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TYT: Why Does Cenk Criticize Obama?

quantumushroom says...

Progressivism = socialism = statism = communism lite and regular brand.


There's no problem government can't solve! Just keep throwing other peoples' money at it!

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Someone care to explain what "progressive" means? I can't find a suitable definition on the internets, or in commonality of liberal progressives. The only meaningful definition was from progressive tax codes, but I don't think that idea encapsulates the entirety of this vague concept.

Smugglarn (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Police Officer Protecting and Serving the Shit Out Of You!

Opus_Moderandi says...


Hey, Matt D can't help being so sexy...

I think you need to fix those glasses of your because if you watch the beginning of the video those 2 guys are STRUGGLING on the hood of that car and you can clearly see the cop WRENCH the well made mag light (your preoccupation with this phallic shaped device is more gay than my affection for Matt Damon... imo. ) out of the "seemingly calm" guys hands. IMHO, if you struggle with a cop, you better damn well be prepared to pay the price.

I'm not saying I agree with the cop smacking him with the awesome 2lb penis-like mag lite, I'm not saying the guy deserved it. I'm saying he fucked with a cop, what did he expect to happen?

sarah palin-wins "misinformer of the year"

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Good to know she still sticks in the left's craw.
Media Matters = George Soros operation

You mean like how Hitler sticks in the Jew's craw? Either comment (mine or yours) is ficticious, because conservatives and libers hate her too. She def sticks in my craw, because she is big government *lite*...

Tea Party: Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Ignoring the "You're racist" trolling...

At no point did I say that the property ownership should be the "only" yardstick. I said that the OP quote was accurate. And it is. I then commented on how a reliable history of sensible property ownership says something about a person. Ooo - how edgy.

What I'm talking about in general is looking at people's behaviors to see if they have shown they deserve the right to vote, as opposed to just assuming any Tom, Dick, & Harry can vote no matter how stupid they are or how badly they behave. A person can be a property owner and be a scoundrel unworthy of voting. Likewise, they could be renters who are as trustworthy as the SLJ.

I don't think that a 'test to qualify' is the right mentality, though I do think people should have to pass (successfully) a civics class to vote so they know the proper role of government, the courts, and so forth. No - my thoughts are more along the lines that there are things that DISQUALIFY you from voting. Anyone with a felony record. Deadbeat dads. Repeat DUI offenders. Histories of child abuse. People with too much debt and not enough income. Stuff like that. I think people who have proven track records of screwing up, making bad choices, and otherwise failing at life in general should be either put in a 'voter lite' pile with limited voting rights, or in a banned pile where they remain until have a documented history of straighten up and flying right. I think voting should be a MERITED priveledge, not just something you get if you have two legs and a brain.

tigereye (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Nowhere in particular, maybe next time your at the grocery store buy some peanut butter and put it in the food hamper.

as per my video here :

you can learn about its nutritional value and origin of use.

In reply to this comment by tigereye:
So, where do I send the peanut butter?
And do you prefer crunchy or smooth?


In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
So we are offering a *Promote tional offer here today, click and listen to a song ! and get a free 250 ml jar of peanut butter.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Stimpy loses the plot after he wins a boxing match

tigereye (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Deee-Lite - Power of Love

So, I've made an iPhone game (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Dang, no Lite version, I'd really like to try it! Are there any videos of gameplay anywhere I can view? I would honestly buy this just out of principle but I'm currently broke, a situation I hope to be able rectify in the coming months. I am a fan, visually at least, of anything done with Leg-err Mega Blok brick looking things with cute little blocky eyeballs.

Any possible links of what's in the pipeline for you? I play a metric buttload of games and would like to make good use of all that wasted time somehow by providing some constructive criticism.

App development is something I and a friend who knows his programming (he programmed a game server browser for the Mac, something akin to Gameranger called Adjoa Launcher) have talked about doing on and off for a few years now. He'd handle the majority of the technical stuff and I would provide my, ahem, "artistic" stylings.

Edit: I apologize Gwiz, upon further reflection I realize that that was inappropriate of me. I should've channeled that query through the proper channels and not shit all over your post. Your foray into game development had me feeling a bit over enthusiastic to the point where I made a pretty stupid netiquette blunder. Boy, I don't know which would make me feel more an ass now, you seeing or not seeing that.

Quake Done Quick 720p

flechette says...

Yeah, this was entirely done without cheats. I actually have my old moniker credited (DooMfienD) for some planning work and a stage I ran (e4m3) on Quake done Quick lite. You would not BELIEVE the work that goes into getting these maps done fast. is the place to go if you're looking for the forums for the QdQ guys.

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