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Pastor Hagee reminds us that we are a "Christian Nation"

VoodooV says...

>> ^A10anis:

Only the last 6 commandments have any relevance at all (Oh, and the 10th prohibits the coveting of thy neighbours donkey and servants..hmm). The first 4 are are the ranting edicts of an egotistical, vain, megalomaniac. Any reasonably intelligent person could produce 10 better rules to live by.

I'm still waiting for Atheists/Agnostics to come up with their own 10 Commandments. It should be ridiculously simple to create 10 basic rules for living a sane and helpful life that directly challenges solipsism and the idea that you need a god to have morality.

1. Don't be self-centered, you are not the only one trying to make it in the universe.
2. You can't succeed alone. Everyone needs help from time to time.
3. You can accomplish more with help than you can alone, so treat people with respect and respect will be given to you.

of course you could probably condense that down into one rule.

Don't kill and don't steal are still valid rules. Nothing wrong with coveting as long as it doesn't lead to killing and stealing. Coveting is the basis for capitalism after all I'm jealous of the shit you have so not only am I going to do what it takes to get the same things, I'm going to get more..regardless of whether or not I need it.

Pastor Hagee reminds us that we are a "Christian Nation"

VoodooV says...

I'm sorry, but when exactly has been government been bending over backwards for the atheists?

If the gov't was bending over backwards for the atheists..they wouldn't have, needlessly, re-affirmed the CHANGED motto of the USA of "In God We Trust"

If the founders had such a hard on for God, why was the actual motto of the USA, "e pluribus unum?" Or if you're too lazy to google it, "Out of many, one" Why would they expressly prohibit the establishment of a state religion hrm? It's more accurate to say that anyone who says we're a "Christian Nation" or <insert ANY religion here> Nation" is actively flipping the bird to the founders

Pastor Hagee doesn't know his history, obviously.

As usual, dimwits like him don't know what they're talking about.

Kamelaasa? - Just poking a little fun at the Danish language


Ornthoron says...

Note his jibe towards fellow crackpots Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsey and John Hagee at 3:20. Hal Lindsey is particularly interesting since he is the most important inspiration for Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, the authors of the atrocious "Left Behind" books. The premillenial dispentionalist subculture of evangelical christianity is rife with such bickering between adherents of different nuances in their so-called "literal" reading of the Bible.

What is Wrong with Christian Zionism: A Christian Critique

demon_ix says...

Because Iranian TV is known for it's fair-minded and honest reporting on Israel, right?

The video's premise that Israel is everything that's wrong and evil in the world makes the *lies tag very appropriate. As much as I disagree with Hagee and his followers, Iran is the last place I'd go for an unbiased opinion.

Let's have some political variety (Election Talk Post)

rougy says...

>> ^jwray:
Lieberman was never in the 2008 primary. He left the democratic party in 2006 and endorsed McCain and the entire neoconservative agenda. He's a Hagee fanboy to boot. Gore shouldn't have picked him in 2000.

My mistake. Lieberman pretended to be a Democrat for so long that I got mixed up. But the gist of what I said is true.

Obama and Hillary are right-leaning candidates in the Democratic party.

They're no Kucinich or Wexler.

Let's have some political variety (Election Talk Post)

jwray says...

Lieberman was never in the 2008 primary. He left the democratic party in 2006 and endorsed McCain and the entire neoconservative agenda. He's a Hagee fanboy to boot. Gore shouldn't have picked him in 2000.

Religious nutjob conventions and congressmen who love them

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christian, rapture, war, iran, wackos' to 'christian, rapture, war, iran, wackos, lieberman, hagee, blumenthal, jewish' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Gays caused 9/11, hurricanes and all evil.....Lewis Black

Obama faces racism in West Virginia

jwray says...

I disagree with Doc_M's statement that Obama's church is a disgrace. The sermon that contained the three-second soundbyte of "God damn America for killing innocent people" makes as much sense as any sermon when taken in context and you realize he was talking about the leaders of America, not all the people. Wright seemed reasonable in his hour interview with Bill Moyers and his hours at the press club. He's not half as bad as Hagee/Falwell/Robertson or any other televangelist.

John McCain Denies Reality Again

winkler1 says...

Excellent point. If he's intentionally (or habitually, more likely) lying, and used to getting away with it, that makes it even more disturbing. Definitely a trend with him - and the Right doesn't like it either, Hagee is PO'd at being thrown under the bus.

Huckabee Defends Televangelist Kenneth Copeland

Trancecoach says...

makes me shudder to think that televangelists like this have the ears (and sometimes more) of politicians in the highest levels of the American government. I just learned today that Pastor Hagee, who has taken some swipes from the media recently as a result of his affiliation with John McCain, has had a Direct Line to the Bush White House since 2000, according to Scott McClellan speaking today on Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Now if that doesn't make you believe that the Christian Right has this country by the balls, I don't know what will.

McCain's Paster; Hitler Enacting God's Will, The Young Turks

dgandhi says...

>> ^marinara:
How could someone as smart as mr. Uygur think that excluding an atheist from christian salvation is bigoted?

He's not arguing for salvation, he's arguing that making any exclusive theistic claim is offensive to people who have conflicting excursive theistic claims.

Broad ecumenicism is the mainstream position in the US, a sort of god of many faces pan-monotheism. You need a password to get into heaven, but they have a long list, on the other hand Hagee, Coulter etc. say all the other passwords are fake.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Real Time with Bill Maher

jwray says...

What about falwell, hagee, robertson, the pope, etc?

The pope's anti-contraception activism has lead to quite a lot of poverty and suffering. The nuts in christianity are more like 30% than 0.1%. The same goes for Islam. You have high-ranking clerics issuing death warrant fatwas over books and cartoons (such as the Iranian head of state, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has wide support among Iranian Muslims still living in Iran and much less support among exiles and emigres)

McCain's Hagee on the Jews

uhohzombies says...

You did beat me to the sift, but you kind of missed the point. Hagee wasn't saying God sent Hitler to kill the Jews. He was saying that Hitler was enacting God's will because the resulting diaspora and creation of Israel following WWII were a consequence of Hitler's actions. Still a despicable comment, but not exactly calling for the outright destruction of Judaism. Remember, the nutjib fundamentalist Christians need the Jews because supposedly their return to the promised land, followed by the battle of Armageddon and whatnot (minor detail- no big deal), heralds the second coming of Christ. Crazy bastards...

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