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Why everything sucks

Craig Ferguson speaks on the Aurora Colorado shooting

artician says...

I love Craig Ferguson. Seems like a very good man.

The Colorado thing was terrible. Dude opened fire on a large number of people in an enclosed theater, suffocated them with tear gas, and killed as many as he could. That is very terrible thing.

I wish we could actually discuss the issues, instead of instantly condemning them. The immediate reaction by any media representative is "I can't understand why this happened". I don't feel like you can say that while living in a country that continues multiple wars on many innocents around it, or lets extremely, albeit nonviolent, dangerous criminals walk off scot-free with half the countries money, or has nearly-daily events like this occur in the same week.

It's just stupid to think people have no reason to go insane while living here. It's wrong to take out that insanity on innocent people, but you can't say you don't understand why it exists while wearing your horse-blinders during so many other atrocities.

Craig Ferguson speaks on the Aurora Colorado shooting

lurgee (Member Profile)

Craig Ferguson speaks on the Aurora Colorado shooting

ant says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Actually, there was plenty of silliness, as it was recorded the night before.
He starts with audience interaction and a monologue. Both those were cut, especially since the monologue was about Batman.
There were plenty of jokes and pre-tragedy innocent fun.

>> ^ant:
What was the whole episode like? I assume no jokes and stuff. I remember 9/11 was like that. I think some hosts were crying too.

Ah, interesting and thanks.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Craig Ferguson speaks on the Aurora Colorado shooting

bareboards2 says...

Actually, there was plenty of silliness, as it was recorded the night before.

He traditionally starts with audience interaction and a monologue. Both those were cut, especially since the monologue was about Batman.

There were plenty of jokes and pre-tragedy innocent fun.

>> ^ant:

What was the whole episode like? I assume no jokes and stuff. I remember 9/11 was like that. I think some hosts were crying too.

Craig Ferguson talks about censorship

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'april 28 2009, craig ferguson, supreme court, censorship' to 'april 28 2009, craig ferguson, supreme court, censorship, FCC' - edited by RhesusMonk

It Takes 7 Front Flips to Lose Your Virginity! Who Knew?

renatojj says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

"Do you know who wants to have sex with men with really big muscles? Other men with really big muscles."
-- Craig Ferguson
This guy may be looking at the wrong team.
You should try saying that in front of a man with really big muscles.

It Takes 7 Front Flips to Lose Your Virginity! Who Knew?

Auger8 (Member Profile)

The Lights Go Out on Craig Ferguson

Paul Foot at The Melbourne Comedy Festival '11 - Eating Cake

President Obama Slow Jams the News

bareboards2 says...

Yeah, Craig Ferguson is on at the same time as Fallon.

Being a CraigyFerg fan, I was disappointed that Obama didn't go on his show. Then I realized -- he probably doesn't want to reach the stoner audience. Stoners and women of a certain age who are already voting for him.

>> ^legacy0100:

Trying to reach the young voters there eh Mr. Obama? Working hard I see.

beekinder (Member Profile)

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