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MilkmanDan (Member Profile)

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Kurzgesagt: Are GMOs Good or Bad?

noims says...

While I'm in no position to buy from Monsanto, and don't know enough to advocate for or against them, the troubling impression I have of them is their business practices. This is why I had a quick look through that contract analysis.

It reminded me of something I am familiar with: software. You often have clauses that prohibit analysis or reverse engineering of software. Like the farmer doing the Monsanto contract analysis I [almost always] have no interest in doing that reverse engineering, but I definitely want others to be able to so they can look for things like security holes.

Having the attitude of 'this contract is fine because it doesn't restrict me from anything I want or would expect to do' is completely understandable, but can hide some of the real issues.

I love the Kurzgesagt videos, and again here they impress me by mentioning the issues with these companies, while completely separating it from the issue being analysed.

Hastur said:

[...] Here is a link from a farmer detailing what is in one of those license agreements, including a copy of one:

iaui (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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Kurzgesagt: The Most Gruesome Parasites - NTDs

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eric3579 says...

Kurzgesagt on CRISPR

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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