal now, because of pragmatism, something I think you would understand with your comments about how great religion has been for the world (a statement I disagree with, btw. Sure good things have been done in the name of religion, but I am not so sure it outweighs the bad.).

Don't tell me that liberals know nothing of conservative thought. I used to think it my self, but then I looked around and grew up, became a liberal.

Also, calling our congress communist shows a complete ignorance of the definition of the term communism. Same with your use of the term socialism. Palin, and W are much more socialist than Obama. Bush with the buying of banks, and Palin with the paying of every citizen of Alaska.

Low Gravity - Mythbusters Bust Moon Landing Conspiracies

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Duckman33:
I'm referring to NASA's own pictures after the landing has taken place. Not the footage of the landing. You tell me where the blast crater is, or any disturbed dust under the thruster of the lander for that matter in these pictures:
The first linked picture pretty much sums up my point. I suppose they moved the lander to a different spot then took the pictures because the blast crater created by the thruster was unsightly? I'm not saying it was fake or not. But there are many discrepancies in NASA's own pictures that need to be answered.

What does disturbed dust look like as opposed to undisturbed dust? What does a blast crater in a bunch of craters look like? Even more so, this isn't earth dust, most of it is very ridged and doesn't behave in the same manor as the rounded dust you and I are exposed to everyday. You are using your experiences of unlike conditions on earth to equate to the entirely different conditions on the moon and trying to pass that as a reasonable.

I tell you who doesn't doubt the moon landing; radio telescope operators who traced its decent and ascent to and from the moons surface. Not to mention that the government couldn't keep the Manhattan project a secret and NASA is 20 times as large as. The Russians would have been the first ones to call our bluff.


Constitutional_Patriot says...

Here are the links to the conspiracies listed in the video. These may not be the best links, but it is not my job to do your research for you. You need to find out all the available information yourself. This is just to get you some idea of the stories related to this video

Smallpox Blankets

Chicago Black Sox

General Motors Street Car

Overthrow FDR

Reichstag fire

Manhattan Project

Quiz Show scandal

Operation Northwoods

Gulf of Tonkin


Iran Contra

Enron & Aurthur Anderson

Kennedy Assassination
There are probably more articles on this subject then any other mentioned. You can also see the movie JFK among many other films made on the subject.

Tuskegee Syphilis scandal

We should never stop asking questions regarding events that appear in any way suspicious. If they have nothing to hide, then there should be no problem answering questions and giving the proper respect to either clear the names of the accused or indict them for crimes committed. Either way, people should never feel as if they should not ask the people in power the tough questions that need honest answers.

Do boomerangs work in space?

charliem says...

The space station has helped us to understand and verify in far greater detail all those observations of newtonian physics, in micro-gravity. Sure, showing how things move and interact in air without gravity to effect it doesnt really give much immediate benefit, but if you were to think that way about all scienctific advance, then you would simply not have the internet.

Scientists didnt know that tinkering with electricity would eventuate into a telecommunications network where it allows ubiquitous connectivity anywhere in the civilised world, to them it was just some out-there cool thing, with no forseable advantages.

Same gos with lasers, radio's, cathode rays, penacillian...etc.

The list gos on.

To think that anything in science is not worthy of funding meerly because you cant forsee its benefits (and, devils advocate, its downsides; Manhattan Project anyone ?), and therefore should be forefit of funding, is an injustice to the scientific method of the highest order.

You take for granted the internet, your mobile phone, your television, your cars, your PDA, hell even your clothes. What you fail to realise is that without people funding seemingly useless scientific endeavours, NONE of it would exist as it does today.

Show some respect.

Obama on Gas Prices

Crysis Spinning-Enemy Bug

marinara (Member Profile)

qruel says...

agreed. thanks for the info. have you read The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson " He lays out the whole story on fluoride in great detail (especially its links to the manhattan project)


In reply to this comment by marinara:
It's not about freaks like me calling foul.
It's really about cash money.

Floride is big business and we've invested in the myth of floride ever since the Manhattan project. Why the manhattan project? Well, besides floride being a byproduct of aluminum smelting, not to mention teflon/and florocarbons(refrigeration medium) which are now: HCFCs or HFCs. Floride was also a large byproduct of uranium enrichment.

I challenge anyone to find a website which says: "floride is safe." It's a moot point.

Fluoride will Fuck you up.

marinara says...

It's not about freaks like me calling foul.
It's really about cash money.

Fluoride is big business and we've invested in the myth of Fluoride ever since the Manhattan project. Why the manhattan project? Well, besides Fluoride being a byproduct of aluminum smelting, not to mention teflon/and florocarbons(refrigeration medium) which are now: HCFCs or HFCs. Fluoride was also a large byproduct of uranium enrichment.

I challenge anyone to find a website which says: "Fluoride is safe." It's a moot point.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles - by Angry nintendo nerd

rembar says...

So right. TMNT: The Manhattan Project was far superior. I spent many happy hours button-mashing away with my sister on 2P, working our way through the whole game (which didn't have a save feature). We made it all the way to Shredder, and lost our last life when he started flashing.

Bohemian Grove

sfjocko says...

Conspiracies abound regarding this elite woodlands club. The clip is obviously of the hardcore conspiracy version, and the (long) snip below seems a more likely or reasonable description.

"What is the Bohemian Grove? The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio, CA. It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp" in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

What is the Bohemian Club? The Bohemian Club is a private. all male club, which is headquartered in the Bohemian building in San Francisco. It was formed in 1872 by men who sought shelter from the frontier culture (or lack of culture).

Who are the present members? The Club has evolved into an association of rich and powerful men, mostly of this country (there are similar organizations in other countries). Some artists are allowed to join (often at reduced rates), because of their social status and entertainment value. The membership list has included every Republican U.S. president (as well as some Democrats) since 1923, many cabinet officials, and director; & CEO's of large corporations, including major financial institutions.

What industries are represented among the members? Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power), and national media (broadcast and print) have high-ranking officials as club members or guests. Many members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these corporations. You should note that most of the above industries depend heavily on a relationship with government for their profitability.

The members stay in different camps at the Grove, which have varying status levels. Members & frequent guests of the most prestigious camp (Mandalay) include: Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, S. D. Bechtel, Jr., Thomas Watson Jr. (IBM), Phillip Hawley (B of A), William Casey (CIA). and Ralph Bailey (Dupont). George Bush resides in a less prestigious camp (Hillbillies) with A. W. Clausen (World Bank), Walter Cronkite, and William F. Buckley.

What activities take place at the grove? The grove is the site of a two week retreat every July (as well as other smaller get-togethers throughout the year). At these retreats, the members commune with nature in a truly original way. They drink heavily from morning through the night, bask in their freedom to urinate on the redwoods, and perform pagan rituals (including the "Cremation of Care", in which the members wearing red-hooded robes, cremate a coffin effigy of "Dull Care" at the base of a 40 foot owl altar). Some (20%) engage in homosexual activity (but few of them support gay rights or AIDS research). They watch (and participate in) plays and comedy shows in which women are portrayed by male actors. Although women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy the company of the many prostitutes who come from around the world for this event. Is any of this hard to believe? Employees of the Grove have said that no verbal description can accurately portray the bizarre behavior of the Grove's inhabitants.

Besides this type of merriment. the annual gathering serves as an informational clearing house for the elite. The most powerful men in the country do their "networking" here, despite the Grove's motto "weaving spiders come not here" (don't do business in the Grove). At these gatherings men representing the government, military-industrial, and financial sectors meet and make major policy decisions. The Manhattan project, which produced the first atomic bombs, was conceived at the Grove in 1942. Other decisions made at the Grove include who our presidential candidates will be. There are speeches, known as "Lakeside Talks", wherein high-ranking officials disseminate information which is not available to the public-at-large. "

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