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JTZ (Member Profile)

Thylan (Member Profile)

JTZ says...

That my friend, would be Lara Logan. there are a few sift on here of her, she is the one that defended journalists in Iraq when Fox and others criticized the coverage. etc...

Interesting piece on Daniel Day Lewis from CBS news

JTZ says...

That my friend, would be Lara Logan. there are a few sift on here of her. She spent a lot of times covering all the war zones in the world, also she is the one that defended journalists in Iraq when Fox and others criticized the coverage. etc... Should tag her too!

Laura Ingraham gets schooled by Ron Paul

Lara Logan on Leno

The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror

Farhad2000 says...

Related sifts

Iraq is in chaos, with sectarian violence, any force increase will only increase the exposure of US forces to enemy action.
Iraq - The Hidden Story

Russia has been conducting it's own form of energy supply assurances by holding Chechnya under the banner of fight the war on Terror. Which gives them the carte blanche on action as long as they give the Americans the same at the moment.
Dispatches - The Dirty War in Chechnya

The reason the American Energy companies, Oil lobby groups and their contacts (Cheney) in the US goverment would want to flood the market with cheap Iraqi oil is because they are afraid of recent steps in Venezuela, discussions in OPEC towards putting crude oil off the US dollar due to it's military incursions and foreign policy actions. Which would threaten the US current account which relied on the printing of US dollars for oil trade to stabilize the debt. China has the largest US reserves in the world, the US owes them billions. We have become complicit in supporting a communist regime that still oppresses it's population. Even large corporations such as Google that *ahem DO NO EVIL are involved in the Chinese economy.

The Chinese Communist goverment of course finds this a perfect position, they have the US politically by the pursue because at any moment they can pressure OPEC to stay on the US dollar or not, since they are quickly foreshadowing the US in terms of energy usage. If however OPEC would switch to the Euro if say the US continues on it's war path, the US economy will crash rapidly far worse then the great depression.

If we continue to push for war and lack of diplomatic action our position only gets worse, if albeit OK for the short-term. Leading us to only one path and one solution a war for energy supplies, until the lights go out... and there is no Oil left for fight for, and just when we need international cooperation it will be marred by previous hostile actions.
China has US by the purse.

The threat of energy depletion in the long run is more important issue then global warming, and in many ways totally related. As it is better to tackle it when Oil supplies are high and related R&D would be easier compared to when the lights go out and we're fighting wars of dwindling energy domination.
Robert Newman's - A History of Oil

RE: Related sifts, I mean seriously I understand Lara Logan. But Chris Rock + Senator Boxer?

Good news from Iraq you probably never knew, until now

theo47 says...

And as Lara Logan said (see below), everything rests on the security situation in Iraq -- not just how reporters report the news, but if Iraqis can even use this new "quality of life" at all, if they can't get to their schools or jobs safely.

And those jobs Beck crowed about? Way, WAY below what the Bush administration promised.
It's downright comical how the media completely rolled over for the Republicans during the build-up and execution of the war, but now they're complaining that the media isn't telling the real story.


Battle for Haifa Street - Lara Logan

Battle for Haifa Street - Lara Logan

The world's most beautiful news anchor

Katie Couric (w/Lara Logan) debut, 9/5/06 (5:00, starts @ :37)

siftbot says...

Tags changed from "lara, logan, katie, couric, cbs, afganistan, new format, ratings war" to "lara, logan, katie, couric, cbs" by gold star member James Roe.

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

Fletch says...

Only a right-wing nutbar like slyrr would give Rush Limbaugh links, (and be serious about it), to back up his "arguments". You are right daphne... sad, however, it's really mean of you to try confusing him with facts, IMHO. It's like "they" all finally realize Bush is an embarrassing, shit-witted numb-nut and the only reaction they can muster is a collective "Oh yeah! Well, yer a dummie-head liberal!" I can kind of relate though, putting myself in their shoes. When you are as far gone as some of these lemmings, reacting negatively to someone like Clinton, someone who can actually form complete sentences, and speak effectively and logically when arguing a point, seems understandable. I wonder what Dr. Phil's opinion is on Dittohead interventions... Don't judge them, people. They just need help.

BTW, looking for more laughs, I clicked on slyrr's name so I could find and read more of his extremely amusing right-rage rants. The only other times I've laughed as hard are when watching O'Reilly or Limbaugh spew their equally self-righteous, wholly manufactured dross. Go check it out peeps. Click on his name and read his other posts. I found his Lara Logan clip comments especially telling and hilarious. Funny stuff! There is still time, slyrr. Just walk into the light. That's it... just follow my voice. Walk into the light... you can do it! I'm here to help.

BTW, how can a guy be a member since 8-13-2006, yet have no published posts, or even votes for that matter?

Lara Logan - Disects Rumsfeld's Lies (3:00) (she's hot!)

Lara Logan on Iraq reportage

Lara Logan on Iraq reportage

ingernet says...

I wish more people could be this eloquent when they spoke with anger in their voice. Too often people who actually have truthful messages to share are outvoiced by the rage in their presentation...their message is often ignored because their audience can't stomach their anger. My biggest appreciation for Lara Logan's ability to bring light to a difficult topic without alienating her audience.

Would somebody please give Bush a blowjob so we could impeach him?

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