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IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

siftbot says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^ant:

>> ^Zyrxil:

You can only buzz in after the answer is read.

Didn't they used to in the past? What happens if you did it early?

I think there might be a delay before you can buzz again. So it is disadvantageous to buzz early.

That's true, but the delay is only 1/4th of a second. So those contestants you see just furiously spamming the buzzer aren't stupid, it's still a valid strategy. At least you're almost guaranteed to get a buzz in within the first quarter second.

I think this is why the squishy humans have any chance to answer. It's got to be difficult for an AI to precisely judge when a question is over. I wouldn't be surprised if Watson uses the buzzer spam method.

I like to spam.

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

entr0py says...

>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^ant:
>> ^Zyrxil:
You can only buzz in after the answer is read.

Didn't they used to in the past? What happens if you did it early?

I think there might be a delay before you can buzz again. So it is disadvantageous to buzz early.

That's true, but the delay is only 1/4th of a second. So those contestants you see just furiously spamming the buzzer aren't stupid, it's still a valid strategy. At least you're almost guaranteed to get a buzz in within the first quarter second.

I think this is why the squishy humans have any chance to answer. It's got to be difficult for an AI to precisely judge when a question is over. I wouldn't be surprised if Watson uses the buzzer spam method.

Oh, it seems Watson now has an actual buzzer that he has to hit with his robo digit. I'd say giving that thing a finger is a fatal step in the wrong direction.

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

siftbot says...

>> ^spawnflagger:

From the latter half of the video it seems Watson will only buzz in if the probability of a correct answer is very high (green). If they set the cut-off lower, say 60%, it would have buzzed in much more often.

By the title of the video, I assumed that "destroy" meant the humans would have 0 points... It would have been much more intimidating if they had a "Cyberdyne Systems Model 101" standing between the 2 humans instead of a screensaver.


IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

Stonebreaker (Member Profile)

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

ant says...

>> ^bamdrew:

I'm not 100% on the rules; are they free to press their button before the "answer" is finished being read? Like, someone offstage presses a button to allow answering once the announcer finishes reading? I say this because it appears that Ken is trying to buzz in exactly when the announcer finishes (though I suppose its more likely he just wants to make sure he's getting the whole clue).
Also is Watson listening AND getting a video stream of the clues? (edit; news articles appear to indicate Watson only listens)

I have seen players use the buzzer before Alex Trebek finishes, but that was many years ago. I don't know if that rule was changed.

IBM's Watson supercomputer owns humans at Jeopardy

IBM's Watson supercomputer owns humans at Jeopardy

Commodore 64 Crack Intro Collection

LarsaruS says...

>> ^deathcow:

I ditched the C64 about 1985 and went to the Atari ST, then ditched that in 1988 for IBM PC AT 8mhz (overclocked to TEN!) It's weird to see C64 stuff with 1989 dates!

Just FYI: The C64 is still alive. A brand new game is about to launch. It has been in development for the past 20 years. It is supposed to be one of the biggest and best C-RPGs ever.
So there will be a AAA C64 title launched in 2011

Commodore 64 Crack Intro Collection

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Seems like the C64 cracking community was on fire in around 86-87>> ^deathcow:

I ditched the C64 about 1985 and went to the Atari ST, then ditched that in 1988 for IBM PC AT 8mhz (overclocked to TEN!) It's weird to see C64 stuff with 1989 dates!

Commodore 64 Crack Intro Collection

Private Sector Efficiency (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

Truckchase says...

>> ^blankfist:

There's nothing efficient about corporations. Nothing. There's also nothing efficient about government. Nothing.
Successful small business entrepreneurs, however, are incredibly efficient. Always.
Now suck these balls.

But yet large corporations rule the market in most established consumer sectors; why?

How do non-successful small business entrepreneurs factor into this?
>> ^quantumushroom:

Capitalism (minus failouts) has a way of weeding out the foolish and inefficient. Your company is filling a need for someone right now. When a leaner, more efficient company comes along...
Government is a necessary evil, and most of the time it's more evil than necessary.

As an example of your principal, please name IBM's last product that was profitable due to it's functionality edge over the competition.

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