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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Since Musk recently called Trump a liar that needs to leave politics, Trump now says Tesla cars suck, driverless cars crash, his rockets go nowhere, and his companies and wealth only exists thanks to subsidies he gave Musk, and that now that there’s competition Musk and Tesla are done…
Did you sell it all yet?

Good parenting

newtboy says...

Ever consider they are reacting to how they’ve seen police act in their communities, they see police as aggressive bad guys because they act that way? No, you jump to the racist, black people can’t raise their children trope.

“ We are practically a different species at this point.” “ No practically about it. And it was always that way.”
“ There's a N' problem”. “ And no one can say out loud because it's considered racist.”
“ "human"”. “Human (laughing crying emoji)”
“ It’s not the culture man, if it were culture there would be some difference in how they turn out in different parts of the world. From the uk to the USA to Australia to Africa it’s always the same story”
“ There’s a “I have too many kids and I don’t raise them” problem in the USA.”
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't claim to know. But for every Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, or Thomas Sowell, there are 20,000 George Floyds or Austin Simons.”
“ If you think this is bad you should see how they talk to females.”

Or to you, “no raciest statements “…
…but you don’t think saying “I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.” When you’re talking about black people is racist, just “iffy”.

I don’t blind myself to racism, you drape yourself in it and deny it exists.

Oh Bob. Another cry for help? More “I’m rubber, you’re glue”? Really, friend. It’s ok to seek psychiatric support. I know it’s terrifying your reality is crumbling and you’re realizing you supported a fascist traitor to America, and that everything you believed for 6 years is nonsense at best…but there’s help.

bobknight33 said:

Love how you blame everyone else but these kids parents.

I've just gleaned the YT comments no raciest statements. I see 1 ifffy statement .

This is heartbreaking to think these babies are part of our futures. This is depressing to see how these babies are allowed to talk and act towards adults/authority.

The child is just imitating what he sees around him and acts out.

Just think one of us will be privileged enough to be robbed and murder by these future criminals. Thank you greatest ally!

Dangerous even when young.

Instead of preschool, they should be in pre-jail.

They'll grow up to be very productive citizens I'm sure.

If you think this is bad you should see how they talk to females.

Lord have mercy on our souls! These children are barely school age where are their parents or guardian?

Jaw dropping. While there is very little speaking this video says so much! You have to wonder what kind of nightmare their lives are.

Kid's got a bright future.

That child is an innocent soul, ready to soak-up like a sponge whatever is taught to him; if it's loving kindness or hateful abuse, he will show the world what he's learned. Parents must be proud to have put this innocent human on a path that will surely ruin him.

But as narrow minded as you are...Im sure you will single this out..

I'm baffeled as to why people insist these creatures can live on equal terms with humans.

100 comments and 1 or 2 bad and you little racist mind blankets all comments.

Sad you you see only bad. Most likely a result of bad parenting .

You should try online therapy . You really need help

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

As if you don’t know.

He TRIED to defraud the election, repeatedly, by asking Republicans to “find” him thousands of fake votes and to invalidate millions of valid votes for Biden. He TRIED to defraud the election by pushing over 60 frivolous lawsuits designed to do nothing but destroy confidence in our election system, not because he believes it but because he knows he lost, and assumed some of his appointees would subvert democracy for him. He TRIED to defraud the election by sending fake electors with fake credentials and trying to get Pence to fraudulently certify them instead of the real electors, and he TRIED to send a well armed gun, spear, sword, knife, and bomb toting crowd to violently stop the certification and try to install him as dictator for life.
Each of these is an attempt to overthrow the duly elected government. Don’t you feel dumb for asking? Aren’t you embarrassed you need it explained?
He failed on all counts because he’s an incredibly dumb loser and so are his people….but he made plenty of effort trying to overthrow the government by force when he failed to defraud the election successfully.

Clearly 10000 violent rabid people…you now admit 1/5 of them, exactly 2050, were armed, (oddly specific, what do you know?) the true number is probably more…who couldn’t be stopped by the minimal police presence and severe restrictions on their response that existed (they eventually were stopped with deadly force, but they should have shot the entire crowd the moment they broke through barriers), and Trump refused to deploy more, to call out the national guard, or even tell people to leave….but when it’s BLM peacefully marching unarmed in front of the whitehouse in a public area he was able to deploy military forces without hesitation.

Investigating a murderous mob attacking congress doesn’t make sense to you. (It would if they were liberals). Nothing makes sense to you, that’s the problem with listening to Trump. Either he’s right, or reality is, and you like him better. You really, no kidding, not joking or being smarmy, need serious mental help. You have split from reality and are likely a danger to yourself and others. I know it hurts to admit you are a traitor to your country, but admitting your mistakes is step one towards correcting them, otherwise you just continue to be a traitor and get crazier and crazier defending the indefensible.

So sad, Bobby. Just so sad. That you could even consider asking such a stupid, unAmerican question only proves how anti American you really are.

bobknight33 said:

What did he do to "overthrow" the Government?

You think 10,000 people walking the halls of DC could not be stopped?
How many were armed? 20 50 ?

yea that will do it.

Your reasoning is so skewed, it does not even begin to make sense.

Batting fouls and grounders suck But keep swinging the bat. you might even get a real hit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So we now have publicly available testimony under oath with corroborating evidence as proof that the “stop the steal” fraud was nothing but a plan to bilk poor donors into donating more to Trump, donations spent on himself, his family, and at his properties at exorbitant rates. He asked for donations to support the “election defense fund”, which did and does not exist.

He raised around $250 million, none of which was spent in court. Most was spent on Trump organizations and businesses, and paid to his family at $20000 per minute speaking rates at events where they asked for more donations.

For instance, Guilfoyle was paid $60K for one under 3 minute introduction of her boyfriend, Don jr.

I’m 100% certain that’s not the only outrageous appearance fee they paid themselves….ex presidents usually get over $200000 for a speaking fee, what do you bet Trump pays himself at least that for every rally, speech, or appearance at Maralago out of those funds that were supposed to be paying to fight in court. The problem being that Trump knew full well he had zero chance in court because he had zero evidence of his claims, every sober advisor in the White House and his children told him so.

Will any crime, lie, or theft ever be enough for you to see Trump as the steaming pile of shit that he is? He’s been caught committing school frauds, housing frauds, business frauds, bank frauds, tax frauds, charity frauds, and political frauds….mostly against people just like you who trust him.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...

"I meant in a practical and ethical sense it would have made more sense for them to take part of Germany as actual reparations."
Isn't this a red herring, irrelevant point though unless they were given part of Palestine as 'reparations'? If we're gonna fix history with wishes lets go further and erase WW2.

"When they, as a people, invade a recently sovereign land and take it by force..."
It's your characterization here that you seem to just be asserting as true, but it's the heart of where we see it differently.

Are you objecting to the Jewish refugees illegally taking refuge alongside Jewish people already in Palestine in the 30s and early 40s? Your usage of the word 'invade' seems to suggest that.

Do you think I'm misrepresenting things as well when I pointed out it was the Arab states that declared war, immediately upon Israel embracing a two state solution? And let's be clear, it was a two state solution with borders essentially mirroring the existing land occupied by both Jewish and Arab peoples currently in Palestine at the time.

You declare it was taken by force, but the history as I know it has by far the largest use of force was 100% defensive after the declaration of war by all neighboring Arab states.

What are you seeing so differently at that point of history?

Foggy Brittany warming up in the morning sun

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

What kind of idiotic failed insult is that? What is it even supposed to mean? Are you under the impression that the left doesn’t like fireworks, baseball, and cookouts? You are so delusional. Completely bat shit crazy.

It’s the right that hates democracy and America. They tried to overthrow the elected government and make us a dictatorship.

4th of July is coming and democracy still exists in America, the left will celebrate….you mad Righties? I know you would prefer to be celebrating Jan 6 as the birthday of your nation, but you failed.

TangledThorns said:

July 4th is coming up. You mad, lefties?

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

For my understanding, the general meaning of the word "Zionism" is vastly changed throughout the eras. And there isn't a homogeneous kind of Zionism anyway. What kind of "Zionist agenda" the people/government living in the land of "Israel/Palestine" in the 30-50s to today had in mind and pushing for is totally different. Let's be concerned with today's general definition of Zionism, as mostly defined by the Likud and the other far-right/Nationalist parties in today's Israel shall we?

Also, I can't imagine there are a whole lot of countries that would deny Israel's right-to-exist (like, physically, wholeheartedly want to wipe them of the face of the earth kind, NOT the expedient, political rhetorics for their own domestic consumption kind). And those that could really be crazy enough, like Iran, I constantly (naively?) felt the Ayatollahs would rather opt for silent, staus-quo relations than go to war with Israel (they must see the Ukraine invaison and see Russia/Putin isolation as a lesson, they can't afford to put themselves in the same position as Putin's in a Israel/Iran war. The Ayatollahs don't have even Iranian people standing behind them).

The good is that for Israel vs. the Arab countries, trust building is possible, but incredibly slow -- it only takes one wrong step to negate a mile of trust building -- but still, the past few years have seen some Arab countries opening up bilateral embassies with Israel along wiht increased trades & direct flights, etc.

The no good, very bad news of the statehood issues, daily IvP conflict, land grabs and from low-level militray incursions to the occasional missiles trading military operations, are happening far too often. Thus making hard-core Zionism, support of Hamas, the isolation of the Palestinian people & economy, etc. all the more severe. None of these are paths towards peace and/or creating the conditions for mutually agreeable settlement. All the flashpoints needs to be addressed in an even-handed way. But we just don't see balance in the media and/or the world political arena.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


And it’s in the origins that I think our disagreement lies. It’s convenient for both the Arab and western worlds to agree that Israel owes it’s existence as a state to Western powers gifting palestine to them as ‘reparations’. That it’s convenient for both parties though is about as far as the truth of it really goes.

As a realist, I don’t see anything going much differently if the west had opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine at the time. The Jewish people were fleeing the anticipated holocaust. In the aftermath of the actual holocaust, it was their own actions of settling in Palestine, and defending themselves once there that made them a state. Nobody gave it to them, they fought and bled for it themselves.

The closest interference of Britain came in trying to wash their hands of Palestine and declaring a 2 state solution, with borders drawn around the territory in Palestine currently occupied by Jewish and Arab populations. I still hold the key to the ongoing problems are not Israel’s declaration of independence accepting that 2 state solution, but instead the entire arab world’s declaration of war on them and intention to drive them “into the sea”. A declaration like that 3 years after the holocaust, towards a population made up largely of holocaust survivors deserves condemnation. I an’t side with the notion that in that conflict, and the immigration leasing up to it, that the European Jewish refugees are the bad guys and aggressors…

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...


I only mention the illegal status of the invading Jewish masses in the 40’s because they would deny it. I’ve heard many a person claim all Jewish people there were legal immigrants and legal refugees invited in by Palestinians, but the vast majority came after the war ended…illegally….intent on taking over the country and expelling the natives.

Coming as refugees intending to return “home” would have been fine for everyone, but they didn’t want to try that….it wouldn’t end with a Jewish state.

I’m only anti Zionist because they don’t play fair. Because they claim absolute rights to others land, heritage, water, defense, even lives, then act self righteous about their Nazi like behavior and deny any obvious parallels. I find intolerable the one sided “conflict” where rocks or fireworks are met with bullets and bombs under the excuse that “we have the right to defend ourselves”, where well under 10000 Israeli have died but over 65000 Palestinians have been killed directly not counting the millions who died of disease, malnourishment, lack of water, lack of medicine, etc. from the treatment they received from Israel.
I really dislike the situation because my country involved itself and CAUSED it….without our intervention Israel would have ceased to exist in the 50’s, and it sickens me that my country pays for a genocidal racist nation to continue to exist.

I believe the Jewish state should have been carved out of Germany. I would not complain with them returning the treatment they received from actual Nazis…it’s treating relatively innocent victims like that simply because they can that’s unconscionable.

My gripe is totally about their collective actions, not their genetics or religion. That’s the important difference between my reasoning and the right’s hatred of non white immigrants.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

I considered writing it that way, but there are a few cultures where knowledge and discernment are important and I didn’t want to insult them by inclusion.

Not the same at all. Confederate flag bearers are wanting to return to a racist culture where one group has total control over all other groups. Anti Zionists do deny Israel’s right to exist, but (at least in my case) not one bit based on the race or religion of those who live there (now), but based 100% on how those illegal aliens took a country by force from its occupants, with our unbridled support, committed a genocide that continues today, and claims to be the victim every time a few rocks get thrown and they “have to” retaliate by destroying a few inhabited city blocks in the mass prison ghetto they have made of Palestine.

The multiple parallels to the Nazis treatment of Jews is insane.

bcglorf said:

Let me fix that for ya:
"The level of education and discernment of the average HUMAN in general is really depressing."

Israel and Palestine is particularly messy though, as so much power(money, violence and otherwise) is leveraged from both sides to ensure people choose a side, and choose it with no compromises allowed, purely villainizing the other and vindicating the 'right' team.

Anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism, as you pointed out. Yet, overwhelmingly anti-zionism is also used as a code word for denying Israel's right to exist, equivalent to confederate flag marchers claiming they haven't any racist intentions...

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...

Let me fix that for ya:
"The level of education and discernment of the average HUMAN in general is really depressing."

Israel and Palestine is particularly messy though, as so much power(money, violence and otherwise) is leveraged from both sides to ensure people choose a side, and choose it with no compromises allowed, purely villainizing the other and vindicating the 'right' team.

Anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism, as you pointed out. Yet, overwhelmingly anti-zionism is also used as a code word for denying Israel's right to exist, equivalent to confederate flag marchers claiming they haven't any racist intentions...

newtboy said:

The level of education and discernment of the average westerner in general is really depressing.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy says...


Explain please. I read the entire article/page. Their definition was exactly what I quoted, so it does actually support exactly what I said.

“ Computer-generated imagery, or CGI for short, is a term that describes digitally-created images in film and television. CGI is a subcategory of visual effects (VFX), imagery filmmakers create or manipulate that does not exist in the physical environment being captured on film or video. CGI is instrumental in the making of movies and television shows and serves as the primary method for creating 3D-computer graphics for video games.”

Imagery Filmmakers create OR MANIPULATE that does not exist in the physical environment…exactly what this video is.

Did you actually read it? Because it does say what I’m saying.

You mean because their three examples of CGI films were all pure cgi animation the specific definition they gave doesn’t apply? Lol. It wasn’t an all inclusive list, it was 3 cgi blockbusters.

I hope that’s not your argument. If it is, you should feel ashamed.

kir_mokum said:

lol. that doesn't actually support what you're saying. maybe you should read the rest of it for better context.

I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

newtboy says...

Tuning out of star-light, the innocent lifetime flickers and flashes onto a canvas. But no, nobody seems worth it

And while the feeling's sophisticated, the view is so restrained. The past is nearing closer, and closer I fear.

So let's just cut the bullshit, and tell me who's independent. Thumbs twiddling' and your life's escaping your mind

Keep In mind, well the air ain't as free as it used to be but that's quite alright while you're still eighteen

It seems, to be, and i'll tell you who's over-rated. What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams?

And while the lining isn't silver, we're verging on the side of the road, that'll take us home.

The edge of us is getting weighed, read about your life in your local papers.

Realize, the end of us is getting near, you're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas.

Delirious, illusions flowing backwards through the river of colour while we analyze to try to see it clearer. Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner. Now what's your vision?

Initiate your shading, blend the universe together in time it only gets a little easier. Suddenly you piece yourself back together. Now what's your vision?

And I don't wanna have to give a damn about you or your inhibitions.

After all, you're the one who taught me love was not for every body.

However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light, yet still gets darker.

You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting? Whatever

This unnatural path, it spans infinitely, but my world is crumbling.

Let it collapse into the abyss, in the midst of summer it won't exist.

This emptiness, it's just a blank slate, waiting for a painter to interfere.

It's quite complex, but what do I know?

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

Republicans are perpetrators of near 100% of election fraud….and claim to be the only ones who care about it….what improvements to election systems or increased punishments for those committing vote fraud have they made to curb this anti democracy anti America issue with their party?


A: none, they’ve blocked any legislation proposed to secure elections and made them less secure by installing crazed partisan criminals as clerks who tamper with and steal voting machines making them invalid for use, costing millions and compromising what little election security existed.

Edit: The Republicans ACTUALLY control all three branches in multiple states, but haven’t done a thing to secure the election system (vote ID doesn’t address any of the fraud actually found, eliminating vote by mail might, but for the few (all Republican) fraudulent vote attempts it might stop it disenfranchises exponentially more legal voters…literally millions of legal voters.). No Republican state legislature has put a paper trail in place for electronic voting, nor have they increased the punishment for vote fraud. Why is that Bob?


Democrats have taken steps to curb mass shootings…limiting clip size, ammo purchasing, private gun sales, testing requirements to concealed carry, barring violent felons and violent mentally ill people and (temporarily) people with active restraining orders against them from gun ownership, etc on state levels, the only place Republicans can’t just block any attempted legislation without even reading it first.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats control all 3 branches. What improvement have they made to curb this issue?

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