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Olbermann - On 'Joe' the celebrity...

vermeulen says...

he is the paris hilton of politics
no one wants him in the news, everyone thinks he is a joke, yet he still is on the news because he is such a joke
just like paris hilton, he is a media virus that will never go away

Paris for President

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'paris hilton, Rihanna, kyoto, lipstick on a big, fashion police' to 'paris hilton, Rihanna, kyoto, lipstick on a pig, fashion police' - edited by doogle

Zydrate: The Newest drug on the streets

davidraine (Member Profile)

Late Show: Special Messages From Sarah Palin

Letterman feels like McCain`s ugly date

TAXES (Election Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I think Marx gets a bad rap. He just came up with the perfect idea that can never be implemented. Too bad we're human.

I don't like the idea of someone next to me goofing off and making as much as I do, but Paris Hilton doesn't do shit and she's paid much more than any of us. Tax the fuck out of her!

I don't like the idea of CEOs earning millions off stock options and bonuses. I don't think CEOs should be allowed to own stock in their own company. It would seem like incentive to make the company better, but it's really just incentive to make the stock better. Those are two entirely different concepts. Tax the fuck out of them!

You know what? Just tax everybody but me. Then write me a check marked, "Pay to the Order of Cash." And I'll be on my way.

Sarah Silverman,the Great Schlep

9058 says...

Is it sad that i thought the sarcastic video Paris Hilton did against McCain was funnier than this one? Plus you cant change old peoples view points no matter who you are, believe me. My parents are avid Fox News watchers, so just imagine how effective those conversations are.

Ron Paul Once Again The Voice Of Reason. On The Economy

Constitutional_Patriot says...

"Tell me again why he isn't the Republican presidential candidate?"

Because the media is pwnd by the CFR and they were told to suppress positive coverage of Mr. Paul and lie about the polling stats. If you look at the Fox news front page (the most blatant of the violators) you'll see they have a poll listing that has not changed in many months that shows Ron Paul at 6.5% with Huckabee and McCain leading with much higher percentage points. However whenever they would run polls that they couldn't falsify so quickly they would show Ron Paul in the lead EVERY time.

MSNBC would suppress any talk about Ron Paul. Olbermann would rarely ever mention him (often choosing to cover Paris Hilton instead (at the time)). In fact I would watch him each day hoping he'd talk about Ron Paul, Kucinich and Gravel but he never did. CNN rarely would speak of him at the time choosing instead to focus on Hillary/Obama/Edwards and Giuliani/McCain/Huckabee.

Basically.. they would only focus on the candidates that are in the pocket of the CFR. There are vids out there that will show statistics of the media coverage of the debates on the Republican and on the Democratic sides.

They did the same thing to Kucinich and Gravel too. We've been once again force-fed CFR candidates with catchy slogans and bad policies because my friend.. the game is rigged.

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

kagenin says...

I'm sorry, but Matt Damon is TOTALLY right about the reality of the situation that the McCain camp has created. This is a story straight out of a Disney movie - the Hockey mom staring down an ex-KGB Russian leader. They could totally fucking adapt that into the next fucking "Mighty Ducks 12: American Hockey Mom vs Russian Spy-turned-Prime Minister," complete with a shoot-out to decide whether or not WORLD FUCKING WAR III happens.

We don't know enough about her, aside from the fact that she's a raving fucking lunatic fundamentalist Christian with a Down's baby and a pregnant teenage daughter. She may also be a nepotistic, vindictive (Trooper-gate?) woman who believes that god's will has dictated her entire political career. It is also not unlikely that McCain would kick the bucket given that he's had FOUR FUCKING MELANOMA SCARES and we all know that the stress he had at the Hanoi Hilton certainly didn't ADD years to his life. Do we REALLY want this woman in control of the Nuclear Missile codes? Am I the ONLY ONE besides Damon who sees the total fucking ABSURDITY of the situation?

Meghan McCain: No one but the McCains Know What War is Like

mizila says...

I guess I don't either?

Especially not you!

I mean how long did YOU spend at the Hanoi Hilton?

Is YOUR son/brother about to be re-deployed? Or just you? (selfish bast)

Also are you a Marine, a gun or a rock, pick one!


Paris, Not France. Paris Hilton Documentary

Tina Fey really, really hates Paris Hilton

Former POW Says McCain Is "Not Cut Out To Be President"

Trancecoach says...

Dr. Butler was shot down over North Vietnam in April, 1965 and was brought to the Hanoi Hilton prison, two and a half years prior to McCain's arrival. He spent eight years in captivity. Butler is critical of McCain's habitual use of his P.O.W. story to advance his presidential campaign. "John has allowed I think the media to make him out to be the P.O.W., the hero, and in fact there were over 600 just like him who performed just as well." Echoing a similar assertion from General Wesley Clark two months ago, Butler continues, "I think I can say with authority that the Prisoner Of War experience is not a good prerequisite for President of the United States."

Having lived across the hall from John McCain at the U.S. Naval Academy prior to combat, Butler was a close witness to McCain's famously volatile temperament. "He was very sensitive and touchy and just easy to anger," says Dr. Butler. "John McCain is not somebody I would like to see with his finger near the red button." Butler continues, "John McCain's temperament makes it clear that he is not cut out to be President of the United States."

Butler points to the health risks faced by former Prisoners Of War as another cause for concern about a McCain presidency - a concern publicly heightened in recent days by McCain's selection of a political novice as a running mate. "The data show that the Prisoner Of War group are dying at an earlier age and that we suffer lots of residual things that non-P.O.W. group really doesn't have to deal with. And it's imperative that we have someone who is healthy and can stand the rigors of that job."

Other military veterans agree with Butler's criticism of McCain's exploitation of his P.O.W. story. Writes Brandon Friedman, a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan and author of 'The War I Always Wanted': "To see McCain resort to playing the POW card when answering legitimate questions, in my mind, cheapens that experience. And by cheapening his own experience in war, he degrades all of our experiences in war. He turns the horrific incidents we've all seen, touched, smelled, and felt into a lame excuse to earn political points. And it dishonors us all."

From YT: We are sure this video will draw an onslaught of right-wing attacks, but we bring it to you because it is our job to continue to convey the truth together and give these issues national attention. As Dr. Butler has said, McCain does not have the temperament to have his finger near the red button. Get this video to everyone you know—friends, family members, coworkers, and especially those who don't share your political views. The video is designed to reach them. Get it on your social networking sites like Digg. And get it to every blog, newspaper, and TV station that has ever overplayed McCain's POW story. It is time to fight back with truth!

The mainstream press has already begun to call out McCain for overusing his POW story. And it's cut across all political persuasions. * "Whether he's deflecting criticism over his health-care plan or mocking a tribute to the Woodstock music festival, Senator John McCain has a trump card: the Hanoi Hilton. — Edwin Chen, Bloomberg * "Noun, Verb, POW" — Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Monthly * "The McCain campaign's constant invocation of the candidate's POW past is weird bordering on irrational..." — Ana Marie Cox, TIME * "I think they are going to it way too many times." — Howard Fineman, Newsweek

Remember how Joe Biden got the press to refer to Rudy Giuliani as "A noun, a verb, and 9/11"? Well, let's actually take Andrew Sullivan's lead here and get the media to boil McCain down to a similar phrase: "A noun, a verb, and POW." Considering how often the McCain campaign invokes his POW story, isn't that what they're already doing?

YouTube in 1985

Payback says...

>> ^Kagenin:
What about the chick with big hair who co-hosted AFP? God, she was the epitome of 80's skank...

Tawny Kitaen. Got her big start on the cover of R.A.T.T. first album and married the lead singer of White Snake. Paris Hilton for the 80's.

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