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Ice Cream Vendor has some Showmanship!

Olympics Cameraman Likes Snezana Rodic's Cute Butt!

nanrod says...

Not that it changes the value of any of these comments but this is not the Olympics, it's the 2012 World Indoor Track and Field Championships held in Istanbul in March.

Edit: I would say this makes the title inaccurate except I was just watching some beach volleyball and I think he's at the Olympics as well.

Olympics Cameraman Likes Snezana Rodic's Cute Butt!

Patrice O'Neal - Men and Cheating

shinyblurry says...

This way of thinking is simply a misdirection from the original purpose of sex. It is designed for one man and one woman, who are married and committed for life. Sex in the marriage bed is sacred; everywhere else it is vulgar and leads to the aberrant behavior and thought life we see being espoused in this video.

Yes, as you have noted, it is systemic in all cultures, because this is a fallen world populated by fallen people. Satans version of sex is whenever, whereever, with whoever, and this is the mindset that men are programmed with from birth. Yes, it is natural for men to feel this way, because that is the way of the world. It is not the way of God. You have to learn the way of God because we are all born spiritually dead, with the flesh at war with the spirit at all times. It is natural for us to sin, and self-control is alien to this nature. No one knows how bad the human heart really is, but Hitler gave us a good demonstration.

I agree with you, religion is no cure for anything. That has nothing to do with Jesus. You either know Him or you don't, regardless of what you call yourself. Many people who claim to know Christ only have a religion, and no actual relationship with Him. You cannot overcome sin without the Holy Spirit. Those who don't know Christ only have the amount of self-control that God has graced them with.

Spiritually, the principle is garbage in, garbage out. There is a war in the mind, and when you open the door to something, it comes in, stakes out territory, and builds itself a stronghold. Unfortunately, there are many Christians living in sin and so they are spiritually compromised. The enemy has conquered them and exerts great influence over their lives. You can't wage an effective warfare when the front line of the battle is on your doorstep.

You are in a spiritual war whether you realize it or not. Every day a battle is being waged for your soul. You have been captured, and taken deep into enemy territory..and many soldiers have breeched enemy lines to come and set you free. They have set the key right in front of your cell, and have done everything they can to get your attention, but you refuse to leave; you prefer your slavery. You are satisified with a carrot on a stick. Always seeking, never finding. Temporary pleasure, no lasting peace. The oasis never being dispelled, despite the mouthful of sand. Bread and circuses. I pray for you, that you would see the bars my friend.

>> ^messenger:
"This degenerate culture?" You mean, every human culture? Men, in general, deep down, feel this way. And, like O'Neal points out, men and women are naturally programmed to think and feel differently about sex. It's in our nature -- or if you prefer, it's the way God intended. If men thought about sex the same way that women do, there wouldn't have been enough sex happening to propagate the species. And if women were as casual about sex as men are, then we wouldn't have secure enough families to raise a successful child. It's the balance of nature. We need both men's huge sex drive and women's preference for lifelong bonding for survival as a species. Men who don't want sex and women who don't want family stability didn't have children who survived, and that's why there's so few of either type around now.
You can't stop men's sex drive, not even with religion. Evidence? The more religious/conservative neighbourhoods of Istanbul (where I live) are the ones with the most sexual assaults on the street. In my liberal neighbourhood just 15 minutes away, a woman can go get bread at 2 am. Want something closer to home? The more conservative states are the ones where men consume the most porn per capita. Utah is #1! And in the extreme, among professions where sex is forbidden (meaning Catholic priests only), there's a massive problem with child rape. You, SB, may be a shining knight following the path of the Lord, but those around you pretending to be pious are getting fiddly -- either with themselves or with non-consenting victims -- when you're not looking.
Yet again, it makes more sense that nature is as nature is, which makes more sense than saying some things are your imaginary friend's will, and others are the result of our "degenerate" or "fallen" state.>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^spoco2:
He had great delivery, I'll give him that. But things like this, and moreso his interview on WTF, show that he had a fucked up view of women and men's relationships to them. He really had a view of women that they were, at heart, out to get men, out to make us unhappy... he seemed like he was never really going to be comfortable to be in a proper relationship with a woman.
Which is/was sad.

This is an accurate portrayal of the way that men, who see women as means to an end, namely their own sexual gratification, do think. I think it's rather stereotypical of this degenerate culture, actually..

Patrice O'Neal - Men and Cheating

messenger says...

"This degenerate culture?" You mean, every human culture? Men, in general, deep down, feel this way. And, like O'Neal points out, men and women are naturally programmed to think and feel differently about sex. It's in our nature -- or if you prefer, it's the way God intended. If men thought about sex the same way that women do, there wouldn't have been enough sex happening to propagate the species. And if women were as casual about sex as men are, then we wouldn't have secure enough families to raise a successful child. It's the balance of nature. We need both men's huge sex drive and women's preference for lifelong bonding for survival as a species. Men who don't want sex and women who don't want family stability didn't have children who survived, and that's why there's so few of either type around now.

You can't stop men's sex drive, not even with religion. Evidence? The more religious/conservative neighbourhoods of Istanbul (where I live) are the ones with the most sexual assaults on the street. In my liberal neighbourhood just 15 minutes away, a woman can go get bread at 2 am. Want something closer to home? The more conservative states are the ones where men consume the most porn per capita. Utah is #1! And in the extreme, among professions where sex is forbidden (meaning Catholic priests only), there's a massive problem with child rape. You, SB, may be a shining knight following the path of the Lord, but those around you pretending to be pious are getting fiddly -- either with themselves or with non-consenting victims -- when you're not looking.

Yet again, it makes more sense that nature is as nature is, which makes more sense than saying some things are your imaginary friend's will, and others are the result of our "degenerate" or "fallen" state.>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^spoco2:
He had great delivery, I'll give him that. But things like this, and moreso his interview on WTF, show that he had a fucked up view of women and men's relationships to them. He really had a view of women that they were, at heart, out to get men, out to make us unhappy... he seemed like he was never really going to be comfortable to be in a proper relationship with a woman.
Which is/was sad.

This is an accurate portrayal of the way that men, who see women as means to an end, namely their own sexual gratification, do think. I think it's rather stereotypical of this degenerate culture, actually..

Tricky Ice Cream Man

Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever

Morganth says...

The first coffee house opened in Istanbul in 1554 forever changing Turkish culture. So much so, the Turkish word for breakfast, kahvaltı, literally means "before coffee" and the word for brown, kaverengi, literally means "the color of coffee."

Ska Cubano covers TMBG's - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

Ice cream salesman troll

Ice cream salesman troll

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Tarkan - Dilli Düdük

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tarkan, turkish, pop, music, video, cgi, istanbul' to 'tarkan, turkish, pop, music, video, cgi, istanbul, popularity, media, 00s, screen' - edited by Eklek

Istanbul Flooding: 200+ liter per square meter in 24h

Omegle (Geek Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Stranger: hi
You: Omegle!!!
Stranger: where are you from ?
You: California
You: you?
Stranger: istanbul
You: Oh, cool
Stranger: what are u doing here ?
You: talking to strangers
Stranger: really ?
Stranger: omg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

Greetard says...

I took a two week course in Greece and Turkey last summer. In Istanbul, one of the girls went to get an ice cream and the vendor stuck a cone down her shirt. Some of the students that were there pulled her away before the guy could actually start scooping the ice cream, and then left without saying a word.

Were they pissed? Yes. Did they retaliate in any way? No. They understood that they were in a place that played by their own rules. And they respected that.

Same thing applies here. I'm not defending this guy's behavior- it's backwards as fuck. It's just something that this chick should have gritted her teeth over, though. None of that "I'm an AMUHRICAN and THIS is how we do it" shit.

...Assuming this all sparked from the alleged confrontation with a hot dog she hints at in the first few seconds, that is.

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