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gwiz665 (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

fullerenedream (Member Profile)

Fjnbk says...

It's an excellent idea, although I don't know any tattoo artists . Simultaneously intellectual and cool.

In reply to this comment by fullerenedream:
Actually the tattoo was originally my idea (I'm the girlfriend). It would be cool to have an outline of the mandelbrot set on my back. If I could somehow get it done for free by an excellent tattoo artist, I'd do it right now!

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
That would be excellent, although I don't think she'd like it much.

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Woo! Nice mandelbrot avatar! I'm trying to talk my girlfriend into getting a brot tattooed on her back.

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

fullerenedream says...

Actually the tattoo was originally my idea (I'm the girlfriend). It would be cool to have an outline of the mandelbrot set on my back. If I could somehow get it done for free by an excellent tattoo artist, I'd do it right now!

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
That would be excellent, although I don't think she'd like it much.

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Woo! Nice mandelbrot avatar! I'm trying to talk my girlfriend into getting a brot tattooed on her back.

Portal's "Still Alive" Done in Mario Paint

Fractal Zoom : : dendrites of the mandelbrot set

The Grand Canyon Skywalk (would YOU get on this?)

djsunkid says...

Not to mention lots of stuff about the mandelbrot set- probably my favourite shape! Woohoo for Arthur C Clarke.

This construction sounds awesome.

Jonathan Coulton: Mandelbrot Set (by: grade 10 math class)

maudlin says...

From Coulton's blog:

Now this is awesome - I just got a very sweet letter from a 10th grade class in Minnesota who made a video for Mandelbrot Set. They’re from Sobriety High, a sober school for kids who have gone through chemical dependency treatment and want to finish up high school in a place without the standard high school temptations. They researched fractals and Benoit, drew pictures, took photos and put the whole thing together just to make me cry like a little baby. The project is detailed on their website. It makes me very happy.

our universe is made up of 11 dimensions

Farhad2000 says...

I believe that scientific research into quantum mechanics is like zooming into the mandelbrot set, you will keep finding systems of infinite complexity the further you go. I don't think a quantum 'floor' exists.

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